Geselecteerde Regels Varianten

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Collectieve planning

door Bernd Eisenstein

Drie tegels worden met de beeldzijde naar boven gelegd. De spelers kunnen dan beslissen om één van de openliggende tegels te nemen of één van de stapel. Als een van de openliggende tegels wordt gebruikt, wordt deze aan het eind van de beurt vervangen, zodat er altijd drie te kiezen zijn.

Kloosters voor iedereen!

door Bernd Eisenstein

Aan het begin van het spel krijgt iedere speler een kloostertegel en legt deze open voor zich neer. Deze tegel mag op elk moment tijdens het spel worden geplaatst in plaats van er een van de stapel te trekken.

De architecten

door Tobias Stapelfeldt

De tegels worden verdeeld onder de spelers, die een tegel uit deze individuele stapels mogen kiezen om te plaatsen. Het kan strategisch handig zijn om de kloosters apart te verdelen.

Volgeling onnauwkeurigheid

door Bernd Eisenstein

Een speler mag geen volgeling inzetten op de zojuist gelegde tegel, maar alleen op een reeds gelegde tegel (uiteraard volgens de gebruikelijke regels voor het inzetten).

Minder volgelingen

door Holger Peine

Het aantal volgelingen wordt bepaald in verhouding tot het aantal spelers:

  • twee spelers: zeven volgelingen
  • drie spelers: zes volgers
  • vier spelers: vijf volgelingen

Het aantrekkelijke van deze variant is dat het spelers stimuleert om goed na te denken of een volger wel echt op een bepaalde tegel ingezet moet worden.


If a follower "enters" an already occupied city via the placement of a connecting tile, the player who deployed the follower can opt for it to take captive one of the other followers in the feature. In this case, both followers are given to the player: his or her follower must be assigned to "guard duty." However, the “guard” can be deployed to a tile at any time, at which point the prisoner is returned to its owner.

The battle for completed cloisters

by Frank Rudolf

  1. During his or her turn, every player has two tiles to choose from in his or her hand.
  2. During the final scoring, the score of every incomplete cloister is awarded to the opponent. In the case of more than two players, the player to the left receives the points, forcing the respective opponents to have different interests and strategies.

This variation offers a player the opportunity to turn an opponent’s cloister advantage into an advantage for themselves, by trying to prevent the opponent from completing a cloister.

A new lease on life

by Tobias Stapelfeldt

Instead of deploying a follower, a player may choose to perform one of the following actions:

  1. Settling down: a thief belonging to the player may be moved to an unoccupied farm bordering the road.
  2. The call of the city: a farmer may be moved to an incomplete city bordering the farm.
  3. Religious war: two of the player’s knights may be moved to a cloister occupied by a monk of an opponent, and the monk returned to the supply.
  4. The highwayman: one of the player’s knights may be moved to a road segment on any of the tiles of the city formerly containing the knight.

The dash

by Tobias Stapelfeldt

The same rules apply as for “A new lease on life.” After every action or deployment of a follower, the player may sacrifice a point on the scoreboard in order to carry out a further action or deploy another follower.


by Tobias Stapelfeldt

Instead of placing the tile as usual, the player may turn the tile into a mountain by placing it - upside down - next to a field without a road. When placing a tile next to a mountain, the edge of the placed tile must always be a field without a road. Followers may be deployed to the mountain as miners, remaining there until the end of the game. If a pennant (smithy) lies within two tiles distance of a miner, then the miner:

  1. counts as a knight when for the purpose of scoring the city in question, and
  2. counts as an additional farmer in relation to the city during final scoring.


by Tobias Stapelfeldt

After a player has placed a tile as usual, rather than following the usual procedure, he or she may do this instead:

  1. Move his or her score marker back a given number of points.
  2. For every point deducted, the player may remove an unoccupied tile from the playing field and must then place it somewhere else. The tile removed may not be touching other tiles on more than two of its sides, and its removal must not divide the playing field into unconnected parts.
  3. A follower may be deployed to the removed and replaced tile as usual.
  4. Scoring proceeds as usual.

Only one can choose

by Robert Vötter

For this variation an additional figure is required; it is used to indicate which player’s turn it is. This player draws as many tiles as there are players. After looking at the tiles, he or she distributes them among the other players as he or she chooses, naturally retaining one tile.

Variation a): Distribute the tiles face down.
Variation b): Distribute the tiles face up, so that all players can see the tiles.

Beginning with the player whose turn it is, the players then take turns to place their tiles.

Then the figure is passed to the next player and the game proceeds according to the same principle.

Note: It is often possible with this variation that a player will pass on a tile which may seem useless, only to find that another player uses it so well that one can get quite annoyed.

The Count of Carcassonne: Official Variants

Even the aristocracy are subject to certain rules, and cannot simply do whatever they may want. The following variants take this into account and constrain the freedom of the Count. Using these variants will lend the mini-expansion even more tactical possibilities. In both variants, the Count may no longer be freely moved, but rather:

  • whenever a new follower is deployed to the city of Carcassonne, the Count is moved clockwise to the next city quarter; or
  • the Count is moved to whichever city quarter the new follower is deployed to.