Les Agroglyphes (édition Hiver)

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D’étranges agroglyphes apparaissent au milieu de la campagne de Carcassonne. Ou plus précisément, de la neige fondue aux formes étranges, qui influencent la vie des partisans de Carcassonne.

General info and comments

Symbole de l’extension

Les Agroglyphes Hiver a été initialement publié par Hans im Glück en 2015 et est une extension pour le Carcassonne Hiver.


  • 6 nouvelles tuiles Terrain avec des agroglyphes (marqués du symbole de l'extension).


Mise en place

Le seul changement est l’ajout des 6 tuiles Agroglyphe de cette extension. Mélangez-les avec les autres tuiles.

Déroulement d’une partie

When a player draws a corn circle landscape tile, he first places the tile according to the basic rules and completes a normal turn: possibly placing a follower and scoring. Then, he chooses one of the following for all players to do, starting with the player on his left:

A) may place a follower from his supply next to one of his followers already on a tile.


B) must remove a follower from a tile and return it to his supply.


  • The player who drew the corn circle tile must choose A or B.
  • The type of feature affected by A or B is determined by the corn tile image:
“Fourche” S’applique aux paysans dans les prés.
“Gourdin” S’applique aux brigands sur les routes.
“Bouclier” S’applique aux chevaliers dans les villes.
Example for A) "Placing a follower"
  1. Red places the “knight” corn circle tile and places a follower on it. He chooses options A so each player must place a follower on a city segment where they already have a follower.
  2. Green places a second knight in the city as shown.
  3. Blue has no knights in any city and does nothing.
  4. Red places a second knight next to the knight he just placed. He could place a second knight in the city to the left where he already has a knight.
Example for B) "Removing a follower"
  1. Green places the “farmer” corn circle tile and places a follower on it. As this completes a city, the city scores 6 points (for Green, as it is his city), and he removes this knight, puting it back in his supply. Next, he chooses option B: each player must remove a farmer from a field.
  2. Blue removes his farmer.
  3. Red removes his farmer.
  4. Green has no farmers and does nothing.

Ensemble des tuiles

Total des tuiles : 6


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