Lúpežníkov syn (Fanúšikovské rozšírenie)

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Expansion symbol
C1 preview
C2 preview

Lúpežníkov sym fanúšikovské rozšírenie, ktoré vytvoril Snearone z Carcassonne Central.

Súbory s kartičkami a pravidlami sú k dispozícii tu:

  • Verzie C1 a C2 na Carcassonne Centra (pre prístup sa prosím zaregistrujte):

Herný materiál

  • 8 kartičiek krajiny zobrazujúce symbol zbojníkovho syna

Nové kartičky krajiny

Rs c2 (1).png

Otvorená križovatka: Cesty na tejto kartičke sú prepojené. Cesta je rozvetvená do troch smerov.
Rs c2 (4).png

Most: Pole na tejto kartičke je neprerušené a pokračuje pod mostom.


Príprava hry 

Nové kartičky krajiny zamiešajte medzi ostatné kartičky.

Robber's Son

Feature Robber's Son C2.png

1. Placing a tile

Tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game. If a Robber's son tile continues a road occupied by one or more highwayman, you may remove one highwayman of your choice (even your own) from the continued road and return it to its player's supply. [1]

 Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: Does the Robber's Son symbol affect two road segments on this tile or just the one with the symbol?

Rs c2 (3).png
This tile has three different road segments, that is, 3 separate roads. Only the bottom road segment with the Robber's Son symbol will allow a player to remove a highwayman.

2. Placing a meeple

If you chose to remove a meeple during step 1, you may not place a meeple this turn (not even on a different segment of the tile). If you did not remove a meeple during step 1, you may place a meeple as normal. [2]

Example: You place a Robber's Son tile and remove the blue highwayman from the road. You may not place a meeple this turn.

3. Scoring a feature

Robber's son does not affect scoring.

Tile distribution First Edition

Total Land Tiles: 8 Tiles

Rs c1 (1).png x1
Rs c1 (2).png x1
Rs c1 (3).png x1
Rs c1 (4).png x1
Rs c1 (5).png x1
Rs c1 (6).png x1
Rs c1 (7).png x1
Rs c1 (8).png x1

Tile distribution New Edition

Total Land Tiles: 8 Tiles

Rs c2 (1).png x1
Rs c2 (2).png x1
Rs c2 (3).png x1
Rs c2 (4).png x1
Rs c2 (5).png x1
Rs c2 (6).png x1
Rs c2 (7).png x1
Rs c2 (8).png x1

Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

Feature Garden C2.png
G | Garden
Feature Donkeys C2.png
D | Donkey stable


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Výklad pravidiel komunitou The Robber's son symbol only affects the road segment including it.
  2. Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you chose to remove a meeple with the Robber's son tile, you may not place a meeple. If you do not remove a meeple, you may place a meeple.