HG Tile Reference
The distribution list here is organised by the topology of the edges. For example :-
- FFFF is one on which all four sides are forests
- MMMM denotes a tile on which all four edges are meadows, and
- RRRR is one on which all four sides are rivers
The tile notation and headings are ordered alphabetically, according to the following hierarchy :-
- Forests (F)
- Meadows (M)
- Rivers (R)
Practically speaking, that means that a Forest is always placed at the top, and the rest of the tile described clockwise from that starting point. If there is more than one forest, the first forest - again seen clockwise - is placed at the top. If there is no forest at all, then a meadow is placed at the top, and so on.
For example:
Tile Reference
FFFF (Forest, Forest, Forest, Forest)
FFFM (Forest, Forest, Forest, Meadow)
FFFR (Forest, Forest, Forest, River)
FFMM (Forest, Forest, Meadow, Meadow)
FFMR (Forest, Forest, Meadow, River)
FFRM (Forest, Forest, River, Meadow)
FFRR (Forest, Forest, River, River)
FMFM (Forest, Meadow, Forest, Meadow)
FMFR (Forest, Meadow, Forest, River)
FMMM (Forest, Meadow, Meadow, Meadow)
FMMR (Forest, Meadow, Meadow, River)
FMRM (Forest, Meadow, River, Meadow)
FMRR (Forest, Meadow, River, River)
FRFR (Forest, River, Forest, River)
FRMM (Forest, River, Meadow, Meadow)
FRMR (Forest, River, Meadow, River)
FRRM (Forest, River, River, Meadow)
FRRR (Forest, River, River, River)
MMMM (Meadow, Meadow, Meadow, Meadow)
MMMR (Meadow, Meadow, Meadow, River)
MMRR (Meadow, Meadow, River, River)
MRMR (Meadow, River, Meadow, River)
MRRR (Meadow, River, River, River)
RRRR (River, River, River, River)