Vânători și culegători: Referință pentru cartonașe

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This page is a translated version of the page HG Tile Reference and the translation is 100% complete.
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Lista ansamblului de aici este organizată după tipologia laturilor. De exemplu:

  • PPPP este unul pe ale cărui toate cele patru laturi sunt păduri
  • CCCC denotă un cartonaș pe ale cărui toate cele patru laturi sunt câmpii, iar
  • RRRR este unul pe ale cărui toate cele patru laturi sunt râuri

Notația cartonașelor și rubricile sunt ordonate alfabetic, în conformitate cu următoarea ierarhie:

  • Păduri (P)
  • Câmpii (C)
  • Râuri (R)

Vorbind la modul practic, asta înseamnă că o pădure este întotdeauna plasată în partea de sus, iar restul cartonașului descris în ordinea acelor de ceasornic de la acel punct de pornire. Dacă există mai mult de o singură pădure, prima pădure - din nou văzut din ordinea acelor de ceasornic - este plasată în partea de sus. Dacă nu există deloc o pădure, atunci în partea de sus este plasată o câmpie și așa mai departe.

De exemplu:

Acest cartonaș are o topologie a laturilor de
Pădure, Câmpie, Râu, Câmpie” și ar fi listat la PCRC.

Referință pentru cartonașe

PPPP (Pădure, Pădure, Pădure, Pădure)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 13.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg

PPPC (Pădure, Pădure, Pădure, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 05.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 29.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 30.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 43.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 57.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 70.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 73.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 74.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 75.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 71.jpg

PPPR (Pădure, Pădure, Pădure, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 12.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 28.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 32.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 64.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 72.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 78.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 76.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 77.jpg

PPCC (Pădure, Pădure, Câmpie, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 02.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 39.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 40.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 41.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 45.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 46.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 62.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 63.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 70.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B04.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile B07.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 40.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 39.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 41.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 35.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 38.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 37.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 44.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 36.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 42.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 43.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B07.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B08.jpg

PPCR (Pădure, Pădure, Câmpie, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 68.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 50.jpg

PPRC (Pădure, Pădure, Râu, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 20.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 58.jpg Cartonaș de pornire : Hunters And Gatherers Tile 79.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B08.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 45.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 34.jpg Cartonaș de pornire : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile Start.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B09.jpg

PPRR (Pădure, Pădure, Râu, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 06.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 16.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 27.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 44.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 61.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 66.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B10.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 46.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 33.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 48.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 32.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 47.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 49.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B10.jpg

PCPC (Pădure, Câmpie, Pădure, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 31.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 34.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 35.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 37.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 60.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 68.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 65.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 66.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 67.jpg

PCPR (Pădure, Câmpie, Pădure, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 65.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B05.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B16.jpg

PCCC (Pădure, Câmpie, Câmpie, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 15.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 36.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 42.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 69.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B09.jpg Cartonașe de la Iscoada : Tile Scout 01.png

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 15.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 31.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 17.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 16.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B02.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B03.jpg

PCCR (Pădure, Câmpie, Câmpie, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 52.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg

PCRC (Pădure, Câmpie, Râu, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 03.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 59.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 25.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 30.jpg

PCRR (Pădure, Câmpie, Râu, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 47.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 51.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 53.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B06.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 22.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 24.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 23.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B04.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B05.jpg

PRPR (Pădure, Râu, Pădure, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 33.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 38.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 54.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 56.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 60.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 62.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 69.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 63.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 64.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 61.jpg

PRCC (Pădure, Râu, Câmpie, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 01.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 25.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B01.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B06.jpg

PRCR (Pădure, Râu, Câmpie, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 48.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 49.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 18.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 19.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 26.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 27.jpg

PRRC (Pădure, Râu, Râu, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 08.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 50.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 55.jpg Cartonașe de la Iscoada : Tile Scout 03.png

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 20.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 21.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 28.jpg

PRRR (Pădure, Râu, Râu, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 29.jpg

CCCC (Câmpie, Câmpie, Câmpie, Câmpie)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 14.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 17.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B12.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 02.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 01.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B01.jpg

CCCR (Câmpie, Câmpie, Câmpie, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 23.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers NA2 RO.jpg

CCRR (Câmpie, Câmpie, Râu, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 04.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 19.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 26.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 78.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 77.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B02.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 11.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 13.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 12.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 09.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 10.jpg

CRCR (Câmpie, Râu, Câmpie, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 07.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 10.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 11.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 18.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 24.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 67.jpg Cartonașe de la Iscoada : Tile Scout 02.png

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 05.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 08.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 03.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 06.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 07.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 04.jpg

CRRR (Câmpie, Râu, Râu, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 21.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 71.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 72.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 73.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 74.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 75.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 76.jpg Hunters And Gatherers NA1 RO.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B11.jpg

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 58.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 54.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 53.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 52.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 55.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 57.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 56.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 51.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B11.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B12.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B13.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B14.jpg

RRRR (Râu, Râu, Râu, Râu)

Hunters And Gatherers Tile 09.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile 22.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers Tile B03.jpg Cartonașe de la Iscoada : Tile Scout 04.png

Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 14.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile 59.jpg Cartonașe bonus : Hunters And Gatherers2 Tile B15.jpg


Cartonașe de la Iscoada : Tile Scout 05.png (șaman)

Cartonașe de puncte v1 : Hunters And Gatherers Tile Points 50.jpg Hunters And Gatherers Tile Points 100.jpg

Cartonașe de puncte v2 : Hunters And Gatherers2 Score50.jpg Hunters And Gatherers2 Score100.jpg