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Create Rules box for Placing tile. Currently in green.


  • title or 2 or 2nd (optional) - Title of Rules box, when not set, 3. Scoring a feature text will be showed.
  • rules or 3 or 3rd (optional) - Text in Rules box, when not set, then will be showed default text Template:RulesScoring/cs does not affect scoring., where name is read from title of page.
  • finalscoring (optional) - Rules defined for final scoring
  • header or 1 or 1st (optional) [ ==|===|====|=====|2|3|4|5|fake-h2|fake-h3|fake-h4|fake-h5|-empty-] - Title of Rules box header in Table of Topics, default is ===== as 5th level of header, or fake-h# when title is not required in TOC.
  • class or 4 or 4th (optional) - Replacement of CSS classes.
  • id (optional) - HTML ID value


Code Description
{{RulesScoring}} Show Rules box with default title, step number and rules
Pro název fáze tahu vložte parametr: |title=3. Započítání bodů

Pro popis úkonu vložte parametr: |rules=Text popisu úkonu

Pro název fáze tahu vložte parametr: |title=3. Započítání bodů

Template:RulesScoring/cs does not affect scoring during game.

Pro zobrazení pruhu vložte: {{GreyStrip|transparent=true|heading=6|title=Závěrečné vyhodnocení}}

Only rules for final scoring

{{RulesScoring|title=3b. Black Dragon Move|rules=This is text for rules.}} Change title
3b. Black Dragon Move

This is text for rules.

{{RulesScoring|title=3b. Black Dragon Move|rules=This is text for rules.|finalscoring=Unfinished feature scores...}} Final Scoring
3b. Black Dragon Move

This is text for rules.

Pro zobrazení pruhu vložte: {{GreyStrip|transparent=true|heading=6|title=Závěrečné vyhodnocení}}

Unfinished feature scores...

{{RulesScoring|title=Extra stuff for scoring not in TOC|rules=This is text for rules.|header=fake-h4}} Title is fake-h4 header, not in TOC

Extra stuff for scoring not in TOC

This is text for rules.

{{RulesScoring|2=3b. Black Dragon Move|3=This is text for rules.}} Backward compatibility
3b. Black Dragon Move

This is text for rules.