Expansion List - Descriptions

Revision as of 23:04, 4 January 2023 by Wolnic (talk | contribs)
Ref Expansion Author Version Description
(A/1) Easter in Carcassonne Fritz_Spinne C1 Collect Easter eggs; they can be gained by placing the last tile around an Easter Nest, or when the Easter Bunny hops onto a tile on which you have a follower; unless they have been eaten, the two players with most Easter eggs score additional points; same as "Easter Festival", there has also been a version available on the HiG website
(A/2) Easter Festival Fritz_Spinne C1 Collect Easter eggs; they can be gained by placing the last tile around an Easter Nest, or when the Easter Bunny hops onto a tile on which you have a follower; unless they have been eaten, the two players with most Easter eggs score additional points; same as "Easter in Carcssonne"
(A/3) Fairy Tales Novelty C1 Contains elements from a number of fan-made expansions based on children's fairy tales
(A/4) An Apple a Day Cappy C1 Adds magical apple tokens; some of these apple tokens have special abilities which may be used by the player who has obtained them; rules were not updated after a decision to increase from 14 to 15 tokens
(A/5) Timber! Scott & Novelty C1 Adds Timber trade goods for forests
(A/6) Gold Rush Novelty C1 Adds coal, ore and gold in the mountains; combine with "Mountains"
(A/7) The Ocean (2009) Skipboris C1 Introduces Oceans as a new landscape feature which can divide the playing area into parts and allows for swashbuckling adventure on land and at sea; may be played as a standalone, without the other Carcassonne expansions
(A/8) The Ocean (2013) Skipboris C1 Remake of the tiles from "The Ocean" but at higher resolution; features have been kept the same as the original, but there are slight changes to the appearance of several features, beaches, jetties, reefs etc.
(A/9) The Ocean : Turbulent Waters Skipboris C1 Play with "The Ocean"; adds maelstorms and hurricanes, the Leviathan and Mermaid, Pirate Sanctuaries, and more
(A/10) The Ocean : Buried Treasure Skipboris C1 Maps and treasure, and a few other extras, for use with "The Ocean"
(A/11) Lavender Fields Welli Designs C1 Adds honey trade goods and enables double turn for farms
(A/12) Wishing Wells Novelty C1 Allows a player to make a wish and carry out action during another player's turn
(A/13) Treasure Hunt Jonathan Wu C1 Adds treasure chests and keys on tiles which, when the correct combination is obtained, confers an extension of one's turn with the placement of an extra tile
(A/14) Treasure Chest Novelty C1 Played together with "Treasure Hunt", it includes Forest and River tiles
(A/15) Lord of the Rings 2 : The Two Towers Meepleater C1 Adds popular tiles from the mythology of the works of Tolkien
(A/16) Lord of the Rings 3 : Return of the King Meepleater C1 Adds popular tiles from the mythology of the works of Tolkien
(A/17) Family Feud V3 Frédérick Renaud C1 Adds a second set of coloured shields to cities, which cannot be mixed in the same city with the standard blue/white ones; used as the basis for "Family Feud"; introduces cloister tokens
(A/18) Breweries V2 Meepleater C1 Adds breweries that increase the score of a completed cloister, and the ability to declare cloisters heretical sects, which negates these bonuses.
(A/19) Gold Mines Scott & Novelty C1 Adds a new landscape feature and gold trade goods (several years before the official "Goldmines" expansion)
(A/20) Mills and Bakeries V1 JPutt927 C1 Mills are complete when there are 3 tiles on each side (horizontal and vertical) and benefit from nearby bakeries, while farms benefit from the presence of both mills and bakeries at the end of the game
(A/21) Mills and Bakeries V2 JPutt927 C1 Mills are complete when there are 3 tiles on each side (horizontal and vertical) and benefit from nearby bakeries, while farms benefit from the presence of both mills and bakeries at the end of the game; v2 contains updated artwork
(A/22) Fruit Trader Jonathan Wu C1 When a road or a cloister with a pineapple trade good is completed, the player who completed the road or cloister receives a pineapple trade goods token
(A/23) Apothecaries and Tithes Meepleater C1 Players can pay (or receive) tithes, which are stored in several barns to be given to the poor; Apothecaries are also set up to combat disease and increase general health, but rely upon cities for a supply of herbs
(A/24) Cleric & Serf Novelty C1 Collects the non-Families tiles from "Families" and with new rules for "Friar and Farmhand"
(A/25) Influence of the Church JPutt927 C1 Adds several church-related landscape features and tokens
(A/26) Roman Influence CarcassonneCentral C1 Carcassonne Central December 2009 collaborative expansion; introduces a range of Roman buildings to the game, each bringin its own set of rules; building artwork style does not sit easily on the standard tiles
(A/27) Taverns JPutt927 C1 After placing a tavern tile, any followers placed on it, or on the surrounding 8 tiles, are marked as drunk and given a token; being drunk leads to only being worth half the normal value in determining majority; for each pair of "ale tokens" the player misses a turn; if run out of tokens, return pairs to supply as they are not counted at game end
(A/28) Cemetery Quevy C1 After placing a cemetary, the player selects a follower from the player in the lead and palces them into the cemetary; they remain there until a city or monastic site is connected to the cemetary by road; also includes four variants
(A/29) Manors JPutt927 & Leven C1 When each Manor is completed (4 adjacent tiles), players declare how many points they are willing to give up to stop a follower being assigned to the manor as servant for the rest of the game; the player who paid the least must place a follower on the manor, although the servant may buy their way out; modified tile set by Leven
(A/30) Chariot Race JPutt927 C1 Adds chariot races at the local "Circus", where players can bet on the outcome of races
(A/31) Bards of Carcassonne Trebuchet C1 Lute tiles and note tokens can score you extra points
(A/32) Natural Disasters CKorfmann & Gwommy C1 Adds a number of natural disasters
(A/33) Fighters & Scholars edmil C1 Introduces a way of levelling up followers
(A/34) Wizards & Witches JPutt927 C1 Adds a bit of magic to Carcassonne (this was created prior to "Mage & Witch")
(A/35) Salt and Cocoa Traders Meepleater C1 Adds Salt and Cocoa Trade Goods, with different functions; requires "Traders and Builders"
(A/36) New Discoveries JPutt927 C1 Open up a separate landscape area on the table
(A/37) Apothecaries Meepleater C1 Adds Apothecaries - prepare concoctions to improve your realm, or destroy that of your enemies
(A/38) Lakes and Fishmongers Quevy C1 Lakes are an excellent resource; fishermen can easily catch the fish to sell in the city,and the farmer can use the water to irrigate the fields
(A/39) Tug of War - UK Meetup 2015 Decar C1 It is sports day in Carcassonne and local cities and monasteries are competing in the annual Tug of War Tournament
(A/40) Fishermen & Pirates Meeple C1 Adds an area of sea, islands, reefs and fishing grounds; when harbours are placed, players may add a fishing boat, and go to sea to collect fish; but watch out for pirates who may damage your boat forcing you to return to port immediately; no English translation
(A/41) Santa Claus Fritz_Spinne C1 When a St Nikolas card is drawn Santa is moved to a new city to deliver his presents; any followers in the city, which he leaves, receive gifts according to their station in life; no English translation
(A/42) The White Dragon Ricy C1 A second dragon awakens, but this one moves diagonally … otherwise, the same as the dragon from "Princess and Dragon"; no English translation
(A/43) The Handicraft Zotto C1 Whoever is the first to complete a road leading to these craft workshops, gains a token; artwork style of buildings is not consistent with C1; no English translation available
(A/44) Family Planning Fritz_Spinne C1 In this expansion, a female follower and a number of children (mini-meeples) are added, some set aside at the start with most of the standard meeples; if a player manages to join features which contain different follower types (standard, female, child) several options are available, including children growing up and becoming standard followers; uses Princess tiles from "Princess and Dragon"; no English translation
(A/45) Birthday in the Land of Cockaigne Carcassonne-Forum C1 Carcassonne-Forum members designed this expansion for Klaus-Jurgen Wrede, on the occasion of his 50th birthday; it is based around the collection of tokens depicting various lesiure activities
(A/46) The Forests of Carcassonne v2.0 Cosalo & Tanja Pöschl C1 A different design of Forest; includes several tile features with different scoring options; German expansion, no English translation
(A/47) Tunnel Extra V0.6 Quevy C1 Players have the option of building up to 4 tunnels (instead of the original 1) with additional, numbered, tokens; tiles all contain several tunnel entrances
(A/48) Tunnel Extra V1.0 Quevy C1 Players have the option of building up to 4 tunnels (instead of the original 1) with additional, numbered, tokens; tiles all contain several tunnel entrances; updated version includes 3x extra tunnel tiles and tunnel entrance tokens for additional colours
(A/49) The Ice Queen Sigried & Dieter Maute C1 When the Ice Queen enters a city, the whole city freezes into ice along with her henchmen; the dragon, normally feared by the inhabitants, must be lured into the frozen city so that he can take up the fight against the Ice Queen and free the city; requires "Princess & Dragon"; no English translation
(A/50) The Horses & The Dungeons Mentor09 C1 Unable to select text for translation; contains 2 additional cards for "By Order of the King"; no English translation
(A/51) Bailiff and Rider invinitas & KlausiMausi C1 The Bailiff has built a large prison and is assisted by The Land Rider; they are moved around the board apprehending highwaymen and taking them back to the prison; no English translation
(A/52) The Training Area Lars120 C1 Place a follower on the Training Ground and they can be raised to the strength of a Big Follower after a number of turns; no English translation
(A/53) Saint Nicolas Seli C1 St. Nicholas was a bishop in the city of Myra and is said to have inherited a lot of money; legend has it that he used it to help the poor; collect "Presents" when completing specific features on the tiles; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#2); no English translation
(A/54) The Inner Wall Bojo C1 Internal city walls have been built for added protection; each city tile contains one quarter of an inner defense; if you can combine four to form a circle you gain great rewards; no English translation
(A/55) Fishers & Sailors Bojo C1 Sprawling expansion; introduces lakes, fish trade goods, and pirate and naval ships
(A/56) The Architects Gwommy C1 Uses two sets of tiles, one mixed with the other tiles, the second set aside; when one is drawn (and you have an architect in play), players get to choose whether to use the drawn tile, or the corresponding one that was set aside
(A/57) Fences Gwommy & Elmendalerenda C1 Place your bridge tile on a straight road section to link the two fields either side; fence pieces are placed to divide up fields; advanced variant using the tiles is also available
(A/58) The Horse Gwommy C1 The horse is moved around the board as roads are completed; if a feature completes with the horse present on any of its tiles, there is a bonus to the scoring player
(A/59) The Pope of Avignon Wicke C1 Adds an Avignon city tile and a pope piece that makes cities more valuable
(A/60) The Invaders Whaleyland C1 Adds a mechanic similar to the Robber from Settlers of Catan
(A/61) The Reconquest of Gaul Whaleyland C1 Adapts aspects of the New World spinoff to the Carcassonne time-period and locale
(A/62) Roads to Victory JPutt927 C1 Adds a new type of trade good for roads, and several landscape features which increase or decrease the value of roads
(A/63) Marshes Trebuchet C1 A large expansion that introduces the Marsh landscape feature
(A/64) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Novelty C1 Tiles based loosely on the themes from the book of the same name, and a wizard
(A/65) Barbarian Horde JPutt927 C1 Requires The City of Carcassonne, which can now be raided
(A/66) Dragon Hunters Novelty C1 Adds tiles that kill the wandering dragon (designed to be played with the "Princess and Dragon")
(A/67) The Inquisitor Aenima C1 At various times during the game, the Inquisitor moves around the board taking followers back for further investigation; players may use a "Retract" card to try to get their followers back, but there will be a price to pay
(A/68) Pied Piper Quevy C1 Carcassonne has been invaded by rats; the residents are not amused, and complain to the mayor who calls a well-known magician to solve the pest problem
(A/69) The Boy Who Cried Wolf Quevy C1 Tiles with sheep and wolves, and some "Divided Cities"; grass tokens are used to cover up sheep and wolves on the tiles when they are in the same field
(A/70) The Big Black Pig Escape Aenima C1/C2 A player in last position on the scoreboard can move the Big Black Pig across as many tiles as there are players; when the pig reaches a follower, that follower must return the pig to the Pig Farm on the Lake and gains a reward for doing so, but leaves the feature they were on empty
(A/71) Wanderer and Mayor's Office Leven C1 The Wanderers is deployed on roads but they own a whole road network; any time a city is connected to that road network, the owner of the Wanderer receives points. The Mayor's Office is deployed when the mayor has the majority of a city; whenever a city or cloister, connected to the city through the road network, gets completed, the owner of the Mayor's Office scores points
(A/72) Pig Race to Riches Carcking & JPutt927 C1 Players race their pigs (from "Traders and Builders") from a designated start city to the special Pig Race finishing line tile, moving their pig when they decide not to "move wood"; the other race involves using up all of a set of tokens which are deployed when a player has majority in a feature
(A/73) The Gambling (Aenima) Aenima C1 Whenever a player places the Gambling House, play stops and players with an available follower play a single round of "Carcassonne : The Dice Game" and the winner adds their points to the scoretrack
(A/74) Buried Treasure frankdux C1 Buy a map, see if it leads you to gold; adds an element of gambling to the game
(A/75) Bifröst & Rainbows Quevy C1 The weather is chaotic in Carcassonne; sometimes the cloudy skies bring torrential rain, but the citizens know that, after the sky clears, it will be filled with beautiful rainbows which can be used as bridges to connect fields together
(A/76) A winter without snow Quevy C1 The Gingerbread Man, but for the normal game
(A/77) Carcassonne Central Competitions Tiles (aka Yellow Abbey) Quevy C1 A collection of the tiles received by participants in tournaments organized by Central Carcassonne; includes "The Yellow Abbey", which functions the same as a regular abbey but can only be placed while it is still possible to draw and place other tiles
(A/78) The Legend of Lady Carcas Dragonlord C1 Contains a few ideas to re-create the legend of Lady Carcas; if you add one of the tiles to a besieged city with the Lady Carcas meeple, the city will be worth more; add a pig or a straw knight if the city is extended for extra points; if the city is shared, the Lady works for all players; if Lady Carcas appears in another besieged city, the original city will revert to normal siege rules
(A/79) Sailing the Seas C1 Squiffything C1 Extends the base game and other expansions into the realms of the ocean; includes tiles from "The Coast" and adds sea tiles plus ships and treasure chest tokens
(A/80) Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes C1 Wolnic C1 Expansion for "Sailing The Seas" adding trade routes between ports and islands; can also be used with "The Coast" and "Master of the Ocean"
(A/81) Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes C2 Wolnic C2 Expansion for "Sailing The Seas" adding trade routes between ports and islands; can also be used with "The Coast" and "Master of the Ocean"
(A/82) Sailing the Seas C2 Wolnic C2 Extends the base game and other expansions into the realms of the ocean; includes tiles from "The Coast" and adds sea tiles plus ships and treasure chest tokens
(A/83) The Coast : Catch of the Day Wolnic C1/C2 Additional tiles for use with "The Coast" which add crab trade tokens (to represent fish and shellfish caught on the shore)
(A/84) New Forest : The Hunting Forest Wolnic C2 Wild deer and boar roam amongst the trees; whoever controls the forest can claim the hunting rights, collecting boar head tokens
(A/85) The New Forest Wolnic C2 Adds forests to the C2 Carcassonne landscape; Part 1 includes some basic tiles, plus some river and timber tokens; Part 2 includes "An Apple A Day", shrines and other features, while Part 3 includes more tiles, some with features from other expansions
(A/86) Pig on a Pedestal Wolnic C2 Statues of a man riding a pig appear along the roads around Carcassonne. Who is making them and placing them there? There is now a game to be the first to see them - who can “collect” the most?
(A/87) The Libraries PresetM C1 Libraries are springing up everywhere, and there are rewards for establishing a new library in a town; there are also rewards for connecting outyling areas to the cities by building roads; no English translation
(A/88) Dragon Killers Oldbonz & Meepledrone C1/C2/WD Dragon Killers is a variant of "Dragon Hunters"; players can attack the dragon armed with spears forged with metals from meteorites whose sharp spearheads can pierce the magical beast’s armored skin; the Princess will also favour the heroic victors with a temporary alliance
(A/89) Dragon Nests Oldbonz & Meepledrone C1/C2/WD Dragon nests turn the dragon into a more vicious creature, but dragon eggs collected from volcanoes have their perks: you gain protection against the dragon, you can fly the dragon and occupy neighbouring features and also score some extra points; requires "Princess and Dragon" and can be combined with "Dragon Killers"
(A/90) Wanderers & Myths Karel Koplík C1 The tiles all contain mythical creatures; encounters trigger various actions which are controlled by the player who owns the closest follower on the road; if there is an inn on a road with a mythical being, the player that scores it gains a free meal token for the tales they tell
(A/91) The Plague PresetM C2 Conversion of the expansion "The Plague" to C2 artwork style
(A/92) City on Fire Palkan C1 Use a trebuchet to damage areas of cities (within a zone of fire around the trebuchet tile), and drive away any occupying knights; points are gained for damaging/destroying cities
(A/93) The Alchemist Meepledrone C1/C2 Collect the Four Elements of Alchemy (Earth, Wind, Air and Fire) which grant bonus points when features containing them are scored; they also serve  to acquire the Philisopher's Stone, which grants wealth, health and immortality
(A/94) The Druid kettlefish C1 The presence of a Stonehenge tile, and/or Druid, affect the scoring of roads on the tile; if the Druid is on a Stonehenge area, all followers on that road are protected from the dragon; it is recommended that "Inns & Cathedrals" and "Princess & Dragon" are used with this expansion; no English translation
(A/95) Golden Eggs Fritz_Spinne C1 When the tiles are drawn, players place two golden eggs, one on the tile, and one on an adjacent tile; whoever scores a feature on a tile which also contains a golden egg, takes the egg; the more gold eggs a player has collected, the more each is worth; no English translation
(A/96) The Dragon Flowers of Carcassonne Fritz_Spinne C1 A player may place a follower as a Flower Picker when one of the tiles is drawn; a die indicates how many flowers are available, and this reduces by 1 each turn and scores 1 point (2 if near a monastery) dragon may stop picking before all flowers picked; requires "Princess and Dragon"; no English translation
(A/97) Demons in Carcassonne Murphy013 C1 The fear of the underworld is omnipresent and not without reason. Repeatedly a portal opens and demons escape and try to seize control. Only by joining forces can this threat be stopped.
(A/98) The Gambling (invinitas) invinitas C1 When one of the new tiles is drawn, a game of chance is held; the die is rolled and whichever colour is shown, that player (if taking part) draws a token and applies the result; draft rules only; no English translation
(A/99) The Rainbow invinitas C1 When drawn the player places a token on the tile, and may place a follower on top; it will remain there until all the rainbow tiles have been placed, when the tokens are turned over and the one where the pot of gold is revealed; no English rules
(A/100) Robin Hood invinitas C1 The goal is to place the Robin Hood figure on a road instead of a follower and connect it to another player's road; when the road is completed, the points are deducted from the scoreboard for the player(s) who owns the road at the time of scoring instead of being added; some discussion since draft rules released; no English translation
(A/101) Snow Queen PresetM WE When one of the tiles is placed, the Snow Queen is moved to it, and no features on that tile can be completed while she is there; no English translation
(A/102) Ignatius of Loyola CAE Manresa C1/C2/WD/WE This expansion adds (one of) four new rules to the game when the Ignatius of Loyola tile is drawn
(A/103) The Summer Gingerbread Man Quevy C1 Conversion of "The Gingerbread Man" to C1; see "Mr Pernicek"
(A/104) The Painter Ratz65 C1 Each player takes a portrait and hides it under the cover cards; as each market tile is placed, coloured cubes are placed, which may be acquired by the player's Painter during their turn; each of the cover cards has a set number of colours marked on it, and if the player has these the cover can be removed and the painting revealed; rules and tiles, no paintings or covers; no English translation
(A/105) The Abbot (Base Game) PresetM C1 Creation of C1 Garden tiles to match those in C2 Base Game
(A/106) The Black Death CAE Manresa C1/C2/WD/WE When placed, the Black Death tile causes each player to remove one follower from play, for the remainder of the game
(A/107) Riverboats & The Whirlpool Just a Bill C1 Riverboats move up and down the rivers and lakes, picking up swimmers, moving people from one place to another, and searching the river bottom for gold — all while trying to avoid tragedy in the whirlpool; includes 12 river tiles, including a riverside Abbey and features from other expansions
(A/108) Carcassonne's Dracula Carcatronn C1 The people of Carcassonne are in a panic when they discover vampires are haunting their cities; knights and monks gather to protect their followers, with the aid of Van Helsing
(A/109) The Winter Coast & Catch of the Day Wolnic WD Adds tiles containing land and water that can be used to create a large lake, or length of coastline; includes several river mouths for use with river tiles and crab trade tokens (to represent fish and shellfish caught on the shore)
(A/110) Olive Tree Orchards Welli Designs C1 Musing about adding specific crops/orchards within a field, plus a mill to process the produce, both of which add to the value of the field; minimal information available; tile images no longer available; download links don't work
(A/111) The Necromancer Wicke C1 Uses tiles from "The Grim Reaple" and "Prayer Labyrinth"; The Necromancer is placed when the first graveyard is placed; features around it may not be completed/extended ; after the second graveyard tile is placed, the Labyrinth tiles are added, and when the first is drawn, By-Tor enters the game and moves to slay The Necromancer
(A/112) Keep Gamemai C1 No information available
(A/113) Crusades and Representatives of the People LRV C1/C2 Contains three expansions; "The Straightened River" is a series of straight river tiles including bridges that connect the fields on either side of the river; "Crusade Preachers" are moved across the board "collecting" followers; "Representatives of the People" change the way majority is determined in cities with polling stations; some tile designs for C2; some tile designs in "Random Creativity"; no English translation
(A/114) Captains & Spies Servius Sertorius & Meepledrone C2 Invade and defend cities with the help of captains; use Place of Arms to improve your city defences against sieges; place spies in palaces to infiltrate other players' features; famine tiles affect field scoring
(A/115) The Mill & Beekeeper Carcassonne93 C2 Three mini expansions; in The Beekeper" you draw honey tokens for specific features placed around your beehive; when a "Salt Mine" has 4 tiles placed against its edges, the player adding the last tile scores points; a placed "Mill" may affect the scoring of any neighbouring cities
(A/116) Ally or Enemy Ker42 C1/C2/WD/WE When tile is drawn, place it as normal; the player must place a follower of the non-player colour on the tile with a hidden Colour Token underneath; when finished, the colour is revealed and the appropriate player scores the points
(A/117) Cosmic Portal 2 : Exploring the Multiverse Ker42 C1/C2/WD/WE Brave followers throw themselves into the mysterious swirling vortex. What will they find on the other side? Winter or desert? Cave men or cowboys? Requires "Mirror Zone : Cosmic Portal"
(A/118) Deserts Darathor C1 Adds desert landscape with pyramids and oases; camels placed on roads may grant an extra turn, bonus points, or an extra tile to be played later; Pyramids score when a diamond of tiles around them have been placed; second set of tiles adds features from "Dune" - Sand Worms and Spice Fields - which have their own scoring methods; tiles created in their own style
(A/119) Detour and Impasse Carcatronn & Carcking C1 Creates some very large farms but it's fun, as they break up and come together as the detour segments are moved (same as "Ferries", but on land)
(A/120) Gambler's Luck Snearone C1/C2 A die roll determines additional pennants for the city, but there's a chance that any pennants will be cancelled
(A/121) Kingdoms on the River Lumen C1/C2/WD/WE 2 player or teams; Kingdoms are separated by the Carcassonne River and a boundary that extends beyond the River’s beginning and end, with each placing tiles on "their" side of the river
(A/122) Legacy of Rome Whaleyland C1 Three components; The Duke moves around the board granting bonus points if he is in a city when it is scored; if a Ruin is connected to a city by a road, then the city is worth more than normal; Roman Roads are used like Bridges, but on the ground, separating cities and fields
(A/123) Double or Nothing invinitas C1 When closing any feature on these tiles, the player may choose to take the risk, and score double … or nothing … on the toss of a coin/token
(A/124) Monuments Darathor C1 Each monument has several completion conditions (different surrounding tile layouts); players may add their cubes when helping to complete the monument and gain rewards when a completion condition is met; non-standard art style
(A/125) Summer Gingerbread Man Michael Halbert C2 It’s spring and the Gingerbread Man is still on the run …; conversion of "The Gingerbread Man" tiles to C2; also includes C2 versions of the Winter Edition "animal" tiles replacing the animals with C2 features (sheds, garden, etc.)
(A/126) Tarots Oldbonz C2 Players placing Tarot tiles will be able to push their luck and steal from roads or score twice as many points for them if the revealed Tarot token matches their color
(A/127) The Families Frédérick Renaud C1 Adds a second set of coloured shields to cities, which cannot be mixed in the same city with the standard blue/white ones; used as the basis for "Family Feud"; introduces cloister tokens; re-branded as "Family Feud v3"
(A/128) The Lake JPutt927 C1 Adds a large lake, and includes a race to be a lighthouse keeper
(A/129) The Pope of Avignon v1.01 MarkosBoss C2 Adds an Avignon city tile and a pope piece that makes cities more valuable
(A/130) The Riverside School Wolnic C2 Updated for those who wish to play with The School in C2, these tiles have the school on the banks of a river; combine 1x left and 1x right part for variation; also includes a 2x2 block with river source
(A/131) The Riverside School KlausiMausi C1 These tiles have the school on the banks of a river; combine 1x left and 1x right part for variation; also includes a 2x2 block with river source; conversion of C2 version to C1
(A/132) Tithe Barns Meepleater C1 Adds tithe barns to Carcassonne - will you receive the benefits or be forced to pay? (see "That There Is Food In My House")
(A/133) Virus Konrad2605 C1/C2 When one of the virus tiles extends an occupied city, the followers are infected and have 3 turns to rid themselves of the virus, or be removed from the city; no English translation
(A/134) Kettle of Fish Novelty C1 Adds tiles with icons that increase the value of a river, and fish trade goods
(A/135) Phantom of the Opera Wicke C1 When a player places a tile with an Opera House they may place their Phantom there; The Phantom of the Opera scares away all followers on the eight tiles surrounding the Opera House
(A/136) Castles, strongholds, towers Zotto C1 No rules available about tile and follower placements, and scoring
(A/137) The Shepherds visit the Christ Child Seli & Fritz_Spinne WD Two variants; in both, after a shepherd is placed, they may be moved towards the Stall of Bethlehem and gain rewards when reaching it; requires "The Bethlehem Stable" and "Hills and Sheep" WD; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#3); no English translation
(A/138) DoubleSide or DoubleTurn KlausiMausi & frankdux & Cate C1 This brings together some existing expansions/ideas that feature double turns or double-sided tiles - "Double sided tiles" (frankdux), "Double Move Joker" (Cate), "Double Move Tiles" (KlausiMausi), "The Fortune Tellers" (JPutt927); no English translation
(A/139) The Abbot (Expansions) PresetM C1 Creation of C1 Garden tiles to match those in C2 (Other Expansions)
(A/140) The River Riders BuLiFM C1 Sail your ship along the river; requires "The River" or other river tiles; when a special tile is placed, a regatta is held with points awarded for completed cities on the river; make it as far as the Lake and gain great rewards; no English translation
(A/141) Herd of Cattle Lemmy77 C1 When the cattle tiles are placed, the player may add a follower and when it is complete (surrounded by 8 tiles) the player gets one of the cattle pieces which can be added to any field (and which acts like a pig at game end, adding 1 for each city); rules mention keeping a note of the number of completed mmonasteries during the game, but doesn't explain why!
(A/142) No Barter, Produce Dave C1 Addition of mill, distillery and tailor's shop which were intended to act as a way of increasing the value of the standard tokens from "Traders and Builders"; download links for tiles not working
(A/143) Merry Men Novelty C1 Adds an Outlaw (similar to the King or Robber Baron, but for forests), a Brawling Tournament (the Jousting Tournament from "The Medieval Expansion") and Bluffs
(A/144) Angler and Fish Farms Novelty C1 Adds the Angler (longest river), and introduces the "Tournament" for rivers, based on the Fish Farm
(A/145) The Hiker Leven C1 Additional Tiles for use with "Vistas", plus a character tile, The Hiker, which adapts the King / Robber Baron mechanism for vista points
(A/146) Riches For Priesthood Olivier Taschereau C1 Whoever completes cities or roads with special markers gain either gold, silver or bronze coins/tokens - player with highest value at game end gets additional points; last completed cloister grants High Priest status, worth points for each completed cloister at game end
(A/147) Bastions Leven C1 Bastion Towers are found at tile corners and must be connected to at least one existing city segment; deploy a follower as a Sentinel, and when the bastion is completed the Sentinel scores 1 point for each occupiable feature within the bastion's 9-tile area; the Royal Archer adapts the King / Robber Baron mechanism for bastions.
(A/148) The Bethlehem Stable Seli & Fritz_Spinne C1 The two tiles are placed next to the start tile and the Angel placed on it; works in a similar way to "The School"; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#1); no English translation
(A/149) The Count of Tuscany Wicke C1 Expands "The Count of Carcassonne" by creating a second city, Florence; on high value features, the player may opt to put a follower to Florence, instead of Carcasonne; this strengthens the follower when returning to the game; the Cathars/Siege tiles are used in a separate idea, where the city is worthless when completed
(A/150) Green Christmas Seli & Fritz_Spinne C1 The two tiles are placed next to the start tile and the Angel placed on it; works in a similar way to "The School"; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#1); no English translation; C1 version
(A/151) Forestry Gamemai C1 No information available
(A/152) Grim Reaple Victor Watrous C1 Adds graveyards and an optional Grim Reaper meeple that removes a follower from any surrounding tiles
(A/153) The Pig Herders Big_Guy C1 There has been growth in agriculture and wealth can result from being a successful pig herder; and a popular myth returns about a city under siege, and the fattened pig that saved that city
(A/154) City Council Gwommy & Novelty C1 Tile placements can be vetoed
(A/155) Bandit Camp Oldbonz & Meepledrone C1/C2/WD Bandits scare away meeples and other figures on fields and roads and score any abandoned features in your favour
(A/156) Inquisition & Assault Unknown C1 An early expansion; includes some new landscape features and event cards which are mixed with regular tiles; these may be positive or negative in their effects, and must be played when drawn; no longer available
(A/157) Carousels Leven C1 The tiles reverse the turn order of the players - not suitable for 2 players
(A/158) Seasons TheSteveAllen C2 With the changing seasons, the value of different features in the landscape change; many different conditions create an ever-changing game
(A/159) The Great Pumpkin kettlefish C1 Pumpkin Patches are placed in fields, and a follower placed on them; only when one of the special Pumpkin Scoring tiles is drawn is there a scoring round for occupied Pumpkin Patches based on how many tiles surround it; no English translation
(A/160) Quarter Carsten Engels C1 An early expansion, this featured 4 different city areas - market, garden, noble and slum quarters - which alter the value of the city in which they are located; no longer available and no tile images
(A/161) Seasons JPutt927 C1 With the changing seasons, the worth of different features in the landscape change; many different conditions create an ever-changing game
(A/162) Storno Leven C1 Storno tiles allow the players to choose an already placed tile from the playing field instead of drawing one from the stack
(A/163) Orchards : A Trade In Apples Wolnic C1/C2 City tiles with Orchards outside the walls, and Apple Trade Tokens
(A/164) The King's Passing JPutt927 C1 Trigger tiles are mixed with the regular tiles, and as each is drawn, more of the player's followers are removed to attend the King in his final hours; the game will end before all tiles in play are drawn, giving a random end point
(A/165) The Big Highwayman Challa007 & Snearone C2 When any tile with highwaymen is placed, the "big Highwayman" is moved there, and cancels out any points scoring of features from any of the 8 surrounding tiles; includes rules for 3 variants
(A/166) A Carcassong of Ice and Fire Fritz_Spinne C1/C2/WD Large campaign merging C1 and WD, with Wall between the two; also on CarcF; requires many expansions
(A/167) Crests of Carcassonne Gerry & Danisthirty & Carcking C1 In development; four distinct sections, including a means of resolving ties in cities, something that is created like a city but scores like a farm, and two others called "Citadel Alliance" and "Pilgrims Path"; download links to rules and tiles no longer work
(A/168) Dragon Treasure (Advent Calendar 2016) Seli & KlausiMausi C1 When one of the tiles is placed, one of the gold tokens is placed on it; each player, in turn, may choose to take the token, or search the Dragon's Cave for greater wealth; no dragons required; not available for download
(A/169) The Wedding eolone C1/C2/WD/WE Two lovers try to reach a monastery (before it is completed) so they can be married
(A/170) New Discoveries: Distant Lands Wolnic C2 Open up a separate landscape area on the table; updated/modified version of JPutt927's "Distant Lands" expansion
(A/171) Towers of The Black Prince Oldbonz C2 The Black Prince's tower moves around the playing area like the dragon, destroying any towers it encounters and capturing any followers
(A/172) Fruit Merchant Itomi Bhaa C1 A token for each "orchard" shown on the tiles is claimed by the player that completes the road or cloister on that tile; and they may exchange it with another player for a different token
(A/173) Frog Buster Itomi Bhaa C1 When any of the river tiles with frogs is surrounded by 8 tiles, the player that places the last tile takes an associated token; they may exchange this token with other players for any token they hold
(A/174) The Cursed Pennant Dave C1 Each of the four city tiles contains a quarter of a unique pennant; to have one or more in your city results in you receiving the corresponding token(s); each token scores against you at game end, unless you have all four; download link not working
(A/175) The Lighthouse Guard The Juts C1 Lake with central island/tower, with tiles (half land, half water) placed around it; players may place a boat on the lake and race to occupy the tower; shark can be used to force a boat to return to port; download links don't work
(A/176) Walpurgis Night Violet C1 After being placed on the first Witch tile, The Witch is moved one square per turn in the direction of the arrow until the next Witch's tile is placed (can use 2x sets of tiles from "The Flier"); The Witch removes any follower passed during the "flight"; some issues during testing, so not developed; no English rules
(A/177) Catapults of Carcassonne eurojo & Johannes Hoppstädter C1 Alternative idea using The Catapult tiles; tokens are used to determine various factors when firing and/or rolling the die; requires "The Catapult"; no English translation
(A/178) The Tinkers Ratz65 C1 A Tinker may be placed in a city when one of the tinker tiles is placed, although there are some constraints; tokens are used in several different ways when a city closes with, or without a tinker present; draft rules only; no English translation
(A/179) The Fairy Queen & Prince jeRm! C1 Introduces a prince looking for his princess (restrictions on prince tile, princess tile, and follower placement), the Fairy Queen who helps you for a cost, and some double volcanoes
(A/180) Dungeons & Peddlers Runtu C1 If a city contains a dungeon, the player with majority may "capture" other followers in the city, but must leave one of their own as guard, who scores points for each captive at end of game (unless a player has used the Dragon to release them); Peddlars are placed on road segments until the end of the game when they score for the whole of that road network (through junctions, etc.)
(A/181) Trick or Treat Danisthirty C1 The"Trick-or-Treater" enters the game after 13 tiles, and moves around the board; when it encounters a follower, a "Trick or Treat" is performed, and the result actioned; a Trick leads to points lost/gained, a Treat is to select one of 4x visible tiles for your next turn
(A/182) Leprechaun Carcatronn C1 When one of the tiles is placed, the Leprechaun is moved to it with some gold; when a feature is completed on the tile he is on, the player takes the gold, but if another leprechaun tile is drawn, the Leprechaun moves, taking his gold with him, and adding more to the pot; requires further balancing
(A/183) Free as a bird Sleepy C1 Follower may be placed on the roof-top take-off ramp; at a cost, the player rolls the dice to determine distance and direction, and the player can move that number of tiles and land on any incomplete feature, or may choose to wait until a more suitable wind is rolled; no English translation
(A/184) Underground River Murphy013 C1 River tiles where the river disappears, and another where it re-appears, with land above (the number decided by die roll)
(A/185) Champions & Keep Lamina C1 A Keep placed in a city can be occupied and scores for the number of shields; the Champion of that keep may move to any connected city after scoring, and may continue moving in the same fashion as each city completes; BGG link no longer works
(A/186) The Shop Christian Hermann C1 Some components only required when playing with specific expansions; players may place a follower in The Shop and use the action displayed at a cost instead of their normal turn; this could include using one of the displayed tiles, or retrieving a follower; other actions are specific to expansions; no tile designs; no English translation
(A/187) Pirates of Carcassonne Unknown C1 Player may place a follower on the "X" on the tiles ("X" marks the treasure location), and takes 2x treasure chests; when all 4x diagonal tiles have been placed, the player scores the points on the treasure chest tokens; no English translation
(A/188) Cross of Peace Chmura C1 Each cross adds points to the associated road or city; token awarded to the first feature on tile to be completed; no English translation
(A/189) Templar Chmura C1 Two major Templar sites and four Garrisons; followers may score additional points when the two main sites are complete by leaving their follower there until the next city with a Templar Garrison is completed; Templars may remove followers from connected roads, while other monastic sites add value; cities with garrisons also score differently from normal; no English translation
(A/190) Monks & Heretics Lomion.de C1 The player who completes a monastery ("trading monastery") or shrine, receives the associated goods token (tokens are from various fan expansions); priories only score if there is an Abbey, or monastery in the surrounding 8 tiles, while the Abbey/monastery score extra points for a priory next to them; no English translation
(A/191) The Paramour of Carcassonne Ratz65 C1/C2 The Paramour figure moves around the board distracting followers on associated features, causing their players to miss a turn and give up a few points; she may also move to adjacent tiles if a player places no follower, while a completed feature with her present scores extra points; no English translation
(A/192) The St Nicholas Seli WD Christmas Present tokens are awarded when players complete marked features
(A/193) Apothecaries and Tithes Seli & Meepleater WD WD version of tiles from "Apothecaries and Tithes" by Meepleater
(A/194) Bridges, Castles and Bazaars Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(A/195) Hills and Sheep Moses64 & Seli & Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; includes alternative set of square tokens, as Telecaster version
(A/196) Hills and Sheep Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; inlcudes Castle tokens from "Bridges, Castles and Bazaars"; uses Shepherd expansion image, rather than sheep
(A/197) Cleric & Serf Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Cleric and Serf" by Novelty
(A/198) Frog Buster Seli & Itomi Bhaa WD WD version of tiles from "Frog Buster" by Itomi Bhaa
(A/199) Fruit Merchant Seli & Itomi Bhaa WD WD version of tiles from "Fruit Merchant" by Itomi Bhaa
(A/200) Fruit Trader Seli & Jonathan Wu WD WD version of tiles from "Fruit Trader" by Jonathan Wu
(A/201) Pirates and Plunderers Seli & Robotman WD WD version of the standalone game by Brian L. Bird, Richard Thames Rowan and Jesse McGatha; adapts tiles from "Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes" by Wolnic
(A/202) Bastions Seli & Leven WD WD version of tiles from "Bastions" by Leven
(A/203) Merry Men Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Merry Men" by Novelty
(F/2) Promotions Gwommy C1 Add a coloured disc to any follower or special figure in play (your own, or another players) to boost/weaken that follower's abilities, or help/hinder an opponent
(F/3) Court Jester (CARC_Zoner) CARC_Zoner C1 Uses the tiles from "The Catapult"; when a follower is placed on a feature "touching" the fair, they can earn Jester skills; then all players try out for who can fly the furthest
(F/4) The Day Labourers Dieter Maute & Charlie-66 C1 Each player starts with one Day Laborer; if placed, a player has reduced options during their turn, until they can recruit another Day Laborer; each Day Laborer scores half points for the player closing a feature, and are returned to that player for later use; no English translation
(F/5) The Pilgrims KlausiMausi C1 This takes the "hiking" rule from "Over Hill and Dale"; when placed on a road, the player's Pilgrim may walk its length when adding a new tile; no English translation
(F/6) The Adventurer of Carcassonne Dieter "Belushi" Rausch C1 Contains two sets of adventure cards - city and forest; move your Adventurer around the board, having adventures at "waypoints" which may be road junctions, inns, cities, monasteries; adventures may lead to financial gain or loss, treasures, or encounters; no English translation
(F/7) Sheep & Shepherds LittleMisfit & Scott Myers C1 Adds sheep and shepherds to the game (before the release of "Hills and Sheep")
(F/8) Citadels LittleMisfit C1 Place a citadel in a field, and if that field can be closed, there is an option for you to remove followers from cities or roads touching that field
(F/9) Castles LittleMisfit C1 Place a castle in a field and gain points if you can connect a field, containing your farmer, to the castle field later in the game; you have the option of removing the farmer to your supply, or leaving him there for the rest of the game
(F/10) Thieves Guilds LittleMisfit C1 The Thieves Guild is placed on a road you already occupy; when any city that is connected to the road is completed, you steal the points from the shields and any trade tokens; once used the Thieves Guild remains on the board
(F/11) Inn & Stable Owners ShadowP68 C1 Allows the inns and stables on roads to be occupied and scored; play with "Inns & Cathedrals"
(F/12) The House of Valois Wicke C1 Adds two followers representing members of the French royal house of Valois who move from city to city boosting their worth
(F/13) The Kids are Growing Up Wicke C1 Adds small followers who may be deployed into already occupied features to gain an advantage in ties
(F/14) Hog Roast Novelty & Joff C1 Introduces a hog, based on the legend of Dame Carcas
(F/15) The Leper Novelty & Joff C1 Adds a leper piece that cause players to lose points as it moves around the land
(F/16) Black Tower Joff C1 Adds new types of tower pieces and diagonal capture; designed to be played with "The Tower"
(F/17) The Noblemen Wicke C1 Adds followers from New World/Mayflower as Noblemen, who are worth more than standard followers, but there are restrictions on how they may be used
(F/18) Monasteries Meepleater C1 To accommodate a growing demand, monasteries are being built to support the surrounding cloisters.
(F/19) The Butcher Joe Vancura C1 Players attempt to remove a pig from a farm, sending the pig back to the player for redeployment
(F/20) Dual Dragon Joff C1 Two dragons are brought into play; designed to be played with the "Princess and Dragon"
(F/21) Sinkholes Piklach & Rich_The_Fish C1 When a sinkhole is placed, all meeples and followers on the affected tiles fall down the hole and become trapped, where they will remain unless a rescue mission is successfully completed on a later turn.
(F/22) The Citadel asparagus C1 Proposal for dealing with a mega-city occupied by, say, two players in a 3-4 player game, where the other players might fall well behind just because they missed out, perhaps by adding something else they could achieve as it grows; author admits further balancing/work required
(F/23) Small Bridges Oldbonz C1/C2 Allows players to place wooden bridges across a river to connect the fields
(F/24) Hook, Line & Sinker Canada Steve C1 The most accomplished fishermen have learned to fish the river well, reeling in their catch for the surrounding cities
(F/25) Santa, Snowman & Grinch Meepledrone C1/C2 This is a progressive expansion that starts simple and then you can introduce additional mechanisms as the game progresses; all four characters affect the game, and each other, in different ways
(F/26) The Menaces invinitas C1 Ideas for 3 different types of plague - rats, locusts and frogs; only The Plague of Rats is described; when a follower is added to a city, a die is rolled to determine if rats arrive there too; a rat catcher may be deployed to stop the spread of rats, which devalue the city; draft rules only; no English translation
(F/27) Friendly Cities Unknown C1 No information available
(F/28) Hidden Character invinitas C1 Each player has a special characteristic for one follower type; each player places one of their tokens on a feature when closing it; if the other player(s) can guess the characteristic, the player loses one follower from the game; most characteristics change end game scoring; no English translation
(F/29) The Crusader Marvin C1 When a player has the minority in a shared city and scores no points, they may place one of the neutral Crusaders next to one of their followers in another city; this negates one opposing knight in that city; a Crusader may also sacrifice themselves to the dragon or tower; no English translation
(F/30) The Musician -enel- C1 A strolling player moves around the board any any follower encountered scores 2 points; no English translation
(F/31) Les Assassins izscream & Glöckchen C1/C2/WD/WE Each player moves their assassin around the board trying to eliminate other players' followers; not available at present - CarcF Advent calendar
(F/32) The Archer Afrodarko C1 Archers may be placed on the top of a Tower; they may injure (1 hit) or kill (2 hits) other followers around the tower (based on tower height); "injured" followers do not count towards majority, but may be "cured" by using points for their recovery; requires "The Tower"; no English translation
(F/33) Reinforcement Fritz_Spinne C1 The Reinforcement may be placed alongside an already deployed follower to provide additional strength; German draft rules
(F/34) The Black Fairy invinitas C1 If the black fairy is placed next to a follower at the beginning of the player's turn, the player loses one point; no English translation
(F/35) Carcassonne overrun by Zombies! justinkillam C1 After the first trigger tile is placed, the first zombie appears on the board; after each player's turn, a zombie is moved, a new one rises, or there is no change; if a moved zombie encounters a regular follower, the latter becomes a zombie; the game ends as normal, or when there are no more followers remaining; several options to rid the land of the zombies
(F/36) Play as the Dragon Big Guy & Whaleyland C1 One player takes on the role of The Dragon in this variant and scores points for eating followers and capturing princesses; requires "Princess and Dragon"
(F/37) The Doomsayers Guy C1 Once drawn each Doomsayer effect is active until the next Doomsayer tile is drawn; each changes the way in which certain aspects of the game are played while the tile is "active"; sample tile images in forum thread; rules no longer available for download
(F/38) Collector Unknown C1 No information available
(F/39) Dan the Travelling Man Michael Halbert C1 Dan travels around the board handing out merit to those he passes, and if he shares a tile when a feature on it is scored, he hands out even more
(F/40) The Paladin's Duel mPony C1 When a tile with a road corner is placed, extending a road with another player's thief, you can place your paladin; these figures may move along the road on a player's turn, and if both are on the same tile before the road closes, there is a duel; if not, the road is split based onthe relative locations
(F/41) The Lady and her Lord Gerry C1 Players place the Lady and Lord followers on separate unconnected roads then attempt to establish a continuous road network between the Lady and Her Lord
(F/42) Diocese Lemmy77 C1 The wooden church is placed on a Cathedral when the city completes; thereafter, if a monastery is completed in the 3 rings around it, the monastery scores double points and the wooden church is moved there, and so on for the rings around that monastery; requires the two Cathedral tiles, from "Inns and Cathedrals"
(F/43) Boatman Lemmy77 C1 Players may place their boat on a river tile, and it is scored when surrounded by 8 tiles; requires "The River" and/or other river expansions
(F/44) Animal Farm Carcking C1/C2/WD/WE Inspired by the animals in Hunters & Gatherers, players draw and place animal tokens on their farms in an effort to boost their value; players attempt to sabotage the farms of their opponents with tokens such as the fox, the wolf and the mole.
(F/45) Assassins LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE If you can get both of your Assassins into the same city, or onto the same road, they can remove another follower on that feature for the rest of the game
(F/46) Bishop Galzeran CAE Manresa C1/C2/WD/WE Bishop Galzerin moves from one incomplete city to another, blocking further development of that city until he moves on to the next one; if using "Mysterious Light", if both tiles are aligned, Galzerin is removed from the game, as he has "seen the light"
(F/47) Cocoa Traders Meepleater C1/C2/WD/WE Superceded by "Salt and Cocoa Traders"
(F/48) Falconers and Poachers Quevy C1/C2/WD/WE Wild animal tokens are initially placed on the scoreboard but move to the tiles as the game develops; knights may become falconers, while thieves do a bit of poaching on the side; the aim is to collect as many tokens as possible
(F/49) Hospital Against the Plague Dragonlord C1/C2/WD/WE Hospitals and field hospitals are used for protection against "The Plague"; requires "The Plague"
(F/50) Pennants CARC_Zoner C1/C2/WD/WE Adds cards to be drawn during gameplay when a tile with a pennant is placed; cards contain a mix of bonus points/actions or penances
(F/51) Pilgrimage Gunpowdertea C1/C2/WD/WE Gives monks the ability to go on pilgrimages to other cloisters when a player runs out of meeples
(F/52) Sheepdogs, Cabbages and Black Sheep Quevy C1/C2/WD/WE Will the black sheep get the flock into trouble? Will the cabbages bring a profit? Is the shepherd dog able to defend his flock from the wolves? Requires "Hills & Sheep"; no English translation
(F/53) Shepherds v2 LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE Adds sheep and shepherds to the game (before the release of "Hills and Sheep")
(F/54) Stolen Goods Quevy C1/C2/WD/WE In a small house at the crossroads hides a shady individual; he buys the goods stolen by petty thieves in the neighborhood and then sells them at a good profit
(F/55) Tax Collector LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE Use your tax collector to reduce the score of an opponent's city
(F/56) The Fog Meepledrone C1/C2/WD/WE After 17 tiles have been played, fog starts to spread across the playing area, hiding followers that may have been placed earlier; you can now place a follower into "unoccupied" features, and they are not included in feature scoring if they are still "hidden"
(F/57) The Giant Wicke C1/C2/WD/WE Dragons are spreading terror in the region of Carcassonne; the prayers of the people have finally been answered - the Giant is there to help; requires "Princess & Dragon"
(F/58) The Gift (K#19) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Players may place a gift, face-down, next to a follower; when features join with an increase in the number of followers, and any unopened gifts, the gifts are distributed, and then revealed; a "good" gift increases the strength of the follower by 1; a "bad" gift, and follower is removed
(F/59) The Infiltrator Quevy C1/C2/WD/WE Each player takes one card (for the follower type of another player); when a player scores points (for anything), if an opponent has the hidden card of the same colour/follower, they can claim the score, or exchange the follower for one of their own
(F/60) The Jester and The Minstrel Scott & Joff C1/C2/WD/WE Re-purposes tiles from "The Catapult"
(F/61) The Missionary CKorfmann C1/C2/WD/WE The Missionary (when available) may be deployed by any player, using their coloured token to signify his allegiance when placed on a monastic feature, including a Cathedral; once the feature completes, the Missionary may be used to convert (swap) followers on the surrounding tiles
(F/62) The Mists of Carcassonne Fährmann C1/C2/WD/WE Requires Windroses Start tile for orientation; when a fog tile is drawn, it is used to cover an existing tile in play; when a wind tile is drawn, any fog in play is moved in the direction show, and by the roll of a die (1-3); when it rains, the fog markers are placed under their tiles (as with hills), or if none, the rain tile can be placed beneath another tile itself; such raised tiles can increase scoring of features; no English translation
(F/63) The Queen's Menagerie (the Zoo) Ker42 C1/C2/WD/WE Animals have escaped from the Queen's private collection; if you capture and return them you may be rewarded!
(F/64) Trading Posts LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE Add your Trading Post to a city you already have a presence in; it scores at the end of the game for other cities connected by road; original rule, in Kevin's PDF from BGG, gave each player 2 Trading Posts
(F/65) Urban Warrener (K#18) Kothmann & Ker42 C1/C2/WD/WE Variant of "Queen's Menagerie"; rabbits are placed onto field sections, and are then brought to completed cities where they are scored; also score towards a closed road
(F/66) Village Idiot LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE If the Village Idiot is placed on a feature that is later joined to that of another player, the scoring player loses the points instead of gaining them
(F/67) Walls that cut corners asparagus C1/C2/WD/WE Players may build a wall instead of placing a follower; the wall is placed along one edge of the placed tile, and forms a boundary between the features either side of the wall; two wall pieces are required between city and road, but only one between city and field
(F/68) Court Jester (Kevin Graham) LittleMisfit C1 The Court Jester may only be placed in a city in which there are no other pieces; the goal is to connect that city with a city containing another of the player's followers; the reward is to reposition any tile (surrounded by four tiles) on their next turn
(F/69) Mating Meeples LittleMisfit C1 Each player starts with 3 followers; if a player has exactly two of their own followers in a city when it closes, they get an additional follower; they do not get the extra follower if there are more than 2 henchmen in the city (their own or another player's)
(F/70) Size does matter LittleMisfit C1 A marker is placed on the scoretrack; if a player completes a city or road with exactly the number of pieces that corresponds to the position of the marker on the scoring board, they get a bonus of that number of points; after scoring, the marker is moved one space forward
(F/71) Bonus Tiles LittleMisfit C1 Inspired by the Bonus cards in "The Castle", when your follower lands exactly on the 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40 space on the scoreboard, you may draw one of the bonus cards; continue until all of the cards have been used; use the small markers as reminders
(F/72) The Birds Wicke WE A tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the movie by the Master of Suspense, this adds a rules for using the Bird tiles from Winter Edition; a scarecrow placed on the tile drives away followers on any of the surrounding tiles
(F/73) The Wicker Man Wicke C1 Place The Wicker Man onto a field containing at least one barn; then all barns in that field are burned and removed from the field
(F/74) Fox on the run Wicke WD/WE Rules for the 10x animal tiles in the Winter Edition; move the fox around the landscape granting good luck to those it encounters; 40th Anniversary tribute to the song by the same name, by Sweet, and the album “Desolation Boulevard”
(F/75) Zombies & Soldiers Ted Wikström C1 The Walking Dead have made their way to Carcassonne; but behold, the Soldiers are coming to the rescue
(F/76) Santa & Elf Wicke WD/WE Santa and Elf figures may be deployed next to one of your followers when you close a feature that is scored by another player; when Santa and Elf are together, you gain a second turn until they are moved again
(F/77) Bishops & Dioceses Jonathan Brown C1 The peasants have the utmost respect for the Bishop, and are required to attend their nearest sanctuary for worship. Also, they must pay tithes to the churches, which the local Bishop oversees.
(F/78) The Counting House Carcking C1 The players compete to purchase shares of completed features in order to join in the scoring; the players collect and spend gold coins in various ways; the coins are worth a reward at game end; requires "The City of Carcassonne" and The Count, but the original rules are replaced by this variant
(F/79) Reeve & Quartermaster Gerry C1 Players establish granaries in the fields (on the tower bases), then transfer it to a city granary; when the city is complete the player with the tallest granary scores the points; re-uses tiles and tower pieces from "The Tower"
(F/80) Dignitaries Meepleater C1 Five dignitaries are in play, granting bonus points when, for example, a city, road or monastery is completed when they are present on the feature, negative points for a farm at the end of the game, or protection like "The Fairy" while on a Shrine
(F/81) Pick up & Deliver Ariel Claure C1 As tiles are placed, resource markers are placed on newly created roads, cities, fields and cloisters; if extending a feature another player may pick up a resource from that feature and assign it to one of their unused followers, the "delivery man"; points are scored by the delivery man for the different resources
(F/82) The Shepherds and The Angel Seli WD Adds an Angel to the tokens which, when drawn, entitles the player to draw two additional tokens, if a wolf is drawn, the Angel drives away the wolf; requires "Hills and Sheep" WD; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#4); no English translation
(F/83) The Arbitress Gwommy C1/C2/WD/WE Uses the current location of the Fairy from "Princess and Dragon" as a means of resolving any ties for features
(F/84) Doubles Carcassonne Aeoliner C1/C2/WD/WE After an influx of power from the Church, affluent families became curious as to just how much leverage the monasteries possessed; two alliances were forged to guage the development of the Church by guessing how many features would be successfully built around each cloister
(F/85) The Big City Lemmy77 C1 If a city contains at least 10 cards, the player may place a wooden city in it and receives an extra 5 points at the end of the game; and adjacent farmer also receives an extra 5 points
(F/86) Chapter Lemmy77 C1 The player that places the last tile around a Monastery receives a wooden token, unless it wasn't occupied; each "unclaimed" monastery increases farmer scoring in the field in which it is located
(F/87) Laborer and Mendicant (aka Servant and Mendicant) Christoph Berger C1 Created in August 2005 after the release of King and Scout, it was translated as "Friar and Farmhand" in January 2006; the tiles are also part of "Cleric and Serf"
(F/88) Friar & Farmhand Scott & Christoph Berger C1 Based on "Laborer and Mendicant" by Christoph Berger, in this update the rules were changed to make them consistent with "King & Robber Baron"
(F/89) Sentinel chrallan C1 Whoever builds the highest tower, and places a follower on top, takes The Sentinel character tile; requires "The Tower"
(F/90) The Heretic bassdachs C1 Use to record who completes most Cult sites; second version includes additional cult site tiles; requires "Cult Site" tiles
(F/91) Prison of Carcassonne LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE The Sheriff is used to capture other player's thieves when occupied road segments are joined; the thief is placed in prison where he must spend 6 turns, unless another thief is captured - he is then immediately released
(F/92) By Order of the King JPutt927 C1 Adds objective cards to the game; large download
(F/93) Stained Glass Trebuchet C1 Adds a stained glass window-building side game worth extra points at the end of the game; panels can be obtained when placing or finishing a cloister
(F/94) Praesidium jeRm! C1 As soon as a player completes the first monastery, the presidium card is taken; if another player completes a monastery, the card is passed to them; while a player has this card, no followers may be captured by an opposing tower; requires "The Tower"
(F/95) Quests LittleMisfit C1 Two face-up task cards score if the task is completed; then a new task card is revealed; tasks are of the usual type - build a circular road without interruptions, build a city with 3 coats of arms in it, etc.
(F/96) Designer Cities LittleMisfit C1 Create cities with specific shapes to gain additional points
(F/97) Father Time Carcking & Collaborativ C1 Adds a time mechanic to the game which creates an escalated ending with a building sense of urgency
(F/98) Troop Card Dieter "Belushi" Rausch C1 Players have a "Troop Card" onto which they assign their followers at the start of the game as knights, thieves or monks/farmers; each follower must continue in that role throughout the game
(F/99) Advisors spacewolf009 C1 Each player may get an "Advisor" card at the start (depends on number of players and expansions used) which are passed around whenever a player reaches 50 on the scoreboard; "Advisor" cards provide some alternative options for play, such as bonus points for features, or half strength for followers such as the Mayor or Builder
(F/100) The German Time Machines (Advent calendar 2016) Decar C1 When one of these tiles is drawn it is placed next to the scoreboard and one tile already in play is placed on top of it; when the next is drawn, the player removes a tile from play, but then uses the previously selected tile on their turn; no download available
(F/101) Carcassonne Maps für 2 - Blanchiland Meepledrone Cfür2 A new island map (not a real place) sized to use the tiles from Carcaassone für 2
(F/102) King Peter III CAE Manresa C1/C2/WD/WE When the King Peter tile is drawn (about half way through the game), the active player selects tiles equal to the number of players, distributes them, and a special round is played before the game continues as normal
(F/103) Queen Sibila CAE Manresa C1/C2/WD/WE When drawn, each player may, in turn, place an additional follower onto unoccupied and incomplete landscapoe features
(F/104) The Market CAE Manresa C1/C2/WD/WE Adds a neutral follower, the day labourer, who can be hired by one of the players for the remainder of the game
(F/105) The Tactician Gwommy C1/C2/WD/WE Use your Tactician token to place a follower onto an unclaimed feature on the tile that your opponent just placed; use once per game
(F/106) Tatan Andreas J Haselbeck C1/C2/WD/WE Two variations; the first allows you to take an already placed tile as your turn; in the second, you draw two cards and place them during your turn; at the end of the game, you can use the "Tatan" card to fill gaps in the landscape, scoring based on the number of followers on neighbouring features; no English translation
(F/107) Two Builders Carca_Maker C1/C2/WD/WE Each player has two builders instead of one
(F/108) The Jousting Tournament Michael Halbert C1/C2/WD/WE Introduces an (optional) Jousting Tournament when more than one player occupies a feature when it closes
(F/109) Balloons (K#21) Decar C1/C2/WD/WE A placed farmer may take to the skies in a balloon and moves across the landscape landing on an unoccupied tile, and may be placed on any feature on that tile, even if already occupied on another tile; may require some form of wind direction indicator?
(F/110) Land Surveyors 2.0 Steven De Potter C2 Some additional cards for use with "Land Surveyors"
(F/111) The Large Abbot (K#1) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Combines the Abbot's "early removal" function with that of the Big Follower; applies when occupying cities and roads, not just monastic sites
(F/112) The Blessing of Children Challa007 ALL Players may place children, schools and tents (all neutral) onto the tiles surrounding a newly placed tile; the presence of children adds to the score of any features on that tile
(F/113) City Gates and Walls (K#7) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE The City Gate may be placed on a city tile edge next to a road, while the City Wall can be placed next to a field; city must contain a shield
(F/114) Guesthouses (K#8) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Place a Guesthouse onto any road, to score it like a road with an Inn/Lake
(F/115) Mason's Lodge (K#9) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Place the Mason's Lodge into a city with at least two open sides, and it acts as a builder for any player with a follower already in the city when they extend the city later; see "Guesthouses", "Treasure Hunt", "Freemasons" and "Shared Builder"
(F/116) Pennant Keepers (K#6) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Pennants in cities are not scored as normal, but the player that closes the city gets 1 token/coin for each; at the end of the game, the number of tokens/coins are scored
(F/117) Citadels (K#12) Kothmann C1/C2/WD A slight change to the way in which a closed two-tile city is converted to a "Castle", and how it scores
(F/118) Stacked Decks (K#13) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Alternative idea for using Tower floors, but no tiles and no capturing of meeples
(F/119) Archabbot (K#14) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Uses Abbot as standard meeple, but can be removed early (as "The Festival")
(F/120) Roadsigns (C1 Adaptation) (K#24) Kothmann C1 Rules and tokens that can be used with standard tiles to replicate the C2 mini expansion "The Signposts"
(F/121) Alien Abduction - A Crop Circles Variant (K#23) Kothmann C1/C2/WD When a Crop Circle is placed, each player may move a follower from the board (based on the Crop Circle type) to an Alien Abduction zone, or return one from it to a feature of the shown type; requires Crop Circles
(F/122) Catapult Extra Token JPutt927 C1 New token, "Invasion" for "The Catapult"; when drawn, an incomplete and unoccupied feature is chosen, and whoever gets closest can occupy it
(F/123) Mini Inner City Walls GinCarc C1/C2/WD/WE Build a wall to divide a city into two - see also "City Gates and Walls"
(F/124) Metapowers Carca_Maker C1/C2/WD/WE Use extra powers to gain or hide information
(F/125) Slopes & Cliffs (Carcassonne turns 3D) Meepledrone C1/C2/WD/WE Add blocks to raise landscape tiles up to create a 3d landscape
(F/126) Carcassonne Duels MarkosBoss C1/C2/WD/WE Introduces Carcassonne:Star Wars duels to standard Carcassonne
(F/127) Halloween on Carcassonne DrMeeple C1/C2/WD/WE Ideas about which expansions to play with at Halloween (inc. Count of Carcassonne, Mage & Witch, Phantom), and some additional meeples
(F/128) Events of Carcassonne Bockspiele C1 Each time a feature is scored, the next event card is displayed; each may affect the way the game is played/scored while active; no English translation
(F/129) Pennants of Carcassonne Bockspiele C1 Players receive pennant tokens which they can add to city tiles when placing a follower; no English translation
(F/130) Bridges, Castles and Bazaars (Castle Tokens) Telecaster WD WD version of castle tokens from HiG's published expansion; no tiles, but tokens included with "Hills and Sheep" tiles
(F/131) Little Houses Zotto WD WD version of tokens from published expansion; image in forum thread only
(F/132) The Messages Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(F/133) Scoring Tiles (50-300) Unknown WD Winter-style Scoring Tiles for values 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300
(F/134) King and Robber Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(R/2) The City Gates V2 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM C1 City tiles with gates on the edge of the tiles, allowing them to be placed against fields, roads or other City Gates
(R/3) The City Gates II Fritz_Spinne & PresetM C1 City tiles with gates on the edge of the tiles, allowing them to be placed against fields, roads or other City Gates
(R/4) The Fortune Teller JPutt927 CarcC JPutt927 C1 Fortune Tellers have been appearing across the land of Carcassonne, possessing the ability to see what lies ahead; a follower placed as a Fortune Teller grants the ability to see more than 1 tile on a player's turn
(R/5) The Fortune Teller HiG JPutt927 C1/C2 Fortune Tellers have been appearing across the land of Carcassonne, possessing the ability to see what lies ahead; a follower placed as a Fortune Teller grants the ability to see more than 1 tile on a player's turn
(R/6) The Watchtowers PresetM C1 Conversion of the published expansion "The Watchtowers" into C1 artwork
(R/7) The Fortune Teller JPutt927 CarcF JPutt927 C1 Fortune Tellers have been appearing across the land of Carcassonne, possessing the ability to see what lies ahead; a follower placed as a Fortune Teller grants the ability to see more than 1 tile on a player's turn
(R/8) The Medieval Expansion : In the Stocks Joff C1 Allows a knight to be temporarilly removed from a city
(R/9) The Medieval Expansion : Jousting Tournament Joff C1 Creates an additional scoring area in a city
(R/10) The Medieval Expansion : The Gallows Joff C1 Used to remove a knight from the city permanently
(R/11) The Medieval Expansion : The Order of Chivalry Joff C1 Allows a knight to be added to a city, using unconventional means
(R/12) Forests Scott & Novelty C1 A very large expansion that adds forests to the landscape; used as basis for many other expansions
(R/13) Wild Boars Calvin Daniels & KlausiMausi C1 Designed to be played with "Log Cabins" and "Forests"
(R/14) Green Dragon Novelty & Scott C1 Incorporates features from other published expansions with Forests - Inns, Volcano, Princess, Magic Portal - and adds Logging Camps
(R/15) Log Cabins Novelty C1 Tiles with a log cabin that is complete when the four diagonal tiles have been placed
(R/16) Evergreen Forest Novelty C1 Foresters Guild, Cherry, and Chivalry icons on Forest segments increase the value of a forest, give a double turn, or allow followers to be swapped
(R/17) Forest Fire JPutt927 C1 Adds a fire that wrecks havoc on the forest in which it is placed
(R/18) The Little Forest Quevy C1 This small forest provides shelter for robbers, wood for construction and various types of food for the population; these tiles are placed at the start of a game; includes two lake tiles
(R/19) Mountains Scott & Novelty C1 Adds Mountains as a new landscape feature; mountains are scored when the tile is played; other expansions in the series require that "Mountains" be used
(R/20) Dragon's Lair Scott & Novelty C1 Additional tiles for use with "Mountains", with the features from "Princess and Dragon"
(R/21) High Places Novelty C1 Adds cloisters and shrines to tiles for use with "Mountains"
(R/22) Pyrénées Quevy C1 Set of starting tiles, which creates a mountain range to splits the landscape (like "The River"); CarcF link includes some extra tiles
(R/23) The Foot Hills - Part 1 TheSteveAllen C1 A set of tiles which allow play with "Mountains" and "Forest" expansions in the same game without leaving lots of holes
(R/24) The Ocean : Men of the Sea Skipboris C1 Play with "The Ocean"; adds Chateau D'If, betrayal, mutiny and islands to strand sailors on
(R/25) The Ocean : Deltas Skipboris C1 Tiles which provide a connection between rivers and "The Ocean"
(R/26) Taxes & Tolls Quevy C1 Special towers are built for the purpose of gathering income from features around them, rather than it going to those who have done the work on them; players may place a follower on any unoccupied tower when placing one of the tower cards; German rules in draft only
(R/27) Vineyards Novelty & Gwommy C1 Enables a double turn if placed next to a shrine where you have a follower (released before "Hills and Sheep")
(R/28) Wheat Fields Chris Lynn & Novelty C1 Enables a double turn if placed next to a cloisters where you have a follower
(R/29) Wells Meepleater C1 Wells add to the value of roads
(R/30) Wells II Wolnic C2 Wells add to the value of roads; updated version of "Wells"
(R/31) Fountain of Youth Meepleater C1 More tiles with wells, but with added landscape types for integration with "Forests", "Fishermen" (or river) and "Mountains" series
(R/32) Whispering Woods Novelty C1 Tiles containing both river and forests, and some other landscape features
(R/33) Waterfalls Hester C1 A combination of river and a line of cliffs results in waterfalls
(R/34) Waterfalls 2 Quevy C1 The fishing near a waterfall can be more profitable, but it all depends on where an angler chooses to place themselves; more tiles featuring river, cliffs and waterfalls, which are combined with the tiles from "Fishermen"
(R/35) Swan Lake Novelty C1 Adds swans that increase the value of a river; should be played with "Fishermen", and includes 3 tiles for use with "Forests"
(R/36) Fishermen Novelty C1 This large set of river tiles are mixed in with the regular tiles (rather than being placed first), and a player may deploy a follower to the river, source or lake of the tile that was just played as a fisherman
(R/37) Fish Huts v2 Novelty C1 To be played with other river expansions, such as "Fishermen", it contains river segments and fish-smoking huts; followers can be deployed to the huts and score points when the hut is completed; updated version of "Fischerhütte" (Fish Huts v1)
(R/38) Trifecta Novelty C1 Each tile has at least 3 icons or 3 things going on, taken from a mix of official and fan expansions
(R/39) Tributaries Unknown C1 Each river tile contains at least one special icon or feature, taken from other official or river expansions
(R/40) Lord of the Rings 1 : Fellowship of the Ring Meepleater C1 Adds popular tiles from the mythology of the works of Tolkien
(R/41) Railroads Matthias Hecking C1 Tiles with railroads instead of roads; there are no "ends" for the railroads, and this expansion does not fit with the medieval Carcassonne theme
(R/42) Fish Huts v1 (aka Fisherman's Cottage) Jörg Krühne C1 Contains river segments and fish-smoking huts; followers can be deployed to the huts and score points when the hut is completed; later updated and expanded; original HiG version
(R/43) Logger and Millers Steffen Reichel C1 The last expansion to be added to the Hans im Glück site in late 2005; the tiles are not in the same style as other Carcassonne tiles
(R/44) Forest Guntram Engelhardt C1 Notable for the first four-way roundabout, the tiles are not in the same style as other Carcassonne tiles
(R/45) More Rivers (aka New River Tiles) Martin Storbeck C1 The River was given away in Essen (October 2001) for free!; the author made 11 river tiles and called it "Der Fluss in neuen Bahnen" (The River in New Pathways) in March 2002; it is presumed that HiG copied this, added a 12th tile, and renamed it "mehrfluss" (More Rivers) sometime before December 2004; this became the "Rivers II"
(R/46) New Tiles (aka City Walls) Guido Kämmer C1 An early collection of new tile configurations, some of which have appeared in other expansions; later released as "Ramparts"
(R/47) More New Tiles Gerry C1 Another early expansion containing some new configurations - quite dark
(R/48) Butterfly tiles Benjamin Stengel & Stephan Harms C1 More new tile configurations in this early expansion; mostly road and city, with a couple of inn/lake tiles
(R/49) All the Rest of the Tiles notsewkram C1 A large collection of other tile configurations using just the standard features of cities, roads and cloisters
(R/50) Family Feud V1 Frédérick Renaud & Novelty C1 Repackaged version of "The Families" with a different tile mix - more city tiles
(R/51) Family Feud JPutt927 JPutt927 C1 There are now 4 different family factions vying for control of the cities; in this version 2 families may share a city, with one taking a more dominant role
(R/52) Archery Tournament Scott C1 Adds the function of "Jousting Tournament" from the Medieval Expansion to farms; designed to be included in "Medieval Expansion"
(R/53) Breweries V1.1 Meepleater C1 The monks and clerics of Carcassonne have branched into other fields, in particular, brewing ale; however, this has met with some disapproval
(R/54) Wine Merchant loganmann1 C1 Increases the value of roads connected to cloisters, or cities with pennants or wine tokens
(R/55) Barriers & City Walls Gwommy C1 Adds various tiles with walls on at least one side, that act in the same way as those of the Abbey
(R/56) Drought & Pestilence CarcassonneCentral & Novelty & Jabberwocky C1 Carcassonne Central May 2009 collaborative expansion; rat infected cities lead to any followers present being quarantined there until the end of the game, while drought areas in fields reduce the value of cities
(R/57) Marketplace Scott C1 Increases the value of a city for the surrounding farmers, unless the city is besieged
(R/58) Corn Circles 3 Hawkinsssable C1 Some new Corn Circle tiles
(R/59) Brick Masons CarcassonneCentral C1 The tiles show construction work on city walls; when a city is completed, which contains at least one of the tiles, there is immediate farm scoring in the fields touching that city
(R/60) Troubadours JPutt927 C1 Music plays across the landscape as troubadours have begun sharing their songs and intellect with the citizens of Carcassonne
(R/61) The King's Gate CKorfmann & JPutt927 C1 Allows 2 cities to be magically connected
(R/62) Ghettos Novelty C1 Adds a tile similar to the Abbey, but without the cloister; another player must place a follower into the ghetto for the rest of the game
(R/63) Labyrinth CARC_Zoner C1 Adds four Labyrinths which work in the same way as cloisters, but you need to complete them quickly or lose your follower
(R/64) Dirt Roads v0.1 Welli Designs C1 Adds dirt roads, which can negatively impact the value of regular roads
(R/65) Crater Trebuchet C1 When the asteroid strike happens, followers on features connected to the tile (city, road or field) are returned to the players' supply
(R/66) Lord of the Manor Scott C1 Adds castles to cities and farms (prior to the publishing of "Bridges, Castles & Bazaars")
(R/67) Incarcerated Novelty C1 Creates a Bastille tile, similar to the Abbey that can be placed against any tile edge; after capturing a follower with a meeple they can be placed into the Bastille, and only released when the Bastille is surrounded by 8 tiles
(R/68) Trebuchet Trebuchet C1 Designed to counter-balance the destructiveness of towers, destroy towers and protect followers; played with The Tower
(R/69) Villages CarcassonneCentral C1 Allows players to make strategic placements of Village tiles in order to boost the value of roads, contribute to cloisters, steal from farmers; includes tiles for use with "Forests", "Mountains" and River
(R/70) Reservoirs & Granaries Meepleater C1 Reservoirs provide a new way to score, and a granary can give points or negate a siege; "Cathars"/"Siege" recommended but not required, as 3 siege tiles are included
(R/71) Castle Lords Trebuchet C1 Score more road points by extending your castle road
(R/72) Upper Carcassonne Gwommy C1 Adds different levels to cities
(R/73) Foreign Traders Gwommy & Novelty & Lakoda C1 Carcassonne Central September 2009 collaborative expansion; any city with the Foreign Trader icon grants privileges to the player that closes the city, and to those that score for it
(R/74) The Abbot (aka Cloister-ville) BT C1 St Benedict's model for the monastic life was based on the family, with all the monks, as brothers, living a contemplative life of prayer within a monastery, where they serve under the rule of the abbot, as father; this provides new scoring opportunities for cloisters.
(R/75) Roman Road & Roman Temple Novelty & JPutt927 & Jabberwocky C1 Carcassonne Central July 2009 collaborative expansion; roman Temple acts as a super Shrine which boosts the worth of a city, or negates the effects of a Cathedral; any player may add a thief to the Roman Road when it is extended
(R/76) Lakelands Guido Kämmer C1 Adds lake segments to the Carcassonne landscape; lakes behave in a similar way to cities, with fish instead of pennants, and even the possibility of using builders
(R/77) Way Through The City Silvio Schumacher C1 A road divides a city, with city gates where it passes through the walls, and high walls on either side; on one tile the gates are closed, on the other they stand open; no English translation
(R/78) The Beggars Marcus Gwiasda C1 Beggar's may be placed in the huts found at road junctions; they make their living from road, city and monastery connections, but may be moved on, or replaced, as others realise how lucrative the business can be; no English translation
(R/79) The Landowners Marcus Gwiasda C1 This tiny expansion adds 2 tiles, each with a bridge, allowing meadows to expand to larger areas - one a road, and the other joining two city segments; no English translation
(R/80) The Conquerors V1 Dieter "Belushi" Rausch C1 Contains five separate tile features - dirt roads, where fields on either side become joined, a Möbius junction consisting of a separate horizontal and vertical road (although placing a follower on the tile itself means having a foot on both), the Oracle which allows a player to reject their first drawn tile, plus several siege tiles, watchtower and ruins
(R/81) The Conquerors V2 Dieter "Belushi" Rausch & Seli C1 Contains five separate tile features - dirt roads, where fields on either side become joined, a Möbius junction consisting of a separate horizontal and vertical road (although placing a follower on the tile itself means having a foot on both), the Oracle which allows a player to reject their first drawn tile, plus several siege tiles, watchtower and ruins; updated tile artwork by seli
(R/82) The Conquerors WD Dieter "Belushi" Rausch & Seli WD Contains five separate tile features - dirt roads, where fields on either side become joined, a Möbius junction consisting of a separate horizontal and vertical road (although placing a follower on the tile itself means having a foot on both), the Oracle which allows a player to reject their first drawn tile, plus several siege tiles, watchtower and ruins
(R/83) Dragon Riders and Slayers jeRm! C1 introduces a troll beneath a bridge that reduces the value of the road, tiles that cause the Dragon to depart (for a time), and the option for a follower to "ride" the dragon, gaining points for each follower eaten; requires "Princess and Dragon"
(R/84) Outposts Novelty C1 A new tile feature protects a follower from being captured by the dragon (designed to be played with the "Princess and Dragon" and "Forests")
(R/85) The Labyrinths (stalcupojoy) Stalcupojoy C1 Some alternative Labyrinth designs, based on the Spiel Doch tile layout
(R/86) Storehouses and Paths jeRm! C1 Introduces some dirt roads that can be placed against field tile edges and storehouses in cities that cancel out any end game scoring for the farmers in the fields around them
(R/87) The Bountiful Harvest Wolnic C1 As Summer fades through Autumn, the crops in the fields are ready for harvesting. Apples, pumpkins and grapes are sold in the nearby cities or are used by the monks in the monasteries where they are turned into wine or cider.
(R/88) Market Commons CarcassonneCentral & Novelty & Jabberwocky C1 Carcassonne Central June 2009 collaborative expansion; all players can choose to add followers to either the field or road under special conditions
(R/89) The Well & The Donkey jeRm! C1 When The Donkey tile is placed, each player in that city loses one of their followers from the city; if a Wheat Field tile is placed, any Wheat tokens in a connected city are given to the farmer, not the player that closed the city; similarly for the vineyard tile and any Barrel tokens
(R/90) The Well & The Donkey Remastered huhsak C1 When The Donkey tile is placed, each player in that city loses one of their followers from the city; if a Wheat Field tile is placed, any Wheat tokens in a connected city are given to the farmer, not the player that closed the city; similarly for the vineyard tile and any Barrel tokens
(R/91) Stone Walls Carcking & Solazy & Collaborativ C1 Players make strategic placement of Stone Wall tiles; the Stone Mason is introduced and points are scored for completed walls; contains tiles for use with other expansions
(R/92) The Guilds Scott C1 Four guilds are erecting guild halls; each guild allows you to influence the game in different ways (based on the Assassin's Creed series of games)
(R/93) Horses frankdux C1 Allows you to score some points off other player's barns
(R/94) Industries Luke Tubbs & Giles Smith C1 Connect the industries to cities to gain more points
(R/95) The Coast C1 Wolnic C1 Adds tiles containing land and water that can be used to create a large lake, or length of coastline; includes several river mouths for use with river tiles
(R/96) The Coast C2 Wolnic C2 Adds tiles containing land and water that can be used to create a large lake, or length of coastline; includes several river mouths for use with river tiles
(R/97) Sailing The Seas : Reefs Wolnic C1/C2 Expansion for "Sailing The Seas" adding reefs along one or more sides of the tiles which force ships to sail around them
(R/98) Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 Wolnic C1 Cliffs, rocky outcrops, rivers and waterfalls are added to the landscape
(R/99) Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 Wolnic C2 Cliffs, rocky outcrops, rivers and waterfalls are added to the landscape
(R/100) Stone Circles and Ley Lines Wolnic C1/C2 The landscape is dotted with stone circles and earthworks – some may just be mounds of stones! Nobody knows where they came from, how old they are, or what they were for. Some claim that several appear to be in alignment …
(R/101) New Forest : Autumn Colours Wolnic C2 A selection of the tiles from "New Forest", given an Autumnal colour scheme; Includes "An Apple A Day"
(R/102) Cities By the Sea Wolnic C2 For use with "The Coast" (and other expansions), this includes tiles with cities that continue from one tile to the next, along the seashore; place some as starting tiles
(R/103) The Coast : Ports Oldbonz & Meepledrone C2 The port tiles can be placed in the same way as abbeys, but for the coastline
(R/104) The Long Tunnel Oliver Perialis C1 An early expansion; roads disappear underground (long before "The Tunnel expansion), there is one pair of tiles for the "long" tunnel, while others have two exits on the same tile and continue the road, the field crossing above; images from 4-tile sampler available, but not the full version; no longer available
(R/105) Kingdoms Astargoth C1 Rival lords seek to claim the land for themselves, building palaces and capital cities from which to centralise their rule
(R/106) The Thieves' Road Wolnic C1/C2 Adds points to a road where it passes through patches of woodland, or rocky defiles - an ideal place for ruffians to hide.
(R/107) Celestial Events Cristinfunchi & Meepledrone C1/C2 Adds celestial events - eclipses, shooting stars and comets - which the devoted people of Carcassonne, lead by superstition, would read as omens, premonitions, divine messages, or even punishments from the heavens
(R/108) The White Horse FarawayPictures C1 3x2 block of tiles with a ground-based artwork of a leaping white horse; players score 2 points when tile is placed; see "The White Horse V2" (from CarcCZ) for modified rules with some clarifications
(R/109) The Invasion jeRm! C1 When a "smoke" city is completed, players may leave their followers in the city; they can be used to "invade" any city, when it is completed, that is reachable over the road network; any incomplete "smoke" city scores negative points at game end, and 2-tile "smoke" cities are ignored by farmers; tiles re-used from "The Plague" by Friederich Scholta (from Carcassonne.nl)
(R/110) Dairies (aka Wheel of Cheese) mPony C1/C2 Adds The Dairy, which can be occupied and scored during the game or left until later; used with the "Wheel of Fortune" wheel tiles, they add to the value of fields; early versions used a "cow head" symbol
(R/111) The Pirate Coast Hawkinsssable C1 A selection of tiles to create a coastal landscape, plus additional river tiles; plus Pirates!
(R/112) The Cliffs Hawkinsssable C1 Each tile in the expansion features cliffs, and each tower foundation also features a flying machine - to help you do interesting things with your followers when you draw a tower tile
(R/113) The Caverns of Carcassonne Just a Bill C1 Caves may at first be isolated, or connected in awkward ways. As the landscape fills, shortcuts are discovered and clever adventurers exploit the developing underground system to find their way to greater riches.
(R/114) Metropolis Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion (from 2003); large city block is set aside until trigger tile is drawn, when it is added to the landscape; no longer available; originally sold online
(R/115) The Winter Abbey Whaleyland WE Creation of an Abbey-style tile for use with the Winter Edition, using a modified Monastery, rather than the normal Abbey image
(R/116) The Faerie Circles Whaleyland C1 Rumours in the wind hint at secret faerie circles in the forests where heretics practice their dark arts
(R/117) Witch Craft Zotto C1 The features in this set of witch-themed tiles include a bewitched city and cursed meadows, but also a means to lift the curses; draft rules and tiles (some of which have elements that don't fit with the normal artistic style); no English translation
(R/118) The Farmers Markets of Carcassonne Fritz_Spinne C1/C2 Farmers' Markets are held at major road junctions; a follower placed to manage it scores when all the roads are completed; adds to farm scoring at game end; C2 tiles designed, plus river bank market, awaiting final version of C1 tiles; no English translation
(R/119) Pope & Devil Fritz_Spinne C1 If either of the tiles is placed next to a monastery, they modify the scoring when the monastery is completed; no English translation
(R/120) Prayer Labyrinth Josh Gadreau & Caleb Wong & Seli & Quevy C1/WD Link to some low resolution labyrinth/maze tiles (originally on BGG), and discussion/examples of updated versions in improved quality and for WD
(R/121) The Hills of Carcassonne PresetM C1 3x tile design proposals and follow-up discussion about possibly re-making "The Mountains", but using hills to give a better transition from the normal fields; no English translation
(R/122) 6 Cloisters aren't enough! Safari C1 The mini-expansions "Monasteries in Germany" and "Monasteries in Holland" are designed to replace the monasteries in the basic game; in this expansion the Dutch monasteries have been added to monastery tiles taken from some of the expansions so that all 12 special monasteries can be played together; no English translation
(R/123) Wheel of Fortune 3x3, 2x2 Telecaster C1 Different sized tile blocks containing version of the "Wheel of Fortune"
(R/124) European Nobility Stahlfaust C1 Discussion about including several different sets of shields in city segments, with each set having some special rules; draft rules in German; unable to extract rules from PDF
(R/125) The Breweries of Carcassonne Ratz65 C1/C2 Breweries, when completed, score for buildings on surrounding tiles (towns, monastic buildings, castles, etc.); not available at present - CarcF Advent calendar
(R/126) Chapels and Monastery Gardens Fährmann C1 With the official introduction of gardens with C2, this expansion now only contains 3x Chapel tiles; these add to the value of a monastery when they are placed in the surrounding ring of 8 tiles, and permit the placement of a builder; no English translation
(R/127) Wells in a Roundabout Fährmann C1 When a "well in a roundabout" is part of the road being scored, the player closing it may draw a Bonus Tile (as in H&G when closing a forest with a menhir); Bonus tiles are available separately
(R/128) Wells in a Roundabout - Bonus Tiles Fährmann C1 These are the Bonus tiles used with "Wells In A Roundabout"; these typically contain different configurations, multiple city shields, etc.
(R/129) Watchtower with Flags - Bonus Tiles Fährmann C1 Where a tower with flag is shown on the city walls, it may be occupied by a follower, scoring the number of continuous wall sections around the city, plus points for each road connection; published before "The Watchtowers"; no English translation
(R/130) Country Paths Fährmann C1 These are less well defined tracks through the landscape; they can continue normal roads keeping fields separate, but they may also be placed against a field tile edge; no English translation
(R/131) Roads through Cities Fährmann C1 City tiles with roads which continue through the city, from one city gate to another, but which do not split the city or the road
(R/132) The River & The Count of Carcassonne Seli C1 Replacement tiles for The City of Carcassonne, with river sources leading away from the city walls
(R/133) The Abbot & The Flower Gardens PresetM C1 With the introduction of "The Abbot" and gardens in C2, gardens have been added to tiles in the C1 style
(R/134) The Abbot & The Herb Gardens PresetM C1 With the introduction of "The Abbot" and gardens in C2, gardens have been added to tiles in the C1 style
(R/135) The Abbot & The Fruit Gardens PresetM C1 With the introduction of "The Abbot" and gardens in C2, gardens have been added to tiles in the C1 style
(R/136) The Gardener's Wife PresetM C1 Additional figure and tiles, played in the same way as "The Abbot", but limited to Gardens
(R/137) The Imperial City redhairmax C1/C2 The tile contains The Imperial City set within a city (scores 4pts), with each of the "edge" cities scoring more as each is completed; discussion about whether this could be excessive; unable to extract text from PDF; no English translation
(R/139) The Flags LRV C1 When a city with a banner is completed, all players with at least one follower score points; a banner in a field adds 2 points at the end of the game; includes 1x tile with "Joker" crop circle; no English translation
(R/140) Curse of Lake, Forest and Mountains Unknown C1 No information available
(R/141) Random Creativity LRV C1 A collection of mainly river tiles, plus a 4-way roundabout with well, walled cloisters, and a new "Joker" crop circle; no English translation
(R/142) GQ 11/06 Ratz65 C2 Conversion of the published "Games Quarterly 11/06" tiles in C2 artwork
(R/143) New Forest : Green Dragon (subset) Wolnic C2 Subset of the tiles ("Princess and Dragon" and logging camp) from "Green Dragon"
(R/144) Go with the Wind Leven C1 This variant of "The Wind Roses" expansion restricts the area where followers may be deployed; the area is determined by the latest quarter wind rose and the position of the orange or blue wind rose
(R/145) Signposts and the Château Just a Bill C1 Introduces a number of road tiles with direction markers which act like Inns; followers may occupy the Château (complete when all roads are closed) and it contributes towards any city on the road network without pennants
(R/146) The Übertiles Just a Bill C1 Adds multiple features from different expansions to each tile; each player gets one at the start, may "buy" one at the cost of one follower/special figure, or if they land on the 0 space on the scoreboard
(R/147) Country Paths (Advent calendar 2016) Fährmann C1 These are less well defined tracks through the landscape; they can continue normal roads keeping fields separate, but they may also end against a field tile edge; see "Country Paths"
(R/148) The Groves Leven C1 Road junctions at the edge of the tiles
(R/149) Wells in a roundabout (Advent calendar 2016) Fährmann C1 A subset of the tiles containing wells set into a roundabout - see "Wells In A Roundabout" - which grant a Bonus tile for the player closing the road; Bonus cards are available separately
(R/150) The Scout tdrilling C1 When the Scout Camp tile is placed, a follower may be added to it; The Scout may be moved (by the player) over the next 5 turns gaining points for cities passed; but may also elso become a knight, thief or farmer
(R/151) The Groves V1.2 Leven C1 Updated version of "The Groves" with more clearly defined road junctions at the edge of the tiles
(R/152) Lake, Fisherman & Lighthouse Carsten Engels C1 An early expansion; a slightly different artwork style creating a large lake or coastline, with lighthouse and fishing huts; no longer available
(R/153) Landowner Carsten Engels C1 An early expansion; no information available
(R/154) Lighthouse & Water Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion; more lake tiles for use with "Fisherman and Coast", and includes lighthouses; land tiles include a 4-way roundabout; no longer available
(R/155) Cliffs and Waterfalls Sheet3 Wolnic C1/C2 Cliffs, rocky outcrops, rivers and waterfalls are added to the landscape
(R/156) New Cities Oliver Perialis C1 An early expansion; adds new (for the time) city configurations; no longer available
(R/157) New Fields Unknown C1 Tiles contain mostly fields, some of which have several field segments separated by fences, a couple have road ends, and one road tunnel
(R/158) Rockfall Unknown C1 Field and road tiles with lines of rocks dividing the fields into smaller sections, and some blocking the roads
(R/159) Unexpected Events Unknown C1 City tiles, each with a marker, presumably indicating some event occurs when placed; no rules
(R/160) Forest & Marsh Freetower C1 An early expansion; this expands on "Forest and Water" with more forest tiles, plus (?) marsh; no tile images or descriptions found; no longer available
(R/161) The Wonders of the World Zotto C1 Tiles include the 7 Wonders of the World, and 5 road tiles with pennants
(R/162) Solazy Tiles Solazy C1 An early expansion comprising a mixture of different tile designs - some with walls across the diagonals, a field passing under a bridge, a one-tile city, villages, a 3-way road junction, Thieves Woods/Smugglers Tunnel which are offset by Outposts/Barracks, and a few others
(R/163) Vanguard Maulei C1 Vanguard cards give different advantages and disadvantages to players; each player takes one card and it grants one of their follower types special actions during the game - for example, score a closed farm, double turn for any thief or knight, bonus scoring - or select from 3 cards
(R/164) Pirates & Plunder Robotman C1 Standalone game based on Carcassonne; players create islands, trade routes, sea zones, and ports, on which the players may place their ships in order to earn points and collect resources
(R/165) The Arsonist Rene Gagnon C1 Each player's Arsonist may be played as a regular double-sized follower, or placed in a field in it's special role; it can be used to burn barns and scare off other farmers; see "The Robber Gang" for something similar, but much simpler
(R/166) Lords of Wilderness Dragonlord C1 When you place a tile with an icon, put the animal on and it will act as a builder, for forest, river, mountain and field
(R/167) Château de Montségur Dragonlord C1 Ideas to replicate the siege of the of the Château de Montségur; requires "The Tower" tiles
(R/168) The Black Knight Playsthething C1 If the tile is placed next to any unfinished city that is currently occupied by one or more knights, the player who laid the tile moves one knight out of the city and onto the black knight tile for a turn; some discussion how this might work with differing number of players
(R/169) The Winter River Extra Tiles Wolnic WD 8x river sources and 4x river ends for use with the Winter Download version of river tiles, some of which appeared in the Carcassonne Advent Calendar 2019
(R/170) The Winter River Fenrir & Wolnic WE River tiles for use with WE; fenrir's original low res version available on the first link (hi-res image no longer available); Wolnic's (slightly) better version on the second link; before official WE River release in 2020
(R/171) Winter Edge Coast Wolnic C1/WD A small selection of coastal tiles that can be used when combining C1 and WD tiles
(R/172) Winter Islands Wolnic WD Subset of the island tiles in "Sailing The Seas : Extra" with features from some expansions - dragon, tower, cloisters
(R/173) The Circus Sandy Knoll C1 When placed, the player must move a follower already in play to the Circus; they will remain there until the player next scores a feature; tile designed for 3d (red/green) glasses
(R/174) Fork in the road Sandy Knoll C1 Tile contains a road junction, all three legs of which must be closed before completion; tile designed for 3d (red/green) glasses
(R/175) Single City Tile Sandy Knoll C1 Tiles contain an enclosed city on a single tile; tile designed for 3d (red/green) glasses
(R/176) Modern Marvels loganmann1 C1 Three Modern Marvels - road construction, drilling for oil, and a burger joint … images don't sit well in in the landscape, or the mediaeval theme
(R/177) Sasquatch, Time-Machine & UFO Shelby Cinca C1 Each of the three tiles has a different effect; one reduces the value of a field, the second permits an adjacent tile to be removed, and the last removes a farmer from the field; download link not working
(R/178) Monasteries In Spain Mas9dj & Wolnic C1 Spain is rich in monasteries; here are 12 of the most important ones, together with a new way of playing
(R/179) Strasbourg Oliver Perialis & Michael Dörr C1 An early expansion with new city and road layouts; no longer available
(R/180) Universal Connecting Bars Seli C1 Strips of tiles (with river along one edge) that can be used to combine different games : includes strips for Amazonas, Ark of the Covenant, Carcassonne I, Gold Rush, H&G v1, Mayflower, Over Hill and Dale, South Seas
(R/181) Snow Line V1 Zotto C1/WD Blocks of tiles used to connect C1 and WD
(R/182) Snow Line V2 Zotto C1/WD Blocks of tiles used to connect C1 and WD
(R/183) Connecting Cards (C1-WD) Zotto & KlausiMausi C1/WD It often feels that Summer and Winter come close on the heels of each other; these tiles act to connect tiles from C1 and WD versions; WD version of expansion by KlausiMausi
(R/184) Connecting Cards (C1-WE) KlausiMausi C1/WE It often feels that Summer and Winter come close on the heels of each other; these tiles act to connect tiles from C1 and WE versions
(R/185) The Archabbeys of Carcassonne marcel54321 C1 An occupied Archabbey scores extra for monasteries on the surrounding 8 tiles; originally planned to include 4 tiles; no English translation
(R/186) The 3 Holy Kings Seli WD If a follower is placed as one of the Three Kings, it must be connected to the Bethlehem Stable double tile to score points; roads may continue through cities, monasteries, junctions, etc.; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#5); no English translation
(R/187) Czech religious buildings Unknown C1 Follower on a Czech building can be removed at any time, scoring based on the surrounding tiles (1 for central tile, 2 for each of the 4x adjacent tiles, and 3 for each of the 4x diagonal tiles); no English translation
(R/188) Player player Unknown C1 Includes tiles with 2 monasteries (score 18pts), some single tile cities (which can be played/score like monasteries, or are scored immediately), a couple of single tile road loops, and a few others; no English translation
(R/189) Warehouses & pathways Unknown C1 Introduces some dirt roads that can be placed against field tile edges and storehouses in cities that cancel out any end game scoring for the farmers in the fields around them; expanded version of "Storehouse and Paths" with consistent artwork
(R/190) Mr. Pernicek (Gingerbread man) Chmura C1 Conversion of "The Gingerbread Man" tiles to C1; see "The Summer Gingerbread Man"; no English translation
(R/191) Mrs Gingerbread Hut pet"ful C1 Other tile configurations for use with "Mr Pernicek" or "The Summer Gingerbread Man" (C1 versions); includes two tiles with the special Hut which, when placed, stops the normal re-deployment of The Gingerbread Man to a new city and scores his current city for the active player; no English translation
(R/192) The Wolves Unknown C1 Tiles contain groups of sheep, wolves and a sheepdog; wolves modify the number of sheep adding to the value of the field at the end of the game, while the sheepdog cancels out any wolves in that field; no English translation
(R/193) The Overpasses Chmura C1 Cards allowing fields to be connected across other features (road and city); no English translation
(R/194) The Thugs Unknown C1 The tile contains a 3-way continuous junction; no follower may be added to this road, and any followers must be removed if it is added to an existing road; no English translation
(R/195) The Bridges Chmura C1 Tiles contain lengths of bridges, bridge ends and junctions; followers may be placed on the bridges as toll collectors / guards, gaining points when the city to which it is attached closes, plus points for the bridge itself; no English translation
(R/196) The Sorcerer Unknown C1 Three stone features - circle, gate and pillar - which add to the value of roads, but cancel out a connected monastery; also includes "The White Horse V2"; no English translation
(R/197) Stonehenge Unknown (Eldenroot) C1 Stone Circle (in large roundabout) cannot be placed next to another monastic site, and vice versa; follower placed on it must wait until it, and all roads, are completed; follower can be placed on road as normal; no English translation
(R/198) The White Horse v2 Unknown C1 Conversion of "The White Horse" by FarawayPictures; when first tile is drawn it must be positioned so the others can be placed around it; player can place a follower on the first tile which remains there until horse is completed; can also be used as a Start tile/block; guide ensures adjacent cards are corrrectly placed; no English translation
(R/199) The Abbot Chmura C1 C1 conversion of "The Abbot"; no English translation
(R/200) Castles, Palaces and more šmoula C1 Some single tile features that act as monastery but you can place as many followers as you like on them to score more when complete, tiles with a city wall on a tile edge which ends a city without scoring and tiles with a road along the tile edges, and "Heroes of Might and Magic", fortresses with roads where the road is owned by the follower in the castle
(R/201) City Token Chmura C1 City caps can be used to end a city against non-city tiles (but don't count towards the score of the city); no English translation
(R/202) Huguenot Monastery Lemmy77 C1 When cities in the field, where the Huguenot Monastery is located, are completed (or scored at game end) their score is doubled; it also forces any followers in that field to be removed from the game; no English translation
(R/203) Huguenot Cathedral Lemmy77 C1 When the Huguenot Cathedral is placed any knights in that city are removed from the game, but any builders or mayors may be recovered when the city is completed; the city is worth more points than normal at game end scoring for any farmer in an adjacent field; no English translation
(R/204) Manufactory Lemmy77 C1 When one of the tiles is placed, the player may place a follower on it with trade tokens they have already gained; the number of tokens affects the scoring when the manufactory is completed; requires "Builders and Traders"; no English translation
(R/205) Royal Road Lemmy77 C1 Once placed, whenever a road tile is drawn it must be used to extend The Royal Road; it may not be used to end the road, unless that is the only placement option; followers may be added to the road each time it is extended; no English translation
(R/206) Master of the Ocean Oldbonz C2 This is a reworking of a number of previously released ocean and coastline expansions; the addition of new tiles/rules brings this closer to the basic Carcassonne game; new features include Lighthouses, several different island structures and Merchant Lords
(R/207) Archipel Oldbonz C2 Islands that can be connected together when using "Master of the Ocean" into an archipelago, with many new island features; can also be used with "Sailing The Seas"
(R/208) The Golden Abbey MarkosBoss C2 Modified Abbey tile from "Abbey and Mayor", this one had golden yellow roofs, instead of orange; rules ???; no longer available on CarcC, and no discussion found
(R/209) Castle, Forge & Marketplace Lomion.de C1 The Castle acts as a pennant in a city, and adds 1 to the strength of a follower placed on it; the Forges act like Inns, but for all roads leading from the city; a follower on a City Market scores for the trade symbols in the city; and Road Markets double the value of the road (as Inns); requires bazaar tiles from "Bridges, Castles and Bazaars"; no English translation
(R/210) The Cathars (Lomion.de) Lomion.de C1 Rules and tiles appear to be the same as the published version of "The Cathars"
(R/211) That there is food in my house Meepleater C1 Duplicate of "Tithe Barns"
(R/212) Fake Tiles Novelty C1 A collection of disparate sets of tiles created for members on CarcC; mostly river and forest, but includes some roads with roundabouts; some of the tile designs may have appeared in later expansions
(R/213) Census Leven C1 When one of the census tiles is drawn, everyone counts their followers in play and moves a separate mini Meeple on the scoreboard; the player with most census points at the end of the game gets a reward
(R/214) The Schoolhouses Stalcupojoy C1 New Schoolhouse tiles that extend the fun of the "The School" expansion beyond the start of the game
(R/215) Donjon Swiecki C1 Originally created as a set of 7 tiles, with incomplete rules, this is no longer available to view/download; one tile (low-res) is available to view; the Donjon was a palace based in a city, and it scored for shields in the city, and completed features on the eight surrounding tiles
(R/216) The Dwarf Sinscerly C1 The player that places the most recent tile with the "Dark Forest" on it (one of the Dwarf tiles), controls The Dwarf; when a feature containing the Dwarf is completed, the Dwarf may also score the points, steal the points, or move a follower to another location (based on the roll of a die)
(R/217) Occitanes Bastides Oldbonz C2 Adds fortified residences occupied by little Lords who try to exert their control over the local roads and derive what income they can from them.
(R/218) 3 Barons Archipelago Oldbonz C2 Use with "Master of the Ocean" and "Archipel"; these 3-island clusters are used to modify connecting trade routes, using a mechanism based on "The Ferries"
(R/219) Portal comptechgeek C1 Two tiles, each featuring the end of a portal, linking city and road features; see "The Kings Gate"
(R/220) Vistas Revisited Snearone C2 Adds "Viewpoints" where Sightseers can score points for stopping to appreciate the beauty of the landscape before them
(R/221) New Forest : Evergreen Wolnic C2 Selected tiles from C1 forest expansions - "Evergreen Forests", "Woodlands" and "Whispering Woods"; tiles feature three new symbols, each of which has different functions when played
(R/222) New Forest : Forest Fire Brickmaster92 & Wolnic C2 Adds a fire that wrecks havoc on the forest in which it is placed; updated from C1
(R/223) New Forest : Log Cabins Wolnic C2 Tiles with a log cabin that is complete when the four diagonal tiles have been placed; update of C1 version
(R/224) (City With) A River Running Through (It) (1) Wolnic C1 Create your own riverside city, or cities, at the start of the game
(R/225) (City With) A River Running Through (It) (2) Wolnic C1 Create your own riverside city, or cities, at the start of the game
(R/226) (City With) A River Running Through (It) (WD) Wolnic WD Create your own riverside city, or cities, at the start of the game
(R/227) Abbey and Freemasons Dieter "Belushi" Rausch & Malte C Hausmann C1 An early expansion; Special Abbey requires two rings of tiles to be placed; a Mill can be placed with a follower into an occupied field, and counts towards majority; and several other tiles with their own rules
(R/228) Astronomers - UK Rugby Meetup 2015 Decar C1 A new light can be seen above Carcassonne and astronomers have been sent to record it; stars are combined into constellations to score
(R/229) Basilicas KlausiMausi C1 The clergy is constantly striving to increase influence; churches may be elevated to the status of basilicas; they are complete when surrounded by two rings of tiles, and reduce the value of neighbouring monasteries
(R/230) Catacombs Whaleyland C1 Adds an underground layer
(R/231) Chappa'ai Darathor C1 Based on "The King's Gate" fan expansion, this uses pairs of coloured stargates to connect cities, roads or fields; features may be occupied when tiles placed, but are deemed connected thereafter; scored when both sections are closed; uses customised artwork
(R/232) Churches of The Order of The Temple Oldbonz C2 Special Churches boost the scores of adjacent features
(R/233) Cosmic Portal : Mirror Zone Ker42 C1/C2 A strange vortex suddenly appears over Carcassonne, shifting the entire landscape into an alternate dimension where nothing is what it seems
(R/234) Dirt Roads v1.1 Welli Designs C1 Adds dirt roads, which can negatively impact the value of regular roads
(R/235) Dubious Creativity PresetM C1 When "Cult, Siege & Creativity" was released in 2008, the idea of making "expansions" for the two blank tiles was raised; several pairs of landscape tiles were created, some of which are rather bizarre and therefore should not be taken too seriously
(R/236) Farmer in The Dell Carcking C1 Farm scoring is brought forward into the course of the game and slightly tempers the usual end of game rush for farmer scoring; farms can be scored mid-game if they are closed; includes more tiles with "Bluffs" and "Little House at the Corner"
(R/237) Fiefs Stalcupojoy & Kartenbastler C1 Feudal Castles score points for all cities in their surrounding Fiefs
(R/238) Fire and Rabble Thorsten Jacob C1 An early expansion; this expansion introduced some rebellious elements in the landscape - angry mobs, burning meadows, cities and monasteries, but also the presence of those who would fight to preserve law and order; no longer available
(R/239) Fisherman and Coast Freetower C1 An early expansion; includes some of the earliest lake tiles, the placement of a follower as a seaman, and fishermen's huts; no longer available
(R/240) Forest and Water Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion; this expands on "Fisherman and Coast" with more lake tiles, some with forest edges; no longer available
(R/241) Forest Counts KlausiMausi C1 Where roads pass through small areas of forest, local lords have built a stronghold; they are but thieves in another guise and earn their living from the roads, the cities at either end, and permitting local monks to gather herbs in the woods (for a price)
(R/242) French Castles Oldbonz C2 Several new double-tile castles inspired by castles in France (but not based on any in particular); includes at least one next to a river; rules will probably be as for "German Castles"
(R/243) German Cathedrals … in the city Wolnic C1/C2/WD The cathedrals from "Cathedrals in Germany" seem out of place, set in the country; here, they have been placed within a city setting; use them to replace the two Cathedral tiles from "Inns and Cathedrals"
(R/244) Great Fairs Oldbonz C2 You have the option of placing a regular meeple and a special follower (builder, pig, or barn) on the Great Fair tile in the same turn
(R/245) King and Landed Gentry Thorsten Jacob C1 An early expansion; new landscape features which, typically boost the value of the surrounding areas; no longer available and no tile images
(R/246) La Sagrada Familia DrMeeple C1 Representation of La Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona
(R/247) Little House at the end of the Lane Carcking C1 A Little House with a road is located at the corner of a tile, and is situated in such a way that if a city (corner) is placed adjacent to it the fields on each side of the road are separated; but if three field segments surround the house then the fields are joined
(R/248) Long Ways Hannes Garsk C1 An early expansion; this included a couple of one-tile cities, "roundabout" tiles, and a monastery in a city; no longer available
(R/249) Magic Places Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion; adds some vanilla tiles, plus some with special powers, such as exchanging followers, or modifying the landscape ; also translated as "Magical Harbours"; no longer availble
(R/250) Magic Worlds Thorsten Jacob C1 An early expansion; various magical effects that affect surrounding features, when placed; no longer available and no tile images
(R/251) Manressonne CAE Manresa C1 1x grid arranged in 7 rows and 2 columns, bordered by the city of Manresa and by the mountain of Montserrat; between them there are 8 spaces in which it is possible to play landscape tiles, and any followers placed there gain an additional point when scoring a feature
(R/252) Market and Country Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion; adds features such as market, inn, shrine, robber baron and mill; no longer available and no tile images or complete rules found
(R/253) Marketplace Scott C2 Adds two marketplace tiles which increase the value of a city for farm scoring
(R/254) Mills and Fortified Towers v1 Zedo66 C1 Superceded by "Mills and Fortified Towers v2", the original contained 4x mills and 2x towers; millers earn their living from the neighbouring farmers and fields, while farmers also benefit; any thieves on roads connected to the towers are removed; no English translation
(R/255) Mills and Fortified Towers v2 Zedo66 C1 Millers earn their living from the neighbouring farmers and fields, while farmers also benefit; any thieves on roads connected to the towers are removed; updated in 2013 from "Mills and Fortified Towers v1" this contains an additional 4x mills and 4x towers; no English translation
(R/256) Mountains Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion including mountain areas along tile edges; follower can be placed as a Miner; no longer available
(R/257) Nature Zotto C1 An early expansion; this includes a number of natural events and disasters - snow and ice, sun and rain, tornadoes, etc. some of which result in the removal of already placed tiles; no longer available
(R/258) New Streets Oliver Perialis C1 An early expansion; adds new (for the time) road sections including a 4-way and a 3-way roundabout; no longer available
(R/259) New Ways Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion; adds new (for the time) road tile designs; no longer available
(R/260) Origins Amorpheus C1 Stone Age artifacts are discovered during excavations for various projects; if you draw an excavation tiles that matches an artifact tile in your possession, you hide it "beneath" the drawn tile with a follower as "Excavator" (Archaeologist); each Artifact grants different bonuses in the game once discovered
(R/261) Overland Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion; introduces a monastery with two roads, some bonuses for roads, and some forests that surround a city, stopping the farmer from claiming points from it at the end of the game; no longer available
(R/262) Palace, Farm and Inn Freetower C1 An early expansion; mostlly tiles with a focus on fields and roads; includes, palace, inn and farms which boost fields and roads; no longer available
(R/263) Patron Saints - UK Games Expo 2015 CarcassonneCentral C1 Carcassonne Central produced this for UK Games Expo 29th-31st May 2015 in Birmingham; each of the United Kingdom's home nations are represented by a tile which can be played as normal or with the supplementary rules
(R/264) Public Buildings Zotto C1 The population grows, the cities become larger and public buildings give them glory and splendor; for each city with a public building, the player with the majority of knights receives extra points; except plague hospitals, for which points are deducted; no english translation
(R/265) Robber's Son Snearone C1/C2 A method for removing followers from roads
(R/266) Rugby - UK Rugby Meetup 2015 Decar C1 Carcassonne Central members met in Rugby to host the first United Kingdom meetup Event on October 31st 2015; players may place followers onto adjacent tiles rather than the one placed
(R/267) Sea and Fishermen (aka The Lake) Thorsten Jacob C1 An early expansion; a slightly different set of lake/coast tiles from others of the same period; no longer available
(R/268) The Alleys Murphy013 & Cate C2 Carcassonne prospers and the rich want to upgrade the streets and plant trees alongside them; the longer, the better for the highwaymen, and prettier to look at on the way to the next town
(R/269) The Black Tower Maik63de C1 A dark power emanates from "The Black Tower" and drains the resources of those in connected features; no English translation
(R/270) The Boom Zotto C1 Adds landscape features which add to the values of cities, or which gain points from neighbouring cities at the end of the game; also includes some road tiles with trains which add to the value of the road; artwork style is not consistent with C1
(R/271) The City Gates C2 Snearone C2 City tiles with gates on the edge of the tiles, allowing them to be placed against fields, roads or other City Gates; conversion of the C1 expansion "The City Gates"
(R/272) The Gravediggers KlausiMausi C1 If a player has a follower available when placing one of the tiles, it is placed as "The Gravedigger" and is active for one round; as each player takes their turn they pay "The Gravedigger" for features on the tile they place; and then "The Gravedigger" pays each of the other players for the number of areas on his placed card
(R/273) The Holy Grail Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion there are no images available; as players complete features on the board, their followers are held in a fortress (scoring an increasing number of points) but must wait until they are replaced by the next to complete a feature; apart from the last who remains until the end of the game!; no longer available and no images
(R/274) The Inquisition Radoslaw Obuchowicz C1 When drawn, the tiles must be played on an occupied road or city; any points scored in the feature will be taken by the Inquisitor, regardless of other followers, who remain in place until the feature is completed
(R/275) The Lake with River Mouth Guido Kämmer C1 An early expansion; adds tiles with lake edges and includes a set of river tiles, and a river mouth; this has subsequently been made available as "Lakeland", without the river tiles
(R/276) The Mysterious Light CAE Manresa C1/C2 The two tiles must be placed in the same line of tiles, and any incomplete features that lie on that line, between them, at the end get bonus points added
(R/277) The Occult Tower Snearone C1 The mysterious tower restricts placement of followers in its vicinity (road, city) and anywhere in the same field, cancels out an adjacent builder, and blocks the flight of the Dragon
(R/278) The Paved Streets of Carcassonne Fritz_Spinne & Zotto C1 With the rise in importance of Carcassonne, a lively trade developed and the old Roman roads were gradually restored; the paved sections increased trade, and gave better pickings for the thieves; no English translation
(R/279) The Plague Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion; this had city segments greyed out, which affect the city score if unfinished, but also permits a means of entering another player's city directly; also includes a "Medic" tile which can negate the effects of the Plague; no longer available; for tiles, see "The Invasion"
(R/280) The Roads of Europe Carcassonne.cat C1 To reflect the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, when this tile extends a road, any followers on it are moved to an unoccupied and incomplete city (isolation), and the active player gets another turn
(R/281) The Robber Gang Ricy C1 Robber Bands are attacking farmhouses, driving out the farmers; any farmers in fields, containing a burning farmhouse, are removed without scoring
(R/282) The Trade Road Oliver Perialis C1 (Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images)
(R/283) The Vassals KlausiMausi C1 When placing one of the tiles, the player may add it to any field, even if occupied; the player may place a follower on it from their supply, or move one that is already on that field, as they wish; no English translation
(R/284) The Wells of Carcassonne Ricy C1 §
(R/285) The Wide Lands Hannes Garsk C1 An early expansion; several versions with differing no of tiles (6, 12, 15); includes inns, ruins, and a burning city; no longer available
(R/286) Vistas v1.2 Stalcupojoy C1 Adds "Viewpoints" where Sightseers can score points for stopping to appreciate the beauty of the landscape before them
(R/287) Volcano and Miner Marcus Müller C1 An early expansion; most of the tiles contain isolated areas of mountain, including a few with dormant/extinct volcanoes - although one may erupt at any time; followers can be placed in the mountains as miners, scoring connected field tiles at the end; no longer available
(R/288) Wandering Preachers Snearone C1/C2 Followers on the tiles around the Wandering Preachers gain extra points when the Wandering Preacher is completely surrounded; includes suggestion of using the tiles with hills (from "Hills and Sheep") as preaching mounds and a neutral coloured figure as a reminder; see "Ideas for Bazaar variant" by AlbinoAsian
(R/289) Wild River SxN C1 River tiles are mixed with the regular tiles, including several with "whitewater rapids"; these affect certain river activities and can cause previously laid tiles to be removed if the river can't be extended; any roads which bypass the wild river segment gain extra points - the road tiles must be adjacent to the river above and below the white water tiles
(R/290) Eminent Domain frankdux C1 Allows you to remove tiles already in play and re-shuffle them for later use
(R/291) The Teams Courtyard CAE Manresa C2 The city, in which this tile is placed, scores for each player involved, regardless of the number of their followers
(R/292) Scoreboard in the Middle of the Table PapaGeek C2 Several layout options available; see also "Custom Scoreboard"
(R/293) Tolls Quevy C1 Place tile to cancel normal scoring of a road
(R/294) Power of Attorney frankdux C1/C2/WD/WE Allocate tiles to other players for their turn; use German Cathedrals or German Monasteries as proxy tiles?
(R/295) Homestake Dam, Big Backyard, Bag End Stalcupojoy C1/C2 3x very personal tile designs
(R/296) The Royal Gates (King's Gate & Queen's Gate) Stalcupojoy C1 Re-working of "King's Gate", plus 2x Queen's Gate tiles, which can be used to magically link together two separate cities
(R/297) The Flight into Egypt Seli WD Place a follower on the road as the Holy Family, and score points by moving along the road; part of Seli's Christmas expansion set (W#6); no English translation
(R/298) Jewels Carca_Maker C1/C2/WD/WE Collect jewel/anti-jewel tokens
(R/299) Ocean Monasteries and Whirlpools Oldbonz C2 Island-based Monasteries for use with "Master of the Ocean"
(R/300) Expropriations Carca_Maker C1 Tile swapping / redevelopment idea
(R/301) Forts (fortin) Oldbonz C2 Forts cover half a tile and can have any edge type adjacent
(R/302) Cities by the River Leven C1 New river tiles where the cities touch the river; a second set of tiles features ports, with possible rules discussed only in the forum thread
(R/303) The Sorcerers Ailurus C1 Deploy a follower as Sorcerer; when the tile has tiles at all 4 corners, the player receives two magic tokens, these can either be additive (white flame) or subtractive (black flame); the additive one is used to place an additional tile, the subtractive one to remove a tile; when both tokens are used the sorcerer returns to the supply; tile images no longer available
(R/304) Fish Huts V2 CII Wolnic C2 It contains river segments and fish-smoking huts; followers can be deployed to the huts and score points when the hut is completed; C2 version of "Fish Huts"
(R/305) The Labyrinths MarkosBoss C2 Based on the alternative Labyrinth designs by stalcupojoy, updated for use with C2
(R/306) The Relics (Temples and Relics) Whaleyland C1 Bonus tiles (as in H&G) assigned when a cloisters is completed; expanded to include other ideas, such as Pilgrimage Sites, Temples, a cross between Abbey and Shrine, and a travelling relic (as Ark); some tiles in "The Faerie Circles"; download links don't work
(R/307) Kombikante Fritz_Spinne C1 City tiles, with gates in the centre of an edge, that can be connected to roads, fields, or other city gates; a pre-cursor to "City Gates"?; no English translation
(R/308) Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes Extra Wolnic C1/C2 Expansion for "Sailing The Seas" adding more trade routes between ports and islands; can also be used with "The Coast" and "Master of the Ocean"
(R/309) Dairies - C2 milk bucket tiles Wolnic C2 Intended to be used with "The Dairies" these add value to the Dairies and fields at the end of the game; tiles are based on the "Wheel" tiles from "Wheel of Fortune" so could be used to create that (until a C2 version is produced); early version used a wheel of cheese rather than milk bucket behind the numbers
(R/310) The Winery Welli Designs C1 Tiles contain image of a building (as Winery) set in a field; no rules; no download available
(R/311) The Sunflower Fields Welli Designs C1 Tiles contain a field of sunflowers set on mainly field tiles; some bits of road and city caps; no rules; no download available
(R/312) Seven Sins/Virtues Dave C1 Each tile grants a special function or score modification, especially if in cloister zone; download link not working
(R/313) The Ruines The Juts C1 Three field tiles (all FFFF) some of which grant a second tile, and some which make you miss the next turn
(R/314) Melon Fields Welli Designs C1 Tiles contain fields of melons set on mainly field tiles; some bits of road and city caps; no rules; no download available
(R/315) Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes WD Wolnic WD Expansion for "Sailing The Seas" adding trade routes between ports and islands; can also be used with "The Coast" and "Master of the Ocean"
(R/316) Alternative Wells II Cookiemonster16 C2 Wells add to the value of roads; some new tile designs
(R/317) Fish Huts Seli & Jörg Krühne WD Contains river segments and fish-smoking huts; followers can be deployed to the huts and score points when the hut is completed; later updated and expanded
(R/318) Kettle of Fish Seli & Novelty WD Adds tiles with icons that increase the value of a river, and fish trade goods
(R/319) Swan Lake Seli & Novelty WD Adds swans that increase the value of a river; should be played with "Fishermen", and includes 3 tiles for use with "Forests"
(R/320) The Horse Seli & jeRm! WD The horse is moved around the board as roads are completed; if a feature completes with the horse present on any of its tiles, there is a bonus to the scoring player
(R/321) The Well & The Donkey Seli & jeRm! WD When The Donkey tile is placed, each player in that city loses one of their followers from the city; if a Wheat Field tile is placed, any Wheat tokens in a connected city are given to the farmer, not the player that closed the city; similarly for the vineyard tile and any Barrel tokens; WD conversion
(R/322) Untamed River Unknown River tiles are mixed with the regular tiles in use; any river tile must extend the river, but if it doesn't fit against a regular tile, that tile is removed (with any followers); translation of original, on CarcC link for "Wild River"
(R/323) First Wells Snearone C1/C2 A reworked and updated version of Meepleater's "Wells" expansion
(R/324) Unending Family Feud Snearone C1/C2 Updated version of Family Feud by Frédérick Renaud and Novelty; minor updates (eg gardens) to original tile configration and C2 version
(R/325) Forests - part 1 Scott & Novelty C1 The "Forests" expansion has been divided into two 75-tile sets; this part contains the basic tiles
(R/326) Forests - part 2 Scott & Novelty C1 The "Forests" expansion has been divided into two 75-tile sets; this part contains tiles with more advanced configurations, as well as tiles which integrate with "The Tower" and "Cult" expansions
(R/327) The Trade Road Maik63de & Oliver Perialis C1 Creates a major trade road and palced, initially, like "The River"; re-drawn version of original expansion by Oliver Perialis
(R/328) Mario3 Carcassonne mrskaut Uses the graphics of the classic game of nintendo super mario bros
(R/329) Pokésonne FiammaFenice Spin-off using pokemon styling
(R/330) Zelda 2 Carcassonne LinkDude Rebranding, using pixel sprites from "Zelda II: The Adventures of Link"
(R/331) 1x3 Cherrybowl Rebranding, based on "The Simpsons"
(T/2) Extra Tunnel Tile Cosalo C1 1x new tunnel tile, to be added when playing with "The Tunnel", by SpielBox
(T/3) Ramparts Guido Kämmer C1 An early collection of new tile configurations, some of which have appeared in other expansions; also listed as "City Walls"
(T/4) River System Guido Kämmer C1 Adds river tiles, including one that joins the river tiles with those of "Lakelands"
(T/5) UFO Chris Morse C1 Tiles depict a crashed UFO; no rules
(T/6) Vanilla Novelty C1 Tiles with city segments, roads and fields, but no additional features borrowed from the other expansions
(T/7) Thanksgiving 2008 Novelty C1 Tiles have features from various expansions, but have some Fall-colored foliage and leaves for added variety
(T/8) Winter 2008 Novelty C1 Includes 5x tiles with wells in roundabouts, and some winter themed tiles
(T/9) Math Guy Gamma mathguy89 C1 The tiles have 1 or more city caps, as well as a couple with a shrine or cloisters, and several with road ends
(T/10) Math Guy 2008 mathguy89 C1 Mostly fields, but includes some with shrines or cloisters, and road ends
(T/11) Math Guy 89 mathguy89 C1 Mostly city-based tiles, some with cloisters or shrines, plus a number of the tiles have several road ends (helping farmers connect fields)
(T/12) Perky Dragons & Taverns scotty13 & Lardarse C1 Tiles contain features from "Princess and Dragon" or contain Inns/Lakes
(T/13) Wheel of Fortune Extras JPutt927 C1 "Wheel of Fortune" tiles with tie-ins to several of the official expansions
(T/14) Crop Circle Advent Calendar Quevy C1 Winter Crop Circle tiles converted to Carcassonne I format
(T/15) Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I Fritz_Spinne C1 Garden tiles of Carcassonne II converted for use with Carcassonne I (2 extra tiles included)
(T/16) I&C and T&B Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I Quevy C1 Conversion to C1 artwork of C2 tiles from I&C and T&B which contain gardens
(T/17) Tiles holiday winter 2015 2016 Quevy C1 Contains two holiday-themed tile designs without any rules
(T/18) Coastal Forests Wolnic C1/C2 Includes link to tiles for use with "The Coast" and "Forests"/"New Forest" expansions
(T/19) Fluvium Wolnic C2 Additional river tiles
(T/20) Cathar Siege (aka Siege Tiles with Monk Icon) Scott C1 Modification of the 4x official "Siege" tiles, with Monk icon added
(T/21) La Porxada Remastered JPutt927 C1 Re-creation of the La Porxada tile within the discussion (but it carries a web-hosting watermark across it); better versions may be available
(T/22) Sailing The Seas : Coastal Reefs Wolnic C1/C2 Coastal tiles containing reefs along one tile edge for use with "Sailing The Seas", as well as "The Coast" and "Masters of the Ocean"
(T/23) Sailing the Seas : Extra Wolnic C1/C2 Additional tiles for use with "Sailing The Seas", "The Coast" and "Master of the Ocean"; mostly islands with features from some expansions - dragon, flier, tower
(T/24) Halflings - The missing tiles Darwin C1 Lots of Halfling tile designs, incorporating features from many of the expansions, and a couple of fan expansion
(T/25) Castles on the River Wolnic C1 Adds sections of river and/or coast to some of the German Castles - several options available for each castle for variety
(T/26) Divided Cities Fährmann C1 C1 Partial Conversion of the original C2 expansion "Divided Cities"; tiles contain two sections of city that share a tile edge, that may be joined later
(T/27) Hungarian Castles Ramachandra C1 Seven Hungarian Castles are on CarcC; all 14 are available to download from CarcF; no specific rules, other than stating they are played as "German Castles" (but they are single tiles), except mixed with other tiles
(T/28) Deco Tiles Ramachandra C1 6x Field tiles with different features on them, including Stonehenge, sinkhole, fossil, ruins, Tree of Life and a pretty landscape with tower, shrubs and flowers
(T/29) Circles in the Forest Leven C1 Forest tiles with elements from some of the official expansions like "Bridges, Bazaars & Castles", "Hills And Sheep" and various Mini expansions, including Crop Circles, Mage, Robbers, Flier
(T/30) Farmers Heaven Murphy013 C1 Since most of the expansions are mainly focused on the cities, it was time to do something for the farmers; includes lots of road ends surrounded by fields
(T/31) The Monastery on the River Zotto C1 A new German Monastery, which sits next to a river (design discussion)
(T/32) Map Benelux Cities PresetM C2 Cities from the Benelux Map created as standalone tiles
(T/33) The Night Watcher Violet C1 This is a proposal to add a special symbol or figure to city districts which will increase their value
(T/34) Moated castle Trebuchet C1 A single tile with a central castle on an island with 4x water edges (tile image no longer available); some discussion of possible rules and other designs
(T/35) The Monastery on the River II KlausiMausi C1 Development of other new German monastery designs
(T/36) Under the Big Top PhilippJConrad C1 Conversion of the C2 expansion to C1 artwork style - currently on hold
(T/37) Alternative Start tiles Cianopanza C1 A selection of alternative tile layouts which still contain a CRFR configuration; tiles re-created/enhanced as "Alternative Start Tiles (again)"
(T/38) The Frontier jeRm! C1 Tiles contain forests and mountains, based on tiles originally on carcassonne.nl; no rules
(T/39) Map France Cities PresetM C2 Cities from the France Map created as standalone tiles
(T/40) Winter on the Other Side of the Mountains Wolnic C1/WD Based on "Pyrénées Extended", one side of the mountain range is C1, the other WD
(T/41) City Tableaux Wolnic C1 3x3 City Tableaux to be used as alternative start tiles; most contain a section of river or coastline
(T/42) Farmer's Happiness 1 Unknown C1 Tiles contain just fields and some roads, some of which end near the centre of the tile, creating larger fields
(T/43) Farmer's Happiness 2 Unknown C1 Tiles contain fields, cities, and roads, some of which end in a field area
(T/44) Forest by the River Unknown C1 No information available
(T/45) The City and Lake Connection Zotto C1 Tiles contain cities (and roads) with lake caps, to be played with "Sea and Fishermen" (aka "The Lake")
(T/46) The City and Mountain Connection Zotto C1 Tiles contain cities (and roads) with mountain caps, to be played with "Mountains"
(T/47) The City, Lake and Mountain Connection Zotto C1 Tiles contain city, lake and mountain caps, to be played with "Sea and Fishermen" (aka "The Lake") and "Mountains"
(T/48) The River (PC) Koch Media C1 A special printing of "River 1" was included with the Koch Media computer version of Carcassonne in 2002; the tiles contained security codes printed on the back which are required to be entered during game play
(T/49) Wind Rose English JPutt927 C1 Conversion of the main Windrose tiles to have "NESW" (English naming convention); includes some additional tile designs
(T/50) Wind Rose River Leven C1 Extra tile for use with "The Wind Roses"; includes part of the river
(T/51) The Mills Unknown C1 No information available
(T/52) Fiance Unknown C1 The tiles each contain a Tardis, plus roads, cities and villages in the fields; suggested rule idea would be to use the tiles to move other tiles, but no definite proposal
(T/53) Double sided tiles frankdux C1 If you draw one of the double-sided tiles, you choose which side to play; could be issues when using a tile stack
(T/54) Map Great Britain Cities PresetM C2 Cities from the Great Britain Map created as standalone tiles
(T/55) Mud Pools and Hot Springs Wolnic C2 Three additional Bath Houses, one at the end of a road near an Inn/Lake, and ones which can be used with "The Coast", and "New Forest" expansions
(T/56) Sakura Wolnic C2 Adds cherry trees in blossom along the roads leading to some of the "Japanese Buildings"
(T/57) All the Rest of the Tiles Ratz65 C2 A large collection of other tile configurations using just the standard features of cities, roads and cloisters
(T/58) Alternative Start Tiles (again) Cianopanza C1 A selection of alternative tile layouts which still contain a CRFR configuration; tiles updated from "Alternative Start Tiles"
(T/59) City and Country Hannes Garsk C1 An early expansion, it contained a mix of city and road tiles; 6 and 15 tile selections available; no longer available
(T/60) City Expansion Zotto C1 An early expansion, it contained a mix of city and road tiles including a bridge that goes over a city segment and some single tile cities, which benefit farmers; no longer available
(T/61) City Expansion 2 Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion, this is mainly of city tiles in new configuration; no longer available
(T/62) City Life Marcus Müller & Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion; mainly city tiles, including one that can reduce the value of an opponent's city, and a village church that boosts a monastery; no longer available
(T/63) Divided Cities Wolnic C2 Tiles contain two sections of city that share a tile edge, that may be joined later; inspired by the tiles in "Hills and Sheep"
(T/64) Divided Cities KlausiMausi C1 C1 Conversion of the original C2 expansion "Divided Cities"; tiles contain two sections of city that share a tile edge, that may be joined later
(T/65) Divided Forests Seli WD Tiles contain two sections of forest that share a tile edge, that may be joined later; this is a different expansion to the similarly named "Fragmented Forests"
(T/66) Double Tiles Friederich Scholta C1 An early expansion, with (possibly) the first double tiles, made by combining two normal tiles, rather than with a feature fitting across the two; no longer available
(T/67) Expansion of the River Landscape Zotto C1 Additional river tiles, including a couple of river junctions
(T/68) Magic Portals Oldbonz WE A Winter Edition version of the Magic Portals from "Princess and Dragon"
(T/69) Pyrenees Extended Wolnic C1 An extended version of "Pyrénées" including tiles that allow it to connect to "Mountains"; used as the basis for "Winter on the other side of the Mountains"
(T/70) The Abbot : Alternative tiles Telecaster C1 With the introduction of "The Abbot" and gardens in C2, gardens have been added to tiles in the C1 style
(T/71) The Alternative Abbeys Areta C1 Alternative Abbey designs without the heavy orange borders
(T/72) The Second River Zotto C1 Similar river tile layouts to those in "The River", but includes a river junction in place of the river source; original tile design pre-dates "The River"
(T/73) The Tower Oldbonz WE A Winter Edition version of the tiles from "The Tower"
(T/74) Tile Expansion Cookiemonster16 C2 A selection of new river and land tiles, including a few with Shrines
(T/75) Winter Coast Ocean Connectors Wolnic WD Tiles that can be used to link together the different sets of tiles from "The Ocean" and "The Coast" (which use different tile edge points for the shoreline
(T/76) Winter Coast Ocean Connectors (2) Seli WD Tiles that can be used to link together the different sets of tiles from "The Ocean" and "The Coast" (which use different tile edge points for the shoreline
(T/77) Fun With Bluffs Carcking C1 Lines of cliffs that can be used to divide up fields
(T/78) 4 way Inn road karkids C1 Example image of crossroads with inn in one quadrant
(T/79) Halfling Abbey Quevy C1 Halfling Abbey tile, and musings on other Halfling designs
(T/80) Haflings with Forests & Mountains Darwin C1 Halfling tiles with Forests and Mountains
(T/81) Forests and Mountains Darwin C1 Tiles combining Forests and Mountains
(T/82) La Porxada for winter loki C1/WE WE version of La Porxada, with modified rules
(T/83) Carcassonne goes Game of Thrones thodekey & Wolnic C1/WD Tiles to combine C1 and WD; tile images in thread; some GoT rules ideas
(T/84) Winter Hospitalets Oldbonz C1/WD Some Abbey-style tiles linking C1 and WD
(T/85) Road Variations Ramachandra C1 Artistic Road variations in loops and curves - low res image, download file not available
(T/86) C2 Winter Gate Oldbonz WE WE version of Magic Portals, put on hold for possible legal reasons; download created but currently blocked
(T/87) The Winter Flier Oldbonz WE WE version of "The Flier", put on hold for possible legal reasons
(T/88) Carcassonne goes Game of Thrones (C2) Oldbonz C2/WE C2 version of C1 tiles combining C2 and WE
(T/89) Fluvium 2 Wolnic C2 Additional river tiles
(T/90) Circus (Zotto) Zotto C1 This is intended as an expanded version of "The Circus" by SandyKnoll, but with properly coloured artwork; discussion about changing the rules so that all players must send a follower to the circus (method to remove a trapped follower)
(T/91) Abbey and Mayor Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/92) Abbey and Mayor Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/93) Alternative Monasteries Seli WD 5 new monasteries to create your own tiles
(T/94) Base Game and Extra Tiles Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's Base Game, plus 12 extra tiles
(T/95) Castles in Germany Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/96) Cathedrals in Germany Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/97) Cathedrals in Germany Seli WE WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/98) Corn Circles Zotto & Safari WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/99) Corn Circles I Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; images in forum thread only
(T/100) Corn Circles II Zotto & Safari WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/101) Cult, Siege and Creativity Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/102) Darmstadt Seli & Spielekreis Darmstadt WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/103) Essen Spiel 2014 Zotto WD WD version of tile from HiG's published expansion; image in forum thread only
(T/104) Essen Spiel 2015 Wolf120 WE WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/105) Extra Tunnel Zotto & Quevy WD WD version of tiles from "Extra Tunnel" by Quevy
(T/106) Forests Seli & Scott & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Forests" by Scott and Novelty; two instances on CarcF, but appear to be the same (see thread ID 2420, which doesn't include the rules)
(T/107) Fountain of Youth Seli & Meepleater WD WD version of tiles from "Fountain of Youth" by Meepleater
(T/108) Games Quarterly 11 : Winter 2006 Zotto WD WD version of tiles from the published expansion
(T/109) Green Dragon Seli & Scott & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Green Dragon" by Scott and Novelty
(T/110) Half and Half HiG Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/111) Half and Half SpielBox Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/112) Inns and Cathedrals Plattenleger WE WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/113) Inns and Cathedrals Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/114) Inns and Cathedrals Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/115) Log Cabins Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Log Cabins" by Novelty
(T/116) Mage and Witch Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/117) Monasteries in Germany Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/118) Monasteries in Germany Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; images in forum thread only
(T/119) Monasteries in Holland and Belgium Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/120) Monasteries in Holland and Belgium Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; images in forum thread only
(T/121) Monasteries on the River Seli & Zotto WD Tiles with new monasteries on the banks of a river
(T/122) Outposts Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Outposts" by Novelty
(T/123) River I Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/124) River II Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/125) Santa Claus Zotto & Fritz_Spinne WD WD version of tiles from "Santa Claus" by Fritz_Spinne
(T/126) Scoring Tiles (50-1000) Seli WD Winter Download version Score Tiles in a range of values between 50 and 1000
(T/127) Scoring Tiles (50/100) Carcatronn WE 50/100 Score Tiles for WE (and WD) version
(T/128) Snow Line Zotto C1/WD 5 4-tile blocks to be used to connect C1 and WD versions
(T/129) The Abbot Telecaster WD Tiles from C2 with gardens created in WD style, includes 3 extra tiles
(T/130) The Abbot Zotto WD Tiles from C2 with gardens created in WD style, including the 3x extra tiles included by Telecaster
(T/131) The Beseigers Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/132) The Beseigers III Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/133) The Catapult Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/134) The Cathars Seli WD WD version of tiles from the published SpielBox expansion
(T/135) The Count of Carcassonne Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/136) The Ferries Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/137) The Festival Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/138) The Flier Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/139) The Forest v2.0 Seli & Andreas J. Haselbeck & Cosalo &Tanja Pöschl WD WD version of tiles from "The Forest v2.0"
(T/140) The Gingerbread Man Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/141) The Gingerbread Man Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/142) The Gold Mines Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/143) The Place of Worship and the Heretic Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/144) The Plague Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/145) The Princess and The Dragon Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/146) The River BB5 Zotto WD WD version of new tiles from HiG's published expansion; tile images in forum thread
(T/147) The Robbers Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/148) The School Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/149) The Snowman Plattenleger WE Snowmen located in a city add to the value of the city when complete; uses the number of shields as a multiplier; Winter adaptation of "The Wells of Carcassonne"
(T/150) The Snowman Zotto WD WD conversion of WE expansion by Plattenleger, adapated from "The Wells of Carcassonne"
(T/151) The Tower Plattenleger WE WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/152) The Tower Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/153) The Tunnel Expansion Zotto WD Additional tiles for use with "Tunnels"
(T/154) The Wells of Carcassonne Seli & Ricy WD WD version of tiles from "The Wells of Carcassonne" by Ricy
(T/155) The Wheel of Fortune Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; includes base game and special tiles
(T/156) The Wheel of Fortune Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; numbered tiles only
(T/157) The Wheel of Fortune Expansion Zotto WD Additional tiles for use with "Wheel of Fortune"
(T/158) The Wheel of Fortune Extra Zotto WD Additional tiles for use with "Wheel of Fortune", with features from published expansions
(T/159) The Wind Rose I HiG Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/160) The Wind Rose II SpielBox Zotto WD WD version of tiles from SpielBox's published expansion
(T/161) Timber! Seli & Scott & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Timber" by Scott and Novelty
(T/162) Traders and Builders Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/163) Traders and Builders Telecaster WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; uses Builder expansion symbol rather than the original pig
(T/164) Wells Seli & Meepleater WD WD version of tiles from "Wells" by Meepleater
(T/165) Winter Animals Telecaster WD WD version of animal tiles from Winter Edition
(T/166) Winter Expansion Telecaster WD New landscape tiles to expand the base game
(T/167) Wishing Wells Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Wishing Wells" by Meepleater
(T/168) Zotto's Animal Tiles Zotto WD WD version of animal tiles from HiG's "Winter Edition"
(T/169) Zotto's Extra Tiles Zotto WD New landscape tiles to expand the base game
(T/170) Fishermen Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Fishermen" by Novelty
(T/171) Storehouses and Paths Seli & EXIT191 WD WD version of tiles from "Storehouses and Paths" by EXIT191
(T/172) The Development of the River Landscape Seli & Zotto WD WD version of tiles from the same expansion by Zotto
(T/173) The Leprechaun Seli & Carcatronn WD WD version of tiles from "The Leprechaun" by Carcatronn
(T/174) The Training Ground Seli & Lars120 WD WD version of tiles from "The Training Ground" by Lars120
(T/175) Woodlands Seli & Novelty WD WD version of tiles from "Woodlands" by Novelty
(T/176) An Apple a Day Seli & Cappy WD WD version of tiles from "An Apple A Day" by Cappy
(T/177) Castle, Forge and Marketplace Seli & Unknown WD WD version of tiles from the expansion by Unknown author
(T/178) Circles in the Forest Seli & Leven WD WD version of tiles from "Circles in the Forest" by Leven; includes 2x additional English direction tiles
(T/179) City and Lake Connections Seli & Zotto WD WD version of tiles from the same expansion by Zotto
(T/180) Divided Cities Seli & Wolnic & KlausiMausi & Fährmann WD WD version of tiles from C2 "Divided Cities" by Wolnic, converted to C1 by KlausiMausi and Fährmann
(T/181) Dragon Riders and Slayers Seli & jeRm! WD WD version of tiles from "Dragon Riders and Slayers" by jeRm!
(T/182) Fairy Queen and Prince Seli & jeRm! WD WD version of tiles from "Fairy Queen and Prince" by jeRm!
(T/183) Family Feud Seli & Frédérick Renaud & JPutt927 WD WD version combining tiles from various expansions such as "Family Feud" by Frédérick Renaud and JPutt927
(T/184) Family Feud 2 Seli & Frédérick Renaud WD WD version of tiles from "Family Feud" by Frédérick Renaud; original expansion of 30 tiles included some duplicates, and this set appears to be incomplete
(T/185) Farmer's Happiness 1+2 Seli WD WD version of tiles from "Farmer's Happiness" by Unknown Author
(T/186) Farmer's Heaven Seli & Murphy013 WD WD version of tiles from "Farmers Heaven" by Murphy013
(T/187) Fishermen and Coast Seli & Freetower WD WD version of tiles from "Fishermen and Coast" by Freetower; original expansion of 24 tiles which may have included duplicates
(T/188) Lakelands Seli & Guido Kämmer WD WD version of tiles from "Lakelands" by Guido Kämmer
(T/189) Lakes and Fishmongers Seli & Quevy WD WD version of tiles from "Lakes and Fishmongers" by Quevy; original contained 45 tiles
(T/190) Lighthouses and Water Seli & Marcus Müller WD WD version of tiles from "Lighthouses and Water" by Marcus Müller
(T/191) Lord of the Manor Seli & Scott WD WD version of tiles from "Lord of the Manor" by Scott; original expansion comprised 4 tiles, 2x of each design
(T/192) Manufactory Seli & Lemmy77 WD WD version adapted from tiles in "Manufactory" by Lemmy77
(T/193) Meadow Fight Seli & Unknown WD Incomplete WD version of tiles from "Wiesenkampf" by unknown author; original expansion had 12 tiles
(T/194) Mills and Bakeries Seli & JPutt927 WD WD version of tiles from "Mills and Bakeries" by JPutt927
(T/195) Mills and Fortified Towers Seli & Cartsten Both & Zedo66 WD WD version of tiles from "Mills and Fortified Towers" by Karsten Both
(T/196) River By The Lake (aka River System) Seli & Guido Kämmer WD WD version of tiles from "River System" by Guido Kämmer
(T/197) Rivers and Harbours Seli & Manfred Stenzel WD WD version of "Rivers and Harbours" by Manfred Stenzel; original used two sets of river tiles and additional road tiles, converted to rivers, but this includes tile designs
(T/198) Sea, Fisherman and Lighthouse Seli & Karsten Engels WD WD version of tiles from the expansion by Karsten Engels
(T/199) Stone Circles and Ley Lines Seli & Wolnic WD WD version of tiles from "Stone Cirtcles and Ley Lines" by Wolnic
(T/200) The Landowners Seli & Marcus Gwiasda WD WD version of tiles from "The Landowners" by Marcus Gwiasda
(T/201) The Little Forest Seli & Quevy WD WD version of tiles from "The Little Forest" by Quevy
(T/202) The Medieval Expansion : The Orders of Chivalry Seli & Jonathan Warren WD WD version of tiles from "Orders of Chivalry" by Jonathan Warren
(T/203) The Ocean Seli & Skipboris WD WD version of tiles from "The Ocean" series of expansions by skipboris, which also includes "Buried Treasure", "Deltas", Men of the Sea" and "Turbulent Waters"
(T/204) The Pig Herders Seli & Big Guy WD WD version of tiles from "The Pig Herders" by Big_Guy
(T/205) The Second River Seli & Zotto WD WD version of tiles from Zotto's expansion, adapted from an original River expansion
(T/206) Troubadours Seli & JPutt927 WD WD version of tiles from "Troubadours" by JPutt927
(T/207) Wood and Water Seli & Marcus Müller WD WD version of tiles from "Wood and Water" by Marcus Müller
(T/208) Wood and Water (Alternative) Seli WD Some alternative tile designs for use with "Wood and Water"
(T/209) City Gates Seli WD Sample WD version of tile from "City Gates" by Fritz_Spinne
(T/210) Cult, Siege and Creativity Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/211) Essen Spiel 2014/2015 Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/212) Essen Spiel 2014/2015 Seli WE WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/213) Japanese Buildings Seli WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/214) Japanese Buildings Seli WE WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/215) Prayer Labyrinth Seli & Josh Gadreau & Caleb Wong & Quevy WD WD version of tiles from "The Prayer Labyrinth" by Josh Gadreau, Caleb Wong and Quevy
(T/216) The Labyrinth Seli & CARC_Zoner WD WD version of tiles from "The Labyrinth" by CARC_Zoner
(T/217) The Labyrinth of Carcasonne Seli WD WD version of tile from SpielDoch expansion
(T/218) The Labyrinth of Carcasonne Seli WE WD version of tile from SpielDoch expansion
(T/219) The Shrines Zotto WD WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion
(T/220) The Stable of Bethlehem Seli WD Based on "The School" this uses an Angel instead of the Teacher to score extra points when roads are completed
(T/221) Winter Scoring Tiles (50-500) Seli WD Winter-style Scoring Tiles with Cloisters for values 50 to 500 in steps of 50; second document link in thread
(V/2) Dragon LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE Alternative Dragon movement
(V/3) Bribes LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/4) Mobile Knights LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/5) Invading Cities LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/6) Dragon Slayer LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE Alternative Dragon movement
(V/7) Markets LittleMisfit C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Traders & Builders
(V/8) The Robbers of Carcassonne eurojo C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Robbers
(V/9) Solomo Decar C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/10) The Three Musketeers Gwommy C1/C2/WD/WE Requires Abbey & Mayor
(V/11) Invasion of Catharism Joff C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Cathars and Siege tiles
(V/12) Miner & Underminer CARC_Zoner C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Tower tiles
(V/13) The Bandit Big Guy C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The City of Carcassonne / The Count
(V/14) The Foreman in the Tower Big Guy C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Tower
(V/15) The Knave of Carcassonne Decar C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/16) The Abbot's Walk Decar C1/C2/WD/WE 8x followers and 1x Abbot
(V/17) El Juglar Nick Leonard C1/C2/WD/WE Alternative use of Catapult and Bazaar tiles
(V/18) Barns Revisted frankdux C1/C2/WD/WE Modifies Barns
(V/19) Catapult Catch Carcking C1/C2/WD/WE Modifies The Catapult
(V/20) Close the Gap Hans Andersson C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/21) Campaigns Whaleyland C1/C2/WD/WE Campaign game using most of the expansions
(V/22) Lifestyle Tobias Stapelfeld C1/C2/WD/WE Followers can be moved to other features instead of placing a follower
(V/23) Rebuilding Tobias Stapelfeld C1/C2/WD/WE Possibilty to remove already placed tiles
(V/24) Squared Carcassonne Carca_Maker & Zox C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/25) Customs Officer Andrea Kremers C1/C2/WD/WE Followers can be used as Custom Officers
(V/26) Capture Martin Storbeck C1/C2/WD/WE A follower can be captured when features become connected
(V/27) The Double-sized Follower Martin Storbeck C1/C2/WD/WE Score double points with a big meeple
(V/28) True North Just a Bill C1/C2/WD/WE Req Windroses (either version)
(V/29) Recassonne Matjaž Bevk C1/C2/WD/WE Lay tiles on others to redevelop them. Also uses 2 "other" tiles as triggers for earthquake.
(V/30) Communis Luis Patricio C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/31) Visitors of Carcassonne Guthrie Allen C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/32) Rivers & Harbours Manfred Stenzel C1/C2/WD/WE Req. 2x Base Games and some road tiles modified to be a river.
(V/33) Carcassollo t2k C1/C2/WD/WE Limit of 7x7 playing area
(V/34) Pilgrim Roads Koschei C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Monastery tiles with road
(V/35) The Citadels Gerry C1/C2/WD Req. Castle Tokens
(V/36) The Chatelaines Gerry C1/C2/WD Req. Traders & Builders and Princess & Dragon Tiles
(V/37) Wheel of Fortune tiles Gerry C1 Req. Wheel of Fortune
(V/38) The Explorers gabrielgeek C1 Req. The Wind Roses
(V/39) Loop Runner Danisthirty & Chooselife C1/C2/WD/WE
(V/40) Festival Farmers Michael Halbert C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Festival
(V/41) The Schools of Carcassonne halfling C1 Req. multiple copies of The School
(V/42) Messengers and Robbers variant Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Messengers and The Robbers
(V/43) Close The Gap Kaleostro C1/C2/WD/WE
(V/44) The Farrier SxN C1/C2/WD/WE
(V/45) No Time For A Tie Carca_Maker C1/C2/WD/WE
(V/46) Labor Market (K#20) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE
(V/47) Hedge Preaching and Iconoclasm Windekind C2 C2 Highwaymen tiles
(V/48) Fight or Flight - A Robbers Variant (K#22) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Roibbers
(V/49) Beseigers/Belagers variant Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE
(V/50) Over-seers and Under-takers (Hills Variant) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Hill tiles from Hills & Sheep
(V/51) Flying Machines "No Dice" variant Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Flying Machines
(V/52) Barn Variants Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Barn from Abbey & Mayor
(V/53) Princess & Dragon Variants Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Princess & Dragon
(V/54) Biding Abbot's Absolution (K#2) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/55) Castles in Germany - as Starting Tiles (K#3) Kothmann C1/C2/WD Req. Castles In Germany
(V/56) Alternative Trade Goods Scoring (K#4) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/57) Highways (K#5) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Bridges
(V/58) Pious Plaza - Cathedral Surrogate (K#10) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/59) Collectives - Proportional Scoring (K#11) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE -
(V/60) Hatteras Captain (K#16) Kothmann C1/C2/WD Req. The Tower
(V/61) The Wyvern's Veil - a Dragon Variant (K#17) Kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Req. The Dragon
(V/62) MegaCarc: UPGRADE Mode AlbinoAsian C1/C2/WD/WE Collect Upgrade Points for sharing features; use those points to gain extra meeples/tiles as the game progresses
(V/63) The Inquisitor - revised rules oldbonz C1 Revised/simplified rules for the expansion "The Inquisitor" by Aenima
(M/2) The Hobby Horse Decar -
(M/3) Big Boys and Girls Decar -
(M/4) The Piped-piper Decar -
(M/5) The Special Sausage Decar -
(M/6) Sticky Situation Decar -
(M/7) The Mole Decar -
(M/8) The Shuffler Decar -
(M/9) Strong Winds Decar -
(M/10) The Vagabond Decar -
(M/11) The Tree Chopper Decar -
(M/12) Hotdogs Decar -
(M/13) A Barrel of Laughs Decar -
(M/14) Christmas Trees Decar -
(M/15) April Fool Decar -
(M/16) The Stocks Decar -
(M/17) Murder Mystery Decar -
(M/18) Hot Cross Buns Decar -
(M/19) Easter Bunnies Decar -
(M/20) Hedgehogs Decar -
(M/21) The Luck Farm Decar -
(M/22) Town Planning Department Decar see Town Council Veto option
(M/23) Town Guard Decar -
(M/24) State of Mourning Decar -
(M/25) The Merit Maker Decar -
(M/26) The Saw Mills Decar -
(M/27) One Colour meeple Decar -
(M/28) Carcassonne Moles Decar Similar concept to Magic Portals, but more restricted; could use "Hill" tiles
(M/29) Mini Battles Decar -
(M/30) The Catacombs of Carcassonne Decar -
(M/31) Penguins and Polar Bears Decar WD/WE -
(M/32) Bandits of Carcassonne Decar Bandido Game
(M/33) Watering Gardens Decar C2 Tiles with Gardens
(M/34) Grass Mats Decar -
(M/35) Saturday Breakfast TV Decar -
(M/36) Market Day Decar Re-use Bazaar tiles?
(M/37) The Two Towers Decar -
(M/38) Cow Tipping Decar C2 Tiles with Sheds
(M/39) Meeple Tracker Decar -
(M/40) Carrot Tops Decar -
(M/41) Contract Negotiators Decar -
(M/42) The Herb Garden Decar -
(M/43) You Snooze You Lose Decar -
(M/44) Cabbage Patches Decar -
(M/45) The Carrion Crow Decar -
(M/46) The Bureaucrats Decar -
(M/47) The Politicians Decar -
(M/48) Take The Day Off Decar -
(M/49) The Ballista Decar -
(M/50) Leonardo's Crossbow Decar -
(M/51) Interaction Nightmares Decar -
(M/52) Klokanka Decar -
(M/53) Snakes and Ladders Decar -
(M/54) The Strimmer Decar -
(M/55) The Ambassador Decar -
(M/56) The Proofreaders Decar -
(M/57) The Limerick Writer Decar -
(M/58) Freemasons Decar Tiles with builder who'll work for anyone when feature extended; "Mason's Lodge" / "Guesthouses" / "Treasure Hunt" / "Shared Builder"
(M/59) Veni, vidi, vici Decar -
(M/61) The Musicians' Guild Decar -
(M/62) Facades Decar -
(M/63) Sharpe's Endeavour Decar -
(M/64) Cutting me own throat Decar -
(M/65) The Benedictines Decar -
(M/66) The Trappists Decar -
(M/67) The Blue Nuns Decar -
(M/68) Old Habits are hard to break Decar -
(M/69) Everyone's a Critic Decar -
(M/70) Snake Mountain Decar -
(M/71) Ode to a Caterpllar Decar -
(M/72) Scrooge Decar -
(M/73) Wee Willie Winkie Decar -
(M/74) Border Disputes Decar -
(M/75) Unstable Ground Decar -
(M/76) Time Paradoxes Decar -
(M/77) Wishers and Granters Decar -
(M/78) Sprouts Decar -
(M/106) Wimbledon Decar Musings #79-105 were lost during a server upgrade
(M/107) Mirror Makers Decar -
(M/108) Musings on The Artist Decar -
(M/109) Flamingos or maybe Flamingoes Decar -
(M/110) The Lemurs Decar -
(M/111) Sleuths Decar -
(M/112) Decoders Decar -
(M/113) 10 seconds rule (Speed Carcassonne) Decar -
(M/114) Tiramisu Haus Katastrophe Decar -
(M/115) Snowdrifts Decar -
(M/116) They think it's all over (2 player) Decar -
(M/117) The Forgetfuls Decar -
(M/118) 5 Finger Twister Decar -
(M/119) Pig Hunter Decar Tiles with Sheds
(M/120) Placing Bids Decar -
(M/121) Boops Decar -
(M/122) Hot Tubs Decar -
(M/123) Eierlegende Wollmilchsau Decar -
(M/124) Paleo Decar -
(M/125) Sandmen Decar -
(M/126) Drop-ins Decar -
(M/127) Plagues of Carcassonne : Frogs Decar -
(M/128) Plagues of Carcassonne : Disease of Livestock Decar -
(M/129) Plagues of Carcassonne : Darkness Decar -
(M/130) Plagues of Carcassonne : Boils Decar -
(M/131) Plagues of Carcassonne : Hail and Fire Decar -
(M/132) Plagues of Carcassonne : Lice Decar -
(M/133) Plagues of Carcassonne : Locusts Decar -
(M/134) Plagues of Carcassonne : Wild Animals Decar -
(M/135) Plagues of Carcassonne : Water Turned to blood Decar -
(M/136) Plagues of Carcassonne : Loss of Meeple Decar -
(M/137) Mountain Top Views Decar -
(M/138) Mountain Horns Decar -
(M/140) The Wolves of Carcassonne Decar -
(M/141) Binmen of Carcassonne Decar -
(M/142) The Tombola Decar -
(M/143) Tikka Masala Decar -
(M/144) Street Festival Decar -
(M/145) Southern Fried Decar -
(M/146) Chicken Coops Decar -
(M/147) Counting Your Chickens Decar -
(M/150) Winter-Edition - Dwarves in the mine kettlefish WE 4x3 start block for WE, with mountains and mines
(M/151) Something about Toulouse Whaleyland C1 Thoughts on a hierarchy of rule - King, Dukes, Marquises, etc
(M/152) Apprentices (Squires, Pickpockets and Farm Hands) crasher C1/C2/WD/WE Alternative uses for travel set meeples in regular games
(M/153) The Merchant of Carcassonne mkebaron C1/C2/WD/WE Adapting Huts from H&G to Carcasonne roads
(M/154) The Duke (was The King) Joff C1/C2/WD/WE Adapting the AotC Prophet to Carcassonne - one time use to double ferature scoring
(M/155) The Constable Kissybooboo C1/C2/WD/WE A player's constable removes any thieves on a single road and scores points at the end of the game
(M/156) Tiny Ideas Deatheux C1 Proposal to have tiles which grant an extra function to the player on their turn
(M/157) Apprentice meeple Jabberwocky C1/C2/WD/WE Each player takes one meeple from another player but must keep that meeple busy before they can place ony of their own
(M/158) Roadblocks and road tolls elmendalerenda C1 Possible ways to split roads, or raise points by placing a toll house; see "Tolls"
(M/159) The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse PinkPaisley C1/C2/WD/WE Special figures that appear towards the end of the game and are placed next to other meeples to affect final scoring
(M/160) The Moated City of Carcassonne Whaleyland C1/C2 Surround the City 4x3 block with River tiles including several junctions as an expanded start; requires lots of River tiles
(M/161) Lighthouse Guard The Juts C1 Race to occupy a tower at the centre of a great lake
(M/162) Vive la revolucion Dave C1 Alternative method for getting your followers into a city; re-use red/yellow pennant tiles from "Family Feud"
(M/163) Baby Boom Dave C1/C2/WD/WE Gain extra meeple if have two meeples in a city instead of scoring
(M/164) Allies and Intrigues Dave C1/C2/WD/WE Two ideas for sharing, or siphoning points from, features
(M/165) The Paladin - Laird and Protector ReformedCE C1/C2/WD/WE Additional figure (double strength) that can be moved around the board, supporting his own followers, or claiming features for himself
(M/166) Court Magician Dave C1/C2/WD/WE Place a drawn landscape tile face-down anywhere with your magician which you can retrieve later in the game and play elsewhere
(M/167) A Meeple Wears Many Hats Big Guy C1/C2/WD/WE Modifier to a meeple once placed (eg add builder capability, upgrade to Big Meeple, etc.)
(M/168) Trading Cloisters Fritz_Spinne C1/C2/WD/WE Adds trade tokens to Cloisters; can be used with "Animal Farm"
(M/169) The Magistrate Whaleyland C1 Based on The Scout (H&G)
(M/170) The Beggars and the Nobles Tilehunt C1/C2/WD/WE Additional figures that either add to, or deduct from, the score of an occupied feature you extend
(M/171) City Bridges Tilehunt C1/C2/WD/WE Join two city segments using a Bridge (think Flyovers) over farms, roads, etc.
(M/172) Carcassonne RPG Paul & BigGuy C1/C2/WD/WE Gain goal or ability cards when pass 0 on scoretrack
(M/173) Cities and Knights Tilehunt C1 Possible translation of Catan expansion (Cities and Knights) to Carcassonne
(M/174) Turncoats and Assassin Fritz_Spinne C1/C2/WD/WE Meeples are individually numbered, and 2x number tokens taken by each player; when a feature closes, if another player has the matching token to the meeple they may claim the points instead
(M/175) Zombies!!! Carcatronn C1 Zombies randomly move around the board - tile images no longer available
(M/176) The Colossus of Carcassonne Big Guy C1/C2/WD/WE Each player/team has a Colossus that gains points during the game, ready for a final battle after other Game End scoring
(M/177) Carcassonne: Legacy Whaleyland C1/C2/WD/WE Rules and tiles change as game develops
(M/178) The Oldest Profession Rosco C1/C2/WD/WE Female meeple used to distract another player's meeple, or motivate one of your own
(M/179) Villain/super thief/politician Rosco C1/C2/WD/WE Extra meeple that can steal points from regular followers - sounds a bit like the Big Meeple
(M/180) Bar play2draw C1/C2/WD/WE Drinking contest between followers in shared features
(M/181) The City of Carcassonne Divided Whaleyland C1 Re-purpose some aspects of The City/Count of Carcassonne to single tiles around the playing area
(M/182) Open Hand asparagus C1/C2/WD/WE Play with three tiles in hand, displayed for all to see
(M/183) The Friary (Gold Mines repackaged) asparagus C1/C2/WD/WE Score more points the longer a feature is incomplete
(M/184) The Gypsies ILikeGames C1 After placing tile, you place a follower on a feature on one of the tiles surrounding it
(M/185) The Prince-Bishop asparagus C1/C2/WD/WE Prince-bishop shifts between the players during the game and scores his feature for whoever he owes allegiance to at the time
(M/186) The Farmers Of Carcassonne jappie C1 Add tokens around your farmer to gain extra points at the end
(M/187) Secret Assassin frankdux C1 Place a "Hit" on other player's meeples and, if a timer goes off, their meeple is assassinated and removed without scoring
(M/188) Additional Messenger tiles frankdux C1/C2 Some alternative Messenger Tile ideas
(M/189) Ghostbusters frankdux C1/C2/WD/WE Place "ghosts" in features to scare off standard meeples
(M/190) The Abbess Gerry C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Vineyards from Hills and Sheep; Abbess is the same as The Abbot, but can be placed on vineyard instead of a Garden
(M/191) Garrison Expansion Christopher C1 Alternative use for various siege tiles
(M/192) Shared Builder Danisthirty C1 Neutral Builder on a road or city tile to be used" by anyone extending the feature to gain a second turn; see "Mason's Lodge" / "Guesthouses" / "Treasure Hunt" / "Freemasons"
(M/193) Carcassonne Tournaments loki C1 Modified German Castles as single tiles with corner symbols that must match adjacent tiles to gain tokens; would also require other tiles to be modified with symbols too
(M/194) The Seneschal Whaleyland C1/C2/WD/WE Single figure that boosts a city score when city closes, but then moves to another city
(M/195) The Ambassador loki C1/C2/WD/WE Re-purpose The Abbot, adapting the move after scoring rule for the wagon
(M/196) The Drunkard Quevy C1/C2/WD/WE Place a bottle by another meeple to temporarily stop them scoring a feature
(M/197) Extending the Black Tower Ailurus C1/C2/WD/WE Capture pieces from a tower using knight move from chess, or cap a tower
(M/198) Armoured Knights franks C1/C2/WD/WE Possible use for metal meeple figures as knights with extra abilities and strength
(M/199) Saint Martin of Tours Fritz_Spinne WE Same concept as The Gingerbread Man, but for roads; Winter Edition; no tile designs
(M/200) Crime and Punishment Endecay C1 If crime tile drawn, any followers in its vicinity are suspected by the active player's detective, who must complete the feature to solve the case
(M/201) Villages Wolnic & Sir Ritchfield C1/C2/WD/WE Options for using or scoring Villages
(M/202) Mages Mansion and Witches Hut What If? C1 "Home" tiles for the Mage and Witch characters
(M/203) Giant Fortresses SRBO C1/C2/WD/WE Place fortress and score for number of complete rings of surrounding tiles
(M/204) Secret Goals danisthirty C1/C2/WD/WE Discussion of possible goals or quests; see "By Order of the King"
(M/205) Onesies asparagus C1 City-cap shaped tiles that can be placed at the end of the game to help complete features; no tile images, just suggested contents
(M/206) Earthquake asparagus C1 Move tiles when earthquake occurs
(M/207) Devil and the Paladin Dragonlord C1/C2/WD/WE Req. Shrines; Devil and Paladin battle it out a monastic sies and shrines are placed
(M/208) Rivers and Lakes Wolnic C1 Tiles creating a landscape of many rivers and lakes - sample photo of layout only
(M/209) Ticket to Carcassonne Jasonofthefifth C1/C2/WD/We Quest cards for bonus points; see "By Order of the King" and "Secret Goals"
(M/210) The Black Knight Playsthething C1 Remove one knight from a city for one turn
(M/211) The German Shepherds Wolnic C1 Some extra tokens and rules for use with Hills and Sheep
(M/212) Catapult Conversion to C2 jm C2 Conversion of Catapult tiles to C2 - on hold as only CarcF have permission to convert between formats
(M/213) Brexit is Coming trenceval C1 Mix of hard/soft rules for co-operative working
(M/214) The Cartographer Seli C1/C2/WD/WE Cartographer follower investigates holes in the landscape and scores if/when tile eventually placed there
(M/215) The Plague (simpler version) Servius Sertorius C1 A simplified version of the Spielbox expansion, The Plague
(M/216) The Improbables oldbonz C1/C2/WD/WE Standard tiles with updated features (like alien ships and dinosaurs …) - you've seen the Captain Kirk thread?
(M/217) Stargates Meepledrone & Wolnic C1/C2/WD/WE Possible implementation of Stargates leading to minor spin-off games - superceded by "Mirror Zone 2"
(M/218) Albigensian Crusade ETC/SSRediger C1 Some discussion of rules and historical aspects, and required expansions, plus reference to other tiles
(M/219) The Vikings oldbonz C1/WD Addition of Viklings to coastal tiles
(M/220) Sabotage! Meepledrone C1/C2/WD/WE Tiles to disrupt the completion of a feature until a valid replacement tile can be placed
(M/221) Black Tower of Defence coldhands C1 Helps protect against the Dragon
(M/222) Fool's Gold SxN C2 Tiles with Fool's Gold affect any adjacent "gold" tiles
(M/223) The Volcano component of "The Sorcerer" SxN C1/C2 Two volcanoes that have destructive effects on the landscape if/when they erupt
(M/224) Untamed River SxN C1 Some ideas for adding to rivers
(M/225) Custom Scoreboard SxN C1/C2 Start the game by laying out the edge tiles of the scoreboard from a number of included variants; see "Scoreboard in the Middle of the Table"
(M/226) The Other Side SxN C1/C2 Double-sided tiles with similar features, but different topologies (continuous or broken road)
(M/227) Korrigans Church oldbonz WE 8 WE church tiles with Korrigans (Fairy Folk of Brittany)
(M/228) Carcassonne: The missions / Team-cassonne Gagoune C1/C2/WD/WE Discussion of possible goals or quests, some shared; see various others
(M/229) Posting Rewards PapaGeek C1/C2/WD/WE Score points by releasing another player's trapped meeple
(M/230) Binding Deed Snearone C1/C2/WD/WE Each player can designate a tile that must be filled by the next possible tile match; use back of individual City of Carcassonne tiles
(M/231) Windrose Quadrants Decar C1 Alternative for using the Wind Roses tiles
(M/232) Geodetic Roses kothmann C1/C2/WD/WE Variant for Wind Roses
(M/233) Gargoyles and Picnics SxN C1/C2 Use Gargoyles on city walls to steal points from city on completion; Picnics offer bonus points to farms