Ark Tile Reference

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The distribution list here is organised by the topology of the edges. For example:-

  • FFFF in the game distribution lists below denotes a tile on which all four edges are fields
  • RRRR is one on which all four sides are roads, and
  • CCCC is one on which all four sides are cities

The tile notation and headings are ordered alphabetically, according to the following hierarchy:-

  • Cities (C)
  • Fields (F)
  • Roads (R)

Practically speaking, that means that a city is always placed at the top, and the rest of the tile described clockwise from that starting point. If there is more than one city, the first city - again seen clockwise - is placed at the top. If there is no city at all, then a field is placed at the top, and so on.

For example:-

This tile has an edge topology of
"City, Road, Field, Road"
and would be listed under CRFR

Tile Reference

Note: The tile outlined in red is the Start Tile.

CCCC (City, City, City, City)

Ark Tile 01.png

CCCF (City, City, City, Field)

Ark Tile 02.png Ark Tile 02.png Ark Tile 03.png

CCCR (City, City, City, Road)

Ark Tile 04.png Ark Tile 05.png

CCFF (City, City, Field, Field)

Ark Tile 06.png Ark Tile 07.png Ark Tile 08.png Ark Tile 09.png Ark Tile 10.png Ark Tile 11.png

CCRR (City, City, Road, Road)

Ark Tile 12.png Ark Tile 12.png Ark Tile 13.png Ark Tile 13.png Ark Tile 14.png Ark Tile 15.png Ark Tile 16.png

CFCF (City, Field, City, Field)

Ark Tile 17.png Ark Tile 17.png Ark Tile 18.png Ark Tile 19.png Ark Tile 20.png

CFFF (City, Field, Field, Field)

Ark Tile 21.png Ark Tile 21.png Ark Tile 22.png Ark Tile 23.png Ark Tile 24.png

CFRR (City, Field, Road, Road)

Ark Tile 25.png Ark Tile 25.png Ark Tile 26.png

CRFR (City, Road, Field, Road)

Ark Tile 27.png Ark Tile 28.png Ark Tile 29.png Ark Tile 30.png

CRRF (City, Road, Road, Field)

Ark Tile 31.png Ark Tile 32.png Ark Tile 32.png Ark Tile 33.png [1]

CRRR (City, Road, Road, Road)

Ark Tile 34.png Ark Tile 35.png Ark Tile 36.png [2] Ark Tile 37.png Ark Tile 37.png Ark Tile 37.png Ark Tile 38.png

FFRR (Field, Field, Road, Road)

Ark Tile 39.png Ark Tile 39.png Ark Tile 39.png Ark Tile 40.png Ark Tile 41.png Ark Tile 42.png Ark Tile 43.png Ark Tile 44.png

FRFR (Field, Road, Field, Road)

Ark Tile 45.png Ark Tile 46.png Ark Tile 47.png Ark Tile 48.png Ark Tile 49.png Ark Tile 50.png Ark Tile 51.png Ark Tile 52.png

FRRR (Field, Road, Road, Road)

Ark Tile 53.png Ark Tile 54.png Ark Tile 55.png Ark Tile 56.png

RRRR (Road, Road, Road, Road)

Ark Tile 57.png Ark Tile 58.png Ark Tile 59.png Ark Tile 60.png Ark Tile 61.png


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. This tile was not shown in the Tile Reference section of The Ark of the Covenant CAR.
  2. A second version of this tile appears to have been included in the Tile Reference section of The Ark of the Covenant CAR in error.