Bards of Carcassonne (Fan Expansion)

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Bards of Carcassonne introduces new lute tokens, which placed on a feature adds bonus point for each tile of feature after it's completion or prevents gaining any points for unfinished feature with them.

The Bards C2 tile 06.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 06.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol BardsOfCarcassonne.png

Bards of Carcassonne introduces new lute tokens, which placed on a feature adds bonus point for each tile of feature after it's completion or prevents gaining any points for unfinished feature with them.

Bards visiting Carcassonne are welcome guests, for their melodic rhymes based on folksongs and poetry from the past entertain the young and old, the rich and poor.

General info

The Bards of Carcassonne fan-expansion for Carcassonne Base Game Carcassonne Base Game was released by Carcassonne Central member Trebuchet (CarcC).
Carcassonne Central member Snearone (CarcC, CarcCZ) created redesign of original expansion tiles as The Bards in C2.


Download notice.png

Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.


  • 7 new land tiles featuring a lute symbol (Lute tiles).
The Bards C2 tile 06.png
  • 7 note tokens
The Bards C2 Lute Token.png



Shuffle the new land tiles in with the rest of the tiles and stack them normally. Place the note tokens aside. These tokens are not owned by anyone.


Feature The Bards Lute C2.png
1. Placing a tile

Whenever you draw a Lute tile (featuring the lute symbol) place it normally. You must then take a note token and place it on any unoccupied feature on the Lute tile. The note tokens can be placed on all features including fields.

Example 1: You cannot place a note token on occupied features.

When a note token cannot be placed because all features are occupied, the tile must be placed elsewhere on the board.

2. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple, as per the normal rules, after the note token is placed. However, a meeple cannot be placed on the same feature where the note token has just been placed in this turn. [1]

Example 2: You cannot place a meeple on any occupied features or to the feature where a note token was placed.

When a note token can only be placed on one remaining unoccupied feature (this can occur after joining the tile to occupied features), a meeple cannot be placed on the tile.

3. Scoring a feature

Cities and roads:
When you complete a city or road with a note token, you score 1 more point per tile than usual. In the advanced variant note tokens stack. You score 1 more point per note token per tile than usual.

Example 3: You score 6 points for this road with a note token (3 + 3).
When playing also wells, you score 7 points (+1 point for 1 well).
Advanced variant
You score 9 points for this road, since there are two note tokens and three tiles (3 + 2×3).
When playing also wells, you score 10 points (+1 point for 1 well).
Example 4: You score 11 points for this city with a note token (8 + 3).
Advanced variant
You score 14 points for this city, since there are two note tokens and three tiles (8 + 2×3).
Final Scoring

Unfinished cities and roads:
Unfinished cities and roads with at least one note token score no points at the end of the game.

At the end of the game, you score 1 more point per completed city in the field. In the advanced variant note tokens stack.

Example 5: You score 4 points.
Advanced variant
You score 5 points (3 points for 1 city + 2×1 for bard's bonus).

Other Expansions

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General rules:

Official clarification from the publisher Note tokens are part of the feature and increase the feature's value. Any expansion which score according to the size of a feature (e.g. Castle, Witch) must include the bard's bonus when one or more note tokens are present on the feature.

Fan Expansions

Rules history

* 24/03/2023 Release of Bards C2 by Snearone (CarcC, CarcCZ) with revisit of rules.
* 24/03/2013 Final release of Bards of Carcassonne by Trebuchet (CarcC).

Tile Distribution

The Bards C2

Total tiles: 7
The Bards C2 tile 07.png ×1
The Bards C2 tile 06.png ×1
The Bards C2 tile 05.png ×1
The Bards C2 tile 04.png ×1
The Bards C2 tile 03.png ×1
The Bards C2 tile 02.png ×1
The Bards C2 tile 01.png ×1
Total tokens: 7
The Bards C2 Lute Token.png ×7
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Highwayman C2.png
Feature Pigsty C2.png
P | Pigsty
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

Bards of Carcassonne C1

Total tiles: 7
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 07.png ×1
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 06.png ×1
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 05.png ×1
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 04.png ×1
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 03.png ×1
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 02.png ×1
Bards of Carcassonne C1 tile 01.png ×1
Total tokens: 7
Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png ×7


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher The player may not place his meeple as a knight on a city if the note token was placed on that city segment, he may not place his meeple as a thief on the road if the note token was placed on that road and he may not place his meeple as a farmer on a field when the note token was placed on that particular field.