Carcassonne Spiele Referenz
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This page is a translated version of the page Carcassonne Game Reference and the translation is 43% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
== Spiel-Referenz == by Meepledrone
- Dieser Abschnitt dient als high-level Beschreibung des Carcassonne-Spiels.
- Das Wort “Du" dient als Verweis auf den aktiven Spieler.
- Schritte in gelb zeigen eine Abweichung gegenüber den original HiG Regeln an.
- Schritte in blau sind Anpassungen zu anderen Ausgaben von Carcassonne, die bei Bedarf mit etwas Kreativität an die bevorzugte Version angepasst wurden. Zusammenfassung Spiele-Referenz
- Wähle die Erweiterungen und Regeln
- Startkarte(n) vorbereiten
- Die restlichen Karten für das Spiel vorbereiten
- Die während des Spiels benötigten Bestandteile beiseite legen
- Figuren und andere Bestandteile an die Spieler verteilen
- Figuren auf der Wertungstafel setzen
- Karte legen
- Setze einen GefolgsmannMeeple
- Wertung während des Spiels
- Karte legen
- Setze einen Gefolgsmannmeeple
(2b. Bewege den Drachen - für HiG & ZMG)(2b. Bewege den Drachen) - Merkmal werten
(3b. Drachen bewegen - für RGG) - Zusätzliche Aktionen
- Karte legen
- Setze einenGefogsmannMeeple
- Wertung eines Merkmals
- Zusätzliche Actionen
- Vorbereitung der Endwertung
- Durchführung Endwertung
Phase & Haupt-Aktivitäten | ||||||
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- Dieser Abschnitt dient als Leitfaden für die Einrichtung des Spielbereichs und die verwendeten Elemente.
- Schritte in blau sind Anpassungen zu anderen Ausgaben von Carcassonne, die bei Bedarf mit etwas Kreativität an die bevorzugte Version angepasst wurden.
Zusammenfassung Vorbereitung
. Wähle Erweiterungen und Regeln
- Wähle die grundlegende Carcassonne Edition für das Spiel
- Erste Edition
- Zweite Edition
- Winter Edition
- Wähle welche Erweiterungen, du spielen möchtest
- Wähle die Regel Variante -zu der gewählten Edition(en)- oder Haus-Regeln; kläre alle Interpretationsmöglichkeiten, potentielle Missverständnisse oder Widersprüche.
. Startkarte(n) vorbereiten
- Startkarte(n) entsprechend den ausgewählten Erweiterungen beiseite legen, falls vorhanden
- Basis-Startkarte
- Flusskakarten' aus:
- River I/III (Quell- und Seekarten entfernen) (Quellkarte entfernen)
- River II (Quellkarte entfernen)
- GQ #11 (Quellkarte und den andere Flusskarte hinzufügen)
- Stadt Carcassonne-Karten und Graf Figur
- 'Schicksalsrad-Karten und Großes rosa Schwein Figur
- Orange Windrose-Karte
- Schul-Karten und Lehrer Figur
- Märkte zu Leipzig Karten
- Spiel Doch! 02/2018 Karten (wenn diese als Startkarten verwendet werden)
- Startkarten offen in die Mitte des Spielfeldes legen
- Platzieren Sie die Basis-Startkarte. Platzieren Sie den Lebkuchenmann auf das Stadtsegment.
- Verwerfen Sie die Basis-Startkarte. Mischen Sie die Basis-Startkarte mit dem Rest der normalen Karten, wenn Sie den Kartenbeutel verwenden; andernfalls entfernen sie diese. < Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, den Lebkuchenmann auf das Stadtsegment der ersten gelegten Karte zu setzen, das mindestens ein Stadtsegment enthält. (Es kann auf einer Flusskarte sein, wenn keine andere Startkarte verwendet wird.)
- Platzieren Sie die Stadt Carcassonne mit der Graf-Figur auf dem Schlossviertel
- Platzieren Sie das Schicksalsrad mit der großen rosa Schwein-Figur auf dem Abschnitt "Fortune"
- Platzieren Sie die Märkte zu Leipzig-Karten
- Platzieren Sie die orangefarbene Windrose-Karte
- Platzieren Sie die Spiel Doch! 02/2018 Karten (falls diese als Startkarten verwendet werden)
- Platzieren Sie die Schule mit der Lehrer-Figur neben der Startkarte
- Lege die Flußgabelung beiseite
- Lege die See-Karte (die mit dem Vulkan) beiseite
- Mische alle anderen Flußkarten und staple sie mit der Oberseite nach unten, lege die Flußgabelung oben auf und platziere die Seekarte als unterste Karte
. Bereite die verbleibenden Karten für das Spiel vor
- Remove from game extra tiles:
- River tiles from CG#11
- River tiles from CutCassonne
- Optionally, 2 of the 6 cloistersmonasteries in base game, if adding Darmstadt churches to the game without other expansions
- The 6 cloistersmonasteries in base game, if adding German monasteries or Dutch & Belgian monasteries or Japanese buildings to the game
- Extra Bathhouses
- 2 players: use 4 bathhouses
- 3 players: use 5 bathhouses
- 4-6 players: use 6 bathhouses
- Remove 3 out of the 12 Peasant Revolts tiles, after shuffling them. Use only 9 tiles
- Shuffle normal land tiles (separate 17, if playing The Plague)
- Place them in stacks facedown
- Put them in the tile bag, as an option
- Place them in the tile tower, as an option
- Distribute abbey tiles: 1 to each player
- Distribute Halfling tiles according to the number of Halfling sets used:
- 1 set (12 tiles): 2 tiles per player
- 2 sets (24 tiles): 3 tiles (or more, if agreed so) per player
Two possible options:
- First game: Shuffle the Hafling tiles (except those with expansion symbols) facedown and each player gets the tiles.
- Later games: Place the Halfling tiles face up. Starting from the last player in counterclockwise order, each player picks one tile at a time until all players have the required number of tiles.
- Distribute German Castle tiles, depending on the number of players:
- 2-3 players: 1 or 2 tiles
- 4-6 players: 1 tile
Two possible options:
- Each player picks the tile (or tiles) of his choice.
- Mix the tiles and distribute them at random.
- Select wonder tiles: 1 or 2 per player (Note: If playing with one set, there may be up to 4 players only).
. Lege alles was während des Spiels gebraucht wird beiseite
- Tiles and tokens:
- 50/100 point tiles
- Trade goods tokens
- King/Robber Baron tiles and tokens
- Sheep and wolf tokens: placed inside the flock bag
- Animal tokens: shuffled and placed in a stack facedown
- Message tiles: shuffled in a stack facedown
- Plague tokens: outbreak and flea tokens
- La Porxada tokens if available
- Fruit-bearing trees tokens: arranged by fruit type and placed facedown in 6 stacks by type.
- Wooden figures and other pieces:
- Fairy
- Dragon
- Wooden catapult and ruler
- Big Top
- 15 ghosts
- 3 guard followersmeeples in each player color
- Flier die
- Ferries
- Gold pieces and the scoring token
- Mage
- Witch
- Gingerbread Man
- Easter bunny
- 40 Easter eggs
- Regular die, if the Flier die is not available
- Place the scoreboard off to the side of the game table. You may use the one included in Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries instead of the one from the base game.
- Shuffle the gift cards and place them facedown in a stack by the scoreboard.
- Place the selected wonder tiles faceup by the scoreboard.
- Prepare Land Surveyors scoring tiles:
- Shuffle the scoring tiles and place them face up in three stacks (cities, roads and monasteries) by the scoreboard
- Take the top scoring tile from each stack and place them next to the corresponding stack as initial active scoring tiles
. Distribute figures and other elements to players
- Distribute figures to each player in one color
- Normal followersmeeples: 86 + (1 or 2 recommended for The Markets of Leipzig) + (1 or 2 for The Wonders of Humanity)
- If playing with The Markets of Leipzig: it is recommended to add extra followersmeeples, as they tend to run low with this expansion:
- Add 1 normal followermeeple with C2 rules, if available
- Add 2 normal followersmeeples with C3 rules, if available
- If playing with The Wonders of Humanity:
- Add 1 normal followermeeple or 1 unused figure in the player's color to be used as wonder marker.
- Add 1 normal followermeeple or 1 unused figure in the player's color to be used as second wonder marker, if playing with the variant with 2 wonders.
- If playing with The Markets of Leipzig: it is recommended to add extra followersmeeples, as they tend to run low with this expansion:
- Pig: 1
- Builder: 1
- Tower piecesfloors, depending on the number of players
- 2 players: 10 tower piecesfloors
- 3 players: 9 tower piecesfloors
- 4 players: 7 tower piecesfloors
- 5 players: 6 tower piecesfloors
- 6 players: 5 tower piecesfloors
- Mayor: 1
- Wagon: 1
- Barn: 1
- Bridges, depending on the number of players
- 2-4 players: 3 bridges
- 5-6 players: 2 bridges
- Shepherd: 1
- Ringmaster: 1
- Guard followersmeeples: 2 (the other 3 were already set aside)
- Messenger: 1
- Robber: 1
- Phantom: 1
- Abbot: 1
- Normal followersmeeples: 86 + (1 or 2 recommended for The Markets of Leipzig) + (1 or 2 for The Wonders of Humanity)
- Distribute tokens to each player
- Catapult tokens: 4, one per type
- Castle token, depending on the number of players
- 2-4 players: 3 castles
- 5-6 players: 2 castles
- Tunnel tokens, depending on the number of players
- 2 players: 6 tunnel tokens (3 sets)
- 3 players: 4 tunnel tokens (2 sets)
- 4-6 players: 2 tunnel tokens (1 set) with player's colour
- Little buildings, depending on the number of players and the rules applied
- Normal rules (no distinction between building types)
- 2 players: 9 buildings
- 3 players: 6 buildings
- 4 players: 4 buildings
- 5-6 players: 3 buildings
- Variant rules (distinction between building types)
- 2 players: 3 towers + 3 houses + 3 sheds
- 3 players: 2 towers + 2 houses + 2 sheds
- 4-6 players: 1 tower + 1 house + 1 shed
- Normal rules (no distinction between building types)
- Tollhouse tokens: 1 in player's color
- Betting chips: 6 in player's color (placed facedown)
. Set scoring figures on scoreboard and prepare to start
- If playing with The Wonders of Humanity:
- Place 1 normal followermeeple and 1 wonder marker per player (both taken from their supply) next to the 10 space of the scoreboard.
- Place 1 wonder marker per player (taken from their supply) next to the 50 space of the scoreboard, if playing with the variant with 2 wonders.
- Place 1 normal followermeeple per player (taken from their supply) on the 0 space of the scoreboard (it will serve as a scoring figure).
- Place messengers on the 0 space of the scoreboard.
- This section serves as a guide for the final scoring.
- Apply Scoring After the GameScoring After the GameScoring After the Game
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
Final scoring summary
. Prepare for final scoring
- Each player adds up the scores of their counting figuresscoring figures. Then each player places one counting figurescoring figure on their achieved total and removes the other. No message tiles are drawn during final scoring.
- Each player with their robber on the scoreboard scores 3 points and returns it to their supply
- Each player scores 2 points per unopened gift card in their supply and removes them
- Score the circus and remove the big top
- Settle the bets on the board separately. Each bet's owner decides its associated feature, if several options are available
- Remove castle lords still in normal castles on the game board and any ghosts added to them
- Remove cemetery keepers from the game board and any ghosts added to them
- Remove gold pieces still on the game board
- Remove the Easter bunny
- Redeploy followersmeeples from the market quarterdistrict of the City of Carcassonne to farmsfields, if the Count figure is not placed on that district. Players starting from the left of the active player redeploy one followermeeple at a time until no followersmeeples are left. FollowersMeeples from other quartersdistricts can also be redeployed at this time.No followersmeeples from other quartersdistricts can be redeployed at this time.
- Score any followersmeeples deployed to farmsfields with barns.
- Score the wonders that score at the end of the game, if any was selected and placed during the game.
. Perform final scoring
- Score all uncompleted features and unscored figures and unscored figures taking into account the fairy taking into account the fairy and the ringmaster taking into account the ringmaster (Ghosts only affect those players with the majority)
- Roads
- Cities
- Apply La Porxada bonus if requested by a player and the city with La Porxada is completed. The scoring bonus benefits all players who had at least one knight in the city when it was closed. Those players may have received a token as a reminder, if agreed so.
- CloistersMonasteries
- Shrines
- Shepherds and their sheep (0 points)
- Acrobat pyramids
- Abbeys
- Haunted castles
- Darmstadt churches
- Baba Yaga's hut
- German castles
- German cathedrals
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with monks
- Gardens
- Easter Nest areas (no effect)
- Fortune teller tent (0 points for the feature itself)
- Score all end-of-game features and figures and figures taking into account the fairy taking into account the fairy and the ringmaster taking into account the ringmaster (Ghosts only affect those players with the majority)
- FollowersMeeples trapped by Solovei Razboynik
- FollowersMeeples trapped by Vodyanoy
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with abbots
- Barns
- FarmsFields taking into account the Tanners quarter bonus
- Resolve final scoring
- Score Easter (uneaten) eggs
- Score fruit tokens
- Score golden pieces
- Score trade good tokens to majority by type
- Score King and Robber Baron tiles
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- ↑
Während der Fluss-Runde ist die Wertung auf ein paar Fälle beschränkt:
- Feen Punkte
- Schafherden Punkte
- Abt Punkte
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