Expansion Reference List FiguresTiles

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|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/1) ||Easter in Carcassonne
(Ostern in Carcassonne)


||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||22 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Rabbit.png
1x Easter bunny
Figure Die.png
1x Dice
(2x1, 2x2, 2x3) ||Numerous chocolate Easter Eggs |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/2) ||Easter Festival
(Ostern in Carcassonne)


||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||22 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Rabbit.png
1x Easter bunny
Figure Die.png
1x Dice
(2x1, 2x2, 2x3) |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Rules
CarcC Tiles ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/3) ||Fairy Tales


||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Wolf.png
5x wolf ||Token AppleRed.png
3x Apple
Token Timber!.png
1x Wood |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/4) ||An Apple a Day
(Ein Apfel am Tag)


||C1 ||Cappy ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token AppleRed.png
7x Apple
Token AppleYellow.png
2x Forbidden Fruit
Token AppleTell.png
1x Target practice
Token Apple Green.png
1x Green Apple
Token ApplePoison.png
1x Poisoned Apple
Token AppleHalf.png
1x Jean Appleseed
Token AppleHealth.png
2x An Apple A Day |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/5) ||Timber!
(Baum fällt!)


||C1 ||Scott & Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Timber!.png
12x Wood |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/6) ||Gold Rush


||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Gold.png
1x Gold
Token Coal.png
15x Coal |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Mountain / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/7) ||The Ocean (2009)
(Das Meer)


||C1 ||Skipboris ||110 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boats stacked.png
6x ship for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Ocean2009.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/8) ||The Ocean (2013)
(Das Meer)


||C1 ||Skipboris ||122 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boats stacked.png
6x ship for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Ocean2013.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/9) ||The Ocean : Turbulent Waters
(Das Meer : Raue See)


||C1 ||Skipboris ||52 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||ReferenceFigures JunkBlack.png
1x Pirate Khayr ad-Din
Figure Mermaid.png
1x Mermaid
Figure Dragon blue.png
1x Leviathan
8x trade marker for each player ||Token Diamond.png
6x Diamond |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Ocean / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/10) ||The Ocean : Buried Treasure
(Das Meer : Verborgene Schätze)


||C1 ||Skipboris ||60 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Builder white.png
1x White Builder
Figure Count white.png
1x White Count
Figure Meeple white.png
1x White Big Follower
Figure Junk white.png
1x White Galleon ||24x Treasure Maps
36x Treasure Cards |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Ocean / Treasure ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/11) ||Lavender Fields


||C1 ||Welli Designs ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Bee.png
12x Bee |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fields / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/12) ||Wishing Wells
(Die Wunschbrunnen)


||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
2x mini followers for each player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Wells ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/13) ||Treasure Hunt
(Die Schatzsuche)


||C1 ||Jonathan Wu ||24 ||0 ||14x Treasure Tiles ||Figure Builder white.png
1x White Builder
Figure Meeple white.png
1x White Big Follower ||CharTile WhiteKnight.png
1x White Knight
CharTile WhiteBuilder.png
1x White Builder
Tile TreasureHunt.png
10x Treasure Tiles
Token TreasureChest Red.png
3x Red Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Green.png
3x Green Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Blue.png
3x Blue Treasure Chest
Token TreasureKey Red.png
3x Red Key
Token TreasureKey Green.png
3x Green Key
Token TreasureKey Blue.png
3x Blue Key
Token TreasureKey Multi.png
1x Multicolor Key ||Symbol TreasureHunt.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Treasure ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/14) ||Treasure Chest
(Die Schatztruhen)


||C1 ||Novelty ||9 ||0 ||6x Treasure Tiles |data-sort-value="1"| ||3x Treasure Tiles
Token TreasureChest Yellow.png
1x Yellow Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Purple.png
1x Purple Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest MultiAll.png
1x Multicolor Treasure Chest
Token TreasureKey Yellow.png
1x Yellow Key
Token TreasureKey Purple.png
1x Purple Key
Token TreasureKey MultiAll.png
1x Multicolor Key
Token Gold.png
1x Gold |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest / River / Treasure ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/15) ||Lord of the Rings 2 : The Two Towers
(Herr der Ringe 2 : Die zwei Türme)


||C1 ||Meepleater ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||20x Map Pieces
Token Bee.png
1x Bee |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||LOTR ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/16) ||Lord of the Rings 3 : Return of the King
(Herr der Ringe 3 : Die Ruckkehr des Königs)


||C1 ||Meepleater ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Herbs.png
1x Herb
Token Pennant.png
1x Pennant
Symbol Cathars C1.png
1x Cathar
Token Sauron.png
1x Eye of Sauron |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||LOTR ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/17) ||Family Feud V3
(Familienenfehde v3)


||C1 ||Frédérick Renaud ||36 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Cloister.png
8x Cloister |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||City / Pennant ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/18) ||Breweries V2
(Die Brauereien v2)


||C1 ||Meepleater ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Heretical Cloister.png
4x heretical cloister ||Symbol Breweries.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/19) ||Gold Mines


||C1 ||Scott & Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Gold.png
12x Gold |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/20) ||Mills and Bakeries V1
(Mühlen und Bäckereien v1)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Bread.png
10x Bread |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fields / River / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/21) ||Mills and Bakeries V2
(Mühlen und Bäckereien v2)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Bread.png
10x Bread ||Symbol MillsBakeries.png ||CarcC Forum ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/22) ||Fruit Trader
(Die Fruchthändler)


||C1 ||Jonathan Wu ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Ananas.png
6x Pineapple |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
BGG (original) ||Monastic / Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/23) ||Apothecaries and Tithes
(Apotheken und Zehntscheunen)


||C1 ||Meepleater ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Herbs.png
8x Herb |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/24) ||Cleric & Serf
(Kleriker undd Leibeigene)


||C1 ||Novelty ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Serf.png
1x Serf
CharTile Cleric.png
1x Cleric
Token Cloister2.png
14x Cloister |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Monastic / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/25) ||Influence of the Church
(Der Einfluss der Kirche)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||13 ||0 ||Tile InfChurch Priory.png

6x Priory
1x large Basilica (2x2) |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Cloister Counter Card
Tile InfChurch BasilicaTrigger.png
1x Basilica Draw tile
Token CrossInfluence.png
25x cross influence
Token Cloister Besieged.png
6x besieged cloister
Token CathedralUpgrade Stacked.png
1x cathedral upgrade for each player
Token Cross Stacked.png
1x cross for each player ||Symbol InfluenceOfTheChurch.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/26) ||Roman Influence
(Der römische Einfluss)


||C1 ||CarcassonneCentral ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Legionnaire stacked.png
1x Roman Legionnaire for each player
Token Philosopher stacked.png
1x Philosopher for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/27) ||Taverns


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Ale.png
18x Ale |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/28) ||Cemetery
(Die Fredhöfe)


||C1 ||Quevy ||10 ||0 ||2x optional |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token FlowerBouquet.png
For variant 1:
1x Bouquet of Flowers for each player
Token Undertaker Stacked.png
For Variant 2:
1x Undertaker for each player
Token GraveRobber Stacked.png
For variant 3:
1x Grave Robber for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Monastic / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/29) ||Manors


||C1 ||JPutt927 & Leven ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Tokens Manors Coins.png
Some coins or tokens ||Symbol Manors.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/30) ||Chariot Race
(Das Wagenrennen)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||4 ||0 ||1x Chariot Race Stadium (2x2) |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Chariot race draw tile
Token ChariotRacingBet Stacked.png
1x Bet set for each player
Token ChariotRacingRace Stacked.png
30x Race |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/31) ||Bards of Carcassonne
(Die Barden von Carcassonne)


||C1 ||Trebuchet ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Note.png
7x Note ||Symbol Bards.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Fields / Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/32) ||Natural Disasters
(Die Maturkatastrophen)


||C1 ||CKorfmann & Gwommy ||6 ||0 ||1x flood cut-out ||Figure Disc nature.png
1x Wooden Disc[1] ||Token Earthquake.png
8x Earthquake |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/33) ||Fighters & Scholars
(Kämpfer und Gelehrte)


||C1 ||edmil ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||6 Double-sided outcome tiles
1x small bag
Token FightersScholar Level stacked.png
12x Level
Token FightersScholar Training stacked.png
12x Training |data-sort-value="0"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/34) ||Wizards & Witches
(Zauberer und Hexen)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token WitchPotion.png
6x Witch potion
Token Wizard.png
7x Wizard
Token Witch.png
7x Witch |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/35) ||Salt and Cocoa Traders
(Salz und Kakaohändler)


||C1 ||Meepleater ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Salt.png
7x Salt
Token CocoaBeans.png
5x Cocoa ||Symbol SaltCocoa.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/36) ||New Discoveries
(Neue Entdeckungen)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||4 ||0 ||1x Lake (2x2) |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Compass.png
6x explorer compass
Token Flag stacked.png
1x Flag for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/37) ||Apothecaries
(Die Apotheker)


||C1 ||Meepleater ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||9x Alchemy Tiles
Token NochtemGloria.png
15x Nochtem Gloria
Token Deersbane.png
15x Deersbane
Token Wraithweed.png
15x Wraithweed ||Symbol Apothecaries.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/38) ||Lakes and Fishmongers


||C1 ||Quevy ||45 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boats stacked.png
1x boat for each player[1] as alternative to token ||Token Fisher Stacked.png
1x Boat for each player
Token Fish.png
5x Fish ||Symbol LakesFishmongers.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Lake / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/39) ||Tug of War - UK Meetup 2015
(Das Tauziehen)


||C1 ||Decar ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Disc nature.png
1x marker[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/40) ||Fishermen & Pirates


||C1 ||Meeple ||53 ||1 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boats stacked.png
1x ship for each player[1] as alternative to token
ReferenceFigures JunkBlack.png
1x pirate ship[1] as alternative to token ||Token Fishermen&Pirate Ship Stacked.png
1x ship for each player
Token Fishermen&Pirate Pirate.png
1x pirate
Token Fishermen&Pirate Fish.png
8x Fish ||Symbol Fishermen&Pirate.png ||CarcF ||Fishermen / Ocean / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/41) ||Santa Claus
(Der Nikolaus)


||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Santa.png
1x St. Nicolas |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol StNicolas.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/42) ||The White Dragon
(Der weiße Drache)


||C1 ||Ricy ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Dragon white.png
1x White Dragon
5x White Markers |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol WhiteDragon.png ||CarcF ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/43) ||The Handicraft
(Das Handwerk)


||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Handicraft.png
12x Handicraft ||Symbol Handwerk.png ||CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/44) ||Family Planning


||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure FemaleFollower stacked.png
1x female follower for each player
Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
1x child for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol FamilyPlanning.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/45) ||Birthday in the Land of Cockaigne
(Geburtstag im Schlaraffenland)


||C1 ||Carcassonne-Forum ||10 ||0 ||1x KJW (2x3) |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Cockaigne Stacked.png
9x Cockaigne ||Symbol LandCockaigne.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/46) ||The Forests of Carcassonne v2.0
(Die Wälder von Carcassonne)


||C1 ||Cosalo & Tanja Pöschl ||57 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Disc nature.png
2x Wooden Tokens[1] |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol DieWälder.png ||CarcF
C-Welt ||Forest ||Tile WaldervonCarc.png

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/47) ||Tunnel Extra V0.6


||C1 ||Quevy ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Tunnel Stacked.png
2x 3 Tunnel for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/48) ||Tunnel Extra V1.0


||C1 ||Quevy ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Tunnel Stacked.png
2x 3 Tunnel for each player
Token Tunnel new Stacked.png
2x 4 Tunnel for each player (alternate colours) ||Symbol Tunnel.png ||CarcC ||Road / Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/49) ||The Ice Queen
(Die Eiskönigin)


||C1 ||Sigried & Dieter Maute ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure IceQueen.png
1x Icequeen
Figure Oxe.png
1x Ox |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol IceQueen.png ||CarcF ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/50) ||The Horses & The Dungeons
(Die Pferde und der Kerker)


||C1 ||Mentor09 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||4x Event Tiles
1x Dungeon Tableau
1x Horse Market Tableau
Token HorsesDungeons.png
30x Horse ||Symbol HorsesDungeons.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/51) ||Bailiff and Rider
(Landvogt und Landreiter)


||C1 ||invinitas & KlausiMausi ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Bailiff[1]
1x Rider[1]
Figure Die white.png
1x Die[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/52) ||The Training Area
(Der Übungsplatz)


||C1 ||Lars120 ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Disc nature.png
6x Wooden Disc ||Token TrainingArea stacked.png
18x Numbers
(6x1, 6x2, 6x3) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/53) ||St Nicolas
(Der St. Nikolaus)


||C1 ||Seli ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token StNicolas.png
9x St. Nicolas present ||Symbol DerNikolaus.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/54) ||The Inner Wall
(Der innere Wall)


||C1 ||Bojo ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token InnerWall.png
6x Protection & Trutz ||Symbol InnereWall.png ||CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/55) ||Fishers & Sailors
(Fischer und Seefahrer)


||C1 ||Bojo ||180 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure MeeplesLarge C1.png
3x Fishers (Mini-Meeple) for each player
Figure Fisher&Sailors Fish stacked.png
1x Fish for each player
Figure Fisher&Sailor Marine.png
1x Navy Ship
Figure Fisher&Sailor Pirat.png
1x Pirate Ship ||Token FisherSailor Joker stacked.png
8x Joker for each player
Token FisherSailor Fish.png
12x Fish
Token FisherSailor Navigator.png
1x Navigator
Token FisherSailor Robbered.png
4x Robbed Tokens ||Symbol FisherSailor.png ||CarcF ||Fishermen / Lake / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/56) ||The Architects
(Die Architekten)


||C1 ||Gwommy ||36 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Architect stacked.png
1x Architect for each player ||Token Bee.png
1x Bee |data-sort-value="0"| ||CarcC
Old CarcC Forum ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/57) ||Fences


||C1 ||Gwommy & Elmendalerenda ||15 ||0 ||Tile Fences Bridge.png
1x Bridge (halfsize) for each player ||Figure Fence.png
12x Wooden Fences |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Fences.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/58) ||The Horse
(Das Pferd)


||C1 ||Gwommy ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||2x Horse[1] |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Horse.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/59) ||The Pope of Avignon
(Der Papst aus Avignon)


||C1 ||Wicke ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Count white.png
1x White Pope |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/60) ||The Invaders
(Die Eindringlinge)


||C1 ||Whaleyland ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Invader.png
1x Invader |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Invaders.png ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/61) ||The Reconquest of Gaul
(Die Rückeroberung Galliens)


||C1 ||Whaleyland ||4 ||0 ||2x Starting blocks (5x4) ||Figure Crusader Gaul.png
2x Crusaders |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Gaul.png ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/62) ||Roads to Victory
(Die Strassen zum Erfolg)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Posthouse stacked.png
1x Post house for each player
Figure Pickpocket stacked.png
1x Pickpocket for each player ||Token Diamond Roads2Victory.png
20x Jewels ||Symbol Roads2Victory.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/63) ||Marshes
(Die Sümpfe)


||C1 ||Trebuchet ||104 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boglord.png
1x Bog Lord
Figure Die white.png
1x Die |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/64) ||The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
(Der Zauberer von Oz)


||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Wizard.png
1x Wizard |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/65) ||Barbarian Horde


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||8 ||0 ||1x Fortress (4x4)

1x Besieged City of Carcassonne (4x3)

2x Archery Towers ||Figure Barbarian.png
13x Barbarian
Figure Discs stacked.png
3x coloured disc for each player[1] as alternative to token ||8x Barbarian Direction (N, NE, E, ...)
Token BarbarianHorde.png
13 Defense Tokens
(8x pit,
2x catapult,
2x swordsmen,
1x archer)
12x Barbarian Reward Cards
4x Reference Cards
Token Coloured stacked.png
3 coloured tokens for each player ||Symbol BarbarianHorde.png ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/66) ||Dragon Hunters


||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Pig black.png
6x Wild Boar
Figure Sheep2.png
6x White Sheep
Figure Cow.png
6x Brown Cow |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol DragonHunters.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/67) ||The Inquisitor
(Der Inquisitor)


||C1 ||Aenima ||15 ||1 ||1x Holy Inquisition board (3x3) ||Figure Count red.png
1x Inquisitor ||Tile Retract.png
6x Retract Tiles
Token Inquisitor.png
1x Investigation |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/68) ||Pied Piper
(Der Rattenfänger)


||C1 ||Quevy ||16 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure PiedPiper.png
1x Pied Piper
Figure MeeplesLarge C1.png
2x Mini Follower for each player ||Token Rat.png
64x Rat ||Symbol PiedPiper.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/69) ||The Boy Who Cried Wolf


||C1 ||Quevy ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Grass.png
16x Grass ||Symbol BoyCriedWolf.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/70) ||The Big Black Pig Escape
(Der Ausbruch des grossen schwarzen Schweins)


||C1/C2 ||Aenima ||2 ||2 ||1x 2x1 Starting Block ||Figure Pig black.png
1x Big Black Pig |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/71) ||Wanderer and Mayor's Office
(Wanderer und Bürgermeisterbüro)


||C1 ||Leven ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Monasteries stacked.png
1x Mayor"s Office for each player
Figure Wanderer stacked.png
1x Wanderer for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol MayorsOffice.png ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/72) ||Pig Race to Riches
(Das Schweinerennen zu Wohlstand)


||C1 ||Carcking & JPutt927 ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Pigs stacked C1.png
1x Pig for each player ||Token Race2Rich stacked.png
36x Race to Riches (12x Road, 12x Cloister, 12x City) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/73) ||The Gambling (Aenima)


||C1 ||Aenima ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure DiceGame.png
9x Dice of Carcassonne - Dice Game |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Gambling.png ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/74) ||Buried Treasure


||C1 ||frankdux ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token BuriedTreasure Treasure.png
9x Treasure
Token BuriedTreasure Dirt.png
11x Dirt |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Treasure ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/75) ||Bifröst & Rainbows
(Die Himmelsbrücken und Regenbogen)


||C1 ||Quevy ||12 ||1 ||1x Weather Condition start/block (2x2) ||Figure Leprechaun.png
1x Leprechaun
Figure Bifröst.png
6x Bifröst ||1x Weather Condition Draw tile
Token BifröstRainbow GoldPot.png
32x Gold pot ||Symbol Bifröst.png ||CarcC ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/76) ||A winter without snow


||C1 ||Quevy ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Gingerbreadman.png
1x Gingerbread man |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png ||CarcC ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/77) ||Carcassonne Central Competitions Tiles (aka Yellow Abbey)


||C1 ||Quevy ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Competition Wine.png
1x Wine ||Symbol YellowAbbey.png ||CarcC ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/78) ||The Legend of Lady Carcas


||C1 ||Dragonlord ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure LadyCarcas.png
1x Lady Carcas
Figure StrawKnights stacked.png
5x Straw Knight for each player
Figure Pigs stacked C1.png
1x Pig for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol LadyCarcas.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/79) ||Sailing The Seas C1
(Beseegeln der See)


||C1 ||Squiffything ||60 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Dragon blue.png
1x Leviathan
Figure Die white.png
1x Die
Figure SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player as alternative for token ||Token SailingTheSea Treasure.png
24x Treasure Chest
Token SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Rules
CarcC Tiles ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/80) ||Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes C1
(Beseegeln der See : Handelsroutes)


||C1 ||Wolnic ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token SailingTheSea Trade C1.png
40x Trade |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/81) ||Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes C2
(Beseegeln der See : Handelsroutes)


||C2 ||Wolnic ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token SailingTheSea Trade C1.png
40x Trade |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/82) ||Sailing The Seas C2
(Beseegeln der See)


||C2 ||Wolnic ||60 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Dragon blue.png
1x Leviathan
Figure Die white.png
1x Die
Figure SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player as alternative for token ||Token SailingTheSea Treasure.png
24x Treasure Chest
Token SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/83) ||The Coast : Catch of the Day


||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token SailingTheSea Crab.png
10x Crab |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/84) ||New Forest : The Hunting Forest
(Die Jagdgründe)


||C2 ||Wolnic ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token HuntingForest.png
14x Wild Boar |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/85) ||The New Forest


||C2 ||Wolnic ||115 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Timber!.png
12x Wood |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Part 1
CarcC Part 2
CarcC Part 3 ||Forest / River / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/86) ||Pig on a Pedestal
(Das Schwein auf dem Podest)


||C2 ||Wolnic ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token PigOnAPedestral stacked.png
1x Statue for each player ||Symbol PigOnAPedestral.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/87) ||The Libraries
(Die Bibliotheken)


||C1 ||PresetM ||32 ||2 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Library.png
21x Book ||Symbol Libraries.png ||CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/88) ||Dragon Killers


||C1/C2/WD ||Oldbonz & Meepledrone ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Die white.png
1x Die ||CharTile Princess.png
1x Princess ||Symbol DragonKillers.png ||CarcC ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/89) ||Dragon Nests


||C1/C2/WD ||Oldbonz & Meepledrone ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token DragonEgg.png
28x Dragon egg ||Symbol DragonNest.png ||CarcC ||Dragon / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/90) ||Wanderers & Myths


||C1 ||Karel Koplík ||99 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Meal.png
24x Meal |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/91) ||The Plague


||C2 ||PresetM ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Plague Flea C2.png
18x Flea
Token Plague Outbreak stacked C2.png
6x Outbreak ||Symbol Spielbox.png ||CarcF ||C1=>C2 ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/92) ||City on Fire


||C1 ||Palkan ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Trebuchet Trebuchet.png
12x Trebuchet
Token Trebuchet CityOnFire.png
24x City on fire ||Symbol CityFire.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/93) ||The Alchemist


||C1/C2 ||Meepledrone ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Alchemist.png
1x Alchemist ||Token Alchemist Elements stacked.png
24x Alchemist Symbols (6x earth, 6x air, 6x water, 6x fire)
Token Alchemist PhilosopherStone.png
1x Philosopher stone ||Symbol Alchemist.png ||CarcC ||Advent2019 / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/94) ||The Druid
(Der Druide)


||C1 ||kettlefish ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Druide.png
1x Druid |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/95) ||Golden Eggs


||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||16x Golden Egg (chocolate?)[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/96) ||The Dragon Flowers of Carcassonne


||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Die white.png
12x Die
Figure DieDragon.png
1x Die (1x Dragon, 5x empty) ||Token Grass.png
12x Grass |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/97) ||Demons in Carcassonne
(Dämonen in Carcassonne)


||C1 ||Murphy013 ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Demons stacked.png
1x Demon for each player
Figure Discs stacked.png
1x coloured disc for each player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2019 ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/98) ||The Gambling (invinitas)
(Das Glücksspiel)


||C1 ||invinitas ||21 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x die
(standard colours on each face) ||1x round token per player colour
24x result tokens
(18x score
4x landscape) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/99) ||The Rainbow
(Der Regenbogen)


||C1 ||invinitas ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Rainbow GoldPot.png
6x Pot of Gold ||Symbol TheRainbow.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/100) ||Robin Hood


||C1 ||invinitas ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||2x Robin Hood[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/101) ||Snow Queen


||WE ||PresetM ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure IceQueen.png
1x Snow queen |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/102) ||Ignatius of Loyola


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||CAE Manresa ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Manresa Ignatius.png
1x Ignatius
4x action cards |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/103) ||The Summer Gingerbread Man
(Der Sommer Lebkuchenmann)


||C1 ||Quevy ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Win gbm gingerbreadMan.png
1x Gingerbread Man |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/104) ||The Painter
(Die Maler)


||C1 ||Ratz65 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Painter stacked.png
1x Painter for each player
Figure Cube red.png
42x small red cubes
Figure Cube yellow.png
42x small yellow cubes
Figure Cube blue.png
42x small blue cubes
Figure Cube white.png
14x small white cubes
Figure Cube green.png
14x small green cubes
Figure Cube black.png
14 small black cubes
Figure Cube purple.png
14x small purple cubes
Figure Cube orange.png
14 small orange cubes ||6x Portrait cards
48x Cover pieces |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
(Rules only) || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/105) ||The Abbot (Base Game)
(Der Abt)


||C1 ||PresetM ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Abbots stacked.png
1x Abbot for each player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||C2=>C1 / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/106) ||The Black Death
(Der schwazre Tod)


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||CAE Manresa ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Tile Manresa BlackDeath.png
1x Black Death |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/107) ||Riverboats & The Whirlpool


||C1 ||Just a Bill ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boats stacked.png
1x Riverboat for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Whirlpool.png ||CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/108) ||Carcassonne's Dracula


||C1 ||Carcatronn ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure BigNobleman.png
1x van Helsing
Figure Boglord.png
1 Dracula
Figure Count red.png
4x Vampires ||Token Dracula WoodStake.png
6x Wooden Stake |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Tokens / Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/109) ||The Winter Coast & Catch of the Day


||WD ||Wolnic ||49 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token SailingTheSea Crab.png
10x Crab |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/110) ||Olive Tree Orchards


||C1 ||Welli Designs ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token OliveTreeOrchard.png
18x Olive |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/111) ||The Necromancer


||C1 ||Wicke ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Necromancer.png
1x Necromancer
Figure Count white.png
1x Prince By-Tor
Figure Sheep2.png
1x Snow dog |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/112) ||Keep


||C1 ||Gamemai ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Keep |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/113) ||Crusades and Representatives of the People


||C1/C2 ||LRV ||19 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Crusader Priest[1]
3x Representative of the people[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/114) ||Captains & Spies


||C2 ||Servius Sertorius & Meepledrone ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Captain for each player
Figure Die white.png
1x Die |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/115) ||The Mill & Beekeeper


||C2 ||Carcassonne93 ||31 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Beekeeper[1] for each player ||Token MillBee Comb stacked.png
25x Honeycomb (1-4)
Token MillBee SaltMine stacked.png
6x Salt (3,4,5)
1x small bag
Token MillBee Mills stacked.png
2x Windmill for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/116) ||Ally or Enemy


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||Ker42 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||8x regular followers in neutral colour ||6x tokens
(x10 colours) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/117) ||Cosmic Portal 2 : Exploring the Multiverse


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||Ker42 ||34 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token MirrorZone2.png
30 tokens ||Symbol MirrorZone.png ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/118) ||Deserts


||C1 ||Darathor ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||15x camels
(3+ colours) |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Deserts.png ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/119) ||Detour and Impasse
(Umleitungen und Sackgassen)


||C1 ||Carcatronn & Carcking ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Ferry.png
8x Ferry |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/120) ||Gambler's Luck
(Das Glück des Spielers)


||C1/C2 ||Snearone ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Die white.png
1x Die ||Token GamblersLuck.png
40x tokens ||Symbol GamblersLuck.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Pennant ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/121) ||Kingdoms on the River


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||Lumen ||6 ||0 ||6x Border Extensions |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token KingdomsOnRiver Cart.png
4x Cart Tokens
Token KingdomsOnRiver Turnstone.png
1x Turnstone (double-sided) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/122) ||Legacy of Rome


||C1 ||Whaleyland ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Count black.png
1x Duke[2]
12x Road pieces ||24x Rubble Tokens |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/123) ||Double or Nothing
(Doppelt oder Nichts)


||C1 ||invinitas ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x "Double or Nothing" token
or any coin |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/124) ||Monuments


||C1 ||Darathor ||4 ||0 ||4x 2x2 tile blocks ||10x small cubes in each player colour ||Token Monuments Renown.png
40x Renown Tokens |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/125) ||Summer Gingerbread Man


||C2 ||Michael Halbert ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Win gbm gingerbreadMan.png
1x Gingerbread Man |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/126) ||Tarots


||C2 ||Oldbonz ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Tarot.png
48x Tokens (6 per player) ||Symbol Tarot.png ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/127) ||The Families
(De Families)


||C1 ||Frédérick Renaud ||36 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Cloister2.png
16x Monastery |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Missing / Pennant ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/128) ||The Lake
(Der See)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||1 ||0 ||1x 3x3 block |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Water.png
25x water tokens
6 player tokens |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Lake ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/129) ||The Pope of Avignon v1.01
(Der Papst aus Avignon)


||C2 ||MarkosBoss ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Count white.png
1x Pope[3] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/130) ||The Riverside School
(Die Schull am Fluss)


||C2 ||Wolnic ||6 ||1 ||"Double" Tiles
(3x Left, 3x Right)
1x 2x2 start block ||Figure Teacher red.png
1x translucent teacher in any colour |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol RiversideSchool.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||River / Road / School ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/131) ||The Riverside School
(Die Schull am Fluss)


||C1 ||KlausiMausi ||6 ||1 ||"Double" Tiles
(3x Left, 3x Right)
1x 2x2 start block ||Figure Teacher red.png
1x translucent teacher in any colour |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol RiversideSchool.png ||CarcF ||River / Road / School ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/132) ||Tithe Barns


||C1 ||Meepleater ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol TitheBarn.png
||CarcC ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/133) ||Virus
(Das Virus)


||C1/C2 ||Konrad2605 ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Virus.png
18x Virus Tokens ||Symbol Virus.png
||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/134) ||Kettle of Fish
(Schöne Bescherung)


||C1 ||Novelty ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token KettleOfFish Fish.png
8x Fish |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fishermen / River / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/135) ||Phantom of the Opera
(Das Phantom der Oper)


||C1 ||Wicke ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Phantoms C1.png
1x translucent Follower for each player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/136) ||Castles, strongholds, towers
(Schlösser, Burgen, Türme)


||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||6x Tower Watchmen |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/137) ||The Shepherds visit the Christ Child
(Der Hirten besuchen das Christkind)


||WD ||Seli & Fritz_Spinne ||1 ||1 ||1x double tile |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token ShepherdChild Stall.png
8 Shelters (1 per colour) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/138) ||DoubleSide or DoubleTurn
(Doppelseiten oder Doppelzug )


||C1 ||KlausiMausi & frankdux & Cate ||10 ||0 ||8x Double sided
2x Joker |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token DoubleTurn stacked.png
10 tokens, 1 per colour
12x Double Turn Draw Tiles ||Symbol DoubleTurn.png
||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/139) ||The Abbot (Expansions)
(Der Abt)


||C1 ||PresetM ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Abbots stacked.png
1x Abbot for each player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||C2=>C1 / Garden / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/140) ||The River Riders
(Die Flussfahrer)


||C1 ||BuLiFM ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Boats stacked.png
6x Sailing Ships (1 each colour) |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Flussfahrer.png
||CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/141) ||Herd of Cattle
(Die Rinderherde)


||C1 ||Lemmy77 ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Cow.png
2x Wooden Cattle |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/142) ||No Barter, Produce


||C1 ||Dave ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token NoBarter Sack.png
6x Sacks
Token NoBarter Shears.png
5x Shears
Token NoBarter Flask.png
9x Flasks |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/143) ||Merry Men
(Die Gesetzlosen)


||C1 ||Novelty ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Outlaw.png
1x Outlaw |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Cliffs / Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/144) ||Angler and Fish Farms
(Angler und Fischzucht)


||C1 ||Novelty ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Angler.png
1x Angler |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fishermen / River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/145) ||The Hiker


||C1 ||Leven ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Hiker.png
1x Hiker ||Symbol Vistas.png ||CarcC ||Vistas ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/146) ||Riches For Priesthood


||C1 ||Olivier Taschereau ||17 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile HighPriest.png
1x High Priest
2x Gold
6x Silver
11x Bronze |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City / Monastic / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/147) ||Bastions
(Die Bastionen)


||C1 ||Leven ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Archer.png
1x Royal Archer |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/148) ||The Bethlehem Stable
(Der Stall von Bethlehem mit Herbergsuche)


||C1 ||Seli & Fritz_Spinne ||1 ||0 ||1x double tile ||Figure Angel.png
1x Angel[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/149) ||The Count of Tuscany
(Der Graf der Toskana)


||C1 ||Wicke ||1 ||0 ||1x City (4x3) as Florence ||Figure Count black.png
1x Black Count |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Siege ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/150) ||Green Christmas
(Grüne Weihnachten)


||C1 ||Seli & Fritz_Spinne ||1 ||0 ||1x double tile ||Figure Angel.png
1x Angel[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/151) ||Forestry


||C1 ||Gamemai ||1 ||0 ||1x double tile ||Figure FirTree.png
1x Tree |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/152) ||Grim Reaple
(Der Sensenmann)


||C1 ||Victor Watrous ||2 ||0 ||Tile GrimReaple Graveyard.png
2x Graveyard ||Figure GrimReaple.png
1x Grim Reaple |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GrimReaple.png ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/153) ||The Pig Herders
(Die Schweinehirten)


||C1 ||Big Guy ||1 ||0 ||2x2 Pig Farm ||Figure BigPinkPig.png
12x Pigs (in one colour) |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Siege ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/154) ||City Council
(Der Stadtrat)


||C1 ||Gwommy & Novelty ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Tile Veto.png
5x Veto tiles ||Symbol CityCouncil.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/155) ||Bandit Camp
(Die Räuberlager)


||C1/C2/WD ||Oldbonz & Meepledrone ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Tile Bandit.png
1x Bandit Draw tile ||Symbol BanditCamp.png ||CarcC
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/156) ||Inquisition & Assault
(Inquisition und Sturm (aka Ereignisse))


||C1 ||Unknown ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||10x Event |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||Fluxx / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/157) ||Carousels


||C1 ||Leven ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||2 tiles for determining the initial direction and keeping track of the current turn order ||Symbol Carousels.png ||CarcC ||Fluxx ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/158) ||Seasons
(Die Jahreszeiten)


||C2 ||TheSteveAllen ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Season Tracker Board
28x Season conditions
1x Current Season clock ||Symbol Seasons C1.png ||CarcC Forum ||Fluxx ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/159) ||The Great Pumpkin
(Der große Kürbis)


||C1 ||kettlefish ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||4x Pumpkin-Event
8x Pumpkin Scoring |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/160) ||Quarter (aka City Districts)


||C1 ||Carsten Engels ||4 ||0 ||4x double tiles |data-sort-value="1"| ||4x Quarter draw tiles |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/161) ||Seasons
(Die Jahreszeiten)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Season Tracker Board
47x Seasons condition
1x Current Season clock ||Symbol Seasons C1.png ||CarcC ||Fluxx ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/162) ||Storno


||C1 ||Leven ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Tile Storno.png
6x Storno tiles |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/163) ||Orchards : A Trade In Apples


||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token AppleRed.png
7x Apple ||Symbol AppleOrchards.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/164) ||The King's Passing
(Der König fährt vorbei)


||C1 ||JPutt927 ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x King"s Passing tracker board
Tile KingsPassing.png
10x trigger tiles
(6x1, 3x2, 1x3) ||Symbol KingsPassing.png ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/165) ||The Big Highwayman
(Der Große Wegelagerer)


||C1/C2 ||Challa007 & Snearone ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure BigHighwayman.png
1x Big Highwayman |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol BigHighwayman.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/166) ||A Carcassong of Ice and Fire


||C1/C2/WD ||Fritz_Spinne ||7-10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||50x wall cubes
5x additional (but different) followers per player
1x Assassin per player
1 Mini-meeple per player
4x Grey wolves
6x White Walkers
1x Die ||7-10x Capital City tokens |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/167) ||Crests of Carcassonne


||C1 ||Gerry & Danisthirty & Carcking ||? ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="0"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/168) ||Dragon Treasure (Advent Calendar 2016)


||C1 ||Seli & KlausiMausi ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||6x Gold
(2 nuggets)
9x Dragon"s Horde
(-2, -1, 0, 3, 4, 5)
1x small bag |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Advent2016 ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/169) ||The Wedding


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||eolone ||4 ||0 ||1x 2x2 block (forming heart-shaped city) ||1x Bride
1x Groom |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/170) ||New Discoveries: Distant Lands


||C2 ||Wolnic ||6 ||0 ||2x 2x2 Distant Land Blocks |data-sort-value="1"| ||13x Flags (all colours) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/171) ||Towers of The Black Prince


||C2 ||Oldbonz ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Black Chess rook |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol BlackPrinceTower.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Tower ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/172) ||Fruit Merchant
(Die Fruchthändler)


||C1 ||Itomi Bhaa ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token FruitTrader stacked.png
6x apples
6x cherries
6x pears |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Fields / Monastic / Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/173) ||Frog Buster
(Der Froschmeister)


||C1 ||Itomi Bhaa ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token FrogBuster stacked.png
6x green frogs
6x purple frogs |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/174) ||The Cursed Pennant


||C1 ||Dave ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||4x Pennant quarters |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||City / Pennant / Tokens / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/175) ||The Lighthouse Guard


||C1 ||The Juts ||28 ||0 ||1x 5x5 Lake
with central island ||Figure Boat neutral.png
6x boats (neutral colour)
1x lighthouse/tower ||4x seaweed
2x shark |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
Old CarcC Forum ||Lake ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/176) ||Walpurgis Night


||C1 ||Violet ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Witch[1] ||1x Witchmaster |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/177) ||Catapults of Carcassonne
(Die Katapulte von Carcassonne)


||C1 ||eurojo & Johannes Hoppstädter ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Die.png
1x Die ||Token Catapult Joker.png
30x Jokers |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/178) ||The Tinkers


||C1 ||Ratz65 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Noblemen stacked.png
1x Tinker per player[1] ||Token CopperKettle.png
12x Copper kettles
or use colour tokens in place of figures |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/179) ||The Fairy Queen & Prince


||C1 ||jeRm! ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Fairy Queen |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||City / Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/180) ||Dungeons & Peddlers


||C1 ||Runtu ||45 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||12x Peddlars (2 in each colour)[1] |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/181) ||Trick or Treat


||C1 ||Danisthirty ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x "Trick or Treat"er |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol TrickOrTreat.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/182) ||Leprechaun


||C1 ||Carcatronn ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Leprechaun.png
(or unused green figure) ||Token Gold.png
24x Gold ||Symbol Leprechaun.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/183) ||Free as a bird
(Frei wie ein Vogel)


||C1 ||Sleepy ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x 8-sided die
1 Aviator[1] ||1x wind direction/strength indicator (not included in rules) ||Symbol FreeAsABird.png ||CarcCZ || ||Feature FreeAsABird ramp.png

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/184) ||Underground River
(River Versickerung)


||C1 ||Murphy013 ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Die red.png
1x Die
(0-5 ""(or use 1-6 with 6 as 0?)"") |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/185) ||Champions & Keep


||C1 ||Lamina ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x token/coin for each player |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG (Broken Link) ||City / Missing / Pennant ||

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/186) ||The Shop
(Der Shop)


||C1 ||Christian Hermann ||40 ||0 ||1x Shop Board |data-sort-value="1"| ||9x action markers
6x castles
6x bridges
6x tower pieces
20x goods tokens (4x each wine, grain, cloth and 8x tea)
10x coat of arms ||Symbol TheShop.png || ||Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/187) ||Pirates of Carcassonne


||C1 ||Unknown ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token PiratesTreasure.png
7x Treasure Chests ||Symbol Pirates.png ||CarcCZ ||Treasure ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/188) ||Cross of Peace


||C1 ||Chmura ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token CrossPeace.png
6x crosses ||Symbol CrossPeace.png ||CarcCZ ||City / Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/189) ||Templar


||C1 ||Chmura ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Templar.png
10x Templars ||Symbol Templar.png ||CarcCZ ||City / Monastic / Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(A/190) ||Monks & Heretics


||C1 ||Lomion ||17 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Bee.png
2x Bee
Token Fish.png
3x Fish
Token AppleRed.png
4x Apple
Token Herbs.png
5x Herbs
Token Cloister.png
3x Monastery
Token MonksHeretics Monk.png
14x Monk ||Symbol MonksHeretics.png || ||Monastic / Tokens / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/191) ||The Paramour of Carcassonne
(Die Buhlerin von Carcassonne)


||C1/C2 ||Ratz65 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Buhlerin.png
1x Paramour ||Token Buhlerin.png
12x Paramour ||Symbol Buhlerin.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/192) ||St Nicholas
(Der St. Nikolaus)


||WD ||Seli ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token StNicolas.png
9x St. Nicolas present ||Symbol DerNikolaus.png ||CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/193) ||Apothecaries and Tithes
(Apotheken und Zehntscheunen)


||WD ||Seli & Meepleater ||23 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Herbs.png
8x Herb |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/194) ||Bridges, Castles and Bazaars
(Burgen, Brücken und Basare)


||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Castle WD Zotto.png
12x Castle Tokens ||Symbol BridgesCastlesBazaars C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/195) ||Hills and Sheep
(Schafe und Hügel)


||WD ||Moses64 & Seli & Zotto ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token HS Wolf WD.png
2x Wolf
Token HS Sheep4 WD.png
2x 4 Sheep
Token HS Sheep3 WD.png
5x 3 Sheep
Token HS Sheep2 WD.png
5x 2 Sheep
Token HS Sheep1 WD.png
4x 1 Sheep
Token HS Sheep0 WD.png
21x Grass ||Symbol HillsSheep C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/196) ||Hills and Sheep
(Schafe und Hügel)


||WD ||Telecaster ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token HS Wolf Sq WD.png
2x Wolf
Token HS Sheep4 Sq WD.png
4x 4 Sheep
Token HS Sheep3 Sq WD.png
6x 3 Sheep
Token HS Sheep2 Sq WD.png
6x 2 Sheep
Token HS Sheep1 Sq WD.png
6x 1 Sheep
Token HS Sheep0 Sq WD.png
24x Grass
Token Castle WD Tel.png
10x Castles ||Symbol HillsSheep WD Tel.png ||CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/197) ||Cleric & Serf
(Kleriker und Leibeigene)


||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Serf WD.png
1x Serf
CharTile Cleric WD.png
1x Cleric |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/198) ||Frog Buster
(Der Froschmeister)


||WD ||Seli & Itomi Bhaa ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token FrogBusterGreen WD.png
6x Green Frog
Token FrogBusterBrown WD.png
6x Brown Frog |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/199) ||Fruit Merchant
(Die Fruchthändler II)


||WD ||Seli & Itomi Bhaa ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token FruitMerchantApple WD.png
5x Apple
Token FruitMerchantSloe WD.png
5x Sloe
Token FruitMerchantPineCone WD.png
5x Pine Cone |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/200) ||Fruit Trader
(Die Fruchthändler)


||WD ||Seli & Jonathan Wu ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token FruitTraderRowanBerries WD.png
6x Rowan Berries |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/201) ||Pirates and Plunderers
(Piraten und Plünderer)


||WD ||Seli & Robotman ||90 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token PirPlundCloth WD.png
15x Cloth
Token PirPlundDyes WD.png
15x Colour Dyes
Token PirPlundRum WD.png
15x Rum
Token PirPlundSpice WD.png
15x Spice ||Symbol PiratesPlunder WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/202) ||Bastions
(Die Bastion)


||WD ||Seli & Leven ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Archer WD.png
1x Royal Archer |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/203) ||Merry Men
(Die Gesetzlosen)


||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile Outlaw WD.png
1x Outlaw ||Symbol Merrymen WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/204) ||The Hunting Forest
(Die Jagdgründe)


||C1 ||Wolnic ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token HuntingForestC1.png
14x Wild Boar |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/205) ||The Courier


||C1/C2 ||Matisek & Bumsakalaka & Snearone ||6 ||0 ||0 ||Figure TheCourier.png
1x Courier |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol The Courier.png ||CarcCZ || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/206) ||Guild Masters and Beekeepers
(Zünfte und Ziedler)


||C1/C2 ||The_Bofrostmann ||31 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||7x Honey tokens |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/207) ||The Mount of the Duke


||C1 ||José Barros Alonso ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token MountDuke Boar.png
4x Boar
Token MountDuke Deer.png
4x Deer ||Symbol MountDuke.png ||CarcC Forum
Rules only ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/208) ||COVID-19


||C2 ||Danka & šmoula ||1 ||0 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token COVID-19.png
20x Infection Tokens
COVID-19 Test Death.png
1x Death Card
COVID-19 Test Positive.png
9x Positive Cards
COVID-19 Test Negative.png
20x Negative Cards |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcCZ || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/209) ||Mario3 Carcassonne


||n/a ||mrskaut ||72 ||1 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||8x characters per player |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Rebrand ||Tile Mario3.png

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/210) ||Zelda 2 Carcassonne


||n/a ||LinkDude ||84 ||13 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||8x characters per player |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Rebrand ||Tile Zelda2.png

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/211) ||Pokésonne Core


||n/a ||FiammaFenice ||146 ||25 ||1x score board |data-sort-value="1"| ||Lots |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Rebrand ||Tile PokesonneCore.png

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/212) ||The Bards


||C2 ||Snearone ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token Bards.png
7x Lute ||Symbol Bards.png ||CarcC ||City / Fields / Road / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing showOther" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/213) ||Ghost Time


||C1 ||invinitas ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||4x Ghosts
1x Ghost Hunter |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/214) ||Fruit Trees
(Obstbäume und Obstchips)


||C1 ||Zotto & Seli ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Fruit Chips |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||C2=>C1 ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/215) ||The University
(Die Universität)


||C1 ||Safari ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||YES |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/216) ||Dung Heaps


|| ||Seli ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||12x Dung Heap |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/217) ||The Trade Routes
(Die Handelsrouten)


||C1/C2/WD/WE ||Kwyjibo ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Token TradeRoutes Carrot.png
10x Carrots
Token TradeRoutes Chicken.png
8x Chickens
Token TradeRoutes Shell.png
6x Shells |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showMusing showOther" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(A/218) ||The Wizard Tower
(Der Zauberturm)


|| ||User743 ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Tower
1x Die ||Spell Tokens
Bonus Action Cards |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/219) ||King and Robber
(König und Raubritter)


||WD ||Zotto ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CharTile King WD.png
1x King
CharTile Robber WD.png
1x Robber Baron ||Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/220) ||Defense of the Cities
(Die Verteidigung der Städte)


||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Citadels stacked.png
1x Tower per player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/221) ||Wetlands


||C2 ||Matisek ||6 ||0 ||6x double tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Wetlands.png ||CarcC
CarcC Forum ||City / Monastic / Pennant / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(A/222) ||River Ports


||C2 ||Oldbonz ||6 ||0 ||1 river port tile per player ||Figure Boats stacked.png
1x boat for each player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTilesAndFiguresOrTokensAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(A/223) ||Crater


||C2 ||Matisek ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||Figure Die.png
1x Die (Flier) |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

  1. Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 There is no explicit figure shown in the rules.
  2. No colour specified
  3. Any white meeple is suggested