Orden de Juego (1ª edición)
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Orden de juego
por Meepledrone, basado en el trabajo realizado de SkullOne y obervet.
- The word “you" throughout this section refers to the active player.
- Steps written in yellow represent deviations from the official HiG rule set.
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
- If playing with Mini #2 - Despachos, the player scoring points chooses which scoring figure to move each time points are awarded. When you see MESSAGES (#ROUND), after scoring is completed for a given round of scoring, if one of your scoring figures has just landed on a dark space of the scoreboard, you may draw a Message tile if there were no other players' scoring figures on it (ZMG rules only). The (#ROUND) identifier indicates the round of scoring within a turn sequence. Only one Message tile can be drawn per round or scoring (even if both scoring figures ended up on dark spaces the same round). Note that resolving a Message tile could also trigger the drawing of another Message tile.
- If playing with Mini #2 - Despachos, the player scoring points chooses which scoring figure to move each time points are awarded. When you see MESSAGES, after scoring is completed for the round of scoring, if one of your scoring figures has just landed on a dark space of the scoreboard, you may draw a Message tile if there were no other players' scoring figures on it (ZMG rules only). Only one Message tile can be drawn (even if both scoring figures ended up on dark spaces the same round). Note that resolving a Message tile could also trigger the drawing of another Message tile.
- If playing with the Mini #6 - The Robbers, robbers must take points from the first allowable event. When you see the word ROBBERS, robbers must take points if possible (ignoring rogue points and negative points). When you see ROBBER CHOICE, robbers must take points but they may need to choose which countingscoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple countingscoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
- If playing with The Wonders of Humanity, players may obtain one wonder tile along with two additional figures placed next to the scoreboard after a scoring during the game. When you see the word WONDER, you must check if any of the players scoring points has two figures next to a space of the scoreboard (10, 15, 20 or 25). If so, check if any countingscoring figure reaches or exceeds the given marked space. If this happens, the player meeting the condition (or the player you decide if several players meet the condition) will obtain a wonder tile and their two meeples. At this point, move the remaining figures next to the scoreboard, if any, 5 spaces forward, but never beyond the 25 space. If any player still meets the condition to obtain a wonder, repeat the process.
- If playing with the Promos Rusas, followersmeeples can be trapped by the following tiles:
- Solovei Razboynik: It will trap the closest follower(s)meeple(s) or builder(s) on the road segments connected to this tile. The capture will be triggered by placing a tile or when adding followersmeeples or builders to the road (this includes connecting roads with ferries or tunnel tokens, only if the new road segment is occupied). The affected followersmeeples and builders will be sent to the tree on this tile. When you see TREE TRAP, check if this action applies.
- Vodyanoy: It will trap followersmeeples or special figures (except barns) placed on this tile or any adjacent tile. The affected followersmeeples will be sent to the lake on this tile. When you see LAKE TRAP, check if this action applies.
- If playing with La Adivina, the following options where chosen for the Order of Play based on the clarifications provided:
- If you have any tiles in your supply, you may choose to play one of them with a valid placement instead of drawing tiles.
- If you draw tiles, you may only choose to play one with a valid placement.
- If none of the tiles drawn can be placed, discard one tile in your hand and draw a new one until it can be placed. In this case, you are not be allowed to use a tile from your supply as an alternative.
- If none of the tiles drawn can be placed, discard them all and draw a new one until it can be placed. In this case, you are not be allowed to use a tile from your supply as an alternative.
- If you are granted a double turn, keep the remaining extra tiles provided by your fortune teller(s) until your builder turn, and then you choose a valid tile to play, dicarding the rest.
- During your builder turn:
- You may not use a tile in your supply instead of placing one in your hand, even if none of them is valid.
- If none of the tiles in your hand can be placed, discard them all and draw one tile at a time until it can be placed.
- If playing with
The Hans Statue and the Hans Statue is placed on tile or feature has segment on tile with it, then players get store is multiplied by 2 marked as HANS STATUE 2×, but for negative payment score is 1/2 divided up marked HANS STATUE 1/2.
Any time during your turn:
- Any number of times:
- You may ask for advice.
- You may read the rules.
- You may look at the betting chips in your supply, but not look at the ones placed on the board.
Only once (even throughout a double turn granted by the builder):
- You may buy back any one of your imprisoned followersmeeples by paying the captor 3 points. ROBBERS WONDER
- You may claim an unclaimed tunnel portal by placing a tunnel token on it. TREE TRAP
- You may allow one followermeeple or special figure (except a barn) to take flight from the Plague (once an infestation is active). LAKE TRAP
- You must spread the plague by placing a flea token (once an infestation is active), if the tile placed is not a new plague source.
1. Placing a tile
Step 1A: Begin Turn
- If the fairy is next to one of your followersmeeples, score 1 point. HANS STATUE 2× MESSAGES (#1A) ROBBERS WONDER
- If the fairy is next to an acrobat, each of your acrobats in the pyramid gets this bonus point.
- if no fleas are left in the supply, eliminate the oldest Outbreak until one or more fleas on the board become inactive or there is only one Outbreak left.
There are no particular actions for this step.
1. Placing a tile
Step 1A: Begin Turn
- If the fairy is next to one of your followersmeeples, score 1 point. (If the fairy is next to an acrobat, each of your acrobats in the pyramid gets this bonus point.) MESSAGES (#1A) ROBBERS WONDER
- if no fleas are left in the supply, eliminate the oldest Outbreak until one or more fleas on the board become inactive or there is only one Outbreak left.
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 1B: Draw a Tile
- If you have tiles that you are required to play, you must use them instead of drawing a new tile (or maybe several) or choosing a tile from your supplyIf you have tiles that you are required to play, you must use them instead of drawing a new tile (or maybe several) or choosing a tile from your supply.
- If you have a tile from a previous bazaar auction, you must use that tile.
- If you have a wonder tile in your supply, you must use that tile.
- If the wonder tile cannot be placed, draw an additional tile to place it right before the wonder tile. Discard any invalid tile and draw one tile at a time until the placement of the drawn tile and the wonder tile are both valid.
- If you chose to draw extra tiles for your fortune teller(s) in the first part of a double turn, you must choose a valid tile from the ones left, if any. Discard and re-shuffle the rest.
- If not possible, discard any invalid tile left and draw one tile at a time until it is valid.
- If you do not have to use a tile and you have one or more tiles in your supply, you may use one of them instead of drawing a tile, if there is a valid space to place it.
- An abbey tile
- A Halfling tile
- A German castle tile
- A Wetland tile
- If you did not perform any previous action in Step 1B, randomly draw a tile. Additionally draw one extra tile for each one of your fortune teller(s). Choose one of the tiles drawn with a valid placement.
- If you chose to draw extra tiles for your fortune teller(s) and none of them can be placed, discard them all. Draw one tile at a time until it can be placed, discarding and re-shuffling any invalid tile drawn previously.
- If a dragon is depicted on the tile and the dragon figure is not in play, put the tile aside (to be re-shuffled when the first volcano tile is drawn and placed) and draw randomly a new tile.
- Randomly draw a tile. Additionally draw one extra tile for each one of your fortune teller(s). Choose one of the tiles drawn with a valid placement.
- If you chose to draw extra tiles for your fortune teller(s) and none of them can be placed, discard them all. Draw one tile at a time until it can be placed, discarding and re-shuffling any invalid tile drawn previously.
- If a dragon is depicted on the tile and the dragon figure is not in play, put the tile aside (to be re-shuffled when the first volcano tile is drawn and placed) and draw randomly a new tile.
- Show the tile to all players. Place the tile in front of you while performing the actions associated to the tile.Place the tile in front of you while performing the actions associated to the tile.Place the tile in front of you while performing the actions associated to the tile.
- If a hill is depicted on the tile, immediately draw another tile if any available. If so, keep this new tile face-down underneath the tile with the hill.
- If a Wheel of Fortune icon is on the tile, resolve Wheel of Fortune. ROBBERS WONDER
- If a peasant revolt symbol is on the tile, resolve the peasant revolt for the feature type indicated. ROBBERS WONDER
- If the tile is placeable and you decide to open a gift in your supply, turn the card face up, resolve the action, and place it on top of the discard pile. TREE TRAP / LAKE TRAP ROBBERS WONDER
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#1B) ROBBERS WONDER
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#1B) ROBBERS WONDER
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#1B) ROBBERS WONDER
Step 1C: Place the Tile
- Place the tile. If the placement is illegal, you must discard the tile (and the tile drawn to place underneath a hill as well, if any) and go back to Step 1B.
- You may build a bridge on the tile just placed or a tile orthogonal to the tile just placed if you have any left in your supply. The bridge may be required to make the tile placement legal. (Otherwise, a bridge can be placed at any time during the turn but taking into account restrictions imposed by feature completion and figure placement.) If the placement is illegal without the bridge, you may choose to discard the tile. TREE TRAP
- If placing a bridge on a tile with a tower, you may need to move it slightly to make room for the bridge.
- No bridge can be built on an acrobat tile with one or more acrobats.
- You can build a bridge on a circus tile (with or without the big top).
- If you drew an extra tile to allow the placement of a wonder tile, place it before the wonder tile.
- If you placed a wonder tile, place your marker figure (e.g. a normal followermeeple upside down) in the center of the wonder.
- You may build a bridge on the tile just placed or a tile orthogonal to the tile just placed if you have any left in your supply. The bridge may be required to make the tile placement legal. (Otherwise, a bridge can be placed at any time during the turn but taking into account restrictions imposed by feature completion and figure placement.) If the placement is illegal without the bridge, you may choose to discard the tile. TREE TRAP
- Discard and re-shuffle the remaining extra tiles provided by your fortune teller(s), unless your builder granted you a double turn.
- Note: any tile-based feature that is finished is considered complete at this time.
- If a volcano symbol is on the tile, place the dragon on this tile.
- If a princess symbol is on the tile, and the tile is added to an existing city with a knight on it, you may remove a knight of your choice and skip Steps 2B-1 and 2B-2.
- If a plague source is on the tile, the lowest numbered Outbreak token not yet in play must be placed on it.
- If a gold symbol is on the tile, you must place a gold piece on that tile and an adjacent tile.
- If a mage and witch symbol is on the tile, or if the tile joins the features with the Mage and Witch, you must move the Mage or the Witchthe Magethe Witch.
- If a robber symbol is on the tile, your robber and next player’s robber still in their supply may be placed on the scoreboard. If you had already played your robber, you may move it.
- If there is a quarter-wind rose on the tile and you place the tile in the appropriate quadrant of the playing farmfield, you score 3 points. ROBBERS WONDER
- If a hill is on the tile, place the hill tile while keeping the face-down second tile underneath it.
- If placing the Solovei Razboynik tile on a road (or if connecting roads to it), all the thieveshighwaymen on the road are affected by this tile. TREE TRAP
- If placing the Vodyanoy tile, all the followersmeeples on adjacent tiles are affected by this tile. LAKE TRAP
- If the tile placed shows La Porxada, the player may choose between two actions:
- Swapping followersmeeples in play: the player can exchange one followermeeple with one of another player. If the other player rejects, the player must eliminate one of their followersmeeples for the remainder of the game. The active player may protect the exchanged followermeeple against peasant revolts by paying points. Any followersmeeples exchanged will keep their protection against peasant revolts.
- Final scoring bonus
- If placing an Easter Bunny tile, place the Easter bunny figure on it.
- If placing a circus tile for the first time, place an animal token facedown on the circus area and then the big top on it.
- If there is a fruit-bearing tree on the tile, place a stack of 4 fruit tokens of the same type facedown on the tile (it doesn't matter if it matches the type of tree.)
- If placing the second Spiel Doch! 2/2018 tile and they are in the correct order when using the variant rules, you score 5 points. ROBBERS WONDER
- If the tile placed is the last one to surround a bathhouse with a trapped followermeeple, the followermeeple can be taken back by its owner for free. If the owner forgets, the player will have to pay to get it back.
If you placed a 20th Anniversary Expansion tile without activating its arrow symbol, you score 2 points (even if you activate an arrow symbol on an adjacent tile). ROBBERS WONDER
- Only one arrow can be activated even if you used an additional tile to place a wonder tile.
- If you activated an "extra turn" arrow symbol on a 20th Anniversary Expansion tile just placed or on an adjacent tile, you are granted an extra turn after finalizing the current one (even if it is a double turn). You cannot not get a second extra turn in a row this way.
- If you extended at least one road or city occupied by one or more players where you don't have the majority after placing the tile, you draw a gift card, look at it without showing it to anyone, and place it face down in your supply.
- If you placed a tile with spell circles in a way that it limits its mist, take as many ghosts from the supply as there are spell circles on the tile and add them to one or more of your own followersmeeples. If any of your followersmeeples ends up with three ghosts, remove the followermeeple and its ghosts.
- If you placed the Stonehenge wonder tile in an earlier turn and you just completed one or more occupied roads, you score 3 points for each road. ROBBERS
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#1C) ROBBERS WONDER
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#1C) ROBBERS WONDER
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#1C) ROBBERS WONDER
2. Placing a followermeeple
Step 2A: Move the Wood (Prologue)
- If you placed a tile with spell circles, move ghosts from the 8 surrounding tiles to place them on the spell circles. If there are not enough, take the remaining ghosts from the supply, if any available.
- If the tile you placed extended the mist, add one ghost from the supply to an opponent's followermeeple, if possible. If this is its third ghost, remove the followermeeple and its ghosts.
Additionally, if the mist has ghosts on spell circles (except those on the tile just placed, if any), add ghosts from those spell circles to followersmeeples from any opponents, if possible (otherwise move the ghosts to the supply):- Move one ghost from a spell circle in the mist (except from the tile just placed, if any), if the mist is incomplete
- Move all the ghost from the spell circles in the mist (including those on the tile just placed, if any), if the mist is completed
If any followermeeple is added a third ghost, remove the followermeeple and its ghosts immediately.
- If the tile you placed limited the mist, add one ghost from the supply to one of your own followersmeeples, if possible. If this is its third ghost, remove the followermeeple and its ghosts.
Additionally, if the mist has ghosts on spell circles (except on the tile just placed, if any), add all the ghosts from those spell circles (except those from the tile just placed, if any) to one or more or your followersmeeples, if possible (otherwise move the ghosts to the supply). If any followermeeple is added a third ghost, remove the followermeeple and its ghosts immediately. - If you have a followermeeple on a bathhouse, you may buy the followermeeple back by losing as many points as the number on the bathhouse tile. You can place the followermeeple in the same turn.
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 2B-1: Move the Wood (Phase 1)
Skip this step if you removed a knight with a princess symbol.
Otherwise, you may do one and only one of the following:
You may do one and only one of the following:
- Deploy a followermeeple, or up to two followersmeeples if you placed a wonder tile. The magic portal and flier can be used once, if present on the tile.The magic portal can be used, if present on the tile.The flier can be used, if present on the tile. A 20th Anniversary Expansion arrow symbol can be used to add or place a meeple elsewhere, if activated by the tile placement. The followermeeple may be protected if placed on a feature affected by peasant revolts in exchange for points. (Forbidden if volcano or plague source was played.)(Forbidden if plague source was played.)(Forbidden if volcano was played.) TREE TRAP / LAKE TRAP
- Normal followermeeple on feature or wooden bridge
- Big followerLarge meeple on feature or wooden bridge
- Mayor in city
- Wagon on feature (not farmfield) or wooden bridge
- Abbot on garden or monastic building (cloistermonastery, abbey, shrine, German monastery, Dutch & Belgian monastery, Japanese building, Darmstadt church)
- Ringmaster on feature or wooden bridge
- Guard followermeeple on feature or wooden bridge
- When placing 2 followersmeeples on a wonder tile, they may share the same square space but not the same feature.
- You are not allowed to deploy a followermeeple directly on an additional tile drawn to place a wonder tile.
- A flying machine on the additional tile cannot be used.
- A magic portal on the additional tile could not be used.
- Every player may have only 2 followersmeeples on a fortune teller tent at the same time.
- Deploy a followermeeple to normal or black tower piecefloor LAKE TRAP
- Normal followermeeple
- Big followerLarge meeple
- Ringmaster
- Guard followermeeple
- Perform an acrobat action
- Add a normal followermeeple to an uncompleted acrobat pyramid with no wooden bridge on the tile LAKE TRAP:
- By direct placement, if the newly placed tile is an acrobat tile or is adjacent to one.
- By means of a magic portal, if present on the tile and not used earlier.
- By means of a flier, if present on the tile and not used earlier.
- By means of a 20th Anniversary Expansion 'place meeple' arrow symbol, if activated by the tile placement.
- Score a completed acrobat pyramid finished in a previous turn and remove all the acrobats from it (including any ghosts added to them) to allow players to build a new acrobat pyramid in future turns. ROBBERS WONDER
- Add a normal followermeeple to an uncompleted acrobat pyramid with no wooden bridge on the tile LAKE TRAP:
- Deploy one of your other figures. (Forbidden if volcano was played.) (Forbidden after playing plague source.)
- Pig to a farmfield containing one of your followersmeeples
- Builder to a city or road containing one of your followersmeeples
- Shepherd to a farmfield not already containing a shepherd. You must perform the following action:
- ExpandGrow the flock action (draw a token)
- Deploy the barn. The farmfield will be scored as a normal feature in Step 3B.
- Perform one special action
- Place a followermeeple on the Wheel of Fortune
- Remove one of your own figure from anywhere in the playing area if the festival symbol was on the played tile
- Retrieve 1 followermeeple or special figure trapped by Vodyanoy or Solovei Razboynik.
- Remove your abbot (and any ghosts added to it) and score its points ROBBERS WONDER
- Protect 1 followermeeple against peasant revolts in exchange for points.
- Deploy / move a neutral figure or token
- Place a normal or black tower piecefloor on any tower base or place a normal, black or white tower piecefloor to any available tower (white tower is not available).
- You may capture a followermeeple if appropriate.
- If two players have captured one of each other’s followersmeeples, they must immediately be exchanged.
- Place a little building on the tile just played
- Move the fairy next to one of your followersmeeples (not allowed if on a castle)
- Place or move your tollhouse on a free crossroad
- Place a normal or black tower piecefloor on any tower base or place a normal, black or white tower piecefloor to any available tower (white tower is not available).
Step 2B-2: Move the Wood (Phase 2)
Skip this step if you removed a knight with a princess symbol.
Otherwise, you may do one and only one of the following:
You may do one and only one of the following:
- Place the phantom in the same way as a normal followermeeple on feature or wooden bridge. The flier and magic portal, if present on the tile, can be used as long as they were not used in Step 2B-1.The magic portal, if present on the tile, can be used as long as it was not used in Step 2B-1.The flier, if present on the tile, can be used as long as it was not used in Step 2B-1. A 20th Anniversary Expansion arrow symbol can be used to add or place a meeple elsewhere, if activated by the tile placement, as long as it was not used in Step 2B-1. The phantom may be protected if placed on a feature affected by peasant revolts in exchange for points. This step is forbidden if a volcano or plague source tile was played.This step is forbidden if a volcano tile was played.This step is forbidden if a plague source tile was played. TREE TRAP / LAKE TRAP
- Note: Every player may have only 2 followersmeeples on a fortune teller tent at the same time.
- Deploy a phantom to a normal or black tower piecefloor LAKE TRAP
- Perform one special action
- Place a phantom on the Wheel of Fortune
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 2C: Resolve Move the Wood
- If a ferry lake was on the placed tile, place a ferry. TREE TRAP
- If placement of a tile extended a road with a ferry, the ferry may be moved. Each ferry may only be moved once per turn. TREE TRAP
- If placement of the tile extended the farmfield with your shepherd, you must choose one of the following two actions:
- ExpandGrow the flock (draw a token)
- Herd the flock intoGuide the flock to the stable (score 1 point per sheep) ROBBERS WONDER
- Additionally, if placement of the tile closed the farmfield completely (by roads and/or city walls for example) with one or more shepherds, the following action is triggered automatically:
- Herd the flock intoGuide the flock to the stable (score 1 point per sheep) ROBBERS WONDER
- If the tile placed has one or more followersmeeples on any of its features, and it has one fruit-bearing tree or is adjacent to one or more of them, you may perform one of the following actions per tree and followermeeple:
- Harvesting: Take the top-most fruit token (if available) and score fruit points ROBBERS WONDER
- Selling: Sell from 1 to 4 fruit tokens and score accordingly ROBBERS WONDER
- If you placed the Notre-Dame wonder tile in an earlier turn and you just placed a followermeeple on a tile adjacent to at least one monastic building (cloistermonastery, abbey, shrine, German monastery, Dutch & Belgian monastery, Japanese building, Darmstadt church), you score 3 points. ROBBERS
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#2) ROBBERS WONDER
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the actions are scored: MESSAGES (#2) ROBBERS WONDER
There are no particular actions for this step.
3. Scoring a feature
Step 3A: Identify Completed Features
- Identify all completed features:
- Features completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement or by wonder tile placement
- Roads
- Cities
- Monastic buildings:
- Monastery
- Abbey
- Shrine
- German monastery (with monk)
- Dutch & Belgian monastery (with monk)
- Japanese building (with monk)
- Darmstadt church
- Baba Yaga's hut
- Gardens
- German castles (except by another German castle)
- German cathedrals
- Haunted castles
- Cemeteries
- Easter Nest area
- Fortune teller tent
- Roads or German cathedrals completed by placement of a bridge
- Roads or German cathedrals completed by placement of a tunnel token
- Roads or German cathedrals completed by placement or movement of a ferry
- FarmsFields to be scored due to barn placement or joining of a farmfield with a farmer to one with a barn
- Castles completed by the completion of a nearby feature (not on the same turn that the castle itself was built)
- If the tile placed completed the city with La Porxada, all players with knights in the city (majority is not considered) take one token to indicate their presence. This action is only necessary if the player who placed La Porxada chose the final scoring bonus
- Features completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement or by wonder tile placement
- Resolve control of the completed features.
- Normal followermeeple (1 vote)
- Big followerLarge meeple (2 votes)
- Wagon (1 vote)
- Mayor (1 vote per pennantcoat of arms in the city)
- Phantom (1 vote)
- Abbot (1 vote)
- Ringmaster (1 vote)
- Guard followermeeple (1 vote)
- Hill (If there is a tie, tied players with at least one followermeeple on a hill are considered to have control)
- Citizen's Jury scoring tile: All players in a city share the majority no matter their votes
- Players with majority on a completed road leading (directly or indirectly) to the City of Leipzig may send one followermeeple to a quarterdistrict where they have no presence yet.
- Each player receiving points chooses the order in which their features resolve.
- Exception: You determine the scoring order if scoring multiple features controlled by different players and some arbitration is required.
- Exception: You determine the scoring order if there are free bathhouses and multiple features with one followermeeple are scored.
- Exception: A castle must be resolved immediately after any feature which triggers its completion (the castle owner selects the feature if multiple features in the fief were completed by the same tile placement).
- Exception: Completed castles overlapping other completed castles' fiefs must be resolved together.
- Perform Step 3B for each completed feature in the order chosen.
Step 3B: Resolve Completed Features
- If a townsmall city was created by the tile placement, the townsmall city may be converted into a castle by the occupying player. If converted, this feature’s completion is considered to be resolved. Go to the next feature.
- If the Gingerbread Man is in a completed city, all players with knights in the city receive points. You then place the Gingerbread Man in an unfinished city of your choice, or you put it aside if none is available. (How this would interact with a newly-formed castle is unknown. As a castle is no longer a city, the Gingerbread Man should likely be removed with no scoring.) ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- Rewards for completing the feature
- Collect any trade good tokens
- If the completed feature is a city or road, check to see if it is the new largest one and, if so, receive the King or Robber Baron. Place the king token or robber baron token on the new largest feature accordingly
- If you completed a fortune teller tent, score points for it. ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- The player to your left may move one or more followersmeeples from the City of Carcassonne to the current feature. Everyone has this opportunity in turn, ending with you. TREE TRAP / LAKE TRAP
- Resolve control of the completed feature, if any update is required.
- Normal followermeeple (1 vote)
- Big followerLarge meeple (2 votes)
- Wagon (1 vote)
- Mayor (1 vote per pennantcoat of arms in the city)
- Phantom (1 vote)
- Abbot (1 vote)
- Ringmaster (1 vote)
- Guard followermeeple (1 vote)
- Hill (If there is a tie, tied players with at least one followermeeple on a hill are considered to have control)
- Citizen's Jury scoring tile: All players in a city share the majority no matter their votes
- If scoring a city or a road with at least one watchtower, score the watchtower bonus for each player with followersmeeples on a watchtower (no majority applied.) ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- If scoring a road beginning or ending at crossroads with a tollhouse, score the toll for each tollhouse owner. ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- Tally points and award points to the controlling player(s) ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- Road (feature tiles + German cathedrals + inns + mage + witch + little buildings + German castles + bathhouses + labyrinths + signposts + ghosts, taking into account scoring tiles)
- Cities (feature tiles + Cathars / siege / besiegers + cathedrals + mage + witch + little buildings + German castles + bathhouses + Darmstadtium + ghosts, taking into account scoring tiles)
- Monastic buildings (feature and adjacent tiles + vineyards + little buildings + ghosts, taking into account scoring tiles)
- Monastery
- Abbey
- Shrine
- German monastery (with monk)
- Dutch & Belgian monastery (with monk)
- Japanese building (with monk)
- Darmstadt church
- Fields with barn(s) (completed cities / castles + pig + pig-herd + Cathars / siege / besiegers + little buildings + ghosts)
- Baba Yaga's hut (feature tile + little buildings + ghosts)
- Gardens (feature and adjacent tiles + little buildings + ghosts)
- German castles (feature and adjacent tiles + little buildings + ghosts)
- German cathedrals (roads tiles and road segments on German cathedral tiles + inns + little buildings + ghosts)
- Haunted castles (feature and adjacent tiles with mist + little buildings + ghosts)
- Cemeteries (no points for feature + little buildings + ghosts) - Add 1 extra guard followermeeple to your supply, if available
Note: If applicable, these tallied points (that is, the feature points excluding any bonus points) will be used by:- A castle scoring triggered by this feature (not applicable to fields with barn(s))
- The teacher bonus triggered by this feature
- If a player has the teacher, that player scores the same number of points that were awarded to the player scoring the feature. (If more than one player is receiving points simultaneously, the holder of the teacher can choose which points to receive.) The teacher is then returned to the school. ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- If a fairy is next to a followermeeple in the completed feature, that followermeeple’s owner receives 3 points. (This bonus does not affect acrobats in a pyramid.) ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- Each player scores their ringmaster, if placed on a completed feature (no majority is considered). ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- Features triggering the bonus: road, city, cloistermonastery and farmfield (basic game features)
- Each player complying with the Markets of Leipzig requirements for the completed feature will score the appropriate bonus. ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- If the feature completed is a Darmstadt church, the player(s) with the majority in the vicinity of the church will receive 3 bonus points. ROBBER CHOICE WONDER
- If there is at least one free bathhouse, any followermeeple that takes part in a scoring on its own has to be moved to an unoccupied bathhouse chosen by the followermeeple's owner. You choose the order of these scorings if several followersmeeples are affected. LAKE TRAP
- Remove the mage or witch if they were involved in the scoring of this feature.
- Remove the mage if it was involved in the scoring of this feature.
- Remove the witch if it was involved in the scoring of this feature.
- If a heretic or monk completes its feature, determine if a “race to completion" has been won. If so, return the losing followermeeple to its owner.
- If you completed a road connected to a city drawbridge that is down, a player with the single majority on the feature may move any of their followersmeeples on the road to any of those cities.
- If moved, the active player may protect any followersmeeples against peasant revolts by paying points.
- The followersmeeples keep their protection against peasant revolts when moved.
- You may move any wagons on the completed feature to any adjoining unoccupied uncompleted featureany unoccupied uncompleted feature on the same tile or around it, if any. If more than one wagon can move, you move first, and then order of movement proceeds clockwise. TREE TRAP / LAKE TRAP
- If moved, the active player may protect their wagon against peasant revolts by paying points.
- Wagons keep their protection against peasant revolts when moved.
- Return all remaining followersmeeples on the completed feature to their owners.
- Return all the ghosts on the completed feature to the general supply.
- If one or more of the school's roads were completed, you receive the teacher from the school tiles.
Step 3C: Resolve the Tile Scoring
- If there is at least one gold piece on a tile with the completed features, gold pieces are distributed to the controlling player(s)
- For each tollhouse that just scored at least one group of travellers, turn over the tollhouse token once (even if the tollhouse affected several completed roads)
- If you scored points for at least one road, city or monastic building (cloistermonastery, abbey, shrine, German monastery, Dutch & Belgian monastery, Japanese building, Darmstadt church), change the active scoring tiles for the three feature types.
- If a new circus tile was placed, score the animal token under the big top. Then place new animal token facedown on the new circus tile and place the big top on it. ROBBERS WONDER
- If a city or a road with one or more betting offices was completed, settle the bets one betting office at a time. You decide the feature to consider if several options are available. ROBBERS WONDER
- If you played a Gingerbread Man tile and the Gingerbread Man hasn't moved on this turn, move it to a different uncompleted city, if any available. If the Gingerbread Man moves, all players receive points for any knights they have in the city that the Gingerbread Man just left. [1] ROBBERS WONDER
- If you did not score any points from placement of the tile this turn, but one or more opponents did, you may place a followermeeple in the City of Carcassonne. Then, if you did the placement, you may move the Count to a quarterdistrict of your choice.
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the features are scored: MESSAGES (#3) ROBBERS WONDER
There are no particular actions for this step. There are no particular actions for this step.
3b. Moving the dragon
Step 3D: The Dragon Moves
- RGG rules only: If a dragon symbol was on the placed tile, move the dragon.
4. Additional actions
Step 4A: Resolve the Tile Actions
- If a fair symbol was on the placed tile, use the catapult. MESSAGES (#4) ROBBERS WONDER
- Seduction Token: The active player may protect their exchanged followermeeple against peasant revolts by paying points.
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all the features are scored: MESSAGES ROBBERS WONDER
- If an Easter Nest area was completed, you and any players with followersmeeples on the neighboring tiles receive Easter eggs.
- If an Easter Bunny tile was placed or an Easter Nest area was completed by a dragon tile, the Easter Bunny phase takes place: players move the Easter bunny figure and receive Easter eggs for each one of their followersmeeples meeting the bunny during its movement.
- If a betting office is on the placed tile, all players may place one betting chip facedown on it. Skip this action if it is the last tile of the game.
- If a crop circle was on the placed tile, you decide whether all players now A) may deploy a followermeeple next to one of theirs already in play or B) must remove a followermeeple of theirs already in play. The type of followermeeple is determined by the type of crop circle. The active player may protect the followermeeple just placed against peasant revolts by paying points.
- You may remove one knight from a besieged city if a cloistermonastery / shrine / abbey / German or Dutch & Belgian monastery / Japanese building / Darmstadt church directly borders:
- Any tile of that city (Siege)
- A Cathar tile (Cathars) or Besiegers tile (Besiegers)
- If a bazaar symbol was on the placed tile (and the tile was not purchased during an auction), and there are enough tiles left:
- Perform an auction. ROBBERS WONDER
- Perform special bazaar round to allow all players to place their purchased tiles, starting clockwise from the player to your left and ending with you (players follow the Order of Play placing the purchased tiles instead of drawing new ones.)
- If a bazaar symbol was on the placed tile (and the tile was not purchased during an auction), and there are enough tiles left, repeat actions 1 and 2 until no player has a pending delayed auction:
- Perform an auction. ROBBERS WONDER
- Perform special bazaar round to allow all players to place their purchased tiles, starting clockwise from the player to your left and ending with you (players follow the Order of Play placing the purchased tiles instead of drawing new ones.) During this special bazaar round, the following special cases may happen:
- A player triggers a double turn: Carry out the two parts of the double turn normally before the next player's bazaar turn.
- A player draws and places a new bazaar tile in the second part of their double turn: Proceed as usual but delay the associated auction until the current bazaar round is finished (A new bazaar round will be carried out.)
- If a bazaar symbol was on the placed tile (and the tile was not purchased during an auction), and there are enough tiles left:
- Perform an auction. ROBBERS WONDER
- Perform special bazaar round to allow all players to place their purchased tiles, starting clockwise from the player to your left and ending with you (players follow the Order of Play placing the purchased tiles instead of drawing new ones.) During this special bazaar round, the following special cases may happen:
- A player triggers a double turn: Carry out the two parts of the double turn normally before the next player's bazaar turn.
- A player draws and places a new bazaar tile in the second part of their double turn: Proceed as usual but ignore the associated auction.
There are no particular actions for this step. There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 4B: Resolve the Turn
There are no particular actions for this step.
4. Additional action
Step 4B: Resolve the Turn
- If you had a builder on a road or city that was extended by the placement of the tile, repeat Steps 1B through 4A once more and only once more.
1. Introducción
Este Selector de Expansions permite escoger las expansiones (o partes de ellas) que se desea mostrar en las páginas de referencia de WICA. Las páginas de Referencia del Juego, el Órden de Juego, las Referencias de Puntuación, y las Figuras del Juego se adaptarán a la elección realizada. De este modo, se puede configurar WICA para adaptarla a tu juego sin interferencias de las expansiones no seleccionadas.
Como se ha indicado anteriormente, las expansiones que combinan múltiples elementos permiten la selección individualizada de sus elementos. Por ejemplo, puedes seleccionar las losetas de abadías y el carromato de la expansión "La Abadía y el Alcalde" dejando fuera el establo y el alcalde.
2. Guía de Uso
El selector consta de varias pestañas y un área inferior que muestra las expansiones seleccionadas en todo momento, independientemente de la pestaña activa.
Puedes seleccionar cualquier pestaña haciendo click sobre su etiqueta. Si se realizan clicks adicionales sobre la pestaña seleccionada, esta se colapsará y expandirá, permitiendo el acceso al selector cuando se requiera. Al cambiar de pestaña, el selector se expandirá automáticamente.
Las secciones siguientes describen las pestañas y sus funcionalidades.
2.1. Pestañas"Expansiones"
Las tres primeras pestañas desde la izquierda permiten escoger expansiones completas, o partes de ellas en los casos en los que aplique.
- Expansions principales: lista todas las expansiones principales publicadas por HiG.
- Expansions menores: lista todas las expansiones menores oficiales de HiG además de algunas licenciadas equivalentes.
- Otras expansiones: lista el resto de las expansiones licenciadas y algunas no oficiales, además de las expansiones Print & Play y Cut & Play publicadas por HiG.
Estas pestañas muestran una relación de las expansiones donde cada etiqueta está precedida por un checkbox que permite seleccionar y deseleccionar una expansión en su totalidad.
Aquellas expansiones que cuenten con varios componentes muestran un símbolo clickable "[+]" cuando están colapsadas o "[–]" cuando están abiertas. En el último caso , se muestran todos sus componentes para su selección y deselección de manera individual.
Cada pestaña dispone de una etiqueta que sigue el formato "Grupo (X/Y)" con objeto de identificar el conjunto de expansiones listadas (indicado mediante Grupo), el número de expansiones seleccionadas (representado por X) y el número total de expansiones disponibles (representado by Y).
2.2. Pestaña de "Selectores Rápidos"
Esta es la cuarta pestaña desde la izquierda. Permite elegir un conjunto de expansiones de una lista predefinida. Esta pestaña contiene los elementos siguientes:
- Una lista desplegable y un botón "Selecciona Expansiones": Permiten la selección y carga de una conjunto de expansiones predefinido, como por ejemplo, una Big Box o todas las expansiones para la Nueva Edición
- El botón "Limpiar" vacía la selección actual con un solo click.
- El botón "Todo" selecciona todas las expansiones disponibles con un solo click.
2.3. "Filtros" tab
Esta es la quinta pestaña desde la izquierda. Permite la elección de las ediciones de Carcassonne que se desea mostrar y la edición preferida. Las ediciones consideradas son la 1ª Edicion (C1), la Nueva Edición (C2+C3), y la Edición de Invierno (EI), que se ha incorporado de manera creativa si alguna de sus expansiones fuera de interés.
Esta pestaña muestras dos paneles:
- El panel "Muesta Ediciones": contiene un checkbox para cada edición (C1, C2+C3, EI). El selector solo mostrará las expansiones pertenecientes a las ediciones seleccionadas. Por ejemplo, si está seleccionado el checkbox de la 1ª Edición, expansiones como "La Rueda de la Fortuna" o "Mitad y Mitad" se mostrarán y podrán ser elegidas en el Selector de Expansiones, que de otro modo no estarían disponibles. Al menos una edición tiene que estar seleccionada, por lo que no pueden deseleccionarse todas en un momento dado.
- Panel "Edición Preferida: contiene un conjunto de botones radio para la 1ª Edición (C1), la Nueva Edición (C2+C3) y la Edición de Invierno Edition (EI). Los botones radio seleccionados indicarán al Selector de Expansiones qué edición tiene precedencia sobre las otras respecto a:
- El contenido de la Guía de Referencia, el Orden de Juego, las Referencias de Puntuación y la Guía de Figuras: Si existen diferencias entre ediciones, la reglas y la nomenclatura de la edición preferida serán las empleadas. Por ejemplo, el movimiento del dragón se mostrará en diferentes momentos de el Orden de Juego dependiendo de la edición seleccionada C1 o C2+C3.
- Los gráficos mostrados en las Referencias de Puntuación: Para las expansiones disponibles en varias ediciones, las imágenes mostradas corresponderán a la edición escogida. Las imágenes de expansiones solo disponibles en una edición no sufrirán cambio.
Los botones radio para una edición estarán habilitados solo si dicha edición está disponible, es decir, está seleccionada en el panel "Mostrar Ediciones".
También incluye un checkbox con la etiqueta "Marcar reglas adaptadas": Si se selecciona, todas las reglas mostradas en la Guía de Referencia, el Orden de Juego y la Guía de Figuras que no correspondan con al edición preferida se mostrarán resaltadas.
Esta pestaña muestra una etiqueta similar a "Filtros (C1/C2+C3/EI) #" que lista de manera abreviada todas las ediciones seleccionadas entre paréntesis, estando una de ellas subrayada para indicar que es la edición preferida. El símbolo de la almohadilla "#" se muestra si se están resaltando las adaptaciones de reglas.
2.4. Ayuda
Esta es la pestaña mostrada con la información de ayuda sobre el Selector de Expansiones.
Para información sobre el significado de los Iconos y su licencia de uso, visita la Página de iconos.
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This action it is placed before the opportunity to place a followermeeple in the City of Carcassonne because the placement of the tile could earn the player gingerbread points, and thus prevent placement of a followermeeple in the City of Carcassonne. Of course, since the Gingerbread Man would have to be creatively added to a game of standard-version Carcassonne anyway, this is unlikely to come up very often.