Guide de référence des tuiles (deuxième édition)
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Accueil > Carcassonne > Guide de référence des tuiles (deuxième édition)
Vous retrouverez ici les tuiles des ensembles et extensions sélectionnés, classées par édition, type de tuile et configuration des côtés, vous pouvez également filtrer par type de zone.
Vous pouvez également sélectionner certaines variations de certains ensembles, extensions ou parties d’extensions, qui peuvent présenter des ensembles de tuiles différentes : versions distinctes par rapport à des versions Big Box, versions mal imprimées et ainsi de suite.
Descriptions des tuiles
L’ensemble des tuiles sont ici organisées par type de configuration de côté, ainsi que par ensemble ou extension. Plus précisément, les tuiles carrées sont organisées selon la topologie de leurs côtés. Par exemple :
- FFFF, dans l’ensemble des tuiles du jeu ci-dessous, désigne une tuile dont les quatre côtés sont des prés (Fields en anglais)
- RRRR est une tuile dont les quatre côtés sont des routes
- et CCCC est une tuile dont les quatre côtés sont des villes (Cities en anglais)
L’annotation des tuiles et les rubriques sont classés par ordre alphabétique, selon la hiérarchie suivante :
- Villes (C), pour Cities en anglais
- Prés (F), pour Fields en anglais
- Routes (R) pour Roads en anglais
- Rivières (S) – Pensez aux « courants » (Streams en anglais)
- Portes de la ville (G), pour Gates en anglais – incluses dans une extension à imprimer (listées à la fin, car elles constituent un cas particulier)
Concrètement, cela signifie qu’une ville est toujours placée en haut et que le reste de la tuile est décrit dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre à partir de ce point de départ. S’il y a plus d’une ville, la première ville – toujours dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre – est placée en haut. S’il n’y a pas de ville du tout, un pré est placé en haut, et ainsi de suite.
Par exemple :
Les tuiles triangulaires sont organisées de manière similaire, en décrivant d’abord leur côté long, puis les deux côtés courts dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre.
Par exemple :
Des tuiles doubles, des tuiles de formes différentes et des tuiles spéciales sont également répertoriées mais aucune description n’est fournie quant à leur topologie.
Légende des tuiles
Certaines des tuiles comportent une petite illustration. Les lettres entre parenthèses indiquent de quelle illustration il s’agit et correspond à :
Sélecteur de tuiles
Liste des tuiles
1st Edition
Regular Tiles: 638 / 638
CCCC: 22 / 22
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
KingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Porxada_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
DarmstadtPromo_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 22 / 22 |
CCCF: 29 / 29
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Besiegers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 29 / 29 |
CCCR: 19 / 19
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
MageAndWitch_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 19 / 19 |
CCFF: 47 / 47
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 7 / 7 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 7 / 7 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Tower_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Catapult_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 6 / 6 | |
Goldmines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles1_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WindRoses2_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Cathars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Plague_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WindRoses1_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 47 / 47 |
CCFR: 8 / 8
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Besiegers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 8 / 8 |
CCRF: 7 / 7
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Besiegers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 7 / 7 |
CCRR: 34 / 34
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 5 / 5 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Goldmines_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Goldmines_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
KingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Cathars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Plague_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 34 / 34 |
CFCF: 34 / 34
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 6 / 6 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 6 / 6 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 5 / 5 | |
MageAndWitch_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Robbers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 34 / 34 |
CFFF: 34 / 34
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 5 / 5 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Catapult_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Robbers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
KingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Cathars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HereticsAndShrines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 34 / 34 |
CFFR: 7 / 7
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
KingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 7 / 7 |
CFRF: 17 / 17
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Besiegers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HereticsAndShrines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 17 / 17 |
CFRR: 24 / 24
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
CropCircles1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Besiegers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Plague_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 24 / 24 |
CRCR: 16 / 16
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
GQ11_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 16 / 16 |
CRFF: 7 / 7
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 7 / 7 |
CRFR: 20 / 20
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Cathars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Tunnel_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 20 / 20 |
CRRF: 19 / 19
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Robbers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Besiegers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 19 / 19 |
CRRR: 25 / 25
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Ferries_Boxed_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
MageAndWitch_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
KingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tunnel_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 25 / 25 |
FFFF: 40 / 40
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Flier_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Flier_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MonasteriesInGermany_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
MonasteriesInNetherlandsAndBelgiumHiG_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HereticsAndShrines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
RussianPromos_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MonasteriesInNetherlandsAndBelgium999Games_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Total | 40 / 40 |
FFFR: 19 / 19
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MonasteriesInGermany_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
MonasteriesInNetherlandsAndBelgiumHiG_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HereticsAndShrines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
MonasteriesInNetherlandsAndBelgium999Games_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 19 / 19 |
FFRR: 57 / 57
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 9 / 9 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 9 / 9 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 8 / 8 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Flier_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Flier_Boxed_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Goldmines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
CropCircles1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tunnel_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Plague_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WindRoses1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
DarmstadtPromo_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 57 / 57 |
FRFR: 52 / 52
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 8 / 8 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 8 / 8 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 9 / 9 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Flier_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Flier_Boxed_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Robbers_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HereticsAndShrines_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CultSiegeAndCreativity_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
RussianPromos_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 52 / 52 |
FRRR: 41 / 41
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Flier_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Ferries_Boxed_C1 | 4 / 4 | |
Robbers_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CathedralsInGermany_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 41 / 41 |
RRRR: 33 / 33
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Catapult_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Messages_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_Boxed_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
Goldmines_Boxed_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
CropCircles2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
CathedralsInGermany_C1 | 3 / 3 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Tunnel_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Plague_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
RussianPromos_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
DarmstadtPromo_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Labyrinth_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
EasterInCarcassonne_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 33 / 33 |
River Tiles: 50 / 50
FFFS: 8 / 8
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River2_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River3_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 8 / 8 |
CCSS: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River3_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
CSCS: 5 / 5
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River3_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
GQ11_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 5 / 5 |
CSRS: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River3_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
FFSS: 8 / 8
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River2_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River3_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 8 / 8 |
FSFS: 6 / 6
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
River2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River3_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 6 / 6 |
RRSS: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River2_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
River3_C1 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
Special Tiles: 36 / 36
Start Tiles: 72 / 72
CARC: 24 / 24
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 12 / 12 | |
CountOfCarcassonne_C1 | 12 / 12 | |
Total | 24 / 24 |
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
WheelOfFortune_C1 | 16 / 16 | |
WheelOfFortuneBB5_C1 | 16 / 16 | |
Total | 32 / 32 |
Other Tiles: 44 / 44
PT50: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_PT_C1 | 6 / 6 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_PT_BB5_C1 | 8 / 8 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
KKRR: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
KingAndRobber_C1 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
MMMM: 16 / 16
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
Messages_C1 | 8 / 8 | |
Messages_Boxed_C1 | 8 / 8 | |
Total | 16 / 16 |
2nd Edition
Regular Tiles: 374 / 374
CCCC: 17 / 17
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
CropCircles_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 17 / 17 |
CCCF: 19 / 19
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BarberSurgeons_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 19 / 19 |
CCCR: 13 / 13
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 13 / 13 |
CCFF: 24 / 24
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 7 / 7 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
Tower_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Goldmines_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FruitBearingTrees_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
BarberSurgeons_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
SpielDoch_Regular_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 24 / 24 |
CCFR: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
CCRF: 7 / 7
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 7 / 7 |
CCRR: 18 / 18
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 5 / 5 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BarberSurgeons_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 18 / 18 |
CFCF: 21 / 21
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 6 / 6 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 21 / 21 |
CFCR: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CFFF: 19 / 19
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 5 / 5 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 19 / 19 |
CFFR: 5 / 5
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 5 / 5 |
CFRF: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
CropCircles_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
CFRR: 13 / 13
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 13 / 13 |
CRCR: 10 / 10
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 10 / 10 |
CRFF: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CRFR: 10 / 10
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FruitBearingTrees_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 10 / 10 |
CRRF: 13 / 13
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Robbers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FruitBearingTrees_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 13 / 13 |
CRRR: 12 / 12
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
MageAndWitch_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FruitBearingTrees_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 12 / 12 |
FFFF: 21 / 21
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Flier_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
BuildingsInJapan_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
MonasteriesInGermany_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
Total | 21 / 21 |
FFFR: 15 / 15
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
BuildingsInJapan_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
MonasteriesInGermany_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 15 / 15 |
FFRR: 31 / 31
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 9 / 9 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
Flier_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Goldmines_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BarberSurgeons_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 31 / 31 |
FRFR: 33 / 33
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 8 / 8 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaars_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
BridgesCastlesAndBazaarsMisprint_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Flier_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Robbers_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Watchtowers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BarberSurgeons_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Tollkeepers_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
FortuneTeller_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 33 / 33 |
FRRR: 28 / 28
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Tower_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
HillsAndSheep_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
UnderTheBigTop_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Ferries_C2 | 4 / 4 | |
Robbers_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
FruitBearingTrees_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Tollkeepers_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
CathedralsInGermany_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
SpielDoch_Regular_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 28 / 28 |
RRRR: 21 / 21
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
PrincessAndDragon_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Tower_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
AbbeyAndMayor_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
CropCircles_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
SpielPromos_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Festival_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
BarberSurgeons_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CathedralsInGermany_C2 | 3 / 3 | |
Labyrinth_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 21 / 21 |
River Tiles: 39 / 39
FFFS: 6 / 6
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 6 / 6 |
CCSS: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CSCS: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CSRS: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
FFSS: 6 / 6
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 6 / 6 |
FSFS: 5 / 5
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 5 / 5 |
FSRS: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
River1_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
CutCassonne_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
RRSS: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
CountKingAndRobber_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
River1_BB6_C2 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
Special Tiles: 36 / 36
Start Tiles: 19 / 19
Other Tiles: 27 / 27
PT50: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_PT_BB6_C2 | 8 / 8 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_PT_C2 | 6 / 6 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
3rd Edition
Regular Tiles: 344 / 344
CCCC: 8 / 8
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 8 / 8 |
CCCF: 21 / 21
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 5 / 5 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 21 / 21 |
CCCR: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
CCFF: 26 / 26
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 7 / 7 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 7 / 7 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 7 / 7 | |
Goldmines_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 26 / 26 |
CCFR: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Bets_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
CCRF: 6 / 6
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Bets_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 6 / 6 |
CCRR: 25 / 25
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 5 / 5 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 5 / 5 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
MageAndWitch_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Signposts_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Bets_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 25 / 25 |
CFCF: 20 / 20
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 6 / 6 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 6 / 6 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 5 / 5 | |
MageAndWitch_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 20 / 20 |
CFCR: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CFFF: 24 / 24
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 5 / 5 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 5 / 5 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 10 / 10 | |
Robbers_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 24 / 24 |
CFRF: 5 / 5
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 5 / 5 |
CFRR: 17 / 17
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Signposts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Bets_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 17 / 17 |
CRCR: 8 / 8
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Goldmines_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
MageAndWitch_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 8 / 8 |
CRFF: 4 / 4
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 4 / 4 |
CRFR: 12 / 12
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Bets_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 12 / 12 |
CRRF: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Robbers_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Bets_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
CRRR: 12 / 12
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
MageAndWitch_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 12 / 12 |
FFFF: 10 / 10
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
Flier_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 10 / 10 |
FFFR: 10 / 10
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
UkrainePromo_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 10 / 10 |
FFRR: 36 / 36
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 9 / 9 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 9 / 9 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 6 / 6 | |
Flier_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Goldmines_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Robbers_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 36 / 36 |
FRFR: 31 / 31
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 8 / 8 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 8 / 8 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
Flier_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Robbers_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Bets_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 31 / 31 |
FRRR: 20 / 20
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 4 / 4 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
GhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Ferries_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Robbers_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Bets_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 20 / 20 |
RRRR: 13 / 13
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEBaseGame_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
TradersAndBuilders_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Ferries_C3 | 2 / 2 | |
Goldmines_C3 | 3 / 3 | |
Festival_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
PeasantRevolts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
20AEExpansion_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Signposts_C3 | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 13 / 13 |
River Tiles: 28 / 28
Special Tiles: 6 / 6
Start Tiles: 4 / 4
Other Tiles: 28 / 28
PT50: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
InnsAndCathedrals_PT_BB7_C3 | 8 / 8 | |
InnsAndCathedrals_PT_C3 | 6 / 6 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
Winter Edition
Regular Tiles: 338 / 338
CCCC: 11 / 11
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
GingerbreadMan_WE1_WE | 3 / 3 | |
GingerbreadMan_Misprint_WE1_WE | 4 / 4 | |
Total | 11 / 11 |
CCCF: 18 / 18
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 4 / 4 | |
GingerbreadMan_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 18 / 18 |
CCCR: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 3 / 3 | |
GingerbreadMan_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
GingerbreadMan_Misprint_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
CCFF: 29 / 29
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 7 / 7 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 7 / 7 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 7 / 7 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 7 / 7 | |
CropCircles_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 29 / 29 |
CCFR: 5 / 5
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
GingerbreadMan_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
GingerbreadMan_Misprint_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 5 / 5 |
CCRF: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CCRR: 20 / 20
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 5 / 5 | |
Total | 20 / 20 |
CFCF: 24 / 24
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 6 / 6 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 6 / 6 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 6 / 6 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 6 / 6 | |
Total | 24 / 24 |
CFFF: 21 / 21
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 5 / 5 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 5 / 5 | |
CropCircles_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 21 / 21 |
CFFR: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CFRF: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CFRR: 15 / 15
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 15 / 15 |
CRFF: 3 / 3
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 3 / 3 |
CRFR: 12 / 12
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 3 / 3 | |
Total | 12 / 12 |
CRRF: 15 / 15
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 15 / 15 |
CRRR: 12 / 12
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 3 / 3 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 3 / 3 | |
Total | 12 / 12 |
FFFF: 16 / 16
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 4 / 4 | |
Total | 16 / 16 |
FFFR: 14 / 14
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 2 / 2 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 2 / 2 | |
Total | 14 / 14 |
FFRR: 37 / 37
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 9 / 9 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 9 / 9 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 9 / 9 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 9 / 9 | |
CropCircles_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 37 / 37 |
FRFR: 36 / 36
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 8 / 8 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 8 / 8 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 8 / 8 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 8 / 8 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 36 / 36 |
FRRR: 20 / 20
Expansion | Count | Tiles |
BaseGame_WD_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGame_WE1_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE2_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE2_WE | 1 / 1 | |
BaseGame_WE3_WE | 4 / 4 | |
BaseGameAnimals_WE3_WE | 1 / 1 | |
CropCircles_WE1_WE | 1 / 1 | |
Total | 20 / 20 |
River Tiles: 24 / 24
G = (City) Gate -->
G = (City) Gate -->
1. Introduction
Ce sélecteur de tuiles vous permet de choisir les éditions, les extensions, les types de tuile et les zones à utiliser comme filtres dans les pages de tuiles de référence de WICA.
2. Guide d'utilisation
Le sélecteur comporte plusieurs onglets et, en dessous, une zone qui répertorie la sélection en cours à tout moment, quel que soit l’onglet affiché.
Vous pouvez cliquer sur n’importe quelle étiquette d’onglet pour aller à l’onglet souhaité. Des clics supplémentaires sur un onglet sélectionné le réduiront et le développeront à nouveau afin d’accéder au sélecteur lorsque cela sera nécessaire. Passer à un autre onglet développera automatiquement le sélecteur.
Les sections suivantes décrivent les onglets et leur fonctionnalité.
2.1. Onglets "Extensions"
Les quatre premiers onglets en partant de la gauche vous permettent de choisir des extensions en totalité ou en partie lorsque cela est possible.
- C1 expansions: lists all the expansions of the 1st edition from 2000.
- C2 expansions: lists all the expansions of the 2nd edition, that is, the new edition from 2014.
- C3 expansions: lists all the expansions of the 3rd edition, that is, the latest current edition from 2020.
- WE expansions: lists all the expansions of the Winter edition (WD, WE1, WE2 and WE3).
These tabs show a listing of expansions group by type (major, minor, other) where each label is preceded by a checkbox to allow its selection and deselection if full.
The expansion groups show a clickable "[+]" symbol after them when closed or "[–]" when open. In the latter case, all the expansions are displayed and can be selected and deselected individually.
Each tab has a text label in accordance with the format "Group (X/Y)" in order to identify the set of expansions listed (indicated by Group), the number of expansions selected (represented by X) and the total number available (represented by Y).
2.2. Onglet « Types de tuile »
This is the fifth tab from the left. It allows you to choose what edge configurations to display. Edge configurations are grouped by tile geometry:
- Square tiles: the regular tiles you may find in any Carcassonne base game or expansion
- Halfling tiles: the triangular-shaped tiles provided by some expansions
- Double-sized tiles: rectangular tiles provided by some expansions
- Tile tableaus: plates in different sizes that represent multiple tiles
Regular tiles and triangular tiles are identified by naming their edges in clockwise order attending to the feature types on them. Regular tiles start from the top edge (in some cases, the image may be rotated) and triangular tiles start from their hypotenuse (long side). The feature types are identified by letters: C = city, R = road, F = field, S = river (stream).
Some tiles may also include a description below them, following the new edition convention to describe variations concerning various features used in some expansions. Features are represented by letters: G = garden, F = farmhouse, C = cow shed, D = donkey stable, P = pigsty, H = highwaymen, W = water tower. Some other features may be presented as well as river elements or those serving as tie-ins with other expansions: inns, volcanos, pig-herds, and so on.
2.4. "Features" tab
This is the sixth tab from the left. It allows you to choose what features to display. Features are grouped by type:
- Regular features: the usual features you may claim and score
- Special standalone features: independent features that cannot be claimed but some of them may trigger action
- Special subordinate features: features associated to one of the regular features that cannot be claimed; some of them may affect the scoring of a particular regular feature, or trigger some actions
- Symbols: icons associated to a feature or the whole tile; they may trigger an action or affect the scoring of associated features
- Special areas: independent features associated to special actions
- Special tiles: tiles with special uses
2.5. "Quick Selectors" tab
This is the seventh tab from the left. It allows you to choose from a predefined list of available expansions sets. This tab contains the following elements:
- A dropdown list and a "Select Expansions" button: They allow you select and load a predefined expansion bundle, such as a Big Box or all the expansions for the New Edition.
- The "Clear All" button empties your current with one click.
- The "Select All" button selects all the expansions available with one click.
2.6. "Filters" tab
This is the eighth tab from the left. It allows you to choose what Carcassonne editions are displayed and your preferred edition. The editions considered are the 1st Edition (C1), the 2nd Edition (C2), the 3rd Edition (C3), and the Winter Edition (WE). The latter will allow to display all those tiles related to the Winter Edition Download Version (WD) and various versions of the Winter Edition (WE1, WE2 and WE3). Additionally, this tab also allows you to define certain visualization options.
This tab includes two panels:
- "Show Editions": it contains a checkbox for each edition available (C1, C2, C3 and WE.) The selector will show the expansions belonging to the checked editions only. For example, if the 1st edition (C1) checkbox is selected, expansions such as "The Wheel Of Fortune" or "Halflings" will be eligible in the Tile Selector, otherwise they will not be available for selection. At least one edition has to be selected, thus they cannot be deselected at the same time.
- "Settings": it contains two checkboxes to control the following visualization options:
- Show tiles with zero count: it decides how to display tiles with zero count. If checked, the tiles will still visible but greyed out. If unchecked, the tiles will not be displayed at all, obtaining a more compact tile list.
- All features required: it decides how to consider features. If checked, only those tiles with all their features selected will be displayed (all the features on a tile must be selected to make it visible). If unchecked, the tile list will include all those tiles showing at least one of the selected features (any feature on a tile must be selected to make it visible).
This tab shows a label similar to "Filters (C1/C2/C3/WE) that lists all the editions selected in parentheses.
2.7. Aide
This is the current tab displayed with help information about the Expansion Selector.
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