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Revision as of 14:11, 6 September 2024 by Bumsakalaka (talk | contribs) (Added C1 Shed)
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Tile illustrations description, usually showed below {{BeginTileList}}..{{EndTileList}}. Names and images used from translatable Template:Feature.
When set S=1, scription about starting tile is showed.
When set at least one from C=1, note about sheds is showed.
Pages where is called this template and required parameter edition is not set, will be found in category Category:Editor manual - Missing edition in TileIllustrations


  • edition (required) [C1|C2|C3|WE3| -empty-] Edition related design of illustration used in description, currently only supported Garden C1/C2, all others are in C2
  • formating (optional) [lowercase | -empty- ] formating for feature name
  • S (optional) [1] Include S - Starting tile description
  • G (optional) [1] Include G - Garden in illustrations - C1/C2/WE3
  • F (optional) [1] Include F - Farmhouse in illustrations - C1/C2/WE3
  • C (optional) [1] Include C - Cowshed in illustrations - C2/WE3
  • W (optional) [1] Include W - Water tower in illustrations - C2/WE3
  • H (optional) [1] Include H - Highwaymen in illustrations - C2/WE3
  • P (optional) [1] Include P - Pigsty in illustrations - C2/WE3
  • D (optional) [1] Include D - Donkey stable in illustrations - C2/WE3
  • STAR (optional) [1] Include * - Different versions of same tile
  • Shed (optional) [1] Include Shed - Shed in illustrations - C1


Wiki Output
{{TileIllustrations|edition=C2}} Nothing will be generated, because no parameter is set.
{{TileIllustrations|edition=C3|S=1|G=1|F=1|C=1|H=1|D=1|P=1|W=1}} Full example for C3
One of the tiles marked with "(S)" is the starting tile (with a dark back).
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C3.png
G | Garden
Feature Farmhouse C3.png
Feature Cows C3.png
Feature WaterTower C3.png
Feature Highwaymen C3.png
Feature Pigsty C3.png
P | Pigsty
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.
{{TileIllustrations|edition=C2|S=1|G=1|F=1|C=1|H=1|D=1|P=1|W=1}} Full example for C1
One of the tiles marked with "(S)" is the starting tile (with a dark back).
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C2.png
G | Garden
Feature Farmhouse C2.png
Feature Cows C2.png
Feature WaterTower C2.png
Feature Highwayman C2.png
Feature Pigsty C2.png
P | Pigsty
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.
{{TileIllustrations|edition=C1|S=1|G=1|Shed=1}} Full example for C1
One of the tiles marked with "(S)" is the starting tile (with a dark back).
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C1.png
G | Garden
Feature Shed C1.png
{{TileIllustrations|edition=C2|G=1|W=1|D=1|formatingfeature=lowercase}} Lowecase example
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C2.png
G | garden
Feature WaterTower C2.png
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.
{{TileIllustrations|edition=WE3|STAR=1|G=1|F=1|C=1|H=1|D=1|P=1|W=1}} Description of * for different versions of tiles and all WE3 illustrations
Tiles marked with a star (*) have graphically different versions included in the game (trees, houses, etc).
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden WE3.png
G | Garden
Feature Farmhouse WE3.png
Feature Cows WE3.png
Feature WaterTower WE3.png
Feature Highwayman WE3.png
Feature Pigsty WE3.png
P | Pigsty
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.
{{TileIllustrations|edition=WE3|S=1}} Description of S - Starting tile, for example to Winter Editon Base game
One of the tiles marked with "(S)" is the starting tile (with a dark back).
{{TileIllustrations|edition=WE3|G=1}} Description of G - garden in WE3
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden WE3.png
G | Garden