Talk:Star Wars Base Game

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Main Page > Star Wars > Star Wars Base Game

General Info and Comments

Originally released by Hans im Glück in 2015, Carcassonne: Star Wars is an exciting tile-laying game set in the Star Wars universe in a galaxy far-away for 2 to 5 players, ages 8 and up.

xx -> intro here <- xx


  • 76 Land tiles including 1 start tile with a unique back. The tiles show trading routes, asteroid fields and planets (with their corresponding names).
  • 25 small meeples - 5 in each of the 5 colours (red, green, black, white and orange. Small meeples are used as merchant, explorer and conqueror. One small meeple of each colour is used as a scoring marker.
File:Figure Small Meeples.png
  • 5 big meeples - 1 in each of the 5 colours.
File:Figure Big Meeples.png
  • 5 character cards - 1 in each of the 5 colours (with faction symbol).
File:Figure Big Meeples.png
  • 6 dices - 3 in green and 3 in red colour.
File:Figure Dices.png
  • 1 Scoring track used to keep track of players’ scores.
File:Star Wars Scoreboard.jpg
  • Rule booklet
  • 1 sticker sheet - 11 small and 3 big stickers with the following characters: Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper and Boba Fett.
File:Star Wars Sticker Sheet.jpg


The players take turns placing tiles. A galaxy of trading routes, asteroid fields and planets will be created, on which the players will place their troops in order to fight and score points. Players will fight for their place in the galaxy, whether or not they have the claim to do so. Once all galaxy tiles have been placed and final scoring has been completed, the player with the most points is the winner.


File:Star Wars startTile.jpg
Start Tile with different back
  • The start tile is placed in the middle of the table (the one with the orange reverse side). Shuffle the remaining galaxy tiles and place them face down on the table in multiple stacks, in such a manner that every player has easy access to them.
  • The scoring board as well as 3 red and 3 green dices are placed at the edge of the table.
  • Each player receives 5 small and 1 large meeple in their chosen colour, placing one of their small meeples on space 0 of the scoreboard.
  • Each player receives 1 character card in their chosen colour.
  • The youngest player chooses who begins the game.[1]

Playing the Game

The game is played in clockwise order from the start player. A player takes the following actions in the specified order:

  • 1. The player must draw a galaxy tile and place it according to the rules below.
  • 2. The player may place a small or big meeple on the newly placed tile according to the rules below,
  • 2a. IF you place your tile next to a planet, however, you may then attack the neighbouring planet and position your meeple on this planet (even if another meeple is already there).
  • 3. Time for a battle: if different coloured meeples stand in a single ream, a battle will ensue.
  • 4. If, by the placement of a new tile, one or more trading routes, asteroid fields, or planets are completed or there has been a battle for a realm, they are evaluated and scored.

Then, the next player plays his turn.

1. Placing Galaxy Tiles

A player must first draw a galaxy tile from one of the face down piles. They may show it to all players (who may advise of “good” placement opportunities), and then place it according to the following rules:

  • The newly placed tile (red-bordered in the examples below) must be placed adjacent to at least one existing tile. Diagonal adjacency is not sufficient.
  • Railroad tracks, mountains, and prairies must continue from this newly placed tile to existing adjacent tiles. In the rare case that a drawn tile cannot be legally placed, it is discarded from the game. The player draws a new Land tile to place instead.
File:Star Wars Ex01 PlaceTile1.jpg
The trading route continue
File:Star Wars Ex02 PlaceTile2.jpg
The asteroid field continues
File:Star Wars Ex03 PlaceTile3.jpg
The asteroid field continues to the left
File:Star Wars Ex04 PlaceTile4.jpg
This tile placement would not be allowed asteroid field continues into outer space

2. Placing a Meeple

Once a player has placed a tile, they may place a meeple. The following rules apply:

  • Only one meeple may be placed
  • The meeple must come from her personal supply
  • The meeple must be placed on the newly placed tile
  • The meeple must occupy a single feature. As a ...
File:Star Wars Ex07 MeepleRole1.jpg
Merchant on a trading route, ...
File:Star Wars Ex07 MeepleRole2.jpg
Explorer on a asteroid field, ...
File:Star Wars Ex07 MeepleRole3.jpg
Conqueror on a planet, ...
  • No other meeple (of another player or your own) may be present on the trading route, asteroid field, or planet on which you place your meeple. This is best illustrated by the following examples:
File:Star Wars Ex08 PlaceMeeple1.jpg
RED may not place a merchant because the trading route is already occupied. RED may, however, place an explorer on the asteroid field.
RED may not place an explorer because the asteroid field is already occupied. RED may, however, place a merchant on the trading route.

If a player has no meeples in their supply, they must continue to place tiles on their turn even though they cannot place a meeple. Do not worry: meeples return to their players’ supplies when they are no longer needed on their respective trading route, asteroid field, and planet (further explained later).

2a. Pitch a Tent


to be added

3. Time for a battle


to be added

4. Scoring Completed trading routes, asteroid fiels and planets

If a trading route, asteroid field or planet is "completed" by the placement of the galaxy tile, it is now scored.

If there was a battle in the previous action "Time for a battle" the battle scores are also added or subtracted from the points on the scoreboard.

The Scoreboard

File:Star Wars Ex17 Score50.jpg
ORANGE scores 2 points and moves the scoring meeple from space 49 to space 1. The scoring meeple is laid flat to indicate that the player has exceeded 50 points.

All players track their points with a small meeple on the provided scoreboard, with spaces marked 0-49. Should a player acquire 50 or more points in a game, they should lay their meeple flat (as pictured to the right) to indicate that they have completed a lap of the scoreboard. In this way, a meeple lying flat on space 1 of the scoreboard (as pictured to the right) indicates a score of 51 points. [2]


Continue here...

Completed Railroad

A railroad is completed when its two ends terminate in junctions, cities, and/or mountains, or when it forms a complete loop. Completed railroads can vary greatly in length (few or many segments).

A player whose railwayman alone occupies a completed railroad scores points equal to the “length” of the railroad (number of tiles used). For example, a five-tile railroad is worth 5 points. More examples are pictured below.

BLUE scores 4 points.
BLUE scores 3 points.

Completed Railroad with Locomotives

If there is exactly one locomotive on a completed railroad, the score for that railroad is doubled.

If there are no locomotives, or two or more locomotives on a completed railroad, the score is not doubled.

BLUE scores 8 points (4 points for 4 tiles doubled by a single locomotive).
BLUE scores 6 points (because two or more locomotives do not double the value of a railroad).

Multiple Cowboys on a completed railroad or mountain

The newly placed tile connects two previously separate railroads as a single completed railroad.
BLUE and YELLOW both score 5 points, as they are tied for most cowboys.

Through clever tile and cowboy placement, multiple cowboys can occupy a single feature.

When such a railroad or mountain is completed, the player who has the most cowboys in a given feature scores the points alone. In case of a tie, all tied players score full points.

Completed Mountain

A mountain is complete when it is completely surrounded by prairies (has no open sides), and there are no gaps within. Completed mountains can vary greatly in size (few or many segments).

The player who has the most gold miners on a completed mountain first takes all Mining tokens that remain on the mountain, and then scores 1 point for each gold nugget symbol on that mountain. [3][4]

In case of a tie, the Mining tokens are distributed among the tied players. The tied players take turns taking Mining tokens, starting clockwise from the current player, and continuing until all Mining tokens have been taken. Then, all tied players score full points for the gold nugget symbols on the mountain.

The mountain is complete. YELLOW first takes the remaining Mining tokens, and then scores 7 points (for 7 gold nugget symbols).
On BLUE’s turn, the leftmost tile is placed, which completes the mountain. BLUE takes the first of the 3 remaining Mining tokens. RED takes a Mining token, then BLUE takes the last one. RED and BLUE each score 5 points (for 5 gold nugget symbols).

Tents have no effect on the majority, evaluation, or scoring of a completed mountain. A tent occupying a completed mountain is returned to its owner’s supply.

Completed City

The BLUE merchant in the completed city is connected to two completed railroads and scores 6 points.

A city is complete when all railroad segments (3 or 4) emerging from that city are part of completed railroads.

The player whose merchant occupies a completed city scores 3 points for each completed railroad connected to that city.

Important: A railroad that starts and ends in the same city only adds 3 points to that city’s value (see example to the right).

Returning Cowboys to their owners

Goldrush Ex22 ReturnCowboy.jpg

After a railroad, mountain, or city is completed, the cowboys in those completed features are returned to their owners’ supplies. These cowboys may be used on future turns.

Due to the sequence of a game turn, it is possible to place a cowboy and have it returned to you in the same turn.

In order to do this, one must:

  1. Place a tile so that it completes a railroad, mountain, or city.
  2. Place a cowboy from their supply on the newly completed feature (it must not already be occupied by another cowboy).
  3. Score the completed feature.
  4. The cowboy is then returned to the player’s supply.
BLUE places a tile and a railwayman, and scores 3 points.
BLUE places a tile and a gold miner, takes the 2 Mining tokens and scores 2 points.

The Prairies

We recommend playing without farmers and prairie scoring for your first game.

Unlike the other features, players only score points for their farmers in prairies at the end of the game.

Once a cowboy is placed on a prairie, becoming a farmer, it remains there until the end of the game. For this reason, farmers should always be laid flat on the prairies to remind players that they do not return like railwaymen, gold miners, and merchants. The boundaries of a prairie are formed by railroad tracks, mountains, and the edges of outer tiles. (Important for final scoring!)

Both farmers occupy their own prairie. The mountains separate the two prairies.
By placing a new tile here, the farmers’ prairies are now connected. Reminder: The player who placed this new tile may not place a farmer in that prairie, as it is already occupied by a farmer (two of them, in fact).

Game End

The game ends immediately after the turn during which the last Land tile is placed. Players proceed to final scoring.

Final Scoring

Players will score points for incomplete railroads, mountains, and cities. Players will also score points for farmers. Finally, the points from Mining tokens will be scored.

The player with the most points at the end of the final scoring is the winner!

Scoring Incomplete features

GREEN scores 10 points (10 gold nugget symbols) for the larger incomplete mountain. BLACK scores no points, as GREEN has more cowboys on that mountain.
For the incomplete railroad, RED scores 2 points(2 tiles).
For the incomplete city, YELLOW scores 3 points (1 completed railroad).
For the incomplete mountain, BLUE scores 3 points(3 gold nugget symbols).

MOUNTAINS: First, all tents and Mining tokens are removed from the game. Then, the player(s) with the most gold miners on the mountain scores 1 point for each gold nugget symbol.

RAILROADS: The player(s) scores 1 point for each tile belonging to the railroad (locomotives have no effect).

CITIES: The player scores 3 points for each completed railroad connected to the city.

After each feature is scored, return the cowboys to their corresponding supplies.

Scoring Farmers

The value of each prairie is determined by the number of tipi camps and wild horses occupying that prairie.

  • Each tipi camp adds 2 points to the value of a prairie.
  • Each herd of wild horses adds 4 points to the value of a prairie.

The player who has the most farmers in a given prairie scores a number of points equal to the value of that prairie. In case of a tie, all tied players score full points, as seen previously with railroads and mountains.

In the field to the left, GREEN and YELLOW both score full points, as they are tied for the most farmers. They each score 6 points (2 points for the tipi camp and 4 points for the wild horses).
In the upper right, RED scores 4 points for this small prairie (for 2 tipi camps).
BLUE alone scores the points for the large central prairie, as the player has the most farmers here. This scores 16 points (4 points for 2 tipi camps and 12 points for 3 herds of wild horses). The YELLOW farmer scores no points.

Scoring Gold

All players flip over their Mining tokens and score 1 point for each gold nugget depicted on them. Mining tokens depicting gravel score no points.

BLUE collected 9 Mining tokens during the game and scores the following points:
 3 points (3x 1 nugget tokens) +
 8 points (4x 2 nugget tokens) +
 5 points (1x 5 nugget token) +
 0 points (1x gravel token) = 16 points

The player with the most points is the winner. In case of a tie, the tied players enter a staring duel (or contest if there are more than two). The last cowboy to blink wins!

Tips/House Rules

  • If you find that the four cowboys isn't enough, or your opponent has managed to trap your cowboys on features that will never complete because there is no suitable tile remaining, you could adopt the house rule, based on one in the earlier South Seas, that allows you to remove a follower from the board (without scoring) instead of placing a follower. Alternatively use some other type of marker for the scoreboard and use the 5th cowboy in the game.

Tile Distribution

72 Tiles:

GoldRush Tile 01.png  x7

x Mining Tokens:

Token Nugget1.png  x10


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. If you don't want to admit your age, agree another method.
  2. Common house rule or variant Alternatively, use can be made of the 50/100 scoring tiles available as part of the Carcassonne expansion, Inns and Cathedrals, or from fan expansion sites, such as CarcassonneCentral.
  3. Interpretation from the Community If I complete a mountain area which contains my tent, can I first mine it and then distribute tokens and score it? Yes.
  4. Interpretation from the Community If there are no gold miners on a completed mountain that contains Mining Tokens, the tokens are removed from the board and placed back in the general supply.