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  1. Add other expansion rule section to The Hans Statue
  2. Add here that altermative scoring boards
  3. Scoring During Turn Sequence
  4. Privilege Piece template, each of type, plus one as FruitTokens
  5. Ad text
  6. Example images
  7. Image on side of TOC
  8. Describe of every Privilege type

Royal Privileges...

Meteorites C2 04.png This expansion is independent of tile design and can be played with any edition of Carcassonne or any spin-off (with small adaptations to the rules).
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol Meteorites.png

<translate>Royal Privileges...</translate>

In the 13th century, cities, as well as other settlements, were granted privileges. King Belo IV granted royal privileges to the city of Prešporok (present-day Bratislava) in 1291.

General info

Prosperity Periods fan-expansion for Carcassonne Base Game Carcassonne Base Game was released by Carcassonne CZ members Mati (CarcCZ, CarcC) and Bumsakalaka (CarcC, CarcCZ) as a fan-made expansion for the 15th Carcassonne CZ forum meet-up.


Download notice.png

Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.

Download(s) is/are available from the following site(s) (registration may be required):


  • 15 privilege tokens
Unknown feature RoyalPrivilegeTokens



Shuffle the privilege tokens randomly with the front side up and gradually place them on the scoreboard, one token at a time, on the squares: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0, 10, 20,… and so on until the last token is placed.

{{{image}}} not defined Example 1: Initial setup of privilege tokens on beginning of the game


Unknown feature RoyalPrivilegeTokens
1. Placing a tile

If you place a tile to the game board at a spot with a privilege token, the game is paused, and the privilege token is evaluated first. You can decide which way to turn the token. This can affect the scoring of the privileged area. The token on the game board cannot be rotated either before or after it has been turned! After turning the token, you score 1 point for each meeple in the privileged area according to the type of token.

You can score a maximum of 10 points for 1 privilege token, even if there are more than 10 meeples in the privileged area (applies to all types of tokens!).

Warning: After turning the privilege token, you cannot reverse the decision about placing the tile at the chosen stop. You must place the tile where the token was!

{{{image}}} not defined Example 2: Red places....

2. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature

User:Bumsakalaka/RP does not affect scoring.

4. Placing a Privilege Token

If any player, even one who is not currently active player in their turn, stops at or crosses a pile of tokens on the scoreboard (for points scored from the beginning of their turn to the end of the 3. Scoring a feature), they take one the top privilege token from this pile and place it on the game board with the front side on an empty spot that is surrounded by at least two or more tiles (edges). The player can choose any such spot that meets this requirement. If such a spot on the game board is not available, the privilege token remains on the scoreboard without being placed. If a player crosses multiple piles, they take a token from the last such pile.

The player must not look at the backside of the privilege token when placing it and must not show it to the other players!

{{{image}}} not defined Example 3: Blue and Red crossed a pile of tokens on the score board. Blue, as the first player, takes one token from the pile and places it on the game board. Red then takes (if available) the next token and places it on the game board also.

Points for placing a privilege token

The player who places a privilege token scores 1 point for each meeple on the tiles placed next to the placed token in the horizontal and vertical directions. If a player scores points for placing a privilege token and stops at or crosses a pile on the scoreboard, they do not place another token. The players count the scored points on the scoreboard, and turn of active player ends.

{{{image}}} not defined Example 4: Blue places the token on the game board first and scores 2 points (1 point per meeple). Subsequently, Red places a token and scores 2 points.

Place tokens again after last is used

If the last privilege token from the scoreboard is placed on the game board, the tokens that have already been evaluated and removed from the game are shuffled again and prepared as at the beginning of the game on the scoreboard. Unturned tokens on the game board remain in place.

Other Expansions

Please select all your expansions to show only interactions related to you. All other interactions are hidden.
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General rules

Official clarification from the publisher For scoring when turning placed privilege token and for placing token to board, any type of meeple is counted.

Official clarification from the publisher By placing a tile that consists of several square tiles, several privilege tokens are turned, each evaluated separately.

Official clarification from the publisher By placing a halfling tile on a spot with a privilege token, the token is evaluated.

Official clarification from the publisher Turn phase 4. Placing a Privilege token is very last phase of the player's turn.

Fan Expansions

Tile Distribution

Total tokens: 15
Meteorites C2 01.png ×1


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