Игровой Справочник Каркассона
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This page is a translated version of the page Carcassonne Game Reference and the translation is 51% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Селектор дополнений
Игровой справочник
от Meepledrone
- Этот раздел служит высокоуровневым описанием игры Каркассон.
- Слово "вы" во всём этом разделе относится к активному игроку.
- Шаги, написанные жёлтым цветом, представляют собой отклонения от официального набора правил HiG.
- Шаги, написанные синим цветом, - это элементы из других изданий Каркассона, адаптированные для предпочтительной версии с небольшим творческим подходом, когда это требуется. Краткий обзор игрового справочника
- Выберите дополнения и правила
- Подготовьте стартовый(ые) квадрат(ы)
- Подготовьте оставшиеся квадраты для игры
- Отложите в сторону элементы, необходимые во время игры
- Раздайте игрокам фишки и другие элементы
- Установите фишки на дорожку подсчёта очков
- Place tile
- Place a followermeeple
- Score a feature
- Разместить квадрат
- Выставить подданного
(2b. Move the dragon - for HiG & ZMG)(2b. Move the dragon) - Подсчитать очки за объект
(3b. Move the dragon - for RGG) - Дополнительные действия
- Place tile
- Place a followermeeple
- Score a feature
- Additional actions
- Prepare for final scoring
- Разрешение финального подсчёта очков
Фаза и Основные действия | ||||||
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- Этот раздел служит руководством по подготовке игровой области и элементов, которые будут использоваться во время игры.
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
Краткий обзор подготовки
. Выберите дополнения и правила
- Решите, какое издание Каркассона использовать в качестве основного для игры
- First edition
- Новое издание
- Winter edition
- Решите, какие дополнения, если таковые имеются, использовать с базовой игрой
- Определите и согласуйте любые варианты правил - в соответствии с выбранным изданием(ями) - или домашними правила, разрешите и согласуйте любые моменты толкования и проясните области возможного недопонимания или противоречия.
. Подготовьте стартовый(ые) квадрат(ы)
- Отложите стартовый(ые) квадрат(ы) в соответствии с выбранными дополнениями, если таковые имеются
- Базовый стартовый квадрат
- River tiles from:
- River I/III (remove spring and lake tiles) (remove spring tile)
- River II (remove spring tile)
- GQ #11 (add spring tile and the other river tile)
- City of Carcassonne tiles and Count figure
- Wheel Of Fortune tiles and big pig figure
- Orange wind rose tile
- School tiles and teacher figure
- Markets of Leipzig tiles
- Spiel Doch! 02/2018 tiles (if used as starting tiles)
- Разместите стартовый(ые) квадрат(ы) лицевой стороной вверх в центре игровой области
- Разместите базовый стартовый квадрат. Place the Gingerbread Man on the city segment.
- Discard the base starting tile. Mix base starting tile with the rest of normal land tiles, if using the tile bag; otherwise, discard it. Be ready to place the Gingerbread Man on a city segment of the first tile placed containing at least one. (It can be on a river tile if no other start tile is used.)
- Place the City of Carcassonne with the Count figure on the castle quarter
- Place the Wheel Of Fortune with the big pig figure on the "Fortune" section
- Place the Markets of Leipzig tiles
- Place the orange wind rose tile
- Place the Spiel Doch! 02/2018 tiles (if used as starting tiles)
- Place the school with the teacher figure next to the starting tile
- Separate the fork tile
- Separate the lake tiletiles
- Shuffle all the other river tiles and place them in a stack facedown with the fork tile on top and the lake tiletiles at the bottom
. Подготовьте оставшиеся квадраты для игры
- Remove from game extra tiles:
- River tiles in CG#11
- Optionally, 2 of the 6 cloistersmonasteries in base game, if adding Darmstadt churches to the game without other expansions
- Optionally, the 6 cloistersmonasteries in base game, if adding German monasteries or Dutch & Belgian monasteries or Japanese buildings to the game without expansions
- Extra Bathhouses
- 2 players: use 4 bathhouses
- 3 players: use 5 bathhouses
- 4-6 players: use 6 bathhouses
- Перемешайте обычные квадраты местности (separate 17, if playing The Plague)
- Сложите их лицевой стороной вниз стопками
- Put them in the tile bag, as an option
- Place them in the tile tower, as an option
- Shuffle Halfling tiles and distribute them according to the number of Halfling sets used:
- 1 set (12 tiles): 2 tiles per player
- 2 sets (24 tiles): 3 tiles (or more, if agreed so) per player
- Distribute abbey tiles: 1 to each player
- Distribute German Castle tiles, depending on the number of players
- 2-3 players: 1 or 2 tiles
- 4-6 players: 1 tile
. Отложите элементы, необходимые во время игры
- Tiles and tokens:
- 50/100 point tiles
- Trade goods tokens
- King/Robber Baron tiles and tokens
- Sheep and wolf tokens: placed inside the flock bag
- Animal tokens: shuffled and placed in a stack facedown
- Message tiles: shuffled in a stack facedown
- Plague tokens: outbreak and flea tokens
- La Porxada tokens if available
- Fruit-bearing trees tokens: arranged by fruit type and placed facedown in 6 stacks by type.
- Wooden figures and other pieces:
- Fairy
- Dragon
- Wooden catapult and ruler
- Big Top
- Flier die
- Ferries
- Gold pieces and the scoring token
- Mage
- Witch
- Gingerbread Man
- Положите дорожку подсчёта рядом с игровой областью
- Prepare Land Surveyors scoring tiles:
- Shuffle the scoring tiles and place them face up in three stacks (cities, roads and monasteries) by the scoreboard
- Take the top scoring tile from each stack and place them next to the corresponding stack as initial active scoring tiles
. Раздайте игрокам фишки и другие элементы
- Раздайте каждому игроку фишки одного из цветов
- Обычных подданных: 8 (or 9, if available, when playing with the Markets of Leipzig)
- Big followerLarge meeple: 1
- Pig: 1
- Builder: 1
- Tower piecesfloors, depending on the number of players
- 2 players: 10 tower piecesfloors
- 3 players: 9 tower piecesfloors
- 4 players: 7 tower piecesfloors
- 5 players: 6 tower piecesfloors
- 6 players: 5 tower piecesfloors
- Mayor: 1
- Wagon: 1
- Barn: 1
- Bridges, depending on the number of players
- 2-4 players: 3 bridges
- 5-6 players: 2 bridges
- Shepherd: 1
- Ringmaster: 1
- Messenger: 1
- Robber: 1
- Phantom: 1
- Abbot: 1
- Distribute tokens to each player
- Catapult tokens: 4, one per type
- Castle token, depending on the number of players
- 2-4 players: 3 castles
- 5-6 players: 2 castles
- Tunnel tokens, depending on the number of players
- 2 players: 6 tunnel tokens (3 sets)
- 3 players: 4 tunnel tokens (2 sets)
- 4-6 players: 2 tunnel tokens (1 set) with player's colour
- Little buildings, depending on the number of players and the rules applied
- Normal rules (no distinction between building types)
- 2 players: 9 buildings
- 3 players: 6 buildings
- 4 players: 4 buildings
- 5-6 players: 3 buildings
- Variant rules (distinction between building types)
- 2 players: 3 towers + 3 houses + 3 sheds
- 3 players: 2 towers + 2 houses + 2 sheds
- 4-6 players: 1 tower + 1 house + 1 shed
- Normal rules (no distinction between building types)
- Tollhouse tokens: 1 in player's color
. Поставьте счётные фишки на дорожку подсчёта очков и приготовьтесь начать
- Поставьте 1 обычного подданного каждого игрока на деление "0" дорожки подсчёта очков (он будет служить в качестве счётной фишки)
- Place messengers on space 0 of scoring board
- Определите случайным образом первого игрока (например, самого молодого).
Финальный подсчёт очков
- Этот раздел служит руководством для финального подсчёта очков.
- Примените Scoring After the GameНачисление Очков в Конце ИгрыScoring After the Game
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
Краткий обзор финального подсчёта очков
. Prepare for final scoring
- Each player adds up the scores of their counting figuresscoring figures. Then each player places one counting figurescoring figure on their achieved total and removes the other. No message tiles are drawn during final scoring.
- Each player with their robber on the scoreboard scores 3 points and returns it to their supply
- Each player scores 2 points per unopened gift card in their supply and removes them
- Score the circus and remove the big top
- Settle the bets on the board separately. Each bet's owner decides its associated feature, if several options are available
- Remove castle lords still in normal castles on the game board and any ghosts added to them
- Remove cemetery keepers from the game board and any ghosts added to them
- Remove gold pieces still on the game board
- Remove the Easter bunny
- Redeploy followersmeeples from the market quarterdistrict of the City of Carcassonne to farmsfields, if the Count figure is not placed on that district. Players starting from the left of the active player redeploy one followermeeple at a time until no followersmeeples are left. FollowersMeeples from other quartersdistricts can also be redeployed at this time.No followersmeeples from other quartersdistricts can be redeployed at this time.
- Score any followersmeeples deployed to farmsfields with barns.
- Score the wonders that score at the end of the game, if any was selected and placed during the game.
. Проведите финальный подсчёт очков
- Подсчитайте очки за все незавершённые объекты and unscored figures and unscored figures taking into account the fairy taking into account the fairy and the ringmaster taking into account the ringmaster
- Дороги
- Города
- Apply La Porxada bonus if requested by a player and the city with La Porxada is completed. The scoring bonus benefits all players who had at least one knight in the city when it was closed. Those players may have received a token as a reminder, if agreed so.
- CloistersМонастыри
- Shrines
- Shepherds and their sheep (0 points)
- Acrobat pyramids
- Abbeys
- Darmstadt churches
- Baba Yaga's hut
- German castles
- German cathedrals
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with monks
- Gardens
- Подсчитайте очки за все объекты, начисляемые в конце партии taking into account the fairy taking into account the fairy and the ringmaster taking into account the ringmaster
- Vodyanoy
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with abbots
- Barns
- Поля
- Resolve final scoring
- Score fruit tokens
- Score golden pieces
- Score trade good tokens to majority by type
- Score King and Robber Baron tiles
Для лицензирования иконок и объяснения, пожалуйста, посетите страницу иконок.
- ↑
During a river round, the scoring is limited to a few cases:
- Fairy points
- Flock action points
- Abbot points
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