Carcassonne Maps - Germany
General info and comments
Carcassonne Maps - Germany was originally released by Hans im Glück in 2019. It is a variant for the new edition that offers players a new possibility to play Carcassonne by placing tiles on a map of Germany. Hans im Glück suggest some rules variations, but encourage players to design their own too.
- 1 Map Carcassonne Maps - Germany
- In addition, you need:
- Land tiles: It is recommended to play with about 110-120 tiles. Preferably, you use the basic game tiles and 2 expansions. If you choose for example the basic game with
Exp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals and
Exp. 2 - Traders & Builders, you'll play with (72 + 18 + 24 =) 114 tiles. It might be helpful to play without the additional rules and meeples of the expansions and to use only the tiles in the beginning.
- Land tiles: It is recommended to play with about 110-120 tiles. Preferably, you use the basic game tiles and 2 expansions. If you choose for example the basic game with
- Meeples: If possible, each player should play with 9 instead of 7 meeples (+ 1 meeple on the scoring board) [1]
There are 3 start-squares: Rostock in the North, Erfurt in the centre and Stuttgart in the South (with a darker margin). You should start with at least 2 start-squares. Take the starting tile (with the darker backside) and another random tile and place both of them on two start-squares. You start your game by placing your first tile next to these tiles.
The general rules stay the same, and some new rules are added. However some of them are only variants and ideas which you can apply but don‘t have to.
(Note: to make it easier to read we will be using the words large city and town even if those words do not always represent reality.)
1. Placing a tile
You’re only allowed to place a tile on a pre-printed square. As usual, you have to place a tile next to an already placed one.
Large cities
On squares with printed large city tiles (Hamburg, Berlin, Hannover, Ruhrgebiet, Frankfurt und München) you cannot place tiles. As soon as you place a tile next to a city tile it is connected. From now on, everybody can place a tile next to the city tile.
Squares with towns (with a small house, for example Bremen, Saarbrücken, Nürnberg,... ) count as normal squares. You are allowed to place tiles according to the general rules. You find some variants in section Variants below.
Border squares with adjacent city or road
Wherever there are cities or roads printed on the "border" of the map you have to place a compatible tile.
Border squares without connection
The "border" of the map is neutral which means that you are allowed to place your tile the way you want if there are no pre-printed cities or roads.
2. Placing a meeple
After having placed a tile you are allowed to place a meeple according to the general rules.
3. Scoring a feature
A coat of arms [2] gives you 2 additional points in each scoring no matter if it is part of a road or a city. [3]
Large cities
If you complete a large city you score according to the general rules. Pre-printed large city tiles are scored in the same way as a normal city tile. Coats of arms give additional points.
Border squares with adjacent city or road
Roads which end on the border are automatically completed there. Pre-printed roads or cities are scored as normal tiles. Coats of arms give additional points.
City or road on the border
A city, road or field placed on the border (next to clouds or the sea) is seen as completed. You score them according to the normal rules.
Monastery on the border
You aren’t required to place 8 adjacent tiles to complete and score a monastery next to the border. Only the surrounding squares (also the diagonal ones) have to be filled with tiles. However, only real tiles as well as pre-printed large city tiles are scored [4]

Final Scoring
As usual, city tiles and coats of arms of cities or roads which haven't been completed score only 1 point each. Coats of arms of uncompleted roads which end in neighboring countries also score 1 point. [6]


You can try using the following additional rules for the town squares:
- Placing a tile on top of a town grants you one instant extra turn. This can only be done once within one draw.
- Placing a tile on top of a town costs 2 points.
- When scoring a road, you get 2 bonus points for each town which is still visible and touches your road (horizontally or vertically).
Tile distribution
For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.
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If you need additional meeples: you can order everything you need in the webshop.
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The English manual released by CundCo used "emblems" instead of "coat of arms" throughout the rules. We are using "coats of arms" for the sake of consistency with the New Edition.
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This sentence was added to the common rules (12/2019)
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Pre-printed city and road segments abroad are not taken into consideration when scoring a monastery. Therefore, monastery scoring only takes into consideration:
- Regular land tiles, as per the normal rules
- Pre-printed large city tiles that may be adjacent to the monastery
- Roads consider regular tiles and pre-printed road segments abroad.
- Cities consider regular tiles, pre-printed large city tiles and city segments abroad .
- Monasteries consider regular tiles and pre-printed large city tiles.
Feature Regular Feature Tile Pre-printed Large City Tile Pre-printed Feature Segment Abroad Road City Monastery - ↑
This example was updated by the publisher on April 3rd 2019. In the original example, the monastery was not completed since the tile adjacent top right was missing. Moreover, as the monastery had only 3 adjacent tiles, it was scoring 4 points (1 point for the monastery and 3 points for the adjacent tiles).
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This last sentence was added to the common rules (12/2019)
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This image is an updated version of the one in the rules. We eliminated an invalid placement involving the CRFR tile.
I do not immediately see a difference between the basic rules and the Germany (old rules), except that the number of tiles are different. Why is this split up?