Expansion Reference List TilesRules
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The City Gates V1
(Die Stadttore v1)
||Fritz_Spinne & PresetM
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The City Gates V2
(Die Stadttore v2)
||Fritz_Spinne & PresetM
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The City Gates II
(Die Stadttore II)
||Fritz_Spinne & PresetM
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Fortune Teller (CarcC)
(Die Wahrsager)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Fortune Teller (CarcF)
(Die Wahrsager)
||C1 ||JPutt927 ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Fortune Teller (HiG)
(Die Wahrsager)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Watchtowers
(Die Wachtürme)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Medieval Expansion : In the Stocks
(Am Pranger)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Medieval Expansion : Jousting Tournament
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Medieval Expansion : The Gallows
(Die Galgen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Medieval Expansion : The Order of Chivalry
(Der Ritterorden)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Wälder)
||Scott & Novelty
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Wild Boars
(Das Schwarzwild)
||Calvin Daniels & KlausiMausi
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Green Dragon
(Gruüner Drache)
||Novelty & Scott
||Dragon / Forest
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Log Cabins
(Die Blockhäuser)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Evergreen Forest
(Immergrüne Wälder)
||Cliffs / Forest
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Forest Fire
(Der Waldbrand)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Little Forest
||Forest / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Scott & Novelty
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Dragon's Lair
(Die Drachenhöhlen)
||Scott & Novelty
||Dragon / Mountain
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||High Places
(Die Kulthöfen)
||Monastic / Mountain
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Pyrenäen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Foot Hills - Part 1
||C1 ||TheSteveAllen ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Mountain ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Ocean : Men of the Sea
(Das Meer : Die Seemänner)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Ocean : Deltas
(Das Meer : Die Flussmündungen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Taxes & Tolls
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Novelty & Gwommy
||Fields / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Wheat Fields
||Chris Lynn & Novelty
||Fields / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Road / Wells
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Wells II
(Brunnen II)
||Road / Wells
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fountain of Youth
(Die Jungbrunnen)
||Fishermen / Forest / Mountain / River / Road / Wells
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Whispering Woods
(Flüsternde Wälder)
||Forest / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||C1 ||Hester ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Waterfalls 2
(Wasserfälle 2)
||Fishermen / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Swan Lake
||Fishermen / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fishermen / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fish Huts v2
(Fischerhütten v2)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Dreier)
||Fishermen / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Niebenflüsse)
||Fishermen / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Lord of the Rings 1 : Fellowship of the Ring
(Herr der Ringe 1 : Die Gefährten)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Matthias Hecking
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fish Huts v1 (aka Fisherman's Cottage)
||Jörg Krühne
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Loggers and Millers
(Holzfäller & Müller)
||Steffen Reichel & stefanogiugliano2
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Wälder)
||Guntram Engelhardt
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||More River (aka New River Tiles)
||Martin Storbeck
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||New Tiles (aka City Walls)
(Neue Landschaftskarten (aka Stadtmauern))
||C1 ||Guido Kämmer ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||More New Tiles
(Nochmal neue Landschaftskarten)
||C1 ||Gerry ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Butterfly tiles
(Landschaftskarten die Dritte)
||C1 ||Benjamin Stengel & Stephan Harms ||16 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||All the Rest of the Tiles
||City / Fields / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Family Feud V1
(Familienenfehde v1)
||Frédérick Renaud & Novelty
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Family Feud JPutt927
(Familienenfehde JPutt927)
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Archery Tournament
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Breweries V1.1
(Die Brauereien v1.1)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Wine Merchant
||City / Monastic / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Barriers & City Walls
(Barrieren und Stadtmauren)
||City / Fields
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Drought & Pestilence
||CarcassonneCentral & Novelty & Jabberwocky
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||City / Siege
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Corn Circles 3
(Die Kornkreise III)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Brick Masons
(Die Maurer)
||City / Siege
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
(Die Minnesänger)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The King's Gate
(Das Königstor)
||CKorfmann & JPutt927
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
6x Ghetto
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Irrgärten)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Dirt Roads v0.1
(Unbefestigte Strassen)
||Welli Designs
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
(Der Krater)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Lord of the Manor
(Die Gutsherren)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Das Trebuchet)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Dörfer)
||Fields / Monastic / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Reservoirs & Granaries
(Stauseen und Getreidespeicher)
||City / Lake / Siege
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Castle Lords
(Die Burghherren)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Upper Carcassonne
(Carcassonne Die Oberstadt)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Foreign Traders
(Ausländische Händler)
||Gwommy & Novelty & Lakoda
||City / Tokens
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Abbot (aka Cloister-ville)
(Der Abt)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Roman Road & Roman Temple
(Die Römerstrasse und der römische Tempel)
||Novelty & JPutt927 & Jabberwocky
||City / Monastic / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Guido Kämmer
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Way Through The City
(Weg durch die Stadt)
||Silvio Schumacher
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Beggars
(Die Bettler)
||C1 ||Marcus Gwiasda ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Landowners
(Die Großgrundbesitzer)
||C1 ||Marcus Gwiasda ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Conquerors V1
(Die Eroberer)
||Dieter "Belushi" Rausch
||C-Welt Download
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Conquerors V2
(Die Eroberer)
||C1 ||Dieter "Belushi" Rausch & Seli ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||C-Welt || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Conquerors WD
(Die Eroberer)
||WD ||Dieter "Belushi" Rausch & Seli ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||C-Welt || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Dragon Riders and Slayers
(Drachenreiter und Drachentöter)
||Dragon / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Aussenposten)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Labyrinths (stalcupojoy)
(Die Labyrinthe)
||Advent2016 / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Storehouses and Paths
(Lagerhäuser und Pfade)
||C1 ||jeRm! ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||City / Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Bountiful Harvest
(Reichhaltige Ernte)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Market Commons
(Bauernmarkt und Gemeingut)
||C1 ||CarcassonneCentral & Novelty & Jabberwocky ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Well & The Donkey
(Der Brunnen und der Esel)
||C1 ||jeRm! ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||City / Fields / Tokens ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Well & The Donkey Remastered
(Der Brunnen und der Esel)
||C1 ||huhsak ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||City / Fields / Tokens ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Stone Walls
(Die Steinmauern)
||C1 ||Carcking & Solazy & Collaborativ ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Guilds
(Die Gilden)
||C1 ||Scott ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Pferde)
||Barn / Fields
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Luke Tubbs & Giles Smith
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Coast C1
(Die Küste)
||C1 ||Wolnic ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Coast C2
(Die Küste)
||C2 ||Wolnic ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Sailing The Seas : Reefs
(Beseegeln der See : Riffe)
||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Cliffs and Waterfalls C1
(Klippen und Wasserfälle)
||Cliffs / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Cliffs and Waterfalls C2
(Klippen und Wasserfälle)
||Cliffs / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Stone Circles and Ley Lines
(Steinkreise und Heilige Linien)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||New Forest : Autumn Colours
||CarcC Part 1
CarcC Part 2
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Cities By The Sea
||C2 ||Wolnic ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Coast : Ports
||Oldbonz & Meepledrone
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Long Tunnel
(Der lange Tunnel)
||C1 ||Oliver Perialis ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road / Tunnel / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Königreiche)
1x Palace for each player
||Advent2016 / City
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Thieves' Road
||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2019 / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Celestial Events
||Cristinfunchi & Meepledrone
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The White Horse
(Das weisse Pferd)
||C1 ||FarawayPictures ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Invasion
(Die Invasion)
||C1 ||jeRm! ||19 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||City / Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Dairies (aka Wheel of Cheese)
(Die Molkereien)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Pirate Coast
(Die Küste)
||C1 ||Hawkinsssable ||43 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean / River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Cliffs
(Die Klippen)
||Cliffs / Tower
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Caverns of Carcassonne
||Just a Bill
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||C1 ||Friederich Scholta ||1 ||0 ||1x large city block |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Winter Abbey
||WE ||Whaleyland ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2016 / Advent2019 / Monastic ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Faerie Circles
||C1 ||Whaleyland ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2019 ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Witch Craft
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Farmers Markets of Carcassonne
(Die Bauernmärkte von Carcassonne)
||C1/C2 ||Fritz_Spinne ||6 ||0 ||6x double tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Pope & Devil
(Papst und Teufel)
||1x Pope
1x Devil
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Prayer Labyrinth
(Das Gebetslabyrinth)
||C1/WD ||Josh Gadreau & Caleb Wong & Seli & Quevy ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Hills of Carcassonne
(Die Hügel von Carcassonne)
||C1 ||PresetM ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||6 Cloisters aren't enough!
(6 Klöster sind nicht genug!)
||C1 ||Safari ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Wheel of Fortune 3x3, 2x2
||1x 2x2 Wheel
1x 3x3 Wheel
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||European Nobility
(Europäischer Adel)
||C1 ||Stahlfaust ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Pennant ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Breweries of Carcassonne
(Die Brauerein von Carcassonne)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Chapels and Monastery Gardens
(Kapellen und Klostergärten)
||C1 ||Fährmann ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Wells in a Roundabout
||C1 ||Fährmann ||31 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road / Wells ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Wells in a Roundabout - Bonus Tiles
||C1 ||Fährmann ||17 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Road / Wells ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Watchtower with Flags - Bonus Tiles
||C1 ||Fährmann ||22 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Country Paths
||C1 ||Fährmann ||32 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Roads through Cities
||C1 ||Fährmann ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The River & The Count of Carcassonne
||C1 ||Seli ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Abbot & The Flower Gardens
(Der Abt : Blumengarten)
||C2=>C1 / Garden / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Abbot & The Herb Gardens
(Der Abt : Kräutergarten)
||C2=>C1 / Garden / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Abbot & The Fruit Gardens
(Der Abt : Obstgarten)
||C2=>C1 / Garden / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Gardener's Wife
(Der Abt : Die Gärtnerinnen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Imperial City
(Die Reichsstadt)
||C1/C2 ||redhairmax ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Flags
||C1 ||LRV ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showMusing"
||Lake and Anglers - Curse of Lake, Forest and Mountains
||C1 ||PresetM ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Forest / Lake / Mountain ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Random Creativity
||C1 ||LRV ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Monastic / River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||GQ 11/06
||C2 ||Ratz65 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||C1=>C2 ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||New Forest : Green Dragon (subset)
(Gruüner Drache)
||C2 ||Wolnic ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Go with the Wind
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Signposts and the Château
||Just a Bill
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Übertiles
||Just a Bill
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Country Paths (Advent Calendar 2016)
||C1 ||Fährmann ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Advent2016 / Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Groves
(Die Gehölze)
||Advent2016 / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Wells in a roundabout (Advent Calendar 2016)
||C1 ||Fährmann ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Advent2016 / Road / Wells ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Scout
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Groves V1.2
(Die Gehölze v1.2)
||C1 ||Leven ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Lake, Fisherman & Lighthouse
||C1 ||Carsten Engels ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fishermen / Lake / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Landowner (aka Landlord)
||C1 ||Carsten Engels ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Lighthouses and Water
(Leuchtturm und Wasser)
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Lake /Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Cliffs and Waterfalls Sheet3
(Klippen und Wasserfälle)
||Cliffs / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||New Cities
(Neue Städte)
||C1 ||Oliver Perialis ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||New Fields
(Neue Wiesen)
||C1 ||Unknown ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||C1 ||Unknown ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Unexpected Events
(Unerwartete Ereignisse)
||City / Missing
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Forest & Marsh
||C1 ||Freetower ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Wonders of the World
||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Solazy Tiles
(Solazy's Erweiterung)
||C1 ||Solazy ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||C1 ||Maulei ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Pirates & Plunder
||C1 ||Robotman ||90 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Arsonist
||Rene Gagnon
||CarcC Forum
||Barn / Fields
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Lords of Wilderness
||C1 ||Dragonlord ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Forest / Mountain / River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Château de Montségur
||1x Château (2x2)
1x Château (2x1)
1x Château (1x1)
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Black Knight
||C1 ||Playsthething ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Winter River Extra Tiles
||WD ||Wolnic ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2019 / River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Winter River
||Fenrir & Wolnic
||CarcC Forum(1)
CarcC Forum(2)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Winter Edge Coast
||C1/WD ||Wolnic ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Winter Islands
||WD ||Wolnic ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2019 / Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Circus
(Der Zirkus)
||C1 ||Sandy Knoll ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||SandyKnoll || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fork in the road
||C1 ||Sandy Knoll ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||SandyKnoll ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Single City Tile
(Einteilige Stadt)
||C1 ||Sandy Knoll ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||SandyKnoll ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Modern Marvels
||C1 ||loganmann1 ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Sasquatch, Time-Machine & UFO
||Shelby Cinca
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Monasteries In Spain
||Mas9dj & Wolnic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||C1 ||Oliver Perialis & Michael Dörr ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Universal Connecting Bars
||C1 ||Seli ||84 ||0 ||Water-edged blocks used to connect different Carcassonne versions |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Connect ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Snow Line V1
||C1/WD ||Zotto ||5 ||0 ||5 Bars (4x1) to connect Carc I and Carc WD |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Connect ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Snow Line V2
(Schneefallgrenze v2)
||C1/WD ||Zotto ||2 ||0 ||2x Bars (5x1) to connect Carc I and Carc WD |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||see CarcF Fan Expansion Catalogue 7.2.3 ||Connect ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Connecting Cards (C1-WD)
(Verbindungskarten (Sommer-Winter 2011))
||C1/WD ||Zotto & KlausiMausi ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Connect ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Connecting Cards (C1-WE)
(Verbindungskarten (Sommer-Winter 2012))
||C1/WE ||KlausiMausi ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Connect ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Archabbeys of Carcassonne
(Die Erzabteien von Carcassonne)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The 3 Holy Kings
(Die 3 Heiligen Könige)
||1x Double tile
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Czech religious buildings
(Tschechische religiöse Denkmäler )
||C1 ||Unknown ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcCZ ||Monastic ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Player player
(Spieler Spieler)
||C1 ||Unknown ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcCZ || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Storehouses and Paths
(Lagerhäuser und Pfade)
||C1 ||Unknown ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcCZ ||City / Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Mr. Pernicek (Gingerbread man)
(Herr Pernicek)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Mrs Gingerbread Hut
(Frau Perniceks Hütte)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Wolves
(Die Wölfe)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Overpasses
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Thugs
(Die Räuber)
||C1 ||Unknown ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcCZ ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Bridges
(Die Brücken)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Sorcerer
||Monastic / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Der Steinkreis)
||Unknown (Eldenroot)
||Monastic / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The White Horse v2
(Das weisse Pferd)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Abbot
(Der Abt)
||C1=>C2 / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Castles, Palaces and more
(Burgen, Schlösser und andere)
||City / Fields / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||City Token
12x City Caps
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Huguenot Monastery
(Hugenotten Kloster)
||C1 ||Lemmy77 ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Huguenot Cathedral
(Hugenotten Kathedrale)
||C1 ||Lemmy77 ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City / Fields / Monastic / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||C1 ||Lemmy77 ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Royal Road
||C1 ||Lemmy77 ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Master of the Ocean
||C2 ||Oldbonz ||32 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Golden Abbey
||C2 ||MarkosBoss ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Monastic / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Castle, Forge and Marketplace
(Schloss, Schmiede & Marktplatz)
||Bazaar / Missing
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Cathars (Lomion.de)
||C1 ||Lomion ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Siege / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||That there is food in my house
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Fake Tiles
||C1 ||Novelty ||29 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Forest / River / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Schoolhouses
(Die Schulen)
||Advent2016 / Road / School
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||CarcC Forum
||City / Pennant
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Dwarf
||C1 ||Sinscerly ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Occitanes Bastides
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||3 Barons Archipelago
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||City / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Vistas Revisited
(Der Aussichtspunkte)
||C2 ||Snearone ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Vistas ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||New Forest : Evergreen
||C2 ||Wolnic ||60 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||New Forest : Forest Fire
(Der Waldbrand)
||C2 ||Brickmaster92 & Wolnic ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||New Forest : Log Cabins
(Die Blockhäuser)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||(City With) A River Running Through (It) (1)
(Ein Fluss fliesst durch)
||City / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||(City With) A River Running Through (It) (2)
(Ein Fluss fliesst durch)
||City / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||(City With) A River Running Through (It) (WD)
(Ein Fluss fliesst durch)
||City / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Abbey and Freemasons
(Abt und Freimaurer)
||C1 ||Dieter "Belushi" Rausch & Malte C Hausmann ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Astronomers - UK Rugby Meetup 2015
(Die Sterndeuter)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
(Die Basiliken)
||1x double tile
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
(Die Katakoomben)
||C1 ||Whaleyland ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||CarcC Forum
||City / Fields / Road
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Churches of The Order of The Temple
(Die Kirchen des Tempelordens)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Cosmic Portal : Mirror Zone
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Dirt Roads v1.1
(Unbefestigte Strassen)
||Welli Designs
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Dubious Creativity
(Fragwürdige Kreativität)
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Farmer in The Dell
(Bauern im Tal)
||C1 ||Carcking ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Cliffs / Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fiefs (aka Fedual Estates)
(Die Lehnsgüter)
||Stalcupojoy & Kartenbastler
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Fire and Rabble
(Feuer und Gesindel)
||C1 ||Thorsten Jacob ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Fisherman and Coast
(Fischer und Kuste)
||C1 ||Freetower ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fishermen / Ocean / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Forest and Water
(Wald und Wasser)
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Forest Counts
(Die Waldgrafen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||French Castles
||C2 ||Oldbonz ||6 ||0 ||6x Double Tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||German Cathedrals … in the city
||CarcC Forum
||City / Monastic
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Great Fairs
(Tolle Messen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||King and Landed Gentry
(König und Landadel)
||C1 ||Thorsten Jacob ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||La Sagrada Familia
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Little House at the end of the Lane
(Kleines Haus am Ende der Strasse)
||C1 ||Carcking ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Long Ways
(Lange Wege)
||C1 ||Hannes Garsk ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Magic Places
(Magische Orte)
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Magic Worlds
(Magische Werelden)
||C1 ||Thorsten Jacob ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||CAE Manresa
||1x 2x2
1x 2x1
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Market and Country
(Markt und Land)
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||C2 ||Scott ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Mills and Fortified Towers v1
(Mühlen und Wehrtürme v1)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Mills and Fortified Towers v2
(Mühlen und Wehrtürme v2)
||C1 ||Zedo66 ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
(De Berge)
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Mountain / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
(De Natuur)
||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Fields / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||New Streets
||C1 ||Oliver Perialis ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||New Ways
(Neue Wege)
||C1 ||Friederich Scholta ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
(Der Ursprung)
||8x Artifacts
10x Excavation
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Palace, Farm and Inn
(Palast und Wirtshauser)
||C1 ||Freetower ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Patron Saints - UK Games Expo 2015
(Die Hausheiligen)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Public Buildings
(Offentliche Gebäude)
||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Robber's Son
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Rugby - UK Rugby Meetup 2015
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Sea and Fishermen (aka The Lake)
(Zee und Vissers)
||C1 ||Thorsten Jacob ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fishermen / Ocean / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Alleys
(Die Alleen)
||C2 ||Murphy013 & Cate ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Black Tower
(Der schwarze Turm)
||C1 ||Maik63de ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Boom
(Der Aufschwung)
||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Fields ||
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The City Gates C2
(Die Stadttore)
||C2 ||Snearone ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Gravediggers
(Die Totengräber)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Holy Grail
(Der Heilige Gral)
||C1 ||Friederich Scholta ||1 ||1 ||1x 4x3 block |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||The Inquisition
(Die Inquisition)
||C1 ||Radoslaw Obuchowicz ||12 ||0 ||2x tiles per player colour |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Lake with River Mouth
(See mit Flussmundung)
||C1 ||Guido Kämmer ||59 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Lake / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Mysterious Light
(Die Gilden)
||CAE Manresa
CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Occult Tower
||C1 ||Snearone ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Paved Streets of Carcassonne
(Die gepflasterten Straßen von Carcassonne)
||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne & Zotto ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Plague
(Die Peste)
||C1 ||Friederich Scholta ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Roads of Europe
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Robber Gang
(Die Räuberbande)
||C1 ||Ricy ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Trade Road
(Die Handelstraße)
||Oliver Perialis
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Vassals
(Die Lehnsmänner)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Wells of Carcassonne
(Die Brunnen von Carcassonne)
||City / Pennant / Wells
Example of Well in City
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||The Wide Lands
(Das Weite Land)
||C1 ||Hannes Garsk ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Vistas 1.2
(Wunderschoene Aussicht v1.2)
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Volcano and Miner
(Vulkkan und Berstesting)
||C1 ||Marcus Müller ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Mountain / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Wandering Preachers
||CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Wild River
||C1 ||SxN ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Eminent Domain
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Teams Courtyard
(Der innenhof des Teams)
||C2 ||CAE Manresa ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Scoreboard in the Middle of the Table
||C2 ||PapaGeek ||1 ||1 ||1x Scoreboard with Standard Tile edges |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Scoreboard ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||C1 ||Quevy ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Power of Attorney
||C1/C2/WD/WE ||frankdux ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Homestake Dam, Big Backyard, Bag End
||C1/C2 ||Stalcupojoy ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Royal Gates (King's Gate & Queen's Gate)
||C1 ||Stalcupojoy ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Flight into Egypt
(Flucht nach Ägypten)
||WD ||Seli ||9 ||0 ||1x 2x2 city block |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||C1/C2/WD/WE ||Carca_Maker ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Ocean Monasteries and Whirlpools
||C2 ||Oldbonz ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Monastic / Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showMusing showOther"
||C1 ||Carca_Maker ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Forts (fortin)
||C2 ||Oldbonz ||6-8? ||0 ||part "Joker" tile |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Cities By The River
CarcC Forum
||City / River
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||The Sorcerers
||CarcC Forum
Old CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Fish Huts V2 CII
(Fischerhütten v2 CII)
CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Labyrinths
(Die Labyrinthe)
||C2 ||MarkosBoss ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Relics (Temples and Relics)
||C1 ||Whaleyland ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Monastic ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes Extra
(Beseegeln der See : Handelsroutes Extra)
||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Dairies - C2 milk bucket tiles
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Winery
||C1 ||Welli Designs ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Sunflower Fields
||C1 ||Welli Designs ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Seven Sins/Virtues
||C1 ||Dave ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Monastic ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Ruines
||C1 ||The Juts ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Melon Fields
||C1 ||Welli Designs ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Old CarcC Forum ||Fields ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Sailing The Seas : Trade Routes WD
(Beseegeln der See : Handelsroutes)
||WD ||Wolnic ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Alternative Wells II
||C2 ||Cookiemonster16 ||17 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Wells ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Untamed River
(Ungebändigte Fluss)
||C1 ||Unknown || || |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River / Missing ||
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||First Wells
CarcC Forum
||Wells / C1=>C2
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Unending Family Feud
||C1/C2 ||Snearone ||30 || |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / C1=>C2 ||
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Forests - part 1
(Die Wälder)
||C1 ||Scott & Novelty ||75 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Forests - part 2
(Die Wälder)
||C1 ||Scott & Novelty ||75 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest / Monastic / Tower ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Trade Road
(Die Handelstraße)
||C1 ||Maik63de & Oliver Perialis ||12 ||12 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Simpsons
|| ||Cherrybowl ||97 ||1 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Rebrand ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showLost"
||Farm Fight (aka Meadow Fight)
||C1 ||Unknown ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showMusing"
||Winter is Coming
||C1/C2/WD/WE ||Oldbonz ||6 ||0 ||6x Hospitalets |data-sort-value="1"| ||30x numbered tokens (6x each number 0-5) |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Connect ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Action Cards C2 (2022)
CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Knight Games
||1x 3x3 card
1x trigger tile
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Knight Games
||1x 3x3 card
1x trigger tile
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Welcome to Scotland
(Willkommen in Schottland)
||Maja von der Alme
||1x score board
||8x figures per player
2 pawns per player for scoreboard
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Giulio Zambon
||8x Text
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Allotment Gardens
||Natalia Kulka
||Internet Archive
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Allotment Gardens
||Wojtech Mejor
||Internet Archive
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Allotment Gardens
||Andrew Paterson
||Internet Archive
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||The Snowman
(Der Schneemann)
||City / Pennant
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Royal Gateways
||C1/C2 ||Snearone ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted showOther"
||Carcassonne Spain 2022 Promos
||1x pair
CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
|| ||šmoula ||70 ||1 ||2x2 start block |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Rebrand ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showCompleted"
||Close Encounters
||Guthrie Allen
CarcC Forum
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Snow Sweepers of Carcassonne
(Die Schneekehrer von Carcassonne)
||WD ||bassdachs ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Snow Sweeper per player |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Mother Courage
(Das Straßen-Fräulein)
||C1 ||User754 ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||C1 ||Poulitou ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showMusing"
||Carriage Tracks
|| ||Carmeep ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Road Ends
||C2 ||Carca pieza inicio ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields / Road ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showMusing"
||Collaborative - Medieval Historical Events
(Collaborative - Mittelalterliche historische Ereignisse)
||C1 ||Quevy ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Nameless Creativity (Craft Workshops)
(Namenlose Kreativität (Handwerkliche Werkstätten))
||C1 ||Seli ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||The Liberation of the Prisoners
(Die Befreiung der Gefangenen)
||C1 ||MKM_P ||16 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||1x Gold Coin per player |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Friends' children help catch the animals
(Befreundete Kinder helfen die Tiere fangen)
||C1 ||Seli ||44 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Missing ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment showOther"
||Village Life
||C1/C2 ||Snearone ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-
|- class="showNewTilesAndRules showUnderDevelopment"
||Carcassonne Hungary Promo
||C2 ||Leven ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / Fields / Monastic / Road ||-