La Ruée vers l’Or (jeu de base)

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This page is a translated version of the page Gold Rush Base Game and the translation is 19% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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GoldRush Tile 64.png Vous êtes en train de lire les règles pour ce modèle de tuiles. GoldRush Tile 31.png
Si vos tuiles ressemblent à ce type de tuile, il s’agit de tuiles Carcassonne normales.Base Game C3 Tile M.png
Si vos tuiles ont un motif différent, choisissez un jeu parmi les jeux dérivés.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Le Far West. Tout commence par le chemin de fer et rapidement, les campements se transforment en villes. Le commerce avec les Amérindiens s’avère très prospère, sans parler de ces filons qu’on ne cesse de trouver çà et là dans les montagnes. Mais vous n’êtes pas le seul prospecteur à la recherche de ces précieuses pépites d’or. Joignez-vous à la ruée vers l’or dans cette redécouverte du classique moderne, Carcassonne.

Informations générales et commentaires

Commercialisé à l’origine par Hans im Glück en 2014, Carcassonne : La Ruée vers l’Or est un jeu passionnant de pose de tuiles se déroulant pendant la ruée vers l’or du Far West pour 2 à 5 joueurs, âgés de 8 ans et plus.


  • 72 tuiles Terrain comprenant 1 tuile de départ au verso unique. Ces tuiles illustrent des locomotives, des montagnes avec des pépites d’or, des prairies avec des camps amérindiens et des troupeaux de chevaux sauvages, et des villes.
Pépites d’or
Camps amérindien
Chevaux sauvages
  • 25 cow-boys (5 par couleur) : Chaque cow-boy peut devenir un cheminot, un prospecteur, un marchand ou un fermier. Un cow-boy par couleur sert de marqueur de score.
Figure Cowboys.png
  • 5 tentes de prospecteur (1 par couleur) : Elles sont posées dans les montagnes afin d’exploiter les filons d’or.
Figure Tents.png
  • 1 plateau de score : utilisé pour noter les points.
Goldrush Scoreboard.jpg
  • 1 livret de règles
  • 63 jetons Mine : Durant la partie, ils sont posés sur les montagnes, puis « extraits » par les joueurs. Leur verso montre des pépites d’or (1, 2, 3 ou 5 points) ou de la pierre (0 point).
Token Goldrush.png

Aperçu du jeu

À tour de rôle, les joueurs placent des tuiles Terrain sur la table. C’est ainsi que seront créés les chemins de fer, les montagnes, les villes et les prairies sur lesquels les joueurs poseront leurs cow-boys afin de marquer des points. Ils partiront également à la recherche d’or dans les montagnes, qu’ils en aient ou non le droit. Lorsque toutes les tuiles Terrain ont été placées, la partie se termine et le joueur ayant le plus de points est déclaré vainqueur.

Mise en place

Tuile de départ avec un verso différent
  • Placez la tuile de départ au centre de la table et posez un jeton Mine, face cachée, sur la montagne. Mélangez les autres tuiles Terrain et disposez-les en différentes piles, face cachée, facilement accessibles à tous les joueurs.
  • Les jetons Mine restants sont mélangés et placés, face cachée, à portée de main. Nous vous conseillons d’assigner la tâche de poser les jetons Mine à un seul joueur.
  • Chaque joueur reçoit 5 cow-boys et 1 tente de la couleur de son choix. Chacun doit poser 1 cow-boy de sa couleur sur la case 0 du plateau de score.
  • Le plus jeune joueur choisit qui commence la partie [1].

Déroulement d’une partie

Le jeu se déroule en sens horaire en commençant par le 1ᵉʳ joueur. À votre tour, vous devez faire ces actions dans l’ordre :

  • 1. Vous devez piocher 1 tuile Terrain et la placer en respectant les règles (posez un ou plusieurs jetons Mine au besoin).
  • 2a. Vous pouvez poser 1 cow-boy de votre réserve sur la tuile que vous venez de placer, OU
  • 2b. Vous pouvez poser ou déplacer votre tente sur une montagne, OU
  • 2c. Vous pouvez prendre un jeton Mine de la montagne où votre tente est située.
  • 3. Si la tuile Terrain placée complète un ou plusieurs chemins de fer, une ou plusieurs montagnes et/ou villes, une évaluation à lieu à ce moment.

Le tour du joueur est alors terminé et c’est au tour du joueur suivant.

1. Placement d’une tuile

The rules contained within dark red borders are the same as in the original Carcassonne game. Experienced players may skip these sections.

La première action que vous devez effectuer à votre tour est de piocher une tuile Terrain parmi les tuiles face cachée et la placer pour qu’elle se connecte aux autres tuiles déjà placées. Vous devez observer ces règles :

  • The newly placed tile (red-bordered in the examples below) must be placed adjacent to at least one existing tile. Diagonal adjacency is not sufficient.
  • Railroad tracks, mountains, and prairies must continue from this newly placed tile to existing adjacent tiles. In the rare case that a drawn tile cannot be legally placed, it is discarded from the game. The player draws a new Land tile to place instead.
The railroad track and prairies continue.
The mountain continues.
The mountain continues to the left; the prairie continues below.
This tile placement would not be allowed (prairie next to mountain).

Placing Mining Tokens

When a player places a Land tile depicting a mountain segment, one or more Mining tokens are immediately placed face-down on that mountain. The number of Mining tokens to be placed is equal to the number of gold nugget symbols on the newly placed tile. For the sake of clarity, all Mining tokens on a given mountain should be kept in a single face-down pile.

The newly placed tile has two gold nugget symbols: place two Mining tokens on this mountain.
Stack the two Mining tokens provided by the above tile on the existing Mining tokens.

To ensure you do not forget to place these tokens, it is recommended that one player is assigned this important task. }}

2a. Pose d’un cow-boy

Gold Rush Cowboys.png

Once a player has placed a tile, they may place a cowboy. The following rules apply:

  • Only one cowboy may be placed
  • The cowboy must come from their personal supply
  • The cowboy must be placed on the newly placed tile
  • The cowboy must occupy a single feature. As a ...
Railwayman Gold miner Merchant Farmer
Goldrush Ex07 CowboyRole1.png or Goldrush Ex07 CowboyRole2.png or Goldrush Ex07 CowboyRole3.png or Goldrush Ex07 CowboyRole4.png here
on a railroad on a mountain in a city in a prairie Lay down your farmers!

Note: For your first game, it is best to play without the farmers.

  • No other cowboy (of another player or your own) may be present on the railroad, mountain, or prairie on which you place your cowboy. [2] This is best illustrated by the following examples:
BLUE may not place a railwayman because the railroad is already occupied. BLUE may, however, place a gold miner on the mountain or a farmer on either of the prairies.
BLUE may not place a gold miner because the mountain is already occupied. BLUE may, however, place a railwayman on the railroad or a farmer on either of the prairies. Regardless, the gold nugget symbol on the mountain indicates that a Mining token must be added.

If a player has no cowboys in their supply, they must continue to place tiles on their turn even though they cannot place cowboys. Do not worry: cowboys return to their players’ supplies when they are no longer needed on their respective railroads, mountains, and cities (further explained later).


2b. Pose d’une tente

Instead of placing a cowboy, a player may place their tent on the mountain segment of a tile, or move it from one mountain segment to another. The following rules apply:

  • The mountain must not be completed
  • The mountain segment of the tile must be vacant (a cowboy may occupy another segment of the same tile)
  • Cowboys and tents may still occupy other segments of the same mountain
  • The tent may occupy a newly placed tile or a previously placed tile
  • There is no functional difference between placing a tent from one’s personal supply and moving a tent from one tile to another
YELLOW places their tent on a mountain, elsewhere occupied by a BLUE gold miner.
YELLOW places their tent on a mountain, elsewhere occupied by BLUE and RED gold miners, as well as a BLUE tent. Although a RED railwayman occupies the same tile, the mountain segment is vacant.


2c. Prospection d’or

On a turn in which a player chooses not to place a cowboy (2a) or pitch a tent (2b), they may choose to take the topmost Mining token from the mountain where their tent is located. It does not matter which other cowboys and tents occupy that mountain, or who possesses the most cowboys on that mountain. The Mining token a player acquires is placed facedown in front of them. A player may view the value of their acquired Mining tokens at any time, but they will only be added to the player’s score at the end of the game.

On a later turn, YELLOW takes a Mining token. The BLUE gold miner in the same mountain does not affect this.

Attention: If, by the placement of a new tile, one or more railroads, mountains, or cities are completed, proceed to step 3 where these features will be evaluated and scored.

Otherwise, the next player clockwise begins their turn. }}

3. Évaluation des chemins de fer, montagnes et villes complètes

If a road, mountain or city is "completed" by the placement of the land tile, it is now scored.

Un chemin de fer complété

A railroad is completed when its two ends terminate in junctions, cities, and/or mountains, or when it forms a complete loop. Completed railroads can vary greatly in length (few or many segments).

A player whose railwayman alone occupies a completed railroad scores points equal to the “length” of the railroad (number of tiles used). For example, a five-tile railroad is worth 5 points. More examples are pictured below.

BLUE scores 4 points.
BLUE scores 3 points.
Completed Railroad with Locomotives

If there is exactly one locomotive on a completed railroad, the score for that railroad is doubled.

If there are no locomotives, or two or more locomotives on a completed railroad, the score is not doubled.

BLUE scores 8 points (4 points for 4 tiles doubled by a single locomotive).
BLUE scores 6 points (because two or more locomotives do not double the value of a railroad).

Le plateau de score

All players track their points with a cowboy on the provided scoreboard, with spaces marked 0-49. Should a player acquire 50 or more points in a game, they should lay their cowboy flat (as pictured to the right) to indicate that they have completed a lap of the scoreboard. In this way, a cowboy lying flat on space 1 of the scoreboard (as pictured to the right) indicates a score of 51 points. [3]

YELLOW scores 2 points and moves the scoring cowboy from space 49 to space 1. The scoring cowboy is laid flat to indicate that the player has exceeded 50 points.
Multiple Cowboys on a completed railroad or mountain

Through clever tile and cowboy placement, multiple cowboys can occupy a single feature.

When such a railroad or mountain is completed, the player who has the most cowboys in a given feature scores the points alone. In case of a tie, all tied players score full points.

The newly placed tile connects two previously separate railroads as a single completed railroad.
BLUE and YELLOW both score 5 points, as they are tied for most cowboys.

Une montagne complétée

A mountain is complete when it is completely surrounded by prairies (has no open sides), and there are no gaps within. Completed mountains can vary greatly in size (few or many segments).

The player who has the most gold miners on a completed mountain first takes all Mining tokens that remain on the mountain, and then scores 1 point for each gold nugget symbol on that mountain. [4] [5]

In case of a tie, the Mining tokens are distributed among the tied players. The tied players take turns taking Mining tokens, starting clockwise from the current player, and continuing until all Mining tokens have been taken. Then, all tied players score full points for the gold nugget symbols on the mountain.

The mountain is complete. YELLOW first takes the remaining Mining tokens, and then scores 7 points (for 7 gold nugget symbols).
On BLUE’s turn, the leftmost tile is placed, which completes the mountain. BLUE takes the first of the 3 remaining Mining tokens. RED takes a Mining token, then BLUE takes the last one. RED and BLUE each score 5 points (for 5 gold nugget symbols).

Tents have no effect on the majority, evaluation, or scoring of a completed mountain. A tent occupying a completed mountain is returned to its owner’s supply.

Une ville complétée

A city is complete when all railroad segments (3 or 4) emerging from that city are part of completed railroads.

The player whose merchant occupies a completed city scores 3 points for each completed railroad connected to that city.

Important: A railroad that starts and ends in the same city only adds 3 points to that city’s value (see example to the right).

The BLUE merchant in the completed city is connected to two completed railroads and scores 6 points.

Retour des cow-boys dans la réserve des joueurs

Goldrush Ex22 ReturnCowboy.png

After a railroad, mountain, or city is completed, the cowboys in those completed features are returned to their owners’ supplies. These cowboys may be used on future turns.

Due to the sequence of a game turn, it is possible to place a cowboy and have it returned to you in the same turn.

In order to do this, one must:

1. Place a tile so that it completes a railroad, mountain, or city.
2. Place a cowboy from their supply on the newly completed feature (it must not already be occupied by another cowboy).
3. Score the completed feature.
4. The cowboy is then returned to the player’s supply.
BLUE places a tile and a railwayman, and scores 3 points.
BLUE places a tile and a gold miner, takes the 2 Mining tokens and scores 2 points.


Les Prairies

We recommend playing without farmers and prairie scoring for your first game.

Unlike the other features, players only score points for their farmers in prairies at the end of the game.

Once a cowboy is placed on a prairie, becoming a farmer, it remains there until the end of the game. For this reason, farmers should always be laid flat on the prairies to remind players that they do not return like railwaymen, gold miners, and merchants. The boundaries of a prairie are formed by railroad tracks, mountains, and the edges of outer tiles. (Important for final scoring!)

Both farmers occupy their own prairie. The mountains separate the two prairies.
By placing a new tile here, the farmers’ prairies are now connected. Reminder: The player who placed this new tile may not place a farmer in that prairie, as it is already occupied by a farmer (two of them, in fact).

Fin de la partie

The game ends immediately after the turn during which the last Land tile is placed. Players proceed to final scoring.

Décompte final

Players will score points for incomplete railroads, mountains, and cities. Players will also score points for farmers. Finally, the points from Mining tokens will be scored.

The player with the most points at the end of the final scoring is the winner!

Évaluation des zones incomplètes

MOUNTAINS: First, all tents and Mining tokens are removed from the game. Then, the player(s) with the most gold miners on the mountain scores 1 point for each gold nugget symbol.

RAILROADS: The player(s) scores 1 point for each tile belonging to the railroad (locomotives have no effect).

CITIES: The player scores 3 points for each completed railroad connected to the city.

After each feature is scored, return the cowboys to their corresponding supplies.

  • GREEN scores 10 points (10 gold nugget symbols) for the larger incomplete mountain. BLACK scores no points, as GREEN has more cowboys on that mountain.
  • For the incomplete railroad, RED scores 2 points (2 tiles).
  • For the incomplete city, YELLOW scores 3 points (1 completed railroad).
  • For the incomplete mountain, BLUE scores 3 points (3 gold nugget symbols).

Évaluation des fermiers

We recommend playing without farmers and prairie scoring for your first game.

The value of each prairie is determined by the number of tipi camps and wild horses occupying that prairie.

  • Each tipi camp adds 2 points to the value of a prairie.
  • Each herd of wild horses adds 4 points to the value of a prairie.

The player who has the most farmers in a given prairie scores a number of points equal to the value of that prairie. In case of a tie, all tied players score full points, as seen previously with railroads and mountains.

  • In the field to the left, GREEN and YELLOW both score full points, as they are tied for the most farmers. They each score 6 points (2 points for the tipi camp and 4 points for the wild horses).
  • In the upper right, RED scores 4 points for this small prairie (for 2 tipi camps).
  • BLUE alone scores the points for the large central prairie, as the player has the most farmers here. This scores 16 points (4 points for 2 tipi camps and 12 points for 3 herds of wild horses). The YELLOW farmer scores no points.

Scoring Gold

All players flip over their Mining tokens and score 1 point for each gold nugget depicted on them. Mining tokens depicting gravel score no points.

BLUE collected 9 Mining tokens during the game and scores the following points:
 3 points (3× 1 nugget tokens) +
 8 points (4× 2 nugget tokens) +
 5 points (1× 5 nugget token) +
 0 points (1× gravel token) = 16 points

The player with the most points is the winner. [6]

Astuces / Règles maison

Règle interne courante ou variante Si vous trouvez que les quatre cow-boys ne suffisent pas, ou que votre adversaire a réussi à piéger vos cow-boys sur des zones qui ne se termineront jamais parce qu’il ne reste aucune tuile appropriée, vous pouvez adopter la règle maison, basée sur celle du jeu dérivé Mers du Sud, qui vous permet de retirer un cow-boy de l’aire de jeu (sans marquer de points) au lieu de poser un cow-boy. Vous pouvez également utiliser un autre type de marqueur pour le plateau de score et utiliser le 5ᵉ cow-boy dans le jeu.

Ensemble des tuiles

Total des tuiles : 72

Différents campements amérindiens et troupeaux de chevaux sauvages sont illustrés sur les tuiles.

GoldRush Tile 01.png ×7
GoldRush Tile 12.png ×5
GoldRush Tile 26.png ×6
GoldRush Tile 47.png ×5
GoldRush Tile 01.png ×7
GoldRush Tile 12.png ×5
GoldRush Tile 26.png ×6
GoldRush Tile 47.png ×5

La tuile de départ présente également cette illustration.

GoldRush Tile 33.png ×5
GoldRush Tile 33.png ×5

Autres tuiles.

GoldRush Tile 08.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 17.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 27.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 31.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 38.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 39.png ×3
GoldRush Tile 42.png ×3
GoldRush Tile 45.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 52.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 54.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 56.png ×5
GoldRush Tile 61.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 64.png ×3
GoldRush Tile 66.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 69.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 70.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 71.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 72.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 08.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 17.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 27.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 31.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 38.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 39.png ×3
GoldRush Tile 42.png ×3
GoldRush Tile 45.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 52.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 54.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 56.png ×5
GoldRush Tile 61.png ×2
GoldRush Tile 64.png ×3
GoldRush Tile 66.png ×4
GoldRush Tile 69.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 70.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 71.png ×1
GoldRush Tile 72.png ×1

63 jetons Mine :

Token Nugget1.png ×10
Token Nugget2.png ×30
Token Nugget3.png ×10
Token Nugget5.png ×3
Token Nugget0.png ×10
Token Nugget back.png Back of Mining Token


Pour les licences et les explications des icônes, veuillez visiter la page des icônes.

  1. Si vous ne voulez pas dévoiler votre âge, convenez d’une autre méthode.
  2. You may place your cowboy onto a mountain area that contains no cowboys, but is occupied by The Sheriff with the hope that he will be moved away at a later point in the game.
  3. Règle interne courante ou variante Alternatively, use can be made of the 50/100 scoring tiles available as part of the Carcassonne expansion, Auberges et Cathédrales Auberges et Cathédrales, or from fan expansion sites, such as CarcassonneCentral.
  4. Interprétation de la communauté If I complete a mountain area which contains my tent, can I first mine it and then distribute tokens and score it? Yes.
  5. Interprétation de la communauté If there are no gold miners on a completed mountain that contains Mining Tokens, the tokens are removed from the board and placed back in the general supply.
  6. Différence de règle notoire entre les éditions ou les éditeurs The rules by ZMG added the following text not present in the original rules by HiG:
    "In case of a tie, the tied players enter a staring duel (or contest if there are more than two). The last cowboy to blink wins!"