Figuren der Winter-Edition
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Main Page > Winter Edition > Figuren der Winter-Edition
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Auswahl der Erweiterungen
Allgemeine Information
Regel | Ja | Nein | N/A | Undefiniert |
Normal | ||||
Adapted rule |
Hinweis: Blauer Text und hellblaue Felder weisen auf Regel-Anpassungen zwischen den verschiedenen Versionen hin.
In die folgenden Gebiete können keine Figuren gesetzt werden:
- Kleine Häuser
- Bauernhöfe und Ställe
- Wegelagerer hinter Büschen
- Brücken, als Teil des Straßenabschnitts
- Krezungen
- Wirtshäuser
- Kathedralen
- Vulkanen
- Zaubergänge
- Jahrmärkte
- Basare
- Weinberge
- Hügel (Erw. 9)
- Fähren
- Fährseen
- Kornkreise
- Fluss
- SchweineherdeSchweinestall
- Belagerungen
- La Porxada
- Tunneleingängen
- Die Schule
- Darmstadtium
- Wachtürme
- Obstbäume
Folgende Symbole und Marker können nicht beansprucht werden und somit auch keine Figur darauf gesetzt werden:
- Jedes Erweiterungssymbol
- Wappen
- Wappen
- Handelgüter-Symbol
- Burgfäulein-Symbol
- Drache-Symbol
- Schaf-Marker und -Symbole
- Tier-Marker
- Schicksalsrad-Symbol
- Fluggeräte-Symbol
- Gold-Symbol
- Magier & Hexe-symbol
- Räuber-Symbol
- König & Raubritter-Marker
- Katharer-Symbol
- Tunnel-Marker
- Pest-Symbol
- Floh-Marker
- Pestherd Marker
- Fest-Symbol
- Häuser
- Windrosen-Symbol
- Spiel Promo-Symbol
- Spiel Doch! Symbol
- Obst Marker
- Zollhaus Marker
Gefolgsleute / Meeples
Normal GefolgsmannMeeple |
Großer GefolgsmannGroßer Meeple |
Bürgermeister |
Wagen |
Zirkusdirektor |
Abt |
Phantom [1] | ||
Aufgabe | ||||||||
landscape modifier? | ||||||||
deployment modifier? |
| |||||||
Gebiet beanspruchen? |
| |||||||
Wert für Mehrheit? | 1 | 2 | #Wappen in der Stadt [2] | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
scoring modifier? | ||||||||
additional scoring? | ||||||||
turn modifier? | ||||||||
figure removal? | ||||||||
figure protection? | ||||||||
affected by ghosts? | ||||||||
can add extra followersmeeples to supply? | [3] | |||||||
affected by peasant revolts? | ||||||||
Fairy influence | ||||||||
fairy friend? | [4] | |||||||
Figure deployment by direct placement | ||||||||
deploy to road? | ||||||||
deploy to city? | ||||||||
deploy to monastic building [5] as a monk? | ||||||||
deploy to farmfield? | ||||||||
deploy to tower foundation? | ||||||||
deploy to tower piecefloor? | [6] | [6] | [6] | [6] | [6] | |||
deploy to wooden bridge? | ||||||||
deploy to castle tokens? | ||||||||
deploy to circus space? | ||||||||
deploy to acrobat space? | ||||||||
deploy to cemetery? | ||||||||
deploy to haunted castle? | ||||||||
deploy to crown space? (Wheel Of Fortune) | ||||||||
deploy to garden? | ||||||||
deploy to German castle? | ||||||||
deploy to labyrinth? | ||||||||
deploy to German cathedral? | ||||||||
deploy to Baba Yaga's hut? | ||||||||
deploy to Bogatyr crossroads stone? | ||||||||
deploy to Solovei Razboynik's tree? | ||||||||
deploy to Vodyanoy lake? | ||||||||
deploy to German monastery or Dutch/Belgian monastery or Japanese building as a C1 abbot (sideways)? | [7] | [7] | [7] | [7] | [7] | [7] | ||
deploy to fortune teller tent? | ||||||||
Figure deployment by other means | ||||||||
can use magic portal (to valid, uncompleted, unoccupied feature on a tile)? | [8] | [8] | [8] | [9] | ||||
can be deployed by flying machine (to valid, uncompleted feature on a tile)? | [8] | [8] | [8] | [9] | ||||
can be deployed by crop circle (to valid, uncompleted feature next to already placed player's followermeeple)? | [8] | [8] | ||||||
can be deployed with an Add FollowerMeeple symbol (to valid, uncompleted feature on a tile)? | [8] | [8] | [8] | |||||
can be deployed with a Place FollowerMeeple symbol (to valid, uncompleted feature on a tile)? | [8] | [8] | [8] | |||||
Figure (re)deployment triggered by particular events | ||||||||
can redeploy right after scoring? | [10] | |||||||
deploy to Carcassonne? | [11] | [12] | [13] | |||||
exchange due to Seduction token (catapult)? | [14] | [15] | [16] | |||||
deploy to City of Leipzig (after completing a road to Leipzig)? | [17] | [17] | [17] | [17] | ||||
deploy to free bathhouse (after single-followermeeple scoring)? | [18] | [18] | [18] | [18] | [18] | [18] | [18] | |
can add meeple to uncompleted monastic building [5] (with Synod gift card)? | ||||||||
can change position to uncompleted feature (with Change Position gift card)? | ||||||||
take flight from the plague (with active infestations)? | [19] | [19] | [19] | [19] | [19] | [19] | [19] | |
deploy to Solovei Razboynik's tree (from road connected to tile)? | ||||||||
deploy to Vodyanoy lake? (from adjacent tile) | ||||||||
exchange due to La Porxada? (after tile placement) | [20] | [20] | [20] | [20] | [20] | [20] | [20] | [20] |
Figure redeployment from City of Carcassonne | ||||||||
redeploy from blacksmith quarterdistrict to road? | ||||||||
redeploy from castle quarterdistrict to city [21]? | ||||||||
redeploy from cathedral quarterdistrict to monastic building [5] as a monk? | ||||||||
redeploy from market quarterdistrict to farmfield? | ||||||||
Figure removal | ||||||||
can be eaten by dragon? | ||||||||
can be seduced by princess? | [22] | [22] | [22] | [22] | [22] | [22] | ||
can be captured by tower? | [23] | [23] | [23] | [23] | [23] | |||
can be removed by Knock-out token (catapult)? | ||||||||
can be removed by crop circle? | [24] | [25] | ||||||
can escape besieged city via monastic building [5]? | ||||||||
can be removed by festival? | ||||||||
can be removed by itself? | [26] | |||||||
can be removed from bathhouse? | [27] | [27] | [27] | [27] | [27] | [27] | [27] | |
can be removed by plague? | ||||||||
can be removed from Solovei Razboynik's tree? | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | ||
can be removed from Vodyanoy's lake? | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] | [28] |
can be removed due to La Porxada? (after tile placement) | [29] | [29] | [29] | [29] | [29] | [29] | [29] | [29] |
Dragon protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | [4]
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | [30] | [30] | [30] | [30] | [30] | [30] | ||
Tower protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | [4]
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | [31] | [31] | [31] | [31] | [31] | [31] | ||
Plague protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | [4] | |||||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | [32] | [32] | [32] | [32] | [32] | [32] | ||
Peasant revolt protection | ||||||||
can be protected against peasant revolts when placed or exchanged? | ||||||||
can be protected against peasant revolts when moved? | ||||||||
Special figures
Builder |
Pig |
Barn |
Shepherd | |
Role | ||||
landscape modifier? | ||||
deployment modifier? | ||||
claim feature? | ||||
value for majority? | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
scoring modifier? | [1] | |||
additional scoring? | ||||
turn modifier? | ||||
figure removal? | ||||
figure protection? | ||||
affected by peasant revolts? | ||||
Fairy influence | ||||
fairy friend? | ||||
Figure deployment by direct placement | ||||
deploy to road? | ||||
deploy to city? | ||||
deploy to farmfield? | [2] | |||
deploy to any other features? | ||||
Figure deployment by other means | ||||
can use magic portal? | ||||
can be deployed by flying machine? | ||||
can be deployed by crop circle? | ||||
can be deployed with an Add FollowerMeeple symbol? | ||||
can be deployed with a Place FollowerMeeple symbol? | ||||
Figure (re)deployment triggered by particular events | ||||
can redeploy right after scoring? | ||||
deploy to Carcassonne? | ||||
exchange due to Seduction token (catapult)? | [3] | [4] | ||
take flight from the plague (with active infestations)? | ||||
deploy to City of Leipzig (after completing a road to Leipzig)? | ||||
deploy to free bathhouse (after single-followermeeple scoring)? | ||||
deploy to Solovei Razboynik's tree (from road connected to tile)? | [3] | |||
deploy to Vodyanoy's lake? (from adjacent tile) | [3] | [4] | ||
exchange due to La Porxada? (after tile placement) | [5] | [5] | [5] | [5] |
Figure redeployment from City of Carcassonne | ||||
redeploy from any quarterdistrict? | ||||
Figure removal | ||||
can be eaten by dragon? | [3] | [4] | [6] | |
can be seduced by princess? | [3] | |||
can be captured by tower? | [3] | [4] | ||
can be removed by Knock-out token (catapult)? | [3] | [4] | ||
can be removed by crop circle? | [3] | [4] | ||
can escape besieged city via monastic buildings [7]? | [3] | |||
can be removed by festival? | [3] | [4] | [8] | |
can be removed by itself? | ||||
can be removed from bathhouse? | ||||
can be removed by plague? | [3] | [4] | ||
can be removed from Solovei Razboynik's tree? | ||||
can be removed from Vodyanoy's lake? | ||||
can be removed due to La Porxada? (after tile placement) | [5] [3] | [5] [4] | [5] | [5] |
Dragon protection | ||||
protected by fairy? | [9] | [9] | [9] | |
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||
protected by castle? | ||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||
protected by German castle? | ||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||
Tower protection | ||||
protected by fairy? | ||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||
protected by castle? | ||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||
protected by German castle? | ||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||
Plague protection | ||||
protected by fairy? | ||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||
protected by castle? | ||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||
protected by German castle? | ||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||
Scoreboard figures
Normal followerNormal meeple |
Messenger |
Robber | |
Role | |||
count scored points? | |||
steal scored points from another counting figurescoring figure? | |||
Actions during game preparation | |||
deploy to scoreboard? | [1] | [1] | |
Actions during the game | |||
can trigger messages? | [2] | [2] | |
deploy to scoreboard? | [3] | ||
can count scored or paid points? | |||
can steal points? | [4] | ||
can be robbed points? | [4] | [4] | |
can be moved without scoring or paying points? | [5] | ||
can be removed from scoreboard? | [6] | ||
Actions after the game | |||
removed before final scoring? | [7] | [7] | [8] |
can trigger messages? | |||
deploy to scoreboard? | |||
can count scored points? | [7] | [7] | |
can steal points? | |||
can be robbed points? | |||
can be moved without scoring points? | |||
can be removed from scoreboard? | |||
Neutral figures - Part 1
Dragon |
Fairy |
Tower piece |
Count |
Bridge |
Big Top |
Ghost |
Big Pink Pig | |
Role | ||||||||
landscape modifier? | [1] | |||||||
deployment modifier? | [2] | |||||||
claim feature? | ||||||||
value for majority? | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
scoring modifier? | [3] | |||||||
additional scoring? | [4] | [5] | ||||||
turn modifier? | ||||||||
figure removal? | [6] | [7] | [8] | [5] | ||||
figure protection? | [9] | |||||||
affected by peasant revolts? | ||||||||
Fairy influence | ||||||||
fairy friend? | ||||||||
Figure deployment by direct placement | ||||||||
deploy to...? | Deployed to first placed volcano tile. | During "Move Wood" phase, next to a followermeeple (not a special figure) placed on a regular feature, excluding castles, including castles. [10] | Any tile with an empty tower foundation, or on top of another tower piece, during "Move Wood" phase. | Deployed to City of Carcassonne, castle quarterdistrict (during game preparation.) | Deployed on roads or on fields next to roads when placing a tile. | Deployed to circus space (on top of animal token facedown), when the first circus tile is placed. | A followermeeple of an opponent when extending the mist, and/or to a followermeeple of the active player when limiting the mist. | Deployed to the Wheel Of Fortune, Fortune section (during game preparation.) |
Figure deployment by other means | ||||||||
can use magic portal? | ||||||||
can be deployed by flying machine? | ||||||||
can be deployed by crop circle? | ||||||||
can be deployed with an Add FollowerMeeple symbol? | ||||||||
can be deployed with a Place FollowerMeeple symbol? | ||||||||
Figure (re)deployment triggered by particular events | ||||||||
can move to...? |
During "Move Wood" phase, next to a followermeeple (not a special figure) placed on a regular feature. [10] | Any quarterdistrict in the City of Carcassonne, after a followermeeple is placed in the City of Carcassonne. | Deployed to circus space (on top of animal token facedown), when a new circus tile is placed and after the circus is scored on its previous location. | Another sector of the Wheel of Fortune, advancing clockwise as many wheel sectors as the number indicated on a Wheel Of Fortune tile just placed. | |||
Figure redeployment from City of Carcassonne | ||||||||
redeploy from any quarterdistrict? | ||||||||
Figure removal | ||||||||
can be eaten by dragon? | ||||||||
can be seduced by princess? | ||||||||
can be captured by tower? | ||||||||
can be removed by Knock-out token (catapult)? | ||||||||
can be removed by crop circle? | ||||||||
escape besieged city via monastic buildings [12]? | ||||||||
can be removed by festival? | ||||||||
can be removed by itself? | After scoring the circus for the last time, before the final scoring starts. | Only when scoring or removing the followermeeple the ghost is added to. | ||||||
can be removed from bathhouse? | ||||||||
removed by plague? | ||||||||
can be removed from Solovei Razboynik's tree? | ||||||||
can be removed from Vodyanoy's lake? | ||||||||
can be removed due to La Porxada? (after tile placement) | ||||||||
Dragon protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||||||
Tower protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||||||
Plague protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||||||
Peasant revolt protection | ||||||||
can be protected against peasant revolts? | ||||||||
Neutral figures - Part 2
Role | ||||||||
landscape modifier? | [1] | |||||||
deployment modifier? | [2] | |||||||
claim feature? | ||||||||
value for majority? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
scoring modifier? | [3] | [4] | ||||||
additional scoring? | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | ||||
turn modifier? | ||||||||
figure removal? | ||||||||
figure protection? | ||||||||
affected by peasant revolts? | ||||||||
Fairy influence | ||||||||
fairy friend? | ||||||||
Figure deployment by direct placement | ||||||||
deploy to...? | Not really deployed anywhere. Just rolled when a flier is to be deployed. | Deployed to tiles with lake with roads ending on it. The ferry is placed connecting to road ends. | Placed on tiles with a gold symbol or adjacent to one of these tiles. Placement is not specific to a single feature. | Deployed to unfinished city or road when first tile with magic symbol is placed. May not be placed on the same feature as the witch. | Deployed to unfinished city or road when first tile with magic symbol is placed. May not be placed on the same feature as the mage. | Deployed only to the school (during game preparation.) | Deployed to Easter Bunny tile. | Unfinished city when first Gingerbread Man tile is placed. |
Figure deployment by other means | ||||||||
can use magic portal? | ||||||||
can be deployed by flying machine? | ||||||||
can be deployed by crop circle? | ||||||||
can be deployed with an Add FollowerMeeple symbol? | ||||||||
can be deployed with a Place FollowerMeeple symbol? | ||||||||
Figure (re)deployment triggered by particular events | ||||||||
can move to...? | Not really deployed anywhere. Just rolled when a flier is to be deployed. | A only ferry changes its position and connects different roads ending on a lake. | Moved to unfinished city or road when a tile with magic symbol is placed. May not be placed on the same feature as the witch; if so, one of them has to be moved elsewhere or removed from the board. | Moved to unfinished city or road when a tile with magic symbol is placed. May not be placed on the same feature as the mage; if so, one of them has to be moved elsewhere or removed from the board. | Deployed back to school after scoring bonus points. |
Unfinished city when a Gingerbread Man tile is placed or the Gingerbread Man is scored. | |
Figure redeployment from City of Carcassonne | ||||||||
redeploy from any quarterdistrict? | ||||||||
Figure removal | ||||||||
can be eaten by dragon? | [9] | |||||||
can be seduced by princess? | ||||||||
can be captured by tower? | ||||||||
can be removed by Knock-out token (catapult)? | ||||||||
can be removed by crop circle? | ||||||||
escape besieged city via monastic buildings [10]? | ||||||||
can be removed by festival? | ||||||||
can be removed by itself? | Is temporarily removed from the school and placed in front of players who complete school roads. | |||||||
can be removed from bathhouse? | ||||||||
removed by plague? | ||||||||
can be removed from Solovei Razboynik's tree? | ||||||||
can be removed from Vodyanoy's lake? | ||||||||
can be removed due to La Porxada? (after tile placement) | ||||||||
Dragon protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | [11] | [11] | [11] | [11] | ||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||||||
Tower protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||||||
Plague protection | ||||||||
protected by fairy? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Carcassonne? | ||||||||
protected by castle? | ||||||||
protected inside Wheel of Fortune? | ||||||||
protected by German castle? | ||||||||
protected inside City of Leipzig? | ||||||||
Peasant revolt protection | ||||||||
can be protected against peasant revolts? | ||||||||
1. Einleitung
Dieses Auswahl-Tool ermöglicht es Ihnen, auszuwählen, welche Erweiterungen (oder Teile davon) Sie in den Referenzseiten von WICA verwenden möchten. Entsprechend Ihrer Auswahl wird die Spielreihenfolge und Bewertungsabschnitte angepasst. Auf diese Weise können Sie WICA an Ihr Spiel anpassen, ohne das die nicht ausgewählten Erweiterungen stören.
Wie oben beschrieben, können mehrere Erweiterungen kombiniert werden und sogar einzelne Elemente der Erweiterungen. Sie können z.B. die Abteikarten und den Wagen aus "Abtei und Bürgermeister" auswählen und die Scheune und den Bürgermeister weglassen.
2. Anleitung
Es werden mehrere Registerkarten angezeigt. Darunter befindet sich ein unabhängiger Bereich, in dem die aktuelle Auswahl jederzeit aufgelistet ist, unabhängig von der angezeigten Registerkarte.
Sie können auf jede beliebige Registerkarte klicken, um zur gewünschten Registerkarte zu gelangen. Weitere Klicks auf die ausgewählte Registerkarte klappt sie zusammen und erweitert sie wieder, um bei Bedarf auf den Selektor zuzugreifen. Wenn Sie auf eine andere Registerkarte wechseln, wird der Selektor automatisch erweitert.
Die folgenden Abschnitte beschreiben die Registerkarten und ihre Funktionalität.
2.1. "Erweiterungs" Reiter
Die ersten drei Registerkarten ermöglichen es Ihnen, Erweiterungen ganz oder teilweise auszuwählen.
- Erweiterungen: listet alle offiziellen großen Erweiterungen von HiG auf.
- Mini Erweiterungen: listet alle offiziellen Mini-Erweiterungen von HiG und anderen auf.
- Andere Erweiterungen: listet den Rest der lizenzierten Erweiterungen sowie einige inoffizielle auf.
Diese Registerkarten zeigen eine Liste von Erweiterungen, bei denen jedem Label ein Kontrollkästchen vorangestellt ist, um dessen Auswahl und Abwahl zu ermöglichen.
Die Erweiterungen mit verschiedenen Komponenten zeigen ein anklickbares "[+]" Symbol nach ihnen, wenn sie geschlossen sind oder "[–]" wenn sie geöffnet sind. Im letzteren Fall werden alle Komponenten angezeigt und können einzeln an- und abgewählt werden.
Jede Registerkarte hat eine Beschriftung in dem Format "Gruppe (X/Y)", um die Anzahl der aufgelisteten Erweiterungen (angegeben durch Gruppe), die Anzahl der ausgewählten Erweiterungen (dargestellt durch X) und die insgesamt verfügbare Anzahl (dargestellt durch Y).
2.2. "Schnellauswahl" Reiter
Dies ist die vierte Registerkarte. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, aus einer vordefinierten Liste von verfügbaren Erweiterungssets auszuwählen. Diese Registerkarte enthält folgende Einträge:
- Eine Dropdown-Liste und eine Schaltfläche "Erweiterungen auswählen": Sie ermöglichen es Ihnen, ein vordefiniertes Erweiterungspaket auszuwählen und zu laden, wie beispielsweise eine Big Box oder alle Erweiterungen für die neue Edition.
- Die Schaltfläche "Alle löschen" leert Ihren Strom mit einem Klick.
- Die Schaltfläche "Alle auswählen" wählt mit einem Klick alle verfügbaren Erweiterungen aus.
2.3. "Filter" Reiter
Dies ist die fünfte Registerkarte. Sie können wählen, welche Carcassonne-Editionen angezeigt werden und welche Edition Sie bevorzugen. Bei den betrachteten Ausgaben handelt es sich um die Erste Edition (C1), die Neue Edition (C2) und die Winter Edition (WE), die kreativ einbezogen wird, wenn einige ihrer Erweiterungen von Interesse sind.
Die Registerkarte hat zwei Bereiche:
.- "Editionen" Bereich: Es enthält ein Kontrollkästchen für jede verfügbare Edition (C1, C2 und WE.) Der Selektor zeigt nur die Erweiterungen an, die zu den angekreuzten Editionen gehören. Wenn beispielsweise das Kontrollkästchen "Erste Edition (C1)" aktiviert ist, sind Erweiterungen wie "Das Schicksalsrad" oder "Halb so wild" im Expansion Selector zulässig, da sie sonst nicht zur Auswahl stehen. Mindestens eine Ausgabe muss ausgewählt sein, so dass sie nicht gleichzeitig abgewählt werden können.
- Beschreibung der Spielreihenfolge, Bewertungsregeln und Spielfiguren: Wenn es Unterschiede zwischen den Editionen gibt, werden die bevorzugten Editionen und der Wortlaut angezeigt. So wird beispielsweise die Bewegung des Drachens in verschiedenen Schritten in der Spielreihenfolge angezeigt, je nachdem, ob C1 oder C2 ausgewählt ist.
- Grafiken in den Scoring-Abschnitten anzeigen: Bei Erweiterungen, die in beiden Editionen verfügbar sind, entsprechen die angezeigten Bilder der ausgewählten Edition. Bilder von einer Erweiterung, die nur in einer Edition vorhanden ist, ändern sich nicht.
Der Auswahlknopf für eine Edition wird nur dann aktiviert, wenn eine solche Edition verfügbar ist, d.h. sie ist im Fenster "Editionen anzeigen" ausgewählt.
Es enthält auch ein Kontrollkästchen mit dem Label "Regel-Anpassungen hervorheben": Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen aktiviert ist, werden alle Regeln, die in der Spielreferenz, der Spielreihenfolge und den Spielfiguren angezeigt werden, die nicht der bevorzugten Edition entsprechen, hervorgehoben.
Diese Registerkarte zeigt eine Bezeichnung ähnlich wie "Filter (C1/C2/u>/WE) #", die alle in Klammern ausgewählten Ausgaben auflistet und eine von ihnen unterstrichen ist, was bedeutet, dass sie die bevorzugte ist. Das Hash-Zeichen ist vorhanden, wenn Regelanpassungen hervorgehoben sind.
2.4. Hilfe
Dies ist die aktuelle Registerkarte, die mit Hilfeinformationen zum Expansion Selector.
angezeigt wird.Referenzen
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