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Box OverHillDale ZMG.png


Originally released by Hans im Glück in 2015, Carcassonne: Over Hill and Dale is a tile-laying game for 2 to 5 players, ages 7 and up.

"Take in the magnificent scenery of this vast countryside by hiking a trail surrounded by fruit trees, wheat fields, and sunflowers! You'll be unable to resist the juicy apples and sweet strawberries you'll find along the way. This rustic new variant of Carcassonne is alive with interesting decisions and intriguing tactics. Gathering a fine harvest, travelling far and wide, and taking care of your animals is reward enough, but it might just win you the game!"

Over Hill and Dale is based on Carcassonne, but is not compatible with Carcassonne or any of the other Carcassonne spin-off games.

The game uses many of the standard Carcassonne game concepts, based in an idyllic countryside of fields full of bounteous produce.

Hill and Dale Limited.jpg

A limited edition was made in partnership with the Bayern Stateministry for Health and Care (Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Gesundheit in Pflege). This edition can be recognized by the 2 additional textboxes on the front of the box, and the slight difference on the back. Other than the box, the difference about this edition is that it comes with a Turkish language version of the rules! Gameplay is exactly the same. Only 9000 of these were made and distributed in Germany.

WICA Notes

The following are based on the Z-Man Games version of the rules. Additional comments and clarifications have come from various Carcassonne discussion forums (BGG, CarcC and CarcF).


Fan Expansions

OverHillDale Scarecrow.jpg
  • Fan Expansions for Over Hill and Dale - A number of fan produced "print-and-play" expansions have been created which are available from CarcassonneForum and CarcassonneCZ. These expansions may either be "completed" (available as a complete pack of tiles and rules (as applicable - some may only be a set of rules)) or "in development" (partially developed, perhaps some tiles and an outline of rules in a forum discussion thread).


If you prefer to draw tiles from a bag, this custom design is available from Artscow:

This wooden upgrade set includes 5 strawberries, 5 pumpkins, 5 grain/wheat, 5 apples, 5 sunflowers, and 8 happy scarecrows.



Artist: Doris Matthäus