Rozšírenie Výročnej edície (20 rokov)

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This page is a translated version of the page 20th Anniversary Expansion and the translation is 23% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

This is a celebratory expansion that serves as a homage to the first 3 major expansions. It does not matter if you don't know them, the gameplay with this mini-expansion is not affected.

Other languages:
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile N.png Čítate pravidlá k takto ilustrovaným kartičkám.
Majú vaše kartičky úplne iný dizajn? Potom si vyberte z hier rodiny Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

This is a celebratory expansion that serves as a homage to the first 3 major expansions. It does not matter if you don't know them, the gameplay with this mini-expansion is not affected.

Základné informácie

Symbol rozšírenia

Rozšírenie Výročnej edície (20 rokov) bolo vydané pre Novú edíciu od Hans im Glück v 2021 ako súčasť Výročnej edície (20 rokov).

This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game. All the basic game rules still apply in addition to the expansion rules below. You can combine it with other expansions - but at your own risk – that is, there will be no official rules for these combinations.

Changes to the 20th Anniversary Edition

The rules for the 20th Anniversary Edition stay the same but the roles of some meeples have been updated:

  • Highwaymen become female travelers
  • Knights do not change
  • Monks are also referred to as nuns
  • Farmers become female farmers

Publishers have followed the new roles provided in the rules by HiG, although some of these changes are not noticeable in other languages.

Note: We stick to the classic role convension for the sake of consistency with all the exisiting rules for the time being. HiG may decide to update the rules in the future to follow this new naming convention for new releases and reprints.

20th Anniversary Edition C2 Medal medium.png


  • 15 new land tiles marked with a "20" symbol. These new tiles are divided into 3 groups of 5. Each group has one of the following symbols.
Arrow symbols featured on the expansion tiles



Shuffle the 15 new tiles with the rest of the land tiles.


20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Feature Symbols.png
1. Placing a tile

When you draw a 20th Anniversary Expansion land tile, you place it according to the normal rules. Depending on the direction the arrow symbol arrow is pointing, the following situations may occur:

  • If you place a tile with an arrow symbol so that the arrow doesn't point to an adjacent tile, you receive 2 points and your turn continues as usual.
Example 1a: The arrow symbol on the tile just placed does not point to an adjacent tile
  • If you place a tile with an arrow symbol so that the arrow points to an adjacent tile, you activate the arrow symbol and the appropriate action can be performed according to its type (see 2. Placing a meeple and 4. Extra turn action).
Example 1b: The arrow symbol on the tile just placed points to an adjacent tile
  • If you place any tile (no arrow symbol required) adjacent to a tile with an arrow symbol so that the arrow points to the tile just placed, you activate the arrow symbol and the appropriate action can be performed according to its type (see 2. Placing a meeple and 4. Extra turn action).
Example 1c: The arrow symbol on a tile in the playing area points to the tile just placed
2. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple on the tile just placed according to the normal rules. However, if you activated an arrow symbol, you may have an additional option depending on the symbol type:

20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png
Instead of placing a meeple on the tile just placed, you may add it next to another of your meeples anywhere on the game board, so now there will be two meeples side by side. This means that you have one more meeple on the feature for its scoring and you may be able to secure the points (single-handedly).

Note: You may not use this action to add a third meeple to the two already placed side by side.

Example 2a: Red places a second knight next to their knight in a city elsewhere in the playing area.
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png
Instead of placing your meeple on the tile just placed, you can place it on any unoccupied, incomplete feature (a road, a city, a field, a monastery, or even an abbot on a monastery or garden) anywhere in the playing area - so it doesn't have to be on the tile just placed. [1] Please note that fields completely surrounded are not considered completed, since they are not scored until the end of the game. [2]
Example 2b: Red places a meeple in a city elsewhere in the playing area.
3. Scoring a feature

If you complete a feature with 20th Anniversary Expansion tiles, it is scored according to the normal rules.

Záverečné vyhodnotenie

At the end of the game, a feature with 20th Anniversary Expansion tiles is scored according to the normal rules.

4. Extra turn action
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 03.png
If you activated this symbol, you get an extra turn. First, you complete your current turn (the one in which the symbol was activated) according to the usual rules, and then you perform another full turn. Caution: If you activate this symbol again, it will have no effect. You will not get a third consecutive turn without interruption. You can activate both other symbols in an additional turn. [3]


  • If you place a tile with an arrow symbol so that the symbol is not activated (the arrow is not pointing to an adjacent tile), you get 2 points immediately, otherwise nothing changes.
  • You activate an arrow symbol by placing the tile with the arrow pointing to an adjacent tile, or by placing a tile adjacent to another tile in the playing area featuring an arrow symbol pointing to the tile just placed.
  • A maximum of 1 symbol can be activated per turn. If you could activate more than one, you may only choose one of them.
  • If you place a symbol tile activating a symbol on another tile in the playing area, you score the usual 2 points (because you do not activate the symbol on the tile just placed).
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png
You are allowed to add your meeple next to any of your previously-placed meeples in the playing area, so there will be 2 (there can be a maximum of 2 meeples at a time). [4]
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png
You may place your meeple on any unoccupied, incomplete feature anywhere in the playing area.
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 03.png
You have an extra full turn (maximum of two consecutive turns). [5]

Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

General comments:

Výklad pravidiel komunitou You can only use the 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png and 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png arrow symbols to deploy a valid meeple to regular features, that is, those features that can be claimed and scored. Other special areas should not be allowed:

Rozš. 2 - Kupci a staviteliaRozš. 2 - Kupci a stavitelia

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Extra turn and the builder: During a double turn, if you activate a 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 03.png arrow symbol and you get an extra turn, you will finish your double turn in full before executing your extra turn.

Rozš. 3 - Princezná a drakRozš. 3 - Princezná a drak

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Magic portals: You should not be allowed to use a 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png arrow symbol to place your meeple on a magic portal. This action symbol already acts as a magic portal so the same restrictions should apply.

Rozš. 10 - CirkusRozš. 10 - Cirkus

Otázka na oficiálny výklad bez odpovede Acrobat pyramids: You should not be allowed to use a 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png arrow symbol to add a meeple to an acrobat pyramid where you already have a meeple. This action allows you to alter the majority in a feature, but it should not be allowed to be used with features where majority does not apply. An official clarification would be necessary.

Mini 1: Lietacie strojeMini 1: Lietacie stroje

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Flying Machines: You should not be allowed to use a 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png arrow symbol to place your meeple on a flying machine. This action symbol acts as a magic portal so the same restrictions should apply.

Nemecké kláštoryNemecké kláštory / Holandské kláštoryHolandské kláštory / Japonské budovyJaponské budovy

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Placing a second meeple on a special monastery: When using a 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png arrow symbol to place a second meeple to a special monastery, it has to be placed in the same position as the one already on the feature: A second monk or a second abbot. [6]

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Placing a meeple on a special monastery: You should be allowed to use a 20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png arrow symbol to place a meeple as a monk or as an abbot on an unoccupied incomplete special monastery. [7]

Zoznam kartičiek

Celkovo kartičiek: 15
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile A.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile B.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile C.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile D.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile E.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile F.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile G.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile I.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile J.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile K.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile L.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile M.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile N.png 1×
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile O.png 1×
Niektoré kartičky obsahujú dodatočné ilustrácie, ktoré môžu mať význam v kombinácii s niektorým z ďalších rozšírení. Označenie písmami ponechávame v pôvodnom znení:
Feature Garden C2.png
Feature Farmhouse C2.png
B | Farma
Feature Cows C2.png
Poznámka: Malé ilustrácie ako kravín, chliev a oslia stajňa sú spoločne označované ako maštale alebo stajne.

Poznámky pod čiarou

Vysvetlenie ikoniek nájdete na tejto stránke.

  1. Rozdielne pravidlá medzi vydaniami a vydavateľmi The ZMG rules include an additional clarification for monasteries and gardens:
    "You may place a normal meeple (or abbot) on unoccupied monasteries (or gardens) which have been not yet surrounded by 8 tiles."
  2. Rozdielne pravidlá medzi vydaniami a vydavateľmi The ZMG rules use a different wording for this sentence and seems mistranslated, since fields are always considered as uncompleted, no matter they are completely surrounded:
    "Fields which are not completely surrounded count as not yet completed, since they are not scored until the end of the game."
  3. Rozdielne pravidlá medzi vydaniami a vydavateľmi This last sentence was included in the rules by Mindok.
  4. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This expansion does only allow you to place more than two meeples together this way. Other expansions, such as Mini 1: Lietacie stroje Mini 1: Lietacie stroje or Mini 7: Kruhy v obilí Mini 7: Kruhy v obilí, do not have this limitation.
  5. Výklad pravidiel komunitou You may perform only one extra full turn with this symbol.
  6. Výklad pravidiel komunitou The idea of this action is to pay homage to the large meeples in Exp. 1, so the new meeple is added to the feature in order to increase your majority vote for the same scoring. So you should be allowed to add a second meeple placed as a monk if the first one was placed as a monk, or a second meeple placed as an abbot if the first one was placed as an abbot. Mixing meeple positions should not be allowed since they would participate in different scorings and this would defeat the original purpose.
  7. Výklad pravidiel komunitou If the special monastery is completed, you should not be allowed to place a meeple as a monk on it since the same restrictions as for magic portals should apply.