La Ruée vers l’Or (le Shérif)
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Vous êtes en train de lire les règles pour ce modèle de tuiles. | ![]() |
Si vos tuiles ressemblent à ce type de tuile, il s’agit de tuiles Carcassonne normales. | ![]() |
Si vos tuiles ont un motif différent, choisissez un jeu parmi les jeux dérivés. | ![]() |
Informations générales et commentaires
Initialement publié par Hans im Glück en 2014 lors de l’Essen Spiel, Le shérif est une mini-extension pour Carcassonne : La Ruée vers l’Or.
- 1 pion du shérif en bois doré
- 6 tuiles Terrain avec une icône d’étoile de shérif
Mise en place
The Land Tiles of this mini-expansion are mixed in with the rest of the tiles from the base game. The Sheriff figure is placed near the playing field.
With the exception of these mini-expansion rules, all other basic rules for Carcassonne: Gold Rush remain unchanged.
Le Shérif
On a player’s turn, if a Land Tile with a Sheriff Star is drawn, the player places the tile according to the normal rules. The player then must move the Sheriff.
Déplacement du shérif
If the Sheriff is not on the playing field, the player places him on an incomplete Mountain area. If the Sheriff is already on a tile, the player must move him onto another incomplete Mountain area. The Sheriff may be placed on a Mountain area even if any or all tiles of that Mountain area already contain Cowboys and/or Tents. It is not required for him to be placed on an unoccupied tile only.
Exception: If the Sheriff cannot be moved to another incomplete Mountain area (because there are none), he is returned to the side of the playing field.
Activation du shérif
The player who places (or moves) the Sheriff must now take one mining token from each other player with a Tent on the Mountain and immediately return them to the supply. The supply of Tokens is then mixed. If a Mountain has no Mining Tokens when the Sheriff is placed (or moved) there, no Tokens will be returned to the supply. If the player who places (or moves) the Sheriff has his own Tent on the Mountain, he is exempt from discarding a Token.
Mining Freeze
As long as the Mountain that the Sheriff is standing on is incomplete, no player may take a Mining Token from it. Players may still move their Tents to another Mountain, as part of their normal turn, if desired. When the Mountain is completed, the Mining Tokens on the stack are distributed according to the normal rules, and the Sheriff is returned to the side of the playing field.
After activating the Sheriff, the current player continues with their normal turn (placing a Cowboy, placing/moving a Tent, taking a Mining Token).
Le shérif en fin de partie
If the Sheriff is standing on an incomplete Mountain at the end of the game, the owner receives the Mining Tokens on it. If there are multiple owners, the Mining Tokens are distributed evenly.
Les cimetières
Deux des tuiles Terrain de cette mini-extension comportent des cimetières. Si un joueur pioche l’une d’entre elles, elle est placée normalement, puis le joueur active le shérif comme décrit ci-dessus. Le joueur effectue ensuite le reste du tour normalement. Si le joueur décide de placer un cow-boy, il peut être placé sur la zone de prairie de la tuile, ou dans le cimetière.
Évaluation pendant la partie
Un cimetière est évalué lorsque les 8 espaces entourant la tuile Cimetière (à la fois orthogonalement et en diagonale) contiennent des tuiles Terrain. Le propriétaire du cimetière marque 9 points plus 1 point pour chaque ville entourant le cimetière.
Évaluation finale
At the end of the game, the owner of a Graveyard scores 1 point each for the Graveyard tile itself, any surrounding tiles, and any City on those surrounding tiles.
Ensemble des tuiles