Mage and Witch (1st edition)/it

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This page is a translated version of the page Mage and Witch (1st edition) and the translation is 15% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

MageWitch C1-06.png You are reading the rules for this tile design.
Mage And Witch C3 Tile F.pngRead the following rules if your tiles look like this.
Mage & Witch Mage & Witch
Mage Witch C2 Tile F.jpg
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Illustrious magic users are visiting Carcassonne. The mage’s presence inspires the citizens, whereas the witch undermines the value of their hard work.

General info and comments

Informazioni generali e commenti

Mage and Witch (Mini #5) was originally released by Hans im Glück in 2012.

This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game. All the basic game rules still apply in addition to the expansion rules below.


  • 1 wooden Mage figure colored purple
Figure Mage.png
  • 1 wooden Witch figure colored orange
Figure Witch.png
  • 8 new land tiles with mage logo
  • 1 new land tile with crop circle



The landscape tiles with the mage symbol are mixed with the other landscape tiles. The Mage and Witch characters are kept available for use.

Posizionare una tessera

When a player draws a tile with the mage symbol, he or she plays it according to the normal rules.

Before placing a follower, the player must place or move the Mage or the Witch character. The player places one of the two characters on any segment of an unfinished city or on any section of an unfinished road (which does not have to be on the tile that was just placed). [1] The Mage and the Witch may not be placed on the same road or the same city. If the Mage or Witch figure to be played is already on a land tile, the player must move it. [2] [3] After that, the active player can place a follower as normal.

One of the magical figures must be placed or moved when a mage tile is placed. If it is not possible to place or move the mage or witch figure (because there are no unfinished cities or roads), the player must remove either the mage or witch from the board, if at least one is on a tile. [4] Otherwise both remain waiting by the scoring track for the next mage tile to be drawn and placed. [5]

Special case: If the placement of a tile joins the feature (city or road) with the Witch and the feature with the Mage, the active player must move one of the two figures. If placement of this tile completes a feature, the figure is moved before scoring. [6]

Posizionare un meeple

After placing a tile with the mage symbol, you may still place a follower according to the normal rules.


If a road or city with a Mage or Witch is completed, the scoring is affected as follows:

  • The mage gives an extra point for each tile in the completed feature.
  • The witch halves the points (rounded up) for the completed feature.
  • When evaluating a road with an inn or a city with a cathedral that also has the Witch, the feature’s points are calculated using the inn or cathedral and then cut in half. [7]

When a feature with the Mage or Witch is scored, the figure is removed from the board and can be brought back into play when a tile with a mage symbol is played.

Punteggio finale

In the final scoring, the mage and witch affect scoring of roads and cities as they did during the game.

An unfinished road with an inn and an unfinished city with a cathedral, which normally score 0 points, instead score 1 point per tile at the end of the game when the Mage is on the feature (pennants in the city score 0 points). [7]

Example 1: The city is completed. The normal value is 20 Points ([8 tiles + 2 pennants] x 2 points each). The Mage awards 8 extra points (the city consists of 8 tiles). RED and BLUE each score 28 points.
Example 2: Two roads are completed. The road with BLUE consists of 5 tiles. BLUE gets only 3 points because of the Witch [5/2 rounded up]. The road with RED consists of 3 tiles. RED gets 6 points due to the Mage [3+3].

The crop circles addition

In each mini, you will find a tile of the 7th mini expansion Crop Circles Crop Circles. This expansion is playable with only a single tile, but it is best to play with all 6 tiles. [8]

Tile Distribution

Total tiles: 9 (8 + 1 crop circle)
MageWitch C1-01.png ×1
MageWitch C1-02.png ×1
MageWitch C1-03.png ×1
MageWitch C1-04.png ×1
MageWitch C1-05.png ×1
MageWitch C1-06.png ×1
MageWitch C1-07.png ×1
MageWitch C1-08.png ×1


Per la licenza e informazioni riguardo le icone visitare Icone.

  1. Interpretation from the Community This means that if you complete a city or road with a tile featuring the Mage logo, you cannot place the Mage or the Witch figures on that city or road, since it is no longer incomplete. The tile placement completed the feature before one of the two figures could be placed on it.
  2. Official clarification from the publisher If the Mage or Witch is already on a tile and is moved due to placement of a tile with the mage symbol, the figure must be moved to a different feature. (5/2014)
  3. Official clarification from the publisher Thus: 1) If neither figure is in play, the active player brings one into play. 2) If both figures are in play, the player moves one of the figures to a different feature. 3) If only one figure is in play, the player chooses one or the other to move – the player may move either the figure that is already in play or the figure that began the turn off of the playing field. In all of these situations, the player may choose to move either the Mage or the Witch. (updated 5/2014; corrected 3/2020)
  4. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The last part of this sentence is from the RGG edition of the rules.
  5. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This sentence is from the RGG edition of the rules.
  6. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This sentence is not included in the RGG edition of the rules.
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This additional rules clarification is from the Big Box 4 Big Box 4 edition of the rules.
  8. Interpretation from the Community Note that the Crop Circle II tiles included in the mini expansions are different from the tiles released in the initial Crop Circles expansion (referred to as "Crop Circles I").