The Labyrinth

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Labyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg You are reading the rules for this tile design. Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

General info and comments

Expansion symbol

The Labyrinths was originally released by Spiel Doch! in 2016.

Issue 1/2016 of the Spiel Doch! magazine contained two new tiles for Carcassonne. One has been illustrated in the style of the 1st edition by Doris Matthäus, the other in the style of the 2nd edition by Anne Pätzke. Both tiles can be used in all editions. Combinations with other expansions and mini-expansions are not completely tested and there are no official rule explanations covering such cases.

Spiel Doch! provided a basic set of rules and HiG released a variant for advanced players available on their website at the time of release.


  • 2 landscape tiles, one 1st Ed. Carcassonne and another for 2nd Ed. Carcassonne
1st edition labyrinth
2nd edition labyrinth



Mix the Labyrinth tile(s) with the other landscape tiles.


1. Placing a tile

If you draw a labyrinth, you place it according to the normal rules.

2. Placing a meeple
Basic rules

When you place a labyrinth tile, you are allowed to put a meeple on it (also in compliance with the standard rules). [1] The labyrinth is not a crossing; all outgoing roads are interconnected. Consequently, a meeple can only be placed on it if all the roads connected to the labyrinth tile are unoccupied. [2] The meeple then is a thief on all the connected roads.

Advanced variant

Since the labyrinth makes the connections of the roads quite unmanageable, the placing of meeples is regulated differently in this variant. If you place the labyrinth, you may place a meeple on it even if there is already a meeple on one or more connected roads. [2] It does not matter who owns those meeples.

You place the labyrinth next to a road that connects with it. Although there is already a meeple on this road, you may place a meeple on the labyrinth.

As you progress through the game, if you place a tile at an exit of the labyrinth that does not have a meeple yet, you may place a meeple there, even though the network of roads and the labyrinth itself may have a meeple.

Green later adds a road to an unoccupied labyrinth exit. He too is allowed to use a meeple, although meeples are already on the labyrinth and the adjacent roads.

If you add a road to an existing road that already has a meeple on it, a meeple cannot be placed on it (as usual). The labyrinth and the four outgoing roads are the exceptions.

You later attach a road to a labyrinth exit. Since there is already a black meeple, you may not place a meeple on the road.
3. Scoring a feature
Basic rules

The labyrinths are scored according to the normal Carcassonne rules for roads during the game and after the game.

Advanced variant

The labyrinth and the connected roads are scored when all 4 of the roads are completed. The player with the majority on the labyrinth and the connected roads will get 1 point for each tile as usual. In addition, he or she will get 2 points for each meeple standing on the labyrinth or on a connected road. If several players have the majority, each of them gets the full number of points. [3]

All the roads are completed. You and Black are tied for majority. You and Black get 8 points for the tiles and 10 points for the 5 meeples on the tiles. Altogether you each get 18 points.
Final Scoring

The labyrinths are scored according to the normal Carcassonne rules for roads. You get no additional points from the meeples placed on the labyrinth network.

Interactions with other expansions

This section summarizes the interaction of The Labyrinth with other expansions:

These interactions are described as a series of cases where the points you get from the road tiles (including the labyrinth) vary depending on the expansions involved. Independently of how these points are modified, if playing with the advanced rules, the bonus points for the meeples on the road do not change in any case when scoring the feature.

  • Case 0 - Regular labyrinth: If a labyrinth is completed, you will get 1 point for each road tile including the labyrinth itself. An incomplete labyrinth at the end of the game is worth 1 point for each tile including the labyrinth itself.
  • Case 1 - Inns & Cathedrals: If a labyrinth is completed and contains one or more inns (inns do not stack) and you have the majority, you will get 2 points instead of 1 point for each road tile including the labyrinth itself. An incomplete labyrinth with an inn(s) at the end of the game is worth 0 points for each tile including the labyrinth itself.
  • Case 2 - German Cathedrals: If a labyrinth is completed and one or more of its roads end at a German Cathedral (German Cathedrals do not stack) and you have the majority, you will get 2 points instead of 1 point for each road tile including the labyrinth itself. An incomplete labyrinth with one or more of its roads ending at a German Cathedral at the end of the game is worth 1 point per tile including the Labyrinth itself.
  • Case 3 - Inns & Cathedrals + German Cathedrals: If a labyrinth is completed and contains one or more inns and one or more of its roads end at a German Cathedral and you have the majority, you will get 3 points instead of 1 point for each road tile including the labyrinth itself. An incomplete labyrinth with an inn(s) at the end of the game is worth 0 points.

The following table describes the same information in a more schematic way. Take into account that road segments on German Cathedral tiles are counted separately and get the same points as any road tile in Cases 2 & 3.

Scenario Regular Labyrinth Inns and Cathedrals German Cathedrals Scoring a feature Final scoring
No other expansions involved There are one or more inns on its roads (inns do not stack) One or more of its roads end up at a German Cathedral (German cathedrals do not stack) You have meeple majority of the completed labyrinth You have meeple majority of the incomplete labyrinth
Points from road tiles including the labyrinth (road segments on German Cathedral tiles are counted separately in Cases 2 & 3)
Case 0 X 1 point / tile 1 point / tile
Case 1 X 2 points / tile 0 points / tile
Case 2 X 2 points / tile 1 point / tile
Case 3 X X 3 points / tile 0 points / tile
Other modifiers applicable following the order of evaluation (German Cathedral tiles are counted as normal tiles)
Mage on the road Any Any Any (+1) point / tile (+1) point / tile
Witch on road Any Any Any 1/2 points (rounded up) 1/2 points (rounded up)
Meeple on Wainwrights Quarter (Markets of Leipzig) Any Any Any (+1) point / tile (+0) point / tile
Points from meeples placed on road tiles and the labyrinth (advanced rules only)
All cases Any Any Any 2 point / meeple 0 point / meeple

Tile distribution

Total tiles: 2
Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg ×1 (1st Edition)
Labyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg ×1 (2nd Edition)


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Interpretation from the Community This means you can place a meeple on the labyrinth as a highwayman or on any of the four unoccupied field strips surrounding the labyrinth as a farmer.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Interpretation from the Community A meeple can be placed on an incomplete labyrinth network by other means. A wagon placed on a completed neighboring feature or any meeple via a magic portal or a flying machine can be deployed to:
    • An unoccupied road network with a labyrinth (basic rules).
    • An unoccupied labyrinth tile or road segment (advanced variant rules).
    Example: A wagon moves to an unoccupied road branch of an incomplete labyrinth when applying The Labyrinth advanced rules
  3. Interpretation from the Community Labyrinth tiles do not stack, the same as inns on roads. A road network with more than one labyrinth will be scored as one single feature and the additional points provided per meeple will be received only once for the whole road network, not once per labyrinth tile.
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Jun 11, 2020 at 2:18 pm | Last edited on Jun 11, 2020 at 2:19 pm

The bonus from Wainwrights Quarter it is not part of the road's score.

Meepledrone | Posted on Jun 12, 2020 at 11:16 pm | Last edited on Jun 12, 2020 at 11:18 pm

The Wainwrights Quarter bonus is applied along with the additional bonus associated to meeples (like the teacher bonus, the ringmaster points or the fairy 3-point scoring bonus).

Just remember that you may score 0 points for a road if you send you only meeple on it to Leipzig, but you may receive the bonus for that road right away if you decided to place your meeple in the Wainwrights Quarter. Therefore the bonus is detached from the feature scoring.

You may consider this bonus is not scored by the meeple on the feature but by the meeple in Leipzig if you happen to comply with the required conditions.

You can revisit the rules for the Markets of Leipzig here: The Markets of Leipzig

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Jun 12, 2020 at 11:35 pm

"The Wainwrights Quarter bonus is applied along with the additional bonus associated to meeples (like the teacher bonus, the ringmaster points or the fairy 3-point scoring bonus)." But you can score the ringmaster points wih the messenger and the Wainwrights Quarter bonus with the scoring meeple.

Meepledrone | Posted on Jun 13, 2020 at 7:44 am

Yes. These bonus associated to meeples are separate scoring events and can also be robbed independently.

You can see all this summarized here: Scoring During Turn Sequence

Big meeple
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Jun 11, 2020 at 1:32 pm | Last edited on Jun 11, 2020 at 1:32 pm

"The player with the majority of meeples on the labyrinth and the connected roads". The big meeple?

Meepledrone | Posted on Jun 12, 2020 at 11:08 pm

Updated the wording.

Bear in mind these rules are always designed with the base game in mind, so the majority of meeples is identical to the majority on the feature. Things need to be interpreted when you add meeples with more than one majority vote (i.e. the large meeple) as you mentioned.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Jun 10, 2020 at 11:55 pm

"The Labyrinth": It is not mentioned that you can place a meeple as farmer.

Meepledrone | Posted on Jun 12, 2020 at 11:05 pm

Added clarification about this.

The green meeple
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on May 29, 2020 at 1:47 pm | Last edited on May 29, 2020 at 1:47 pm

The green meeple looks like a big meeple The green meeple looks like a big meeple.

Meepledrone | Posted on Jun 1, 2020 at 7:47 pm | Last edited on Jun 1, 2020 at 10:48 pm

The rules only consider the Base Game. So it is a regular green meeple.

I updated the image to correct the size and the misleading placement - The image you see now is the updated version.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Jul 12, 2020 at 1:17 pm

A castle scores 8 or 18 points?

Meepledrone | Posted on Jul 12, 2020 at 2:50 pm

As per the Advanced Variant rules, the road network is worth 18 points (8 points for the tiles and 10 points for the meeples). A neighboring castle would score 18 points. The same as Red and Black.

anonymous | Posted on Jan 31, 2020 at 10:47 am

Hi! Does anyone have rules for mixing Labyrinths with the 2nd Expansion? Can I put a builder on a Labyrinth road segment? If I can what happens if I finish a road segment but not the Labyrinth? My builder and my meeple has stay on that road segment until the whole Labyrinth is finished? And even if I can't put a builder next to a Labyrinth road, what if I connect the Labyrinth to a road which already has a meeple with a builder?

Meepledrone | Posted on Feb 1, 2020 at 11:45 am


There is no official rules for the interaction of the Labyrinth and Traders & Builders, but if you take a closer look to labyrinth tiles, you'll see they behave like roundabout road segments with special rules for meeple placement and, in the case of the advanced rules, an additional bonus. Therefore, form the builder perspective, it will affect the whole network as a single road, no matter if the builder was placed on the labyrinth tile itself, on any of the road branches connected to it or if it was on a separate road connected to the labyrinth. Moreover, you will to get your builder back until the road network including the labyrinth is fully completed and scored.

You can find a detailed response to your questions on Carcassonne Central here:

Hope this helps.

anonymous | Posted on Feb 4, 2020 at 3:39 pm


Thank you for the answer :)

anonymous | Posted on Apr 12, 2021 at 9:00 am


This scenario explains the basic variant rules. However, there is a collision with the Builder main rules, if we use the same approach in the advanced variant. Each road is independent and could be taken from a different player. If the double turn is triggered for the whole network, we could receive a double turn for a feature that we haven't occupied actually.

Meepledrone | Posted on Apr 13, 2021 at 10:15 am

The road network is always one single feature. The advanced rules just tweak how it can be occupied. The labyrinth tile and each leg connected to it act as independent features when placing a meeple. However, when scoring, all the tiles and meeples placed in the road network are considered as usual.

So extending any leg of the road network would allow you to trigger a double turn, no matter where your meeple and meeple(s) and your builder are on the road network.

Any field?
anonymous | Posted on Jan 10, 2020 at 6:19 am

Hi! Does it have any fields around the labyrinth? Could I put a meeple on it? Could I put my barn on the fields junction? Thanks for your amazing works!

Meepledrone | Posted on Jan 11, 2020 at 4:23 pm


I couldn't find any official clarifications on this matter (and I wouldn't expect any for the time being) but the tile shows a narrow field stripe around the labyrinth. My interpretation would be that you could place maple as a farmer on the narrow field or a barn on any of ts corners as there is no city segment blocking any corner. It would a bit weird as the barn would overlap the labyrinth... but if you are allowed to place a wobbly barn on a tile junction including a hill, why wouldn't this be allowed? ;-P

In any case, I shared your questions on Carcassonne Central to gather some additional information about your questions:

Thank you for your interest and kind words.

anonymous | Posted on Jan 12, 2020 at 1:48 am

Thanks ! I'm agree with your interpretation !!