Les diagrammes de la Peste (première édition)

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This page is a translated version of the page The Plague Diagrams (1st edition) and the translation is 56% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

This page puts together all the actions described in the rules and shows how they fit together during a normal turn and a double turn -where some actions can only happen once.

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This section puts together all the actions described in the rules and shows how they fit together during a normal turn and a double turn -where some actions can only happen once. The table summarizes all the actions and below you may find some diagrams that explain the main actions in full detail.

Phase Plague action
(linked to steps)
Plague action
(linked to turn)
1. Placing a tile Step 1A. Begin turn. (C) Eradicating outbreaks
Spreading the plague is not allowed before the tile is placed. If the tile placed is not a plague source, the active player will be able to spread the plague at any time during the rest of the turn [note 1]
Step 1B. Draw a tile
Step 1C. Place a tile. (A) Adding an outbreak (a plague source cancels spreading the plague action)
Any time (once during turn):
  • (B) Spreading the plague (if no plague source was placed) [note 2]
  • Fleeing the plague [note 3] (choosing a follower or a special figure –builder, pig or shepherd along with its sheep tokens- placed on a tile)
2. Placing a follower
(Move Wood)
Step 2B-1. Placing a wooden follower (not allowed on plague source tile)
Step 2B-2. Placing a phantom (not allowed on plague source tile)
3. Scoring a feature ...
  1. In order to avoid rules conflicts, spreading the plague is not allowed before you know if you didn’t draw a plague source tile with a valid placement; otherwise, you could place a flea and then place a plague source tile in the same turn. - As clarified by Christwart Conrad (8/2021)
  2. Once during a player’s double turn as per Georg Wild’s clarifications (11/2013) – As clarified by Christwart Conrad (8/2021), this may happen in the first part or the second part of a double turn unless a plague source is placed. A player may delay this action until the second part of their double turn after placing a non-plague tile, and later being unable to spread the plague due to placing a new plague source.
  3. Once during a player’s double turn as per Georg Wild’s clarifications (11/2013) – Confirmed by Christwart Conrad (8/2021)

Diagramme (A) - Ajout d'une épidémie

Diagram (A) - Adding an outbreak: Each turn when placing a plague source tile in 1. Placing a tile (Step 1C)

Diagramme (B) - Propagation de la peste

Diagram (B) - Spreading the plague: Each turn with plague active except when placing a plague tile. No specific moment in turn sequence (but after 1. Placing a tile). No fleas allowed on plague source tiles, tiles with fleas, inside the cities of Carcassonne and Leipzig or the Wheel of Fortune

Diagramme (C) - Éradication des épidémies

Diagram (C) - Eradicating outbreaks: Each turn at the very beginning in 1. Placing a tile (Step 1A) when the plague is active (once in double turn)