La Peste (première édition)

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This page is a translated version of the page The Plague (1st edition) and the translation is 62% complete.

Plague C1 Tile 05.jpg Vous êtes en train de lire les règles pour ce modèle de tuiles.
Cette extension n’a pas été publiée dans d’autres éditions.
Si vos tuiles ont un motif différent, choisissez un jeu parmi les jeux dérivés.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Cette extension plonge au plus profond du jeu. La peste dévastatrice rend la disposition même du terrain importante. Après une période d’incubation apparemment inoffensive, on pourrait vite en arriver à la conclusion qu’il est impossible de marquer des points face à la peste. Mais ne vous y trompez pas ! Il est possible de guider la peste dans la direction de ses adversaires et, de l’autre côté de l’infestation éradiquée, de se protéger et d’accumuler des points sans entrave.

Informations générales et commentaires

Planche prédécoupée de l’extension
Symbole de l’extension

La Peste est sorti initialement dans le magazine Spielbox en 2010.

Un médecin de peste médiéval. Source : The Society Pages (Merci à Whaleyland.)

Principe général :

À partir de six jetons Épidémie, la peste se répand dans Carcassonne. Dès qu’une tuile Épidémie entre en jeu, chaque joueur doit propager la peste plus loin à son tour. Un partisan sur une tuile touchée est retiré sans marquer de points. Cependant, on peut tenter de fuir la peste sur la même route, le même pré ou même avec une ville. Au cours de la suite du jeu, les joueurs peuvent éradiquer une épidémie, de sorte que la peste ne puisse plus se propager dans certaines régions.

Définitions :

  • Une tuile Source de peste avec un jeton Épidémie actif, et tous les jetons Puce rouges adjacents, forme une région de peste active. Un jeton Épidémie actif sans jeton Puce adjacent compte également comme une région de peste active.
  • Les tuiles Puce roses adjacentes représentent une région de peste latente.
  • Une tuile Peste avec un jeton Épidémie passif (un pré) est protégée contre la peste. Elle ne fait jamais partie d’une région de peste.


  • 6 tuiles Terrain avec des symboles Médecin de peste, d’où la peste se répand (“Tuiles Source de peste”)
Symbole Médecin de peste
  • 18 jetons Puce qui montrent où la peste s’est répandue (côté rouge = actif, côté rose = latent / inactif)
Recto du jeton Puce
Verso du jeton Puce
  • 6 jetons Épidémie: recto (numérotés de 1 à 6, avec des rats) = foyer actif, verso (pré) = foyer éradiqué
Recto des jetons Épidémie
Verso des jetons Épidémie


Mise en place

Place the starting tile. Mix the tiles of the basic game, [1] and set aside 17 tiles. These tiles should be played first. Then mix the new plague source tiles with the remaining tiles. [2] Place the tokens beside the playing area.

Déroulement d’une partie

La première épidémie

Outbreak token with the number "1"

As soon as a player has drawn and placed (according to the usual rules) a plague source tile, an active Plague region is created. The Outbreak token with the number “1” should be placed face-up on the tile’s plague doctor symbol. The player may not deploy a follower. [3]

Remarque : Un jeton Épidémie ne divise jamais un pré.

La peste se répand

Flea token

Once the first Outbreak token has been brought into play, the plague spreads in every subsequent turn (if possible), beginning with the player to the left of the one who placed the first source tile. During his or her turn, each player should take a flea token from the supply and place it—active side face up—on a tile which is adjacent (horizontal or vertical, not diagonal) to the Outbreak, and which does not yet have a flea on it. [4] [5]

As play continues, one may alternatively place a flea on a tile adjacent to one with an active flea token. If a flea token is placed on a tile containing one or more followers, they are returned to their players without scoring. [6] [7] [8] [9]

The active player decides at what point, during his or her turn, the Plague will spread. [10]

Fuir la peste

Once the Plague has broken out, every player may allow one (not more) of his or her followers to take flight per turn. The follower may be moved to another segment of the same road, city, or farm—no matter the distance. [11] [12]

Note: If a thief takes flight, it may not cross junctions or crossings. If a farmer takes flight, it may pass under a bridge, but may not cross a road or leave its farm. Monks in cloisters cannot take flight.

The follower may not take flight to or over a tile with a flea token (either active or latent) or an active Outbreak. [13] It may take flight to a tile on which there is already a follower. Naturally, a follower may not take flight over areas where there is no tile. [14] [15]

Une autre peste

When a player draws and places another Plague source tile, the Outbreak token with the next highest number is placed on it. The Plague will now spread from here as well. The player who drew the tile may not place a flea token in this turn, having instead the privilege of choosing where the Outbreak will occur. From now on, each active player has a choice of which active Plague region to expand.

Jetons Épidémie numérotés

Remarque : Un jeton Puce ne peut jamais être posé sur une tuile Source de peste.

Éradiquer une épidémie

Outbreak token on its inactive side

When, at the start of a player’s turn, there are no more flea tokens left in the supply, the Outbreak token with the lowest visible number should be eliminated – turned onto the ‘field’ side. However, as there must always be at least one active Outbreak, after the first plague source tile has been placed, an Outbreak remains active if it is the only active one currently in play.

Flea token on its latent side

The region affected is now an ‘inactive’ Plague region. All adjacent flea tokens should be turned onto their ‘latent' sides; from this point on, flea tokens must be moved out of a latent epidemic region, rather than the supply.

Éradiquer les nouveaux foyers

After eradicating an outbreak, an additional outbreak (and always the token with the lowest number currently in play) may be eradicated if there are no latent flea tokens which could be moved at the start of a player's turn, but only if more than one outbreak is still active. [16]

It is also possible to divide a swarm of fleas by choosing to move one of them. As soon as an active flea token is no longer connected to an active Outbreak, it is turned onto its passive side. Therefore, fleas which are not connected to an active Outbreak are always inactive.

Fusion des régions de la peste

It is quite possible for two or more Plague regions to merge together. When several active Outbreaks come to belong to the same region, all except the token with the highest number should be turned over. If inactive fleas become connected to a region with an active Outbreak, they should be turned onto their active sides again. As such, fleas which have become inactive can become active again through mergers. It is also possible for parts of a epidemic region to become cut off, in which case the flea tokens must be turned onto their latent side.

Eradicated Outbreaks can never become active again. A source tile with an Outbreak token on its ‘farm' side remains spared from the plague until the end of the game. A flea token cannot be placed on a plague tile, so one is secure from the Plague there. [17]

Une exception

Should all 18 flea tokens be part of the same Plague region, one of them should be moved to a new tile on each player’s turn. The new tile must naturally be adjacent to the active Plague region.

If a new plague source is later drawn and placed in an unconnected position, the old Plague region will become inactive. The Outbreak token should be turned onto its field side, and all 18 flea tokens should be turned onto their latent side.


Si une partie d’une structure est touchée par la peste, cela n’a aucun impact sur les scores, tant que les partisans eux-mêmes ne sont pas concernés.

La peste et le double tour

During a double turn (see Ext. 2 – Marchands et Bâtisseurs Ext. 2 – Marchands et Bâtisseurs), you perform the actions associated with the plague as follows:

  • You spread the plague once at most (it can only happen at any time after placing a tile in any part of the double turn, if the tile wasn't a plague source)
  • You may take flight from the plague only once (at any time during the double turn)
  • You may eradicate outbreaks once at the beginning of your turn (this guarantees there will always be an inactive flea token to move unless it is the special case scenario).

 Clarification officielle de l’éditeur Question : How does the plague behave in a double turn granted by the builder?

Réponse : During a double turn, you only spread the plague once (at most). If one of the tiles is an outbreak but not the other one, you do it too. You may also take flight from the plague only once. You only eradicate the plague once at the beginning of the turn. (8/2021)

When spreading the plague, the following scenarios may happen, depending on the tiles placed:

  • 1st tile: plague source (you cannot spread the plague on the first part of your turn)
    • 2nd tile: plague source (you cannot spread the plague on the second part of your turn)
    • 2nd tile: non-plague tile + you spread the plague (mandatory)
  • 1st tile: non-plague tile + you decide to spread the plague
    • 2nd tile: any (you do nothing, you already spread the plague on the first part of your turn)
  • 1st tile: non-plague tile + you decide to not spread the plague yet (you wait until the second part of your turn)
    • 2nd tile: plague source (you cannot spread the plague on the second part of your turn)
    • 2nd tile: non-plague tile + you spread the plague (mandatory)

Diagrammes explicatifs

This section puts together all the actions described in the rules and shows how they fit togther during a normal turn and a double turn -where some actions can only happen once. The table summarizes all the actions and below you may find some diagrams that explain the main actions in full detail.

Phase Plague action
(linked to steps)
Plague action
(linked to turn)
1. Placing a tile Step 1A. Begin turn. (C) Eradicating outbreaks
Spreading the plague is not allowed before the tile is placed. If the tile placed is not a plague source, the active player will be able to spread the plague at any time during the rest of the turn [note 1]
Step 1B. Draw a tile
Step 1C. Place a tile. (A) Adding an outbreak (a plague source cancels spreading the plague action)
Any time (once during turn):
  • (B) Spreading the plague (if no plague source was placed) [note 2]
  • Fleeing the plague [note 3] (choosing a follower or a special figure –builder, pig or shepherd along with its sheep tokens- placed on a tile)
2. Placing a follower
(Move Wood)
Step 2B-1. Placing a wooden follower (not allowed on plague source tile)
Step 2B-2. Placing a phantom (not allowed on plague source tile)
3. Scoring a feature ...
  1. In order to avoid rules conflicts, spreading the plague is not allowed before you know if you didn’t draw a plague source tile with a valid placement; otherwise, you could place a flea and then place a plague source tile in the same turn. - As clarified by Christwart Conrad (8/2021)
  2. Once during a player’s double turn as per Georg Wild’s clarifications (11/2013) – As clarified by Christwart Conrad (8/2021), this may happen in the first part or the second part of a double turn unless a plague source is placed. A player may delay this action until the second part of their double turn after placing a non-plague tile, and later being unable to spread the plague due to placing a new plague source.
  3. Once during a player’s double turn as per Georg Wild’s clarifications (11/2013) – Confirmed by Christwart Conrad (8/2021)

Diagramme (A) - Ajout d'une épidémie

Diagram (A) - Adding an outbreak: Each turn when placing a plague source tile in 1. Placing a tile (Step 1C)

Diagramme (B) - Propagation de la peste

Diagram (B) - Spreading the plague: Each turn with plague active except when placing a plague tile. No specific moment in turn sequence (but after 1. Placing a tile). No fleas allowed on plague source tiles, tiles with fleas, inside the cities of Carcassonne and Leipzig or the Wheel of Fortune

Diagramme (C) - Éradication des épidémies

Diagram (C) - Eradicating outbreaks: Each turn at the very beginning in 1. Placing a tile (Step 1A) when the plague is active (once in double turn)

Ensemble des tuiles

Total des tuiles : 6
Plague C1 Tile 01.jpg ×1
Plague C1 Tile 02.jpg ×1
Plague C1 Tile 03.jpg ×1
Plague C1 Tile 04.jpg ×1
Plague C1 Tile 05.jpg ×1
Plague C1 Tile 06.jpg ×1
Total des jetons : 6 Épidémie
Plague C1 Outbreak Token 01.png ×1
Plague C1 Outbreak Token 02.png ×1
Plague C1 Outbreak Token 03.png ×1
Plague C1 Outbreak Token 04.png ×1
Plague C1 Outbreak Token 05.png ×1
Plague C1 Outbreak Token 06.png ×1
Total des jetons : 18 Puce
Token Plague Flea front C1C2.png ×18


Pour les licences et les explications des icônes, veuillez visiter la page des icônes.

  1. Clarification officielle de l’éditeur In a response to a question, a representative of HiG noted “La Peste was not meant to be played together with other expansions.” Official rulings were still provided, so obviously the game won’t come crashing down on you, but complications may arise.
  2. Interprétation de la communauté Obviously, this assumes that you are only playing with the basic game. No matter how many expansions you are using, however, it is safe to say that you should not play a plague tile among the first 18 tile placements of the game. Whether you count river tiles (for example) as part of the first 18 tiles or as an additional set of “safe” starting tiles is up to the players.
  3. Interprétation de la communauté This sentence indicates no follower can be placed on the outbreak tile on that turn but it does not limit the placement of other figures not affected by the plague. Since the plague affects other player figures that aren't followers (pig, builder, shepherd), they should not be allowed to be deployed to a plague source tile just placed.
  4. Interprétation de la communauté Given current interpretations regarding placement of the dragon and followers on features outside the City of Carcassonne and the Wheel of Fortune, it seems that the plague should also be allowed on the outside portion of these tiles. However, this is unofficial. (1/2013)
  5. Règle interne courante ou variante Normal rules apply in the cities, roads, and fields outside the City of Carcassonne, Wheel of Fortune, and School – placements of followers, the dragon, plague tokens, etc. occur as normal, though the special features themselves are protected.
  6. Clarification officielle de l’éditeur Followers in castles are safe from towers, the dragon, and the plague, as those things affect the tile directly, and a castle is not placed on a single tile.
  7. Clarification officielle de l’éditeur The plague does not affect the dragon or other neutral figures.
  8. Clarification officielle de l’éditeur The plague does not affect the barn, because the barn is not placed on a single tile, and the plague only affects a single tile at a time. (11/2013)
  9. Interprétation de la communauté The plague affects other player figures that aren't followers (pig, builder, shepherd).

     Clarification officielle de l’éditeur Question : Does the plague affect special figures such as the builder, the pig and the shepherd? Are they removed if a flea token is placed on the tile they occupy?

    Réponse : Special figures such as the builder, the pig and the shepherd are affected by the plague. If a flea token is placed on a tile with one of your special figures, the figure will be returned to your supply.

    Your builder and your pig will also return to your supply if a flea token removes your last follower on the same feature. (8/2021)

  10. Interprétation de la communauté Spreading the plague is not allowed before the active player knows the tile being drawn. If it is a plague source with a valid placement, the player will not be allowed to spread the plague this turn.

     Clarification officielle de l’éditeur Question : We assume a follower may take flight from the plague at any time during your turn, since the rules do not specify a particular moment. If this action is performed before knowing the tile you drew, you could run into a rules conflict, since you could move a flea token before knowing you will place a plague source on the same turn. Should this be allowed anyway?

    Réponse : No, it shouldn't. In order to avoid rules conflicts, spreading the plague [at any time] is not allowed before you know you didn't draw a plague source tile [and the tile drawn has a valid placement]. The rule allowing you to spread the plague at any time during your turn wouldn't make sense [if it could generate conflicts], so I'd skip this possibility explicitly. (8/2021)

  11. Interprétation de la communauté The player may choose any follower in the playing area no matter if the feature is directly affected by the plague or not.

     Clarification officielle de l’éditeur Question : Is any follower in play allowed to take flight from the plague or only those on features affected by the plague?

    Réponse : Yes, any follower can be chosen. (8/2021)

  12. Interprétation de la communauté As the features outside the City of Carcassonne and Wheel of Fortune can now have followers deployed to them, presumably fleeing followers could also move there. (1/2013)
  13. Différence de règle notoire entre les éditions ou les éditeurs This sentence was mistranslated in the CAR, allowing a player to flee across an active Outbreak. This was the wording before the correction: "The follower may not take flight to or over a tile with a flea token (either active or latent), nor to a tile with an active Outbreak."
  14. Interprétation de la communauté Since a follower cannot flee to a tile with a flea token (either active or latent), it seems reasonable to infer that a follower could not be deployed to a tile with a flea token by means of a magic portal or a flying machine. The rationale behind it would be that flea tokens can become active or inactive at any time, so no follower should be allowed on a tile with a flea token.
    The same reasoning could be applied to outbreak tiles. In this case, a follower could only be deployed to an outbreak tile once inactive, since its state will not change.
  15. Interprétation de la communauté Special figures such as the builder, the pig and the shepherd may also take flight from the plague. In this case, the sheep tokens will move along with its shepherd.

     Clarification officielle de l’éditeur Question : Are special figures such as the builder, the pig and the shepherd allowed to take flight from the plague as well?

    Réponse : Special figures like the builder, the pig and the shepherd may also take flight from the plague instead of a follower. Followers and special figures may share the same feature on a tile when taking flight. (8/2021)

  16. Interprétation de la communauté This wording was updated according to the author (Christwart Conrad) to properly describe the scope of the outbreak eradication process. This process should be repeated one outbreak at a time (starting always with the oldest one still active) until at least one latent flea is generated. This iterative process will be interrupted if there is only one active outbreak left. This is the special case defined in the rules, where all the 18 fleas are active and connected to the same outbreak. As a result, when spreading the plague, a player will either:
    • Place a flea token from the supply, if available; OR
    • Move a flea token in latent state (the outbreak eradication process will ensure there is at least one available when possible); OR
    • Move an active flea token if and only if all the flea tokens are active and connected to the same outbreak.
    Différence de règle notoire entre les éditions ou les éditeurs The wording in the CAR didn't clarify you have to keep eradicating outbreaks when possible until there are latent flea tokens available. The wording in the CAR is as follows:
    "The next Outbreak (and always the token with the lowest number currently in play) is only eradicated when there are no more latent flea tokens which could be moved at the start of a player's turn."
  17. Interprétation de la communauté This tile could be occupied by a means of a magic portal (see Ext. 3 – Princesse et Dragon Ext. 3 – Princesse et Dragon), a flying machine (see Mini n°1 – Les Aéronefs Mini n°1 – Les Aéronefs) or a crop circle (see Les Agroglyphes Les Agroglyphes). There is no rule that forbids it once the source has become inactive.