The Tunnel (1st edition)

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Tunnel C1 Tile 3.jpg You are reading the rules for this tile design.
This expansion was not published in other editions.
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Spielbox Tunnel.png
Spielbox Issue 6 2009

General info and comments

Expansion symbol

Originally released in Spielbox in 2009. [1]


  • 4 land tiles
  • 12 tunnel tokens, two tokens in six colors
Tunnel token



The four land tiles are mixed with those of the basic game. Every player receives the tunnel tokens corresponding to his or her color. In games of two, each player may use three sets of tokens; in games with three players, each may use two sets. [2]

All the rules of the basic game apply, with the following additions.

Playing the Game

Claim tunnels with tokens

During his or her turn, [3] a player may place one of his or her tunnel tokens on any currently unclaimed [4] tunnel opening, including on the land tile which has just been placed. Independent of this, the rules for deploying a follower remain the same. [5]

When is an underground tunnel finished?

As long as there is no tunnel token claiming a tunnel opening, the road leading to it is "broken off," without being complete. [6] The road remains incomplete even when a tunnel token is placed on the tile. Only when the second tunnel token of the same color is placed on another unclaimed tunnel opening (which may or may not be on the same tile) are the tunnel "entrance" and "exit" defined, and the tunnel finished. [7] The road then runs underground through the tunnel, but is not completed at the tunnel exit. The road is completed in the usual way, such as by reaching a crossing.

The color of the tunnel tokens is only important for linking two tunnel openings. Indeed, the tunnel is built for everyone; for example, a thief of another color can score a road which goes through a finished tunnel. In extreme cases, a road may lead underground several times in a row. [8]


Only the visible segments of a completed road are scored. [9] [10]

Example: The following sequence would score 6 points (or 12 with an inn):
  1. Tile with a road leading from a city gate
  2. Tile with a curved road
  3. Tile with a tunnel portal
  4. Tile with a tunnel exit
  5. Tile with a straight road
  6. Tile with a crossing

After scoring, the tunnel tokens remain where they are, so that at most five tunnels (or six with tunnels from other expansions) can be built.

Additional Clarifications

Take care with the tiles shown beneath. [11]

Tunnel C1 Tile 1.jpg This tile has 2 two field segments (top half, bottom half).
Tunnel C1 Tile 2.jpg This tile has 3 field segments (top half, bottom left, bottom right).
Tunnel C1 Tile 3.jpg This tile has 2 fields (bottom right, the remaining 3/4 of the tile).
Tunnel C1 Tile 4.jpg This tile has 3 fields (top half, bottom left, bottom right) - the road ending at a group of houses does not split the field segment at the top. The "field" on the top right and top left do connect.

Variant.png Variants

Players may use tunnels in a cutthroat way to make a road impossible to complete and trap all the followers on it for the rest of the game: a player may lead to this situation by claiming a tunnel opening with a token and never placing the second token. This possibility has generated much debate.

In order to mitigate this situation, some variants have been suggested: [12]

  • You are only allowed to place a tunnel token on a tunnel opening if at least 1 of your followers is placed on the road connected to that tunnel. (Thanks to Player77)
  • The affected player is allowed to steal the 2nd tunnel token and place it immediately during their turn, if the token's owner did not use at least one opportunity to place it. (Thanks to Christwart Conrand, creator of the expansion)
  • Both tunnel tokens must be placed at the same time when road with a tunnel is occupied by a player. Moreover, tunnel tokens should not be player-specific. (Thanks to Whaleyland)
  • Players cannot use a tunnel token to block an opponent's follower. (Thanks to corinthiens13)

Other Expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

Tunnels in other expansions

Interpretation from the Community Tiles from other expansions, such as Exp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon Exp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon and Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor which also depict tunnels, can also be used with the rules for the Spielbox tunnel expansion; as such, the openings can be claimed with tokens. In this case the road leading through the tunnel does not count as continuous, contrary to the stated rules.
Tile from The Princess & the Dragon showing a tunnel
Tile from Abbey & Mayor showing a tunnel

Exp. 6 - Count, King & RobberExp. 6 - Count, King & Robber

Interpretation from the Community A player will get the Robber Baron tile if he or she places a tunnel token that completes the longest road at that moment in the game.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: There are two long independent roads connected via a tunnel marked with same color tunnel tokens. At that moment, the road becomes the longest road. Who gets the Robber Baron tile: the player who laid the last tunnel token or the player who placed the last tile considering both roads, including the tunnel tiles?

Answer: In this case, the player who placed the last tunnel token will get the Robber Baron tile, not the player who placed the last tile of the combined road.

Tile distribution

Total tiles: 4
Tunnel C1 Tile 1.jpg ×1
Tunnel C1 Tile 2.jpg ×1
Tunnel C1 Tile 3.jpg ×1
Tunnel C1 Tile 4.jpg ×1
Total tokens: 12


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers For The Tunnel we have three sets of rules to draw on: those originally published in Spielbox; a set on Hans im Glück’s website; and, based on that, an English translation on the Spielbox website. We have used those of Hans im Glück as a basis for this section, although we will point out any differences between versions as necessary.
  2. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The rules published in Spielbox say that in games of two, each may take two sets of chips.
  3. Interpretation from the Community A specific time during the turn is not stated, indicating that the token can be placed at any time during the turn. (10/2014)
  4. Interpretation from the Community The rules say "unoccupied", but we feel it is worth making a distinction between occupying (with a meeple) and claiming (with a token).
  5. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This last sentence does not occur in the published Spielbox; it clarifies that a player may both deploy a follower and place a tunnel token in the same turn.
  6. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This and the next section are greatly revised from the rules published in Spielbox, clarifying a number of issues.
  7. Interpretation from the Community The rules only mention that the tunnel entrance and exit are "defined" but we feel it is worth making a distinction between a road being completed, and a tunnel being finished. The Spielbox English translation does not, and is potentially confusing.
  8. Interpretation from the Community The Spielbox English rules add that a road may "[pass] behind other roads underground." We are inclined to think that this is a mistranslation of "hintereinander," or "in a row."
  9. Interpretation from the Community It would seem logical that if the "entrance" and "exit" of a tunnel are on the same tile, they should only count as a single point for scoring, just as two segments of a city on a single tile only count as 1 tile for scoring purposes.
  10. Interpretation from the Community Although not specifically stated, the finished road with tunnel tokens is scored during the normal scoring phase, as the rules do not indicate anything to the contrary. (10/2014)
  11. Official clarification from the publisher This clarification was confirmed by Christwart Conrad, the author of the expansion. He confirmed the RRRR tile has 3 field segments.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: We would like to verify if the road ending at the group of houses splits the field at the top or not. In other words, does this tile have 3 or 4 fields?

    Answer: This tile has 3 fields. (8/2021)

    Tunnel C1 Tile 4.jpg

    He also provided a link to BGG discussing the fields on the four tiles.

  12. Interpretation from the Community The first two variants were discussed on two consecutive posts available on BGG:
    The remaining variants where discussed on several posts on Carcassonne Central (replies #2 and #10):