Bridges, Castles and Bazaars

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Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Box Cover.png

General info and comments

Bridges, Castles and Bazaars (originally Brücken, Burgen und Basare) was released for the New Edition by Hans im Glück in 2017. It is an update of the first edition released in 2010.

This is the eighth major expansion for Carcassonne and introduces some new aspects to the game. Travelling traders arrive in the land and organize bazaars, in which haggling is considered an art. At the same time, engineers are expanding the road network with modern bridges, and small castles are being built everywhere to defend the region.

New features/things are:

  • Bridges
  • Castles
  • Bazaars

A Carcassonne expansion is not really a Carcassonne expansion when there are no new tiles, so in the box you also find 18 tiles that represent city segments, road segments and cloisters in new configurations plus the addition of bazaars which will help create much more than a beautiful landscape.


  • 12 new land tiles including 8 with a bazaar
  • 12 castle token
  • 12 wooden bridges
Wooden bridge



Shuffle the new land tiles with those of the base game and stack them facedown as a general supply within easy reach of all players.

Then, give each player a number of bridges and castles:

  • When playing with 2, 3, or 4 players, give each player 3 bridges and 3 castles.
  • When playing with 5 or 6 players, give each player 2 bridges and 2 castles.

The twelve new land tiles should be mixed with those of the basic game. Over the course of play they will be drawn and placed according to the usual rules.



1. Placing a tile

Just like in the base game, you must place tiles so that its edges match the edges of the tiles already in play. After placing a tile, you may [1] place a bridge, which counts as a road and connects roads over features or meeples on that tile. [2]

Example 1: Placing a bridge.

You can place one bridge on the tile you just placed, or on a tile touching the tile you just placed. When placing a bridge, you must place both ends in a field, and it must be placed facing either left-to-right or up-to-down (it cannot be placed diagonally across the tile). Once placed, a bridge remains on that tile until the end of the game.

You can place a tile so that a road ends against a field, but you must place a bridge that continues the road on that same turn. You can use multiple bridges in a row along the same road, but each tile can have a maximum of only one bridge on it. [3] Bridges can be placed on tiles with meeples on them.

Example 2 - Place a bridge on the tile you placed: You (the Red player) placed a tile to expand the city. The tile you placed does not have a road on it, so you can place one of your bridges on it to continue the road.
Example 3 - Place a bridge on a tile adjacent to the tile you placed: You place a tile. You placed a bridge on an adjacent tile to continue the road.
Example 4: You cannot place a bridge on this tile, because both ends would not be on a field.
Example 5: Two bridges built in a row, one going over a monastery with a monk in it.

2. Placing a meeple

After placing a tile, you can place a Meeple normally. If you build a bridge on the tile you just placed, you can place your meeple (or another figure) on the bridge as if it were a road.

3. Scoring a feature

Bridges are scored like tiles with a road on them. [4]

Bridges do not separate cities or fields.

Example 6: You placed a tile to complete this road, and score 6 points.


3. Close a small city and place a castle

When you place a tile that completes a small city (a city consisting of only 2 tiles [5]), if a player has a meeple occupying that city, he or she chooses to either score 4 points as normal, or to place a castle on that small city instead. [6]

When you place a castle, cover the small city that was just completed with a castle from your supply.

Once placed, a castle remains on that tile until the end of the game. [7]

Example 1: You placed a tile to close the small city, and placed your meeple on it. Instead of scoring 4 points, you placed a castle.

3. Scoring a castle

Placing a castle does not score you any points. Instead, you score points when a neigboring feature is completed. [8] A feature is considered neigboring if it is on either one of the 2 tiles containing your castle, the 2 tiles to the right, or the 2 tiles to the left.

Only part of the completed feature needs to be on a neighboring tile for you to score points for it. Both you and the player who would normally score points for that feature score its full points. [9] Once you score points for a neighboring feature, your meeple is returned to your supply, but your castle remains on its place until the end of the game.

Example 2: The tiles and spaces numbered 1 to 6 are neighboring your castle. You can score points when the following features are completed:
  • The monastery on 1
  • The road to 1
  • The top city on 3
  • The right city on 6
(The small city on 3 and 6 was scored before your castle was placed, and you cannot score points from it any more.)

The following rules apply to castles:

  • You must score points for the first feature completed on a tile neighboring your castle. You cannot forego scoring to leave your meeple for a later feature.
  • Even if the first completed feature does not contain a meeple, you still score points from it if it is neighboring your castle. [10]
  • If you control both a castle and the next completed neighboring feature, you score its points twice (once for the feature and once for the castle.)
  • A monastery is only neighboring a castle if the tile with the monastery on it is in one of the 6 neighboring spaces.
  • If a tile is placed that causes multiple features that are neighboring your castle to be completed at the same time, you decide what order they are scored. As always, you only score points for the first feature.
  • If a castle is scored while neighboring your castle, your castle is also scored. All castles involved in such a scoring score points from the initial completed neighboring feature.
  • Castles separate fields, just like roads or cities.
Example 3: The Blue player completes the city and scores 16 points. Because part of the city is neighboring your castle and is the first completed neighboring feature, you also score 16 points.
Final scoring

At the end of the game, an unscored castle is worth no points. When determining the value of a field, castles are worth 4 points (instead of 3.)


When you draw a tile with a bazaar on it, do the steps: 1. Place a tile, 2. Place a meeple and 3. Score a feature normally. You cannot place a meeple on the bazaar. [11]


Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.


  • Exp. 4 - The Tower: You can place a bridge and a tower on the same tile. If necessary, adjust the tower's position to make room for the bridge.
  • Exp. 10 - Under the Big Top: You can place a bridge over the campground. You can only place a bridge on the acrobat tile if there is no acrobat on that tile.


  • Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon: The dragon cannot eat meeples in the castle. You can place the fairy with a meeple in the castle and score the usual fairy points. [12]
  • Exp. 4 - The Tower: A tower cannot capture any meeples in the castle.
  • Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor: When scoring a field, whether for farmers or barns, a castle is worth 1 point more than a completed city.
  • Exp. 10 - Under the Big Top: When scoring a circus, your meeple in the castle scores points if part of the castle lies within the circus' surroundings. For the purpose of scoring the castle, acrobat pyramids do not count as completed features.
  • River II - River II: The pig-herd tile provides one more point for castles in the field.
  • Besiegers - Cathars - Siege: A city under siege (or under attack from Cathars) can be converted to a castle, and it is handled as a normal castle. The siege or Cathar attack is ignored after conversion to a castle.
  • The Wheel of Fortune: Castles do count for scoring of the Famine sector of , as this is effectively a scoring of farms. Followers from the City of Carcassonne cannot move to a castle.
  • The Plague: Meeples in castles are safe from the plague, as it affects the tile directly, and castles are not present on a specific tile.


  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: If you place a bazaar tile and it expands [13] [14] a road or city containing your builder, complete the bazaar auction before beginning your double turn.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: What is the order of events if the bazaar tile extends a feature with a builder?

Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Bazaar QA.png

If you draw a bazaar tile and can perform your builder-turn, first take the appropriate number of face-down tiles and perform the bazaar and the auction. Then a new round with a special property starts – each player has an open and known tile instead of drawing an unknown tile, and you cannot place your abbey as your first tile. If you placed your auctioned tile and you can perform a builder-turn, you can choose to place your abbey or draw a new unknown tile. If any player draws a new bazaar tile [for his or her builder-turn], it will be ignored until the last player who has an auctioned tile finishes his turn (including his builder-turn, if possible). Any pending delayed bazaars will take place now in turn. Once the bazaar rounds are finished, you perform your builder-turn.

In other words:

  • Draw bazaar and perform first part of your double turn.
  • ** // Start pending bazaars // **
  • Draw the tiles (still face-down)
  • Turn tiles face-up and perform the auction
  • ( Start delaying any new bazaars )
    • 1st Player with auctioned tile
    • 1st player’s builder-turn, if applicable
    • Next player with auctioned tile
    • Next player’s builder-turn, if applicable
    • ...
    • Last player with auctioned tile
    • Last player’s builder-turn, if applicable
  • ( Stop delaying any new bazaars )
  • Player who drew and placed a new bazaar in his/her builder turn (pending delayed bazaar)
  • ** Back to // Start pending bazaars // until no pending delayed bazaars **
  • Perform your builder-turn (second part of your double turn)

  • Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon: If you place a dragon tile during a bazaar auction, the dragon moves immediately before continuing the bazaar auction.

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 12

Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile A.jpg  x1  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile B.jpg  x1  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile D.jpg  x2  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile E.jpg  x2 *
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile F.jpg  x1  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile G.jpg  x1  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile H.jpg  x1  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile J.jpg  x2 *
Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile K.jpg  x1  

Note: the tile distribution differs from the one included 1st. Edition of this expansion. The 1st. Edition included 1 tile of those marked with *, and included two tiles removed from the New Edition:

Bridges Castles Bazaars C1 Tile 06.jpg x1  
Bridges Castles Bazaars C1 Tile 10.jpg x1  

Total castle tokens: 12

Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Token Castle.png x12


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher Note the use of the word "may" in the statement. A player is not required to use a bridge to place a tile, even if that tile would otherwise have to be discarded. The player has the choice to use the bridge to place the tile or just discard the tile. (10/2014)
  2. Official clarification from the publisher As with normal roads, each end of the bridge must continue a road segment (or bridge) already in play or must be adjacent to an empty place for a tile. (12/2014)
  3. Official clarification from the publisher One tile cannot have 2 bridges running perpendicular to each other. The rules state that the bridge must lie on a field, and if bridges are stacked, one end of the top bridge will not touch the field.
  4. Interpretation from the Community As the bridge is counted just like a printed road segment, any completed road that includes a bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile still only scores 1 point for the tile. (2/2014)
  5. Official clarification from the publisher This includes small cities which do not consist only of two semi-circular segments, such as might be constructed using the CFFF tile with a triangular city segment.
    Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The HiG rules for the 1st. Edition, however, state that a small city consisting of "two semi-circular city segments" would qualify for castle placement, which would not allow to use of the triangular city segment.
  6. Official clarification from the publisher When converting to a castle, it does not matter whether the small city was already occupied by a meeple in the first half of the city, or by the active player deploying a meeple to the second half during his or her turn.
  7. Official clarification from the publisher The castle is considered incomplete at this point.
  8. Official clarification from the publisher The castle is considered completed at this point.
  9. Interpretation from the Community This is after any bonuses or penalties (such as the Cathedral or Witch) are accounted for. (4/2014)
  10. Interpretation from the Community Note that this statement essentially indicates that points are tallied for all completed features, even unoccupied ones. However, generally nobody scores (receives those points) for an unoccupied feature. (2/2015)
  11. Official clarification from the publisher If the tile cannot be placed and is discarded, the bazaar will not occur. (10/2014)
  12. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers In the latest 1st. Edition clarifications, the fairy wasn't allowed to be placed on a castle, though it was previously allowed in the Big Box 3 rules.
  13. Interpretation from the Community The ZMG rules use the verb "complete" but the original German HiG rules use "expand" instead, that is the intended meaning.
  14. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers There is another version of this rule that states that you perform your builder-turn before the bazaar. This discrepancy (originated from the mistranslation of a clarification from 5/2013) was considered a valid alternative by HiG as it doesn't change the game much. The rationale behind the original rule is that the bazaar is an action derived from the tile placed in the first part of the double turn, so it should be resolved before the builder-turn is carried out. (08/2016)
    Interpretation from the Community This variant, described in the CAR and implemented by Digital Versions as of 12/2018, may seem more intuitive to some players. It considers the events in the following order:
    • Draw bazaar and perform first part of your double turn.
    • ** // Start pending bazaars // **
    • Draw the tiles (still face-down)
    • ( Start delaying any new bazaars )
    • Perform your builder-turn (second part of your double turn)
    • Turn tiles face-up and perform the auction
      • 1st Player with auctioned tile
      • 1st player’s builder-turn, if applicable
      • Next player with auctioned tile
      • Next player’s builder-turn, if applicable
      • ...
      • Last player with auctioned tile
      • Last player’s builder-turn, if applicable
    • ( Stop delaying any new bazaars )
    • Player who drew and placed a new bazaar in his/her builder turn (pending delayed bazaar)
    • ** Back to // Start pending bazaars // until no pending delayed bazaars **