Kacíři a kultovní místa (původní edice)

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Carcassonne Kacíři a kultovní místa (původní edice) - Wiki stránka s komentovanými pravidly v češtině

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Count Cult C1-02.png Na této stránce najdete pravidla pro takto ilustrované kartičky.
Heretics C2 Tile C.jpgPokud se vaše kartičky podobají těmto, přejděte na tato pravidla:
Král, hrabě a řeka Král, hrabě a řeka
Pokud grafika na vašich kartičkách vypadá úplně jinak, bude mít jinou spin-off hru Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png


Symbol Shrine.png
WICA symbol rozšíření

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nedokončený překlad!

Následující česká pravidla pro rozšíření Kacíři a kultovní místa Kacíři a kultovní místa byly vydány v edici C1. Nejnovější pravidla publikovalo roku 2007 jako součást samostatného rozšíření. Na této stránce je uveden jejich přepis s korekčními úpravami popsanými na souhrnné stránce: Poznámky k českému překladu Poznámky k českému překladu.

Více informací o samotném rozšíření naleznete v Carcapedii Carcassonne CZ fóra (pro zobrazení obsahu se prosím zaregistrujte).

Herní materiál


Příprava hry  

The new land tiles should be mixed in with the other tiles. This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game.

Placing a tile

Shrines are placed and scored in the same way as a cloister. [1] However, a shrine may not be placed in such a way that it adjoins several cloisters. [2] Similarly, a cloister may not be placed so that it neighbors several shrines. [3] [4] [5]

Deploying a follower

A follower deployed to a shrine is called a heretic. If a player places a shrine directly (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) next to the cloister [6] of another player [7] and deploys a heretic to it, a challenge is laid down to the monk. [8] The same is true when a monk is deployed to a cloister directly next to a heretic. [9] Challenging your own monk or heretic is also possible. [10] [11] [12]

When a player places a shrine tile, he or she may, as usual, choose to deploy a follower to the farm, road, or city segment of the tile, instead of to the shrine itself. [13]


When you complete one or more features (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) by placing a Shrine land tile, it is scored according to the normal rules.

The challenge

The challenge is about who can finish his or her building first. [14] [15]

The player who finishes his or her feature first scores 9 points, [16] while the other player scores nothing. [17] [18] [19] Both followers are then returned to their owners. [20] [21]

Final Scoring

If a challenge has not been resolved by the end of the game, both players receive the usual points awarded for incomplete cloisters.

Domácí pravidla  

  • To raise the stakes of a challenge between shrines and cloisters, and to make it more worthwhile to risk the chance of getting no points, the winning challenger receives the points for both structures while the loser still receives nothing. If promoting more aggressive play, the challenger could be the only one playing for the reward. (Thanks to youtch and others; thanks to RationalLemming, and to avt104981 for pointing out that this can’t result in 18 points)

Seznam kartiček

Král, hrabě a řeka varianta  

Celkem kartiček: 5
Count Cult C1-01.png 1×
Count Cult C1-02.png 1×
Count Cult C1-03.png 1×
Count Cult C1-04.png 1×
Count Cult C1-05.png 1×
  •  - označuje kartičky s novou ilustrací tohoto rozšíření: Feat Cult C1.png | kultovní místo

Kultovní místa, obléhání a tvořivost varianta  

Celkem kartiček: 6
Count CultSiege C1-01.png 1×
Count CultSiege C1-02.png 1×
Count CultSiege C1-03.png 1×
Count CultSiege C1-04.png 1×
Count CultSiege C1-05.png 1×
Count CultSiege C1-06.png 1×
  •  - označuje kartičky s novou ilustrací tohoto rozšíření: Feat Cult C1.png | kultovní místo

Spielbox varianta  

Celkem kartiček: 5
Count CultSB C1-01.png 1×
Count CultSB C1-02.png 1×
Count CultSB C1-03.png 1×
Count CultSB C1-04.png 1×
Count CultSB C1-05.png 1×
  •  - označuje kartičky s novou ilustrací tohoto rozšíření: Feat Cult C1.png | kultovní místo

Poznámky pod čarou

Vysvětlení ikonek najdete na této stránce.

  1. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství A knight in a besieged city from Kataři Kataři can escape via a shrine, as with a cloister. The shrines are, for the most part, identical to cloisters. That goes for escape as well.
  2. Výklad pravidel komunitou In other words, a shrine cannot adjoin more than one cloister, and vice versa.
  3. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: Can I place a shrine in such a way that it forces a cloister to neighbor several shrines? What effect does that have? Answer: It leads to enormous problems when multiple cloisters and shrines neighbor each other. [In other words, no, you can’t place a shrine in that way—ed.]
  4. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The rules that restrict the placement of cloisters next to already placed shrines also restrict the placement of abbeys.
  5. Domácí pravidla nebo varianty Because the problems arise when there are multiple simultaneous challenges, one could allow placement of further shrines or cloisters into the area as long as no followers are placed on those cloisters/shrines (i.e. there are no further challenges).
  6. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství A shrine can challenge an abbey, and vice versa, because the abbey is also a cloister.
  7. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The RGG edition of Count, King & Robber changes this to “When a heretic is placed on a shrine adjacent (orthogonally or diagonally) to an occupied monastery, a challenge occurs.” Because the part about “another player,” was removed, the final sentence in this paragraph regarding one’s own monk/heretic became unnecessary and was also removed. (12/2013)
  8. Výklad pravidel komunitou When playing with Německý klášter, Holandsko-belgický klášter, an abbot cannot be involved in a challenge with a heretic on a shrine/cult place, as the two scoring mechanisms are entirely different (the abbot’s monastery is never completed, so the heretic would always win). (5/2014)
  9. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The RGG edition of Big Box 2 Big Box 2 adds, ‘That is, the monk must challenge the heretic.’
  10. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími This sentence is omitted in the RGG version.
  11. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství A magic portal also allows you to trigger a challenge on shrines, as these are areas of the landscape and tiles that were placed by the players during the game and on which a follower could also have been placed normally.
  12. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The fairy can be assigned to a heretic.
  13. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The RGG version adds that a player may also “choose to place no follower at all on the tile.”
  14. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství If the tile placed completes both the shrine and the cloister, no one completed the building first, and both receive the points.
  15. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: Imagine I have an unoccupied cloister next to an occupied shrine. I place a tile with a magic portal which completes both buildings, and choose to use the magic portal to deploy a monk to the cloister. Does this declare a challenge, and if so, who wins? Answer: This is actually an invalid placement of the follower – the magic portal cannot be used to place a follower on a completed feature (and the cloister is considered completed before the move wood phase). Thus, there can be no challenge, and the heretic gets 9 points. (updated 7/2014)
  16. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The RGG edition adds a clarification here: “Once a challenge has been declared, the player (of those two involved in the challenge) who first completes his cult place or cloister scores 9 points as normal.”
  17. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: If the fairy is on the same tile as the losing heretic or monk in a challenge, does the player still score the bonus 3 points? Answer: When a challenge is resolved (that is, when someone has won), both followers are returned to the player, so no one stands next to the fairy. [At the point that a challenge is resolved and one participant “scores” zero, the building that participant is in will be incomplete. Therefore, strictly speaking, that participant does not actually take part in “scoring”—say, in the way that a player without the majority in a city does—and so does not score the bonus points —ed.]
  18. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: Say I have a heretic engaged in a challenge with another player's monk, and I place the tile which completes the monk's cloister, so that the monk scores 9 points and I score 0. Can I still move a follower to Carcassonne in this case? Answer: Yes, triggered scoring, received no points: conditions fulfilled.
  19. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství During a challenge, if a feature is completed, but the corresponding follower is removed by the dragon, there is no evaluation for the cloister or shrine. With the "disappearance" of the monk or heretic, the challenge ends and the other remains on the landscape until his monastery or shrine is closed or removed from the landscape.
  20. Výklad pravidel komunitou A wagon on the feature losing a challenge cannot move to an adjacent feature. The wagon is directly removed without scoring, since the feature where it is placed is uncompleted when the challenge is resolved.
  21. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství When a challenge is resolved, both the monk and heretic are removed from play. If that leaves one of the buildings incomplete, it can be reoccupied by using a magic portal or a follower from Carcassonne.