Games Quarterly 11 (1ª edición)

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Información general

La expansión Games Quarterly #11 originalmente fue lanzada por la revista Games Quarterly en el año Template:Year es en su número 11. [1]

Como se anunció en su momento, la expansión GQ11 contiene "configuraciones de losetas nunca antes vistas", con la excepción de la loseta con un río y dos segmentos de ciudad, que anteriormente estaba disponible en The River. La mayoría de estas "nuevas configuraciones" son bastante triviales, como la retirada de un escudo o un símbolo de producto comercial, o una loseta espejo-reverso de otra. Sin embargo, dos de las losetas merecen más comentarios.

The spring tile is obviously intended as a replacement for those included in The River and The River II. One of the common criticisms of those two expansions is that they lead to larger farms, and part of the reason is the farm goes all the way around the spring, officially at least. [2] However, the spring tile included here has a road leading away from the spring, and so divides the farm. [3]

No matter how many spring tiles you have you should still only use one to form a single river. [4]

It should be noted that, officially, the FFFF tile is not a pig-herd tile (see The River II for more details). This has been confirmed by Jay Tummelson of Rio Grande Games, the producer of this expansion. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] It may be possible to use the tile as if it were a pig-herd tile, but this would be a house rule, rather than an official rule.


  • 12 new land tiles including 1 spring tile.

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 12

GC11 C1 Tile 01.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 02.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 03.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 04.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 05.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 06.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 07.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 08.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 09.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 10.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 11.jpg x1
GC11 C1 Tile 12.jpg x1


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Interpretación proporcionada por la Comunidad La expansión original GQ11 no contiene ningún reglamento.
  2. Clarificación oficial del editor See notes in The River and The River II.
  3. Interpretación proporcionada por la Comunidad The road ends in what looks like an inn; however, there is no lake, so it does not fulfil the requirements of Inns and Cathedrals for scoring points.
  4. Clarificación oficial del editor Question: When the two River sets (The River and The River II) are combined, should we make two rivers (using the two springs) or discard one spring and one lake and make just one river? Answer: One spring and one lake are discarded.
  5. Clarificación oficial del editor Question: Do you have an official ruling? I understand from Hans im Glück that these are your tiles rather than theirs, so I guess you are the final arbiter! Answer: Yes, I am—and this is just a field —no special points for the pigs and cows in it—sorry.
  6. Regla de la casa o variante habitual The FFFF tile with a pig herd can be counted as a pig-herd tile (i.e. providing a bonus point per city) for the purposes of scoring farms. It could be counted as such even when not playing with the pig piece (Traders and Builders).
  7. Interpretación proporcionada por la Comunidad There are no official rules for using two pig-herd tiles, as there are no rules for using two copies of The River II, and the similar GQ11 tile is not officially a pig-herd tile. However, if one farm has multiple pig-herd tiles, it seems that they should not stack; in other words, the bonus should only be awarded once, in keeping with other landscape bonuses such as Inns and Cathedrals.
  8. Clarificación oficial del editor Question: Does the pig-herd tile still score an extra point when there is a barn on the farm (barn = 4 points, barn+pig-herd = 5 points per city)? Answer: The pig-herd tile only counts in connection with farmers, not the barn.
  9. Regla de la casa o variante habitual The pig-herd tile can score an extra point per city when there is a barn on the farm.