Schapen en Heuvels

Revision as of 21:19, 3 June 2020 by Kiap1969 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Hills_And_Sheep_C2_Shepherd_Example_03.png|frame|none|De {{ColorBlue|blauwe}} speler en {{ColorRed|jij}} hebben allebeid een herder op de weide. De twee kuddes bestaan...")
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Hills And Sheep C2 Box Cover.png

General info and comments

De nieuwe editie van Schapen en Heuvels werd in Template:Year nl uitgegeven door Hans im Glück.

Dit is de negende grote uitbreiding voor het basisspel en introduceert een aantal nieuwe aspecten in het spel.

De herders op de weiden rondom Carcassonne wachten geduldig tot hun kudde schapen zich verzamelt. Ze moeten alleen wel uitkijken dat er geen wolf opduikt voordat ze hun kudde veilig naar de stal hebben gedreven. Vanaf de heuvels kun je de controle krijgen over wat eerst verloren leek. En verder is menig monnik maar wat blij met een wijngaard in de directe omgeving van zijn klooster.


  • 18 landtegels
  • 18 schaaps- en wolfsfiches (4x 1 schaap, 5x 2 schapen, 5x 3 schapen, 2x 4 schapen, 2x wolf)
Schaaps- en wolfsfiches
  • 1 buidel
Buidel voor de fiches
  • 6 herders in 6 kleuren
File:Shepards C2.png



Doe alle schaaps- en wolfsfiches in de buidel. Geef elke speler (inclusief jezelf) de herder in zijn kleur. Schud de nieuwe landtegels door de andere landtegels.

Met uitzondering van de nieuwe spelregels die bij deze uitbreiding van toepassing zijn, blijven de basisspelregels van Carcassonne ongewijzigd van kracht.

Herders, schapen en wolven

2. Een herder zetten

Na het aanleggen van een tegel met een weide, mag je kiezen of je zoals gebruikelijk een meeple zetten of je herder op de weide zetten. Zet je je herder, dan trek je direct een fiche uit de buidel.

Voorbeeld 1: Een herder op een zojuist gelegde tegel zetten
Voorbeeld 2: Een fiche uit de buidel trekken

Is het een schaapsfiche, dan leg je die bij je herder op de weide.

Is het een wolfsfiche, dan doe je die terug in de buidel en neem je je herder terug in voorraad.

Je mag je herder ook in een weide met een boer zetten (en omgekeerd), maar niet in een weide met een andere herder. De herder is een speciaal speelstuk, geen meeple.

Tijdens het spel heeft de herder de volgende functie:

1. Landtegel leggen

Als jij een tegel legt waardoor je de weide van je herder vergroot, voer je eerst zoals gebruikelijk de actie 2. Een meeple zetten uit. Vervolgens mag je één van de volgende twee acties uitvoeren:

  • Kudde uitbreiden (fiche uit de buidel trekken)


  • Kudde naar de stal drijven (schapen tellen)

Kudde uitbreiden

Trek een fiche uit de buidel:

File:Hills And Sheep C2 Token 3.png 1. Als het een schaapsfiche is, wordt je kudde groter. Leg het schaapsfiche bij de andere schaapsfiches bij je herder.
File:Hills And Sheep C2 Token W.png 2. Als het een wolfsfiche is, wordt je kudde uiteengejaagd. Doe alle schaapsfiches die bij je herder op de weide lagen terug in de buidel en neem je herder terug in voorraad.

Kudde naar de stal drijven

Tel van elk schaapsfiche op de weide met jouw herder het aantal schapen wat op het fiche staat. Dit is het aantal punten wat je krijgt. Doe vervolgens de schaapsfiches terug in de buidel en neem je herder terug in voorraad.

Meerdere herders op en weide

Als losse weiden met herders later in het spel worden verbonden, kunnen er meerdere herders op een weide staan. Iedere speler die een herder op die weide heeft mag zoals gebruikelijk de kudde uitbreiden of de kudde naar de stal drijven, maar deze acties worden anders afgehandeld:

  • Wordt er een schaapsfiche getrokken, dan wordt dat fiche zoals gebruikelijk neergelegd. Wordt er een wolfsfiche getrokken, dan gaan alle schaapsfiches van die weide terug naar de buidel en nemen de betrokken spelers hun herder terug in voorraad.
  • Leidt een speler de kudde naar de stal, dan worden de schapen op alle schaapsfiches op de weide geteld en de fiches gaan terug naar de buidel. Iedere speler met een herder op die weide krijgt de betreffende punten.
De blauwe speler en jij hebben allebeid een herder op de weide. De twee kuddes bestaan uit 4 schaapsfiches met in totaal 8 schapen. In jouw beurt, breid jij de weide uit en kiest ervoor de schapen te tellen. Zowel jij als blauw krijgen 8 punten. Je doet alle schaapsfiches terug in de buidel.
Had je ervoor gekozen de kudde uit te breiden en een wolfsfiche getrokken, hadden alle herders teruggenomen moeten worden en alle schaapfiches van de weide waren teruggegaan naar de buidel, en had niemand punten gekregen.

Normally to score points for your sheep, you must use the Guide the flock to the stable action.

Exception: If any player completes a field with shepherds and sheep by fully surrounding it by roads and cities, immediately resolve the Guide the flock to the stable action for that field. [1] [2]

You place a tile. You choose not to place a meeple, but you grow your flock. Then, since the tile completed the field, you immediately guide the flock to the stable and score 7 points.

3. Scoring a feature

The shepherd does not score for any other features and is not affected by any other scoring.

Final Scoring

If your shepherd and sheep are in a field at the end of the game, you do not score any points for them.


1. Placing a tile

If you draw a tile with a hill, immediately take another facedown tile and place it under the hill tile. Do not look at the second tile! Place the hill tile using normal placement rules but keep the facedown tile under it. [3]

Example 1: Placing a tile with a hill

2. Placing a meeple

After placing the hill tile, you may place a meeple on the tile as normal (on one of the features: road, city, field). You cannot place a meeple directly on the hill itself.

3. Scoring a hill

If you have a meeple on a feature of a hill tile, ties for scoring that feature are broken in your favor. When a feature is scored (road, city, and field), if players are tied for most meeples, check to see if any part of that feature appears on a hill tile. If it does, and if one of the tied players has a meeple on that feature of the hill tile, that player breaks the tie and is the only player who scores points for that feature. Unlike ties without hills, other tied players do not score any points. [4] [5]

Having a meeple on a hill only affects ties when scoring a feature. If there is not a tie, the hill provides no additional effect. After a feature is scored, a meeple on a hill tile is returned to its owner's supply as normal.

Example 2: The blue player and you each have a knight in a city when it is scored. Your knight is on a hill, so you win the tie, scoring 12 points. Blue scores no points.
Final Scoring

Meeples on hill tiles break ties and score points as normal during final scoring (including farmers).


1. Placing a tile

You place a tile with a vineyard as normal.

2. Placing a meeple

After placing the vineyard tile, you may place a meeple on the tile as normal, but you cannot place the meeple directly on the vineyard itself.

3. Scoring a vineyard

When completing and scoring a monastery, the player who scores points for the monastery scores 3 additional points for each vineyard on one of the 8 surrounding tiles. A single vineyard can score additional points for multiple monasteries.

Example 1: Your monastery is being scored. There are 3 vineyards in the tiles surrounding the monastery. You score 18 points (9 + 3 + 3 + 3) . If the blue player's monastery is completed later in the game, it will also benefit from the vineyard above it, scoring an additional 3 points.
Final Scoring

During final scoring, an incomplete monastery does not score additional points for the surrounding vineyards. [6]

New land tiles

  The fields on either side of the two city segments are not connected.
  The road from the top and bottom both end at the small house.

  This tile has two seperate city segments. If you place a tile with one city segment to the right of it, the city segments become connected.
Example: The tile to the right connects the two previously separated city segments from the tile to the left.
Note: If you place these two tiles next to each other as shown, all of the separate city segments are connected. (The segments of the two tiles are intentionally offset.)

  This tile has two separate field segments. If you place a tile with one field segment to the right of it, the field segments become connected.
Example: The tile to the right connects the two previously separated field segments from the tile to the left.
Note: If you place these two tiles next to each other as shown, the two city segments are not connected. The top and bottom fields are also not connected.

Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

Shepherds, sheep and wolves

  • Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon: The dragon will eat only the shepherd (and that shepherd's flock) on its tile. It will not eat other shepherds from the same field unless it moves onto the corresponding tile. The shepherd is not a meeple, so the fairy cannot be assigned to it.
  • Exp. 4 - The Tower: You cannot capture a shepherd with a tower.


  • Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor: You cannot place an abbey tile under a hill tile. A hill can be part of the tile junction that the barn is placed on, but there is no additional effect.
  • Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber: You may deploy a meeple from from the city of Carcassonne on a hill tile with a feature about to be evaluated. [7] If you do, you gain the benefit of the hill.
  • Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles and Bazaars: You can place a bridge on a hill tile. You can place a castle (even partially) on a hill tile. If you take a hill tile during a bazaar auction, do not take the facedown tile (to put under the hill) until it is your turn to place the hill tile.


  • Base game - The Abbot: Your abbot can score additional points for vineyards only if the monastery is scored when completed. If you return the abbot before then, you do not score the additional points. [8] [9] If the abbot is placed on a garden, you do not score additional points for vineyards.
  • Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor: Abbeys can score additional points for vineyards.
  • Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber: Shrines can score additional points for vineyards. If there is a challenge, you score the additional points only if you win the challenge.
  • Monasteries in Germany / Japanese Buildings: When using German monasteries or Japanese buildings, the vineyard bonus is applied if the meeple is placed as a monk and the feature is scored as a finished monastery. However, the vineyard bonus is not applied if a meeple is placed as an abbot, as the abbot scores only at the end of the game, when the vineyard has no effect.

House rules

  • If you’re not concerned about whether or not players count tiles as a strategy, and you want to be able to use all of the tiles in the game, you can place blank tiles under any hills that are drawn. (Thanks to Crispy Jones.)

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 18


Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
W | Water tower
H | Highwaymen
D | Donkey stable

Total Tokens: 18


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1.   This exception refers to a special case when a field is surrounded and "closed" with roads and cities so it cannot expand anymore. At that point the shepherd scoring takes place: The player gets points for the sheep, the sheep go back into the bag, and the shepherd goes back to the player's supply. (12/2015)
    No field scoring happens at this point. The surrounded field will be scored at the end of the game as usual.
  2.   The same exception should apply when placing a shepherd on an inner field. Inner fields are present on several CCCC or CCCF tiles, so they closed by city walls and cannot be extended. In this case, you would place the shepherd on the inner field, perform the Grow the flock action and, if no wolf token was drawn, you would perform the Guide the flock action automatically since the filed is already closed. These are examples of CCCC tiles with inner fields:

    These are examples of CCCF tiles with inner fields:


    The following CCCC tile doesn't show an inner field as it is not surrounded by walls or roads as a regular field. The green patch serves just as a decoration for a jousting scene. (In any case, it would be rather odd to have shepherds and flocks around knights in a jousting tournament, right?)

  3.   If the hill tile drawn is the last tile in the game, the player is still allowed to place it without a second tile underneath. The normal turn (move wood, score features) then takes place. Note that generally a tie break would not be possible with this tile – even if a meeple is placed on it, there will be no way to connect that meeple to an occupied feature, as the game will be over. (10/2014)
  4.   If the tied players also have equal numbers of meeples on hills in that feature, the tie remains unbroken and both players still receive the points. Even if the number of meeples on hills is unequal, as long as each of the tied players has at least one meeple on a hill, the tie is unbroken and both players receive the points. (5/2014)
  5.   As an alternative tiebreaker method, the number of meeples on hills can be counted. Thus, if two players have the same number of meeples in a feature, but one player has more of those meeples on hills than the other player does, the player with the most meeples on hills gets all of the points and the other player gets none. (5/2014)
  6.   Regardless of the type of monastery involved (normal cloister, abbey, shrine, German monastery or Japanese building), the vineyard has no effect on final scoring at the end of the game. (5/2014)
  7.   We updated this sentence according to the the German rules. The rules by ZMG contain a mistranslated version of this sentence: "You can place one meeple from the city of Carcassonne on a hill tile with a feature that has not been completed."
  8.   If an abbot is removed from a completed monastery in phase 2. Placing a meeple, it will not get points for any adjacent vineyards, since the feature is not scored in phase 3. Scoring a feature when vineyards are applied.
  9.   We updated the wording to make it closer on the German rules and avoid the ambiguity that affected the removal of the abbot when the monastery was completed. The original English wording is: "Your abbot can score additional points for vineyards only if the monastery is completed. If you return the abbot before the monastery is completed, you do not score the additional points."