1 point / tile (except for German cathedral tiles)
A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
If a follower was sent to the City of Leipzig, the road is scored without it (this may affect the initial majority).
Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
If a meeple was sent to the City of Leipzig, the road is scored without it (this may affect the initial majority).
Road segment on German cathedral(s)
1 point / road segment
Road segments on German cathedral tiles are counted separately
Tile with wooden bridge(s)
The wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile
A wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile
Road with tunnel(s)
The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile
Road with labyrinth(s)
The labyrinth tile counts as 1 road tile
The labyrinth tile merges all roads connected to it for scoring
Road with ferries
The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile
It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake
Road on Leipzig tile
The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
In C2: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
In C3: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 2 road tiles
Roads on wonder tiles
Long roads depending on wonder tile
Notre-Dame wonder tile
The long forking road counts as 1 road tile
The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles
Stonehenge wonder tile
The long forking road counts as 1 road tile
The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles
Land surveyor action for road tiles
Depending on active scoring tile
Highway scoring tile
Tile count is set to 5 (no matter the actual length of the road), affecting:
German cathedrals → yes
Inns → yes
Mage → no
Markets of Leipzig (Wainwrights quarter bonus) → no
Peasant Uprising scoring tile
(-1) point / tile with a farmhouse
Street Fair scoring tile
(+1) point / tile (except for German cathedral tiles) (+1) point / road segment on German cathedral tiles
Road ending at German cathedral(s)
(+1) point / tile (except for German cathedral tiles)
(+1) point / road segment on German cathedral tiles
German cathedrals do not stack
Road with inn(s)
(+1) point / tile (except for German cathedral tiles) (+1) point / road segment on German cathedral tiles
Inns do not stack
An inn does not directly affect a wooden bridge placed on the same tile
Road with Mage
(+1) point / actual tile
This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the road
German cathedrals are counted as one tile
Road with Witch
1/2 points (rounded up)
Affects all points obtained from road tiles (previous rows)
Land surveyor action for road
Depending on active scoring tile
Poverty scoring tile
(-3) points for feature
The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value
Little building(s) on road tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
Road ending at German castle(s)
(+3) points / different German castle
Road with bathhouse(s)
(+number on bathhouse) points / bathhouse
Road with signpost(s)
(#correct signpost types) points / signpost in correct direction
#correct signpost types can be a number between 0 and 3
Road with labyrinth(s)
(+2) points / followermeeple on road network
Only if using advanced rules
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Markets of Leipzig with a followermeeple on Wainwrights quarter
(+1) point / actual tile
Majority on the road is required
Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Wainwrights quarter, if they still have the majority on the road.
This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the road
The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
In C2: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
In C3: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 2 road tiles
German cathedrals are counted as one tile
Land surveyor action for cities
Depending on active scoring tile
Citizens’ Jury scoring tile
All players with meeples in the city share the majority (no matter the actual majority votes)
Hills are not considered
City (knight) →
2 points / tile
2 points / pennantcoat of arms
A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile (no impact on cities)
Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (no impact on cities)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
1-tile city
4 points / scored feature
This is a special case from The City Gates
Cities on wonder tiles
Large cities depending on wonder tile
Notre-Dame wonder tile
The large city counts as 1 city tile
The large city counts as 2 city tiles
Circus Maximus wonder tile
The large city counts as 1 city tile
The large city counts as 4 city tiles
Alhambra wonder tile
The large city counts as 1 city tile
The large city counts as 3 city tiles
Land surveyor action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile
Bad Neighborhood scoring tile
Tile count does not consider any tiles contributing only with semicircular city segments, affecting:
Cathars / Siege / Besiegers → yes
Cathedrals → yes
Mage → no
Siege scoring tile
(+0) point / tile
(+1) points / pennantcoat of arms
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
(-1) point / tile
(-1) points / pennantcoat of arms
Sieges do not stack
City with cathedral(s)
(+1) point / tile
(+1) point / pennantcoat of arms
Cathedrals do not stack
City with Mage
(+1) point / actual tile
City with Witch
1/2 points (rounded up)
Affects all points obtained from city tiles and pennantcoat of arms (previous rows)
This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the city
Land surveyor action for cities
Depending on active scoring tile
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) points for feature
Poverty scoring tile
(-3) points for feature
The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value
Little building(s) on city tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
City closed with German castle(s) tiles
(+3) points / German castle
City with bathhouse(s)
(+number on bathhouse) points / bathhouse
City with Darmstadtium
(+3) points to majority
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Markets of Leipzig: All players with a followermeeple on Coiners quarter
(+3) points / pennantcoat of arms
Presence in the city is required but no majority is considered
Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Coiners quarter
CloisterMonastery (monk) or Shrine (heretic) or Abbey (monk) or German monastery (monk) or Dutch & Belgian monastery (monk) or Japanese building (monk) or Darmstadt church (monk) →
9 points (the feature tile and the eight tiles around it)1 point per tile in the square space with the feature and the 8 spaces around it9 points (the square space with the feature and the eight spaces around it)
Land surveyor action for monastic features
Depending on active scoring tile
Hermit Monastery scoring tile
(-1) point / tile with city segment(s)
Pilgrimage Route scoring tile
(+1) point / tile with road segment(s) or a wooden bridge
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) point / feature
Neighboring Vineyard(s)
(+3) points / vineyard
Neighboring Little building(s)
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Challenge resolution
When a challenge is declared between a cloistermonastery / abbey / German monastery / Dutch & Belgian monastery / Japanese building / Darmstadt church and a shrine, the first to be completed scores the usual 9resulting points; the loser scores 0 points.
For a Darmstadt Church
(+3) points to majority on feature tile and 8 tiles around it(+3) points to majority on feature tile and tiles in the 8 spaces around it
FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Markets of Leipzig: All players with a followermeeple on Bookbinders quarter
(+4) points / scored feature
The feature has to be occupied by any player
Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Bookbinders quarter
FarmField & Barn - Scenario 1 →
Placing a barn assuming majority of farmers
City adjacent to farmfield
3 points / completed city
The City of Carcassonne counts as a completed city
The City of Leipzig counts as a completed city
The City of Carcassonne and the City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
TownsSmall cities converted into castles are not counted as completed cities
Castle adjacent to farmfield
4 points / castle
FarmField with pig
(+1) point / castle or completed city
FarmField with pig-herd
(+1) point / castle or completed city
Pig-herds do not stack
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
(x2) points for affected city
Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows
Little building(s) on farmfield tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
FarmField & Barn - Scenario 2 →
Connecting to farmfield with a barn assuming majority of farmers
City adjacent to farmfield
1 point / completed city
The City of Carcassonne counts as a completed city
The City of Leipzig counts as a completed city
The City of Carcassonne and the City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
TownsSmall cities converted into castles are not counted as completed cities
Castle adjacent to farmfield
2 points / castle
FarmField with pig
(+1) point / castle or completed city
FarmField with pig-herd
(+1) point / castle or completed city
Pig-herds do not stack
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
(x2) points for affected city
Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows
Little building(s) on farmfield tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Castles (castle occupier / knight / lord) →
When the first feature adjacent to an occupied castle is completed, the occupier of the castle (if different from the mayor) scores the full number of points for the feature (even if the feature is unoccupied.)
If the castle is occupied by the mayor, the castle scores 0 points as the castle has no pennantscoats of arms
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
A mayor in a castle would not be affected, since it cannot have the majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Wind rose placement on correct quadrant →
3 points
Baba Yaga's hut (Baba Yaga) →
1 for the tile + 0 points for no empty square spaces around it
Neighboring Little building(s)
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Garden (abbot) →
9 points (the garden and the eight tiles around it)1 point per tile in the square space with the garden and the 8 spaces around it9 points (the square space with the garden and the eight spaces around it)
Vineyards do no affect gardens.
Neighboring Little building(s)
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Castle in Germany (knight/lord/castle occupant) →
12 points (2 points for the German castle and 1 point per tile around it)2 points for the German castle + 1 point per tile in the 10 square spaces around it12 points (the two square spaces with the German castle and the ten spaces around it)
Neighboring Little building(s)
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Cathedral in Germany (archbishop) →
All roads leading to the cathedral are considered.
Roads starting and ending at the same cathedral tile are counted only once.
Road segments on German cathedral(s)
1 point / road segment
The 3 or 4 road segments on German cathedral tiles are counted separately.
1 point / road tile
A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
Tile with wooden bridge(s)
The wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile
A wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile
Road with tunnel(s)
The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile
Road with labyrinth(s)
The labyrinth tile counts as 1 road tile
The labyrinth tile merges all roads connected to it for scoring
Road with ferries
The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile
It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake
Road on Leipzig tile
The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
In C2: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
In C3: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 2 road tiles
Road with inn(s)
(+1) point / tile (except for German cathedral tiles) (+1) point / road segment on German cathedral tiles
Inns do not stack
An inn does not directly affect a wooden bridge placed on the same tile
Little building(s) on German cathedral tiles and on connected road tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Cemetery (cemetery keeper): Player(s) with the majority on the feature Player with followermeeple on the feature →
0 points 1 extra guard followermeeple in player's color, if available
A cemetery keeper may receive the fairy scoring bonus.
Little building(s) on cemetery tile and on adjacent tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Haunted castle (castle owner): Player(s) with the majority on the feature Player with followermeeple on the feature →
2 points / tile with mist (the feature tile and the eight tiles around it)2 points / tile with mist (the feature tile and the tiles on the 8 spaces around it)2 points / tile with mist (the feature tile and the eight spaces around it)
The 2x2 starting tile is counted as 1 tile
The 2x2 starting tile is counted as 4 separate tiles
Little building(s) on haunted castle tile and on adjacent tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Easter Nest: Player completing feature and players with followersmeeples in the vicinity
2 Easter eggs to player completing Easter Nest 1 Easter egg to the owner of each followermeeple neighboring the nest.
The Easter Nest considers its tile and the eight tiles around itthe tils on the 8 spaces around itthe eight spaces around it
Easter Bunny movement: Players with followersmeeples meeting the Easter Bunny
1 Easter egg to the owner of each followermeeple on tiles the Easter Bunny hops on or over
Fortune teller tent (fortune teller): Player(s) with the majority on the feature Player with followermeeple on the feature →
0 points
A fortune teller may receive the fairy scoring bonus.
Little building(s) on fortune teller tile and on horizontally and vertically adjacent tiles
Basic rules:
(+1) point / little building
Variant rules:
(+1) point / shed
(+2) points / house
(+3) points / tower
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty only affects players with majority
Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Fortune teller tent: Player completing the tent
3 points / feature scored
Watchtowers: Player with a followermeeple on a city or road segment part of feature just completed adjacent to the watchtower →
Depends on the watchtower symbol, taking into account the watchtower tile and the 8 tiles around it
Watchtowers are scored right before scoring the adjacent completed city or road
A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
Watchtowers are scored right before scoring the adjacent completed city or road
Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
Watchtower with meeple symbol
2 points / followermeeple
Consider all followersmeeples no matter the player they belong to
Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
Consider all followersmeeples on normal features on adjacent double-sized tiles
FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Watchtower with road symbol
1 point / tile showing at least one road segment
Wooden bridges are considered road segments
Watchtower with cloistermonastery symbol
3 points / monastic building, such as:
German monastery
Dutch & Belgian monastery
Japanese building
Darmstadt church
Watchtower with pennantcoat of arms symbol
2 points / pennantcoat of arms
Watchtower with city symbol
1 point / tile showing at least one city segment
Betting Office: Player with betting chip matching the number of tiles of completed road or city →
Depends on the betting chip, featuring one or two bets.
Bets are settled after all features have been scored
All betting chips on a betting office apply to the same feature
The active player decides the feature if there are several options
Betting chip 2/6
2 points if feature has exactly 2 tiles
6 points if feature has exactly 6 tiles
Betting chip 3/5
3 points if feature has exactly 3 tiles
5 points if feature has exactly 5 tiles
Betting chip 3/6
3 points if feature has exactly 3 tiles
6 points if feature has exactly 6 tiles
Betting chip 4/7+
4 points if feature has exactly 4 tiles
7 points if feature has 7 or more tiles
Betting chip 4
8 points if feature has exactly 4 tiles
Betting chip 5/8+
5 points if feature has exactly 5 tiles
8 points if feature has 8 or more tiles
Circus: All players with followersmeeples in the vicinity of the big top →
Animal token points / followermeeple
Consider the followersmeeples on the tile with the big top and the 8 tiles adjacent to it.
Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile and you consider all its followersmeeples placed on regular features
Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping the adjacent spaces.
Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only), but you consider all the followersmeeples on regular features on both halves, even if one of the halves is not adjacent
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Acrobat pyramid (acrobats): All players with followersmeeples in the pyramid →
5 points / followermeeple
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
Penalty affects the points each player scores
Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Fruit-bearing trees →
Two possible fruit actions:
Fruit token points
Depends on number of tokens sold:
1 token = 3 points
2 token = 6 points
3 token = 10 points
4 token = 15 points
Spiel Doch! 2/2018 tiles placement in correct order →
Basic rules:
0 points
Variant rules:
5 points
Tollkeepers: All players with a tollhouse on crossing at the end of completed road →
Depends on number on tollhouse: 1 or 2
Tollhouses are scored right before scoring the completed road
Raising toll 1 (small toll)
1 point / farmhouse, shed, garden and highwaymen on the road
3 points / group of travelers on the road
These features do not directly affect a wooden bridge placed on the same tile
Raising toll 2 (large toll)
2 point / farmhouse, shed, garden and highwaymen on the road
6 points / group of travelers on the road
These features do not directly affect a wooden bridge placed on the same tile
20th Anniversary arrow symbol not activated on tile just placed →
2 points
Only the arrow symbol on the current tile is considered. Arrow symbols on adjacent tiles are irrelevant.
Scoring figures during the game
Two scoring scenarios:
Starting turn →
1 point / turn start
If next to an acrobat, the scoring is applicable to all your acrobats in the pyramid
Scoring feature →
3 points / feature scored
Acrobats cannot receive the fairy score bonus
Abbots, when returned, cannot receive the fairy score bonus
Robbers may steal from the fairy score bonus only if the followermeeple next to the fairy is not scoring the feature
The tower
Two scoring scenarios:
Prisoner exchange
0 points
Prisoner ransom
(-3) points to payer
(+3) points to payee →
Payer is not allowed to have negative points as a result
Teacher control →
Equal points to next score
Dispatch →
2 points OR depends on tile:
Score smallest road
After-the-game points for road with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
No majority is applied for the feature scored
Score smallest city
After-the-game points for city with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
No majority is applied for the feature scored
Score smallest cloistermonastery
After-the-game points for cloistermonastery with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
No majority is applied for the feature scored
2 points for each pennantcoat of arms
2 points / pennantcoat of arms in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeples
2 points for each knight
2 points / knight in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeplesmeeples
2 points for each farmer
2 points / player's farmers
One tile
0 points from dispatch itself (there may be points from playing the tile)
Score a followermeeple and remove it from the board
After-the-game points for chosen feature with at least one of player's followersmeeples
Majority is applied for feature scored
(-2) points / ghost added to the abbot
Penalty affects the points scored by the player
Player may score negative points for their abbot due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Robber beside scoring counting figure
1/2 primary points scored (rounded up)
Gingerbread Man: All players with followersmeeples in the city →
1 point / tile per followermeeple the player has in the city
A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile (no impact on cities)
Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (no impact on cities)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
Shepherd herds the flock intoguides the flock to the stable →
1 point / sheep depicted
Abbot returned →
1 point for the feature tile + 1 point per tile around it1 point per tile in the square space with the feature + 1 point per tile in the 8 spaces around it1 point for the square space with the feature + 1 point per occupied space around it
The abbot cannot be returned if feature is completely surrounded by tiles
Scoring an abbot is not scoring the feature it is placed on
Vineyards are not considered when returning an abbot
Little buildings are not considered when returning the abbot
The fairy cannot be considered when retuning the abbot
Removing an abbot interrupts any challenge it may be participating in
(-2) points / ghost added to the abbot
Penalty affects the points scored by the player
Player may score negative points for their abbot due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Ringmaster on feature just completed →
2 points / circus or acrobat tilescircus tilesacrobat tiles where the ringmaster is on or adjacent to.
The ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points for the completed feature
The feature is scored first, then the ringmaster
Bathhouse: Rebuying your followermeeple
(-number on bathhouse) points / bathhouse
Player is allowed to have negative points as a result
Peasant revolt: Protecting a followermeeple
Depends on action
Protecting followermeepleduring placement
(-4) points
Player is allowed to have negative points as a result
The active player may protect a followermeeple placed during an exchange due to La Porxada
The active player may protect their wagon when moved after scoring
The active player may protect a followermeeple placed during an exchange due to a catapult Seduction Token
The active player may protect a followermeeple placed due to a crop circle
Protecting followermeeplealready placed
(-2) points
Player is allowed to have negative points as a result
Peasant revolt: Scoring followersmeeples protected from revolt
Peasant revolt affecting a given feature type
2 points / protected followermeeple on given features
Other scoring during the game
Catapult: Archery tournament →
Depends on the outcome
Token which lands closest to the target fair tile
Hurler 5 points
Catapult: Playing catch →
Depends on the outcome
Catcher 5 points
Not caught — and not far enough
Catcher 5 points
Not caught — but far enough
Hurler 5 points
Touched — but not caught
Hurler 5 points
Bazaar: All players
+number of points awarded based on bidding to seller, if any →
-number of points awarded based on bidding to buyer
Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Wheel Of Fortune - Fortune: Current player only →
3 points
Wheel Of Fortune - Tax: All players with knights →
(1 point / pennantcoat of arms + 1 point / knight) per knight (computed for each city)
Wheel Of Fortune - Famine: All players with farmers →
City adjacent to farmfield
1 point / completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
Castle adjacent to farmfield
2 points / castle per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
FarmField with pig
(+1) point / castle or completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
FarmField with pig-herd
(+1) point / castle or completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
Pig-herds do not stack
Wheel Of Fortune - Storm: All players →
1 point / followermeeple in player's supply
Wheel Of Fortune - Inquisition: All players with monks →
2 points / monk
Wheel Of Fortune - Plague / Pestilence / Pest: All players
0 points
Each player removes one of their followersmeeples from a land tile without scoring
Wheel Of Fortune - Crown: All players with followersmeeples in active crown sector →
Three possible options:
One followermeeple in crown space with only one space
3 points
One followermeeple alone in crown space with two spaces
6 points
Two followersmeeples in crown spaces with two spaces
3 points per followermeeple
The Gifts: Road Sweeper →
After-the-game points for a chosen uncompleted road
The active player does not even need to occupy the feature
The road is scored as if at the end of the game, applying the majority rule as usual
All the followersmeeples on the road are removed, if any
(-2) points / ghost added to player's followermeeple on feature
Penalty affects the points scored by the player
Player may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
The Gifts: Cash Out →
2 points per followermeeple on chosen feature
The player removes one of their followersmeeples on the feature
The followermeeple removed is considered for the scoring
The Wonders of Humanity: Notre-Dame →
3 points for a followermeeple placed by the wonder's owner on a tileon a square space adjacent to 1 or more monastic buildings
Monastic buildings are:
German monastery
Dutch & Belgian monastery
Japanese building
Darmstadt church
This bonus is not applicable in the same turn the wonder is placed, but in subsequent turns
The Wonders of Humanity: Stonehenge →
3 points for each occupied road completed by the wonder's owner
This bonus is not applicable in the same turn the wonder is placed, but in subsequent turns
Exp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals
Big FollowerLarge Meeple
Exp. 2 - Traders & Builders
Trade good tokens
Exp. 3 - The Princess & The Dragon
Magic portal
Exp. 4 - The Tower
Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor
Exp. 6 - Count, King & Robber
Count of Carcassonne
King & Robber Baron
The River II
Exp. 7 - The Catapult
Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
Exp. 9 - Hills & Sheep
Exp. 10 - Under The Big Top
Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries
Guard FollowersGuard Meeples
Haunted Castles
The Wheel Of Fortune
Mini 1 - The Flier
Mini 2 - Dispatches (Messages)
Mini 3 - The Ferries
Mini 4 - Goldmines
Mini 5 - Mage & Witch
Mini 6 - Robbers
Mini 7 - Crop Circles / Crop Circles I / WE Corn Circles
The River / WE River
20th Anniversary River
Besiegers / Cathars / Siege
Mini Expansion GQ#11
The Phantom
The Plague
The Tunnel
The Festival
The Wind Roses
Little Buildings
Darmstadt Promo
The School
Russian Promos
La Porxada
Castles In Germany
Cathedrals In Germany
Monasteries In Germany / Monasteries In The Netherlands & Belgium / Japanese Buildings
This Expansion Selector allows you to pick what expansions (or parts of them) to use in the reference pages of WICA. According to your selection, the Order of Play and Scoring sections will be adapted. This way, you can customize WICA to suit your game without any hinderance from the expansions left out.
As hinted above, the expansions combining multiple elements permit a fine-grain selection of its elements. For example, you can choose the abbey tiles and the wagon from "Abbey & Mayor" and to leave out the barn and the mayor.
2. Use Guide
The selector has several tabs and below there is an area that lists the current selection at all times, no matter the tab displayed.
You can click on any tab label to go to the desired tab. Additional clicks on a selected tab will collapse it and expand it back in order to access the selector when needed. Switching to another tab will expand the selector automatically.
The following sections describe the tabs and their functionality.
2.1. "Expansions" tabs
The first three (or four) tabs from the left allow you to pick expansions in full or partially when possible.
Major expansions: lists all official major expansions by HiG.
Minor expansions: lists all official minor expansions by HiG and some of their licensed equivalents.
Other expansions: lists the rest of licensed and unofficial expansions as well as those Print & Play and Cut & Play expansions released by HiG.
Fan expansions: lists some fan-made expansions. This tab may not be available in some cases.
These tabs show a listing of expansions where each label is preceded by a checkbox to allow its selection and deselection if full.
Those expansions with various components show a clickable "[+]" symbol after them when closed or "[–]" when open. In the latter case, all the components are displayed and can be selected and deselected individually.
Each tab has a text label in accordance with the format "Group (X/Y)" in order to identify the set of expansions listed (indicated by Group), the number of expansions selected (represented by X) and the total number available (represented by Y).
2.2. "Quick Selectors" tab
This is the fourth tab from the left. It allows you to choose from a predefined list of available expansions sets. This tab contains the following elements:
A dropdown list and a "Select Expansions" button: They allow you select and load a predefined expansion bundle, such as a Big Box or all the expansions for the New Edition.
The "Clear All" button empties your current with one click.
The "Select All" button selects all the expansions available with one click.
2.3. "Filters" tab
This is the fifth tab from the left. It allows you to choose what Carcassonne editions are displayed and your preferred edition. The editions considered are the 1st Edition (C1), the New Edition (C2+C3), and the Winter Edition (WE), which is included in a creative way if some of its expansions are of interest.
The tab displays two panels:
"Show Editions" panel: it contains a checkbox for each edition available (C1, C2+C3 and WE.) The selector will show the expansions belonging to the checked editions only. For example, if the 1st edition (C1) checkbox is selected, expansions such as "The Wheel Of Fortune" or "Halflings" will be eligible in the Expansion Selector, otherwise they will not be available for selection. At least one edition has to be selected, thus they cannot be deselected at the same time.
"Preferred Edition" panel: it contains a set of radio buttons for the 1st Edition (C1), the New Edition (C2+C3) and the Winter Edition. The radio button selected will indicate the Expansion Selector which edition has precedence over the other when:
Describing the Game Reference, the Order of Play, the Scoring rules and Game Figures: If there are differences between editions, the preferred edition rules and wording will be displayed. For example, the movement of the dragon will be displayed in different steps in the Order of Play depending on whether C1 or C2+C3 is selected.
Displaying graphics in the Scoring sections: For expansions available in both editions, the images shown will correspond to the selected edition. Images from an expansion only existing in one edition will not change.
The radio button for an edition will be enabled only if such an edition is available, that is, it is selected in the "Show Editions" panel.
It also includes a checkbox with the label "Mark rules adaptations": If checked, all the rules displayed in the Game Reference, the Order of Play, and the Game Figures not corresponding to the preferred edition will be highlighted.
This tab shows a label similar to "Filters (C1/C2+C3/WE) #" that lists all the editions selected in parentheses and one of them is underlined, indicating that it is the preferred one. The hash sign "#" is present if rules adaptations are highlighted.
2.4. Help
This is the current tab displayed with help information about the Expansion Selector.