The Courier (Fan Expansion)

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Please note that WikiCarpedia is not responsible for the content of the links provided. The listed expansions are subject to the regulations of the corresponding websites.
In general, however: The use of the fan expansions for commercial purposes is not allowed. The Fan-Expansions may only be produced for personal use and may not be sold at any time. This also explicitly includes the passing on at cost price.

General info and comments

Expansion symbol

The Courier fan-expansion was released by Carcassonne CZ forum members Matisek, Bumsakalaka and Snearone.

There are many abandoned roads, towns or monasteries and gardens. The Courier brings good news to those who decide to improve these places.

The tiles and rules files are available here:

  • C2 version will be available on Carcassonne CZ forum (please register to access):


  • 6 landscape tiles with a symbol of letter
  • The Courier figure



Shuffle the new landscape tiles in with those from the basic game and stack them normally.


1. Placing a tile

New tiles are placed according to the usual rules of the basic game. After placing tile with a letter symbol, immediately move The Courier figure to it, regardless of where it is currently located.

Example 1 - You place tile with letter symbol and move The Courier symbol on placed tile.

2. Placing a figure

You may place a meeple according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature

The Courier figure and tiles with letters do not affect scoring.

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General rules

Official clarification from the publisher If more than one Meeple (e.g. Normal Meeple, Large Meeple, Abbot, Mayor, Wagon, Ringmaster, Phantom, ...) has been placed or moved in a turn and meets the condition for receiving a thank you message from The Courier, then The Courier moves to the first of those Meeple whose player receives a thank you message from The Courier doesn't matter if Meeple is active's player.
Official clarification from the publisher The Courier is moved even if the Meeple meets the condition for receiving a thank you message and would score 0 points, e.g. an incomplete city with a Cathedral (Inns & Cathedrals Inns & Cathedrals.

Official clarification from the publisher Meeple placed on feature that can be completed and scored durind the game can receive a message from The Courier.
Official clarification from the publisher Also Meeple moved on the game board from one feature to another feature one can receive a message from The Courier.

Official clarification from the publisher Meeple placed on feature that cannot be completed or scored during the game cannot receive a message from The Courier.
Official clarification from the publisher Meeple moved on same feature during the game cannot receive a message from The Courier.
Official clarification from the publisher Support figures (e.g. Builder, Pig, Shepherd, etc.) and neutral figures (e.g. Fairy, Dragon, etc.) cannot receive a message from The Courier.

Tile distribution

New Edition

Total Land Tiles: 6 Tiles

The Courier C2 01.png x1
The Courier C2 02.png x1
The Courier C2 03.png x1
The Courier C2 04.png x1
The Courier C2 05.png x1
The Courier C2 06.png x1
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C2.png
G | Garden
Feature WaterTower C2.png
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

Original Edition

Total Land Tiles: 6 Tiles

The Courier C1 01.png x1
The Courier C1 02.png x1
The Courier C1 03.png x1
The Courier C1 04.png x1
The Courier C1 05.png x1
The Courier C1 06.png x1
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C1.png
G | Garden