Schafe und Hügel (Erste Edition)

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Hills And Sheep C1 Cover.png

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Hügel und Schafe wurde ursprünglich von Hans im Glück in Template:Year de veröffentlicht.

Dies ist die neunte Erweiterung für Carcassonne und bringt einige neue Aspekte in das Spiel ein.

Die Hirten auf den Wiesen von Carcassonne warten friedlich, bis sich ihre gesamte Schafherde versammelt. Sie müssen jedoch darauf achten, dass kein Wolf auftaucht, bevor sie ihre Herde sicher in den Stall geführt haben. In den Hügeln können Sie die Kontrolle über Länder übernehmen, die einst als verloren galten. Außerdem freut sich so mancher Mönch immer, einen Weinberg in der Nähe seines Klosters zu haben.


  • 18 neue Karten
  • 18 Schaf und Wolf Marker (4x 1 Schaf, 5x 2 Schafe, 5x 3 Schafe, 2x 4 Schafe, 2x Wolf)
Schaf und Wolf Marker
  • 1 Stoffbeutel
  • 6 Schäfer in 6 Farben
File:Shepards C1.png



Die Schaf- und Wolfsmarken werden alle in den Beutel gelegt. Jeder Spieler erhält einen Schäfer seiner Farbe, den er zu seinen Gefolgsmännern hinzufügt. Die neuen Karten werden mit den anderen vermischt. Mit Ausnahme der neuen Regeln, die bei dieser Erweiterung verwendet werden, bleiben alle grundlegenden Carcassonne-Regeln unverändert.

Legen der Karten

Die Spieler ziehen und legen die Karten nach den üblichen Regeln.

Schäfer und Schafe

Schäfer: Wenn ein Spieler eine Karte mit einem Wiesenteil spielt, kann er entscheiden, ob er einen Anhänger wie gewohnt auf die Fläche setzt oder stattdessen seinen Schäfer auf die Wiese setzt. Wenn er den Schäfer setzt, zieht er sofort einen Marker aus der Tasche. Wenn er eine Schafkarte zieht, legt er sie in die Nähe seines Schäfers auf die Wiese. Wenn er eine Wolfsmarke zieht, wird sie wieder in die Tasche gelegt und der Schäfer kehrt zum Vorrat des Spielers zurück. Wenn die durch die neu platzierte Karte erweiterte Wiese bereits einen Bauern enthält, kann der Spieler seinen Schäfer trotzdem auf diese Wiese setzen, aber er kann seinen Schäfer auf eine Wiese setzen, auf der bereits ein anderer Schäfer steht.

Expanding a flock of sheep: When a player extends a field containing his shepherd by placement of a new tile, he may first place a follower [1] according to the usual rules of placement, [2] and then he may choose between the following two special actions: [3]

  • Expand the flock (by drawing another token from the bag)
  • Herd the flock into the stable (sheep tokens are scored)

Erweitern der Herde

Der Spieler zieht eine Marke aus dem Beutel. Es gibt nun zwei Möglichkeiten:

  1. Eine Schafsmarke wird gezogen - Die Herde wächst weiter. Der Spieler legt die Schafsmarke zu den anderen in der Nähe seines Schäfers.
  2. Eine Wolfsmarke wird gezogen - Der Wolf jagt die Schafe weg! Der Spieler muss nun alle Schafsmarken vom Spielfeld in den Beutel zurücklegen (zusammen mit dem Wolfsmarke) und den Schäfer in seinen Vorrat zurücknehmen, ohne zu punkten.

Herde die Herde in den Stall treiben

Instead of drawing a new token from the bag, the player can decide to score his shepherd's flock. For every sheep pictured on the tokens that have accumulated in his field, he scores 1 point (each token is valued from 1 to 4 points). After scoring, the player returns all sheep tokens from the field to the bag, and returns the shepherd to his supply.

More than one shepherd in a field: By subsequent joining of originally separate fields, more than one shepherd may be present in the same field. If this happens, all sheep in the newly-connected field are considered to be part of the same flock, and (if scored) will earn points for every shepherd in that field. Whenever a sheep token is added to a flock in this case, it will essentially score the same for every shepherd. If one of the shepherds decides to score his flock, all shepherds in that field score the same points (the total of all sheep on all tokens in that field) and all concerned players must return their sheep tokens to the bag and return the shepherds to their supply. If a player draws a wolf token from the bag, the flock is lost for all shepherds in that field. All sheep tokens in the entire field are returned to the bag (along with the wolf token), and all shepherds in that field are returned to players’ supplies without scoring.

The shepherd is not a follower: A player who wishes to score his shepherd must do so by using the “Herd the flock into the stable” action. [4] The shepherd is not influenced by any other game scoring, and also does not influence any other game scoring.

Wenn am Ende des Spiels noch Schäfer mit ihren Schafen auf den Wiesen sind, werden sie NICHT gewertet.

Special case: If a player surrounded a farm completely with roads or city walls, then the action Herd the flock into the stable triggers immediately for the shepherds farm.[5]

Example: The RED and BLUE shepherds are both standing in the same field. There are 4 sheep tokens in the combined flock with a total of 8 sheep. On RED’s turn, he extends the field and decides to score the sheep. RED and BLUE both score 8 points. All of the sheep are put back into the bag, and both players return the shepherds to their supplies.

If RED had decided to expand the flock and had drawn a wolf token, no points would have been scored by either player.


Hill symbol

Place and occupy: If a player draws a land tile depicting a Hill, he immediately draws a second tile, keeping it face-down, and places it under the Hill tile without looking at the second tile. [6]

Legen eines Hügels

Then, according to the normal rules of placement, he places the two-tile-high Hill and may deploy a follower on it. Other than its increased height, any other features depicted on the Hill tile (city, road, and field) function as they do in the basic game.

Scoring effects of a Hill: When scoring a feature (city, road, or field) with more than one follower, a follower on a Hill breaks any ties in favor of the owner of that follower. The player with a follower on a Hill receives all of the points for that feature. In this case, any other players involved in the tie who do not have a follower on a Hill receive no points for the feature. [7] [8]

If there is no tie, a follower on a Hill has no additional special meaning. Followers on Hills are returned to a player’s supply as usual after a scoring. These Hill rules also apply to the final scoring at the end of the game.

Example: RED and BLUE each have 1 knight in the city when it is completed. The RED knight stands on a hill in the city. Therefore, RED wins the tie and scores 10 points. BLUE earns no points.


Vineyard symbol

Placement: A land tile depicting a Vineyard is placed according to the usual rules. Whenever a cloister is completed and scored, the owner receives 3 additional points for every Vineyard on any of the 8 land tiles surrounding the cloister. [9]

A Vineyard may contribute to the additional points of multiple cloisters.

If any cloisters remain incomplete at the end of the game, any surrounding Vineyards will score no additional points. [10]

Example: RED has just completed a cloister, which is now scored. There are two vineyards surrounding this cloister. Therefore, RED scores 9 + 3 + 3 = 15 points. If BLUE’s cloister is completed later in the game, he will also receive 3 additional points from the vineyard on the land tile directly above the cloister.

New land tiles

Hills And Sheep C1 Feature Tile 01.jpg The field regions between the two cities are not connected.
Hills And Sheep C1 Feature Tile 02.jpg The cottages divide the road into 2 parts (end segments).
Hills And Sheep C1 Feature Tile 03.jpg The right side of this tile is a "city side" with two separate city segments. If a tile with a city segment is placed next to it, the two segments are then connected.
Example: The tile on the right connects the two formerly separate city segments of the tile on the left.
Hills And Sheep C1 Feature Tile 04.jpg The right side of this tile is a "city side" with two separate city segments. If a tile with a city segment is placed next to it, the two segments are then connected.
Example: The tile on the right connects the two formerly separate field segments of the tile on the left.
Special case: If these two particular tiles are placed next to each other as shown, all four formerly separate city segments are then connected into 1 city. (These tiles are intentionally created asymmetrically.)
Special case: If these two particular tiles are placed next to each other as shown, the two city segments are not considered to be connected. In addition, the top and bottom field segments are not considered to be connected.

Other expansions

Special rules for The Princess and the Dragon expansion

If the dragon moves to a land tile containing a shepherd (with his sheep tokens), the dragon eats the shepherd and all of his sheep. The player returns the shepherd to his supply and places the sheep tokens back into the bag. Note that this is an exception to the rule that states that the dragon only eats followers. [11] The sheep (and shepherd) simply look too delicious to the dragon, and unfortunately he can no longer restrain himself...

House rules

  • If you’re not concerned about whether or not players count tiles as a strategy, and you want to be able to use all of the tiles in the game, you can place blank tiles under any hills that are drawn. (Thanks to Crispy Jones.)

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 18

Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 01.jpg x2
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 02.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 03.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 04.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 05.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 06.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 07.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 08.jpg x1 [12]
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 09.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 10.jpg x2
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 11.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 12.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 13.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 14.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 15.jpg x1
Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 16.jpg x1

Total Tokens: 18

Hills And Sheep C1 Token 01.jpg  x4
Hills And Sheep C1 Token 02.jpg  x5
Hills And Sheep C1 Token 03.jpg  x5
Hills And Sheep C1 Token 04.jpg  x2
Hills And Sheep C1 Token 05.jpg  x2


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher This should actually state that the player can place a figure according to the usual rules of placement, as any legal figure placement (such as the pig or builder) would be allowed here. (7/2014)
  2. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The original ZMG version of the rules stated that the shepherd action is chosen first, then a follower is placed according to the normal rules if desired. This actually could have strategic implications, because the results of the attempt to expand the flock could influence whether or not you place a follower with the original ZMG rules. (And since the word "follower" is actually intended to be "figure," with the original ZMG rules you could return the shepherd to the field immediately after a wolf token kicked him off!) This has since been corrected. (7/2014, updated 3/2015)
  3. Official clarification from the publisher If a tile with a dragon icon is placed and extends the field with the active player’s shepherd, the player can perform the shepherd action (expand or herd the flock) before the dragon moves. (3/2015)
  4. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers An early version of the HiG rules incorrectly stated that the shepherd must use the “Expand the flock” action in order to score. (5/2014)
  5. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The German rules in the Big Box 5 from 2014 include this sentence. The English Big Box rules differ from the German ones in this point because this special case was added to the German rules at the request of correction readers shortly before printing.
    This addition refers to a special case when a farm is surrounded and "closed" with roads and cities so it cannot expand anymore. At that point the shepherd scoring takes place: The player gets points for the sheep, the sheep go back into the bag, and the shepherd goes back to the player's supply. (12/2015)
  6. Official clarification from the publisher If the Hill tile drawn is the last tile in the game, the player is still allowed to place it without a second tile underneath. The normal turn (move wood, score features) then takes place. Note that generally a tie break would not be possible with this tile – even if a follower is placed on it, there will be no way to connect that follower to an occupied feature, as the game will be over. (10/2014)
  7. Official clarification from the publisher If the tied players also have equal numbers of followers on hills in that feature, the tie remains unbroken and both players still receive the points. Even if the number of followers on hills is unequal, as long as each of the tied players has at least one follower on a hill, the tie is unbroken and both players receive the points. (5/2014)
  8. Common house rule or variant As an alternative tiebreaker method, the number of followers on hills can be counted. Thus, if two players have the same number of followers in a feature, but one player has more of those followers on hills than the other player does, the player with the most followers on hills gets all of the points and the other player gets none. (5/2014)
  9. Official clarification from the publisher The vineyard bonus is also applied to the Abbey tile (Abbey and the Mayor) and Cult Places. When using German/Dutch and Belgian Monasteries, the vineyard bonus is applied to the Monastery if the follower is placed as a monk and the feature is scored as a finished cloister. However, the vineyard bonus is not applied if a follower is placed as an abbot on a Monastery, as the abbot scores only at the end of the game, when the vineyard has no effect. (5/2014)
  10. Official clarification from the publisher Regardless of the type of cloister involved (normal cloister, Abbey, Cult Place, or German Monastery), the vineyard has no effect on final scoring at the end of the game. (5/2014)
  11. Interpretation from the Community This is an odd clarification / special rule, as the premise is not actually correct. The dragon actually does eat all players’ figures (other than the barn), so eating the shepherd does not represent a change in the rules. (The 2013 The Princess and the Dragon rules have a specific bullet point stating that all players’ figures, not just followers, are fair game for the dragon – this predates the Hills & Sheep expansion.) (1/2015)
  12. Official clarification from the publisher Note that there is no expansion symbol on this tile. Errata included in the HiG packaging notes that one can tell that the tile is a part of this expansion by the presence of the hill. (5/2014)