User talk:Murphy013

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Caption 1
Caption 3

Review area

Overview 1

Expansion Version Author Tiles Start Tiles Special tiles Figures[1] Token Symbol Download Some tiles and/or features Remarks
Base game C1 HiG 71 1 1x Scoreboard Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Single game rules
Base Game C1 Tile 19.jpg Base Game C1 Tile 22.jpg Base Game C1 Tile 12.jpg
Cloister on field Road on field City with pennant
Inns & Cathedrals C1 HiG 18 0 Figure Meeple grey.png
8x Follower for 6th player

Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
1x large follower for each player

Symbol InnsCathedrals C1C2.png Single expansion rules
Inns C1 02.jpg Inns C1 14.jpg
Cathedral Inn by a lake
Traders & Builders C1 HiG 24 0 Figure Builders stacked C1.png
1x Builder for each player
Figure Pigs stacked C1.png

1x Pig for each player

Token Wine C1.png
9x Wine

Token Wheat C1.png
6x Wheat
Token Cloth C1.png
5x Fabric

Symbol TradersBuilders C1.png Trader token
Single expansion rules
Trad c1 tile 03.jpg Trad c1 tile 10.jpg Trad c1 tile 04.jpg
City with wine City with wheat City with cloth
The Princess & Dragon C1 HiG 30 0 Figure Dragon.png
1x Dragon
Figure Fairy.png

1x Fairy

Symbol PrincessDragon C1C2.png Single expansion rules
Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 20.jpg Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 05.jpg Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 12.jpg Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 28.jpg
Vulcano City with princess Dragon icon Magic portal
The Tower C1 HiG 18 0 Figure Tower.png
30x Tower piece
Symbol Tower C1C2.png Single expansion rules
Tower C1-05.png Tower C1-12.png
Bridge over city Tower base
Abbey & Mayor C1 HiG 12 0 6x Abbey Figure Barns stacked C1.png
1x Barn for each player
Figure Wagons stacked C1.png
1x Wagon for each player
Figure Mayors stacked C1.png
1x Mayor for each player
Symbol AbbeyMayor C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Count, King & Robber
* Count of Carcassonne
* River II
* King & Robber baron
* Heretics & Shrines
C1 HiG

1 King
1 Robber baron
Figure Count.png
1x Count
Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png Single expansion rules
The River 2
King & Scout
The cult
Count Cult C1-03.png River II C1 Tile 02.jpg
Shrine River fork

The Catapult C1 HiG 12 0 Token Catapult KnockOut C1.png
6x Knockout
Token Catapult Seduction C1.png
6x Seduction
Token Catapult TargetHurling C1.png
6x Target

Token Catapult Catch C1.png
6x Catch

Symbol Catapult C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Bridges, Castles & Bazaars C1 HiG 12 0 Figure Bridge.png
12x Bridge
Token Castle C1.png
12x Castle
Symbol BridgesCastlesBazaars C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Hills & Sheeps C1 HiG 18 0 Figures Shepherds stacked C1.png
1x Shepherd for each player
Token HillsSheep Sheep1 C1.png
2x 1 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep2 C1.png
5x 2 Sheeps
Token HillsSheep Sheep3 C1.png
5x 3 Sheeps
Token HillsSheep Sheep4 C1.png
2x 4 Sheeps
Token HillsSheep Wolf C1.png
2x Wolf
Symbol HillsSheep C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The River C1 HiG 0 12 The River
Single expansion rules
to be updated Boxed game and single sheet
King & Scout C1 HiG 5 0 1x King
1x Robber baron
King & Scout
Single expansion rules
to be updated Boxed expansion
The Count of Carcassonne C1 HiG 0 12 Figure Count.png
1x Count
Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion
The River 2 C1 HiG 0 12 The River 2
Single expansion rules
to be updated Boxed expansion
The River 3 C1 HiG 0 12 Symbol RiverIII C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Never distributed as single expansion. Part of BigBox
Crop Circle 1 C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Festival 10 C1 HiG 10 0 Logo Festival10.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Phantom C1 HiG 0 0 Figure Phantoms C1.png
1x translucent Follower for each player
Single expansion rules to be updated -
The School C1 HiG 0 2 Figure Teacher red.png[2]
1x translucent teacher
Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Flier C1 HiG 0 8 Figure Die.png
1x Die
Symbol Flier C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Messages C1 HiG 0 0 Figure Messengers stacked C1.png
1x Women follower for each player
Symbol Messages C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Ferries C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Ferry.png
8x Ferry
Symbol Ferries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Goldmines C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Gold.png
16x gold pieces
Symbol GoldMines C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
Mage & Witch C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Mage.png
1x Mage

Figure Witch.png
1x Witch

Symbol MageWitch C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Robbers C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Robbers stacked C1.png
1x Robber for each player
Symbol Robbers C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
Crop Circle 2 C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Never distributed as single expansion. Addtional tile of Minis or part of BigBox
The Wind Roses 1 C1 HiG 6 0 Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Besiegers C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol Besiegers C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Monasteries in Germany C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 2 C1 HiG 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Halflings2 C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Castles in Germany C1 HiG 0 0 6x doublesize tiles Symbol CastlesGermany C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Cathedrals in Germany C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol GermanCathedrals C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Cathars C1 HiG / Spielbox 4 0 Symbol Cathars C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Games Quarterly #11 C1 HiG / Games Quarterly 12 0 Comments to expansion to be updated -
The Shrine C1 HiG / Spielbox 5 0 Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Cult, Siege & Creativity
* Cult
* Siege
* Creativity
C1 HiG / RGG

Single expansion rules to be updated -

The Tunnel C1 HiG / Spielbox / Christwart Conrad 4 0 Tunnel Token Stacked.png
2x Tunnel for each player
Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion
The Plague C1 HiG / Spielbox 6 0 Token Plague Flea front C1C2.png
18x Flea
Token Plague Outbreak stacked C1.png
6x Outbreak
Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Little Buildings C1 HiG / Spielbox 0 0 6x Tower
6x Building
6x Shed
Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Wind Roses 2 C1 HiG / Spielbox 6 0 Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 1 C1 HiG / Spielbox 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium C1 HiG / 999Games 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Darmstadt C1 HiG / Darmstadt spielt 3 0 Symbol Darmstadt C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Labyrinths C1/C2 HiG / Spiel Doch 1 0 Symbol SpielDoch.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
La Porxada C1 Oriol Comas i Coma 1 0 n/a to be updated -
Wheel of Fortune C1 HiG 71 1 1x Scoreboard
1x Wheel of fortune (4x4)
Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Figure BigPinkPig.png
1x pink pig
WOF C1 Expansion Watermark.png n/a to be updated -

Base game C2 HiG 71 1 1x Scoreboard Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Single game rules to be updated -
The Abbot C2 HiG 0 0 Figure Abbots stacked.png
1x Abbot for each player
Symbol Abbot C2.png Single game rules to be updated -
The River C2 HiG 0 12 Single game rules to be updated -
Inns & Cathedrals C2 HiG 18 0 Figure Meeple pink.png
8x Follower for 6th player
Figure Abbot pink.png
Abbot for the 6th player

Figure Meeples stacked C2.png
1x large follower for each player

Symbol InnsCathedrals C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Traders & Builders C2 HiG 24 0 Figure Builders stacked C2.png
1x Builder for each player
Figure Pigs stacked C2.png

1x Pig for each player

Token Wine C2.png
9x Wine

Token Wheat C2.png
6x Wheat
Token Cloth C2.png
5x Fabric

Symbol TradersBuilders C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Princess & Dragon C2 HiG 30 0 Figure Dragon.png
1x Dragon
Figure Fairy.png

1x Fairy

Symbol PrincessDragon C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Tower C2 HiG 18 0 Figure Tower.png
30x Tower floors
Symbol Tower C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Abbey & Mayor C2 HiG 12 0 6 Abbeys Figure Barns stacked C2.png
1x Barn for each player
Figure Wagons stacked C2.png
1x Wagon for each player
Figure Mayors stacked C2.png
1x Mayor for each player
Symbol AbbeyMayor C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Count, King & Robber
* Count of Carcassonne
* River II
* King & Robber baron
* Heretics & Shrines
C2 HiG

1 King
1 Robber baron
Figure Count.png
1x Count
Token King C2.png
1x King
Token RobberBaron C2.png
1x Robber Baron
Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -

Bridges, Castles & Bazaars C2 HiG 12 0 Figure Bridge.png
12x Bridge
Token Castle C2.png
12x Castle
Symbol BridgesCastlesBazaars C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Hills & Sheeps C2 HiG 18 0 File:Figure Shepherds stacked C2.png
1x Shepherd for each player
Token HillsSheep Sheep1 C2.png
2x 1 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep2 C2.png
5x 2 Sheeps
Token HillsSheep Sheep3 C2.png
5x 3 Sheeps
Token HillsSheep Sheep4 C2.png
2x 4 Sheeps
Token HillsSheep Wolf C2.png
2x Wolf
Symbol HillsSheep C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Under the Big Top C2 HiG 20 0 Figure Roundtop.png
1x Big Top
Figure Ringmasters stacked C2.png
1x Ringmaster for each player
Token UnderTheBigTop Flea C2.png
1x Flea
Token UnderTheBigTop Monkey C2.png
4x Monkey
Token UnderTheBigTop Seal C2.png
5x Seal
Token UnderTheBigTop Bear C2.png
3x Bear
Token UnderTheBigTop Tiger C2.png
2x Tiger
Token UnderTheBigTop Elephant C2.png
1x Elephant
Symbol UnderTheBigTop C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Flier C2 HiG 0 8 Figure Die.png
1x Die
Symbol Flier C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Messages C2 HiG 0 0 Figure Messengers stacked C2.png
1x Women follower for each player
Symbol Messages C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Ferries C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Ferry.png
8x Ferry
Symbol Ferries C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Goldmines C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Gold.png
16x gold ingots
Symbol GoldMines C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
Mage & Witch C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Mage.png
1x Mage

Figure Witch.png
1x Witch

Symbol MageWitch C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Robbers C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Robbers stacked C2.png
1x Robber for each player
Symbol Robbers C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
Crop Circle 2 C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
Japanese Buildings C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png n/a to be updated -
The Festival 15 C2 HiG 10 0 Logo Festival15.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Watchtowers C2 HiG 12 0 Symbol Watchtowers C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Markets of Leipzig C2 HiG 0 0 4x doublesize tiles Symbol Leipzig C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Fruitbearing Trees C2 HiG 6 0 Token FruitBearingTree apple.png
4x Apple
Token FruitBearingTree apricot.png
4x Apricot
Token FruitBearingTree plum.png
4x Elder
Token FruitBearingTree cherry.png
4x Cherry
Token FruitBearingTree elder.png
4x Plum
Token FruitBearingTree quince.png
4x quince
Symbol FruitBearingTrees C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Monasteries in Germany C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Barber-Surgeons C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol BarberSurgeons C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Castles in Germany C2 HiG 0 0 4x doublesize tiles Symbol CastlesGermany C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Tollkeepers C2 HiG 10 0 Tokens C2 Tollkeeper All.png
1x Bar for each player
Symbol Tollkeepers C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 1 C2 HiG 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Halflings1 C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 2 C2 HiG 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Halflings2 C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Spiel Doch Promo C2 HiG 2 0 Symbol SpielDoch.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Base game - Winter Edition WE HiG 71 1 1 Scoreboard Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Single game rules to be updated -
The Gingerbread Man WE HiG 6 0 Win gbm gingerbreadMan.png
Gingerbread Man
Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png Single game rules to be updated -
Crop Circles WE HiG 6 0 Single game rules to be updated -
Base game - Winter Download Edition WD HiG 71 1 Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
n/a to be updated Was available at HiG downloads till the Winter Edition was published
Easter in Carcassonne C1 Fritz_Spinne 22 0 Figure Rabbit.png
1 Easter bunny
Figure Die.png

1 Dice (2x1, 2x2, 2x3)

Easter in Carcassonne to be updated -
Easter Festival C1 Fritz_Spinne 22 0 Figure Rabbit.png
1 Easter bunny
Figure Die.png

1 Dice (2x1, 2x2, 2x3)

Easter Festival - Expansion Tiles
Easter Festival - Expansion Rules
to be updated -

The City Gates V1 C1 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM 24 0 Symbol CityGates C1.png n/a to be updated -
The City Gates V2 C1 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM 29 0 Symbol CityGates C1.png City Gates V2 to be updated -
The City Gates II C1 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM 24 0 Symbol CityGates C1.png City Gates II to be updated -
The Fortune Teller JPutt927 CarcC C1 JPutt927 9 0 FortuneTeller JPutt927 Symbol.png Fortune Teller to be updated -
The Fortune Teller HiG C1/C2 JPutt927 8 0 Symbol FortuneTeller C1C2.png n/a to be updated -
The Watchtowers C1 PresetM 12+2 0 Symbol Watchtowers C1C2.png n/a to be updated -
The Fortune Teller JPutt927 CarcF C1 JPutt927 8 0 CarcF Download to be updated -
The Medieval Expansion
* In the Stocks
* The Gallows
* Jousting Tournament
* The Order of Chivalry
C1 Joff

The Medieval Expansion
German Rules
to be updated -

Baba-Jaga & Ilja Muromez C1 Hobby World 2 Symbol RussianPromos C1.png German Rules to be updated -
Solovei Razboynik & Vodyanoy C1 Hobby World 2 Symbol RussianPromos C1.png German Rules to be updated -
Forests C1 Scott & Novelty 150 Forests
German Rules
to be updated -
Wild Boars C1 Calvin Daniels &KlausiMausi 9 Symbol WildBoars.png Wild Boars to be updated -
Fairy Tales C1 Novelty 12 Figure Wolf.png
5x wolf
Token AppleRed.png
3x Apple
Token Timber!.png
1x Wood
Fairy Tales
German Rules
to be updated -
Merry Man C1 Novelty 10 1x Outlaw Merry Men
German Rules
to be updated -
Green Dragon C1 Novelty & Scott 60 Green Dragon
German Rules
to be updated -
Log Cabins C1 Novelty 12 Log Cabins
German Rules
to be updated -
Evergreen Forest C1 Novelty 45 Evergreen Forest
German Rules
to be updated -
An Apple a day C1 Cappy 6 Token AppleRed.png
7x Apple
Token AppleYellow.png
2x Forbidden Fruit
Token AppleTell.png
2x Target practice
Token Apple Green.png
1x Green Apple
Token ApplePoison.png
Posisoned Apple
Token AppleHalf.png
1x Jean Appleseed
Token AppleHealth.png
2x An apple a day
An Apple a Day
German Rules
to be updated Rules were not updated after decision to increase from 14 to 15 apples
Timber! C1 Scott & Novelty 12 Token Timber!.png
12x Wood
German Rules
to be updated -
Forest Fire C1 JPutt927 1 Forest Fire
German Rules
to be updated -
The Little Forest C1 Quevy 12 The Little Forest
German Rules
to be updated -
Woodlands C1 Scott 30 Woodlands to be updated -
Mountains C1 Scott & Novelty 45 Mountains
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
Dragon's Lair C1 Scott & Novelty 27 Dragon's Lair
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
Gold Rush C1 Novelty 12 Token Gold.png
1x Gold
Token Coal.png
15x Coal
Gold Rush
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
High Places C1 Novelty 36 High Places
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
Pyrénées C1 Quevy 21 Pyrénées
German Rules & new tiles
to be updated -
The Foot Hills - Part 1 C1 TheSteveAllen 30 The Foothills - Part 1 to be updated -
The Ocean (2009) C1 Skipboris 110 Figure Boats stacked.png
6 ships for each player
Symbol Ocean2009.png The Ocean
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean (2013) C1 Skipboris 122 Figure Boats stacked.png
6 ships for each player
Symbol Ocean2013.png The Ocean tiles 2013 version
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Turbulent Waters C1 Skipboris 52 ReferenceFigures JunkBlack.png
1x Pirate Khayr ad-Din
Figure Mermaid.png
1x Mermaid
Figure Dragon blue.png
1x Leviathan
8x trade marker for each player
Token Diamond.png
6x Diamond
Turbulent Waters
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Men of the Sea C1 Skipboris 44 Symbol Ocean2009.png Men of the Sea
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Deltas C1 Skipboris 12 Symbol Deltas.png The Ocean - Deltas
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Buried Treasure C1 Skipboris 84 36x Treasure [[File:Figure_Builder_white.png 50px]]
White Builder
Figure Count white.png

White Count
Figure Meeple white.png
White Big Follower
Figure Junk white.png
White Galleon

The Ocean - Buried Treasure
German Rules
to be updated -
Taxes & Tolls C1 Quevy 8 Symbol TaxesAndTolls.png Taxes & Tolls
German Rules (draft)
to be updated -
Vineyards C1 Novelty & Gwommy 6 Symbol Vineyards.png Vineyards
German Rules
to be updated -
Wheat Fields C1 Chris Lynn & Novelty 12 Wheat Fields
German Rules
to be updated -
Lavender Fields C1 Welli Designs 12 Token Bee.png
12x Bee
Lavender Fields
German Rules
to be updated -
Wells C1 meepleater 12 Wells
German Rules
to be updated -
Wishing Wells C1 Novelty 12 Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
2 mini followers for each player
Wishing Wells
German Rules
to be updated -
Wells II C2 Wolnic 15 Wells II
German Rules
to be updated -
Fountain of Youth C1 meepleater 12 Symbol FountainOfYouth.png Fountain of Youth to be updated -
Whispering Woods C1 Novelty 60 Whispering Woods
German Rules
to be updated -
Waterfalls C1 Hester 3 Waterfalls to be updated -
Waterfalls 2 C1 Quevy 18 Waterfalls 2
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Swan lake C1 Novelty 15 Swan Lake
Germal Rules
to be updated -
Fishermen C1 Novelty 60 Fishermen
German Rules
to be updated -
Angler and Fish Farms C1 Novelty 2 1x Angler Angler & Fish Farms
German Rules
to be updated -
Fishing Boats C1 CKorfmann 0 Figure Boats stacked.png
1 boat for each player
Fishing Boats
German Rules
to be updated -
Fish Huts V2 C1 Novelty 12 Fish Huts V2
German Rules
to be updated -
Kettle of Fish C1 Novelty 30 8x Fish Kettle of Fish
German Rules
to be updated -
Trifecta C1 Novelty 12 Trifecta to be updated -
Tributaries C1 ? 24 Tributaries to be updated -
Treasure Hunt C1 Jonathan Wu 24 6x Heritage

12x Treasue

[[File:Figure_Builder_white.png 50px]]
White Builder
Figure Meeple white.png

White Big Follower

Token TreasureChest Red.png
3x treasure chest
Token TreasureChest Green.png
3x treasure chest
Token TreasureChest Blue.png
3x treasure chest
Token TreasureKey Red.png
3x Key
Token TreasureKey Green.png
3x Key
Token TreasureKey Blue.png
3x Key
Token TreasureKey Multi.png
1x Key
Symbol TreasureHunt.png Treasure Hunt
German Rules
to be updated -
Treasure Chest C1 Novelty 9 3x Treasue Token TreasureChest Yellow.png
1x Yellow Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Purple.png
1x Purple Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest MultiAll.png
1x Multicolor Treasure Chest
Token TreasureKey Yellow.png
1x Yellow Key
Token TreasureKey Purple.png
1x Purple Key
Token TreasureKey MultiAll.png
1x Multicolor Key
Token Gold.png
1x Gold
Treasure Chest
German Rules
to be updated -
Lord of the ring: Fellowship of the Ring C1 Meepleater 12 Fellowship of the Ring
German Rules
to be updated -
Lord of the ring: The Two Towers C1 Meepleater 12 20 Map pieces Token Bee.png
1x Bee
The Two Towers
German Rules & Tiles
to be updated -
Lord of the ring: Return of the King C1 Meepleater 12 Token Herbs.png
1x Herb
Token Pennant.png
1x Pennant
Symbol Cathars C1.png
1x Cathar
Token Sauron.png
1x Eye of Sauron
Return of the King
German Rules
to be updated -
Railroads C1 Matthias Hecking 33 Railroads
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Fish Huts V1 aka Fisherman's Cottage C1 Jörg Krühne 5 Fish Huts V1
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Loggers and Millers C1 Steffen Reichel 12 Loggers and Millers to be updated -
Laborer and Mendicant C1 Christoph Berger 0 1x Laborer

1x Mendicant

Laborer and Mendicant to be updated -
Forest C1 Guntram Engelhardt 36 Forest to be updated -
More River Tiles aka New River Tiles C1 Martin Storbeck 12 New River Tiles to be updated -
New Tiles C1 Guido Kämmer 24 New Tiles to be updated -
More New Tiles C1 Gerry 6 More New Tiles to be updated -
Butterfly tiles C1 Benjamin Stengel & Stephan Harms 16 Butterfly tiles to be updated -
All the Rest of the Tiles C1 notsewkram 250 Symbol AllTheRest.png All the Rest of the Tiles
Single tiles
to be updated -
Family Feud V1 C1 Frédérick Renaud & Novelty 30 Family Feud V1
CarcF Downloand
to be updated -
Family Feud V3 C1 Frédérick Renaud 36 Token Cloister.png
8x Cloister
Families Feud V3 to be updated -
Family Feud JPutty927 C1 JPutt927 27 Symbol FamiliyFeudJPutty927.png Family Feud JPutt927 to be updated -
Archery Tournament C1 Scott 1 Archery Tournament
CarcF Download
to be updated -




Carcassonne (1st edition)

Expansion Front Deutsch English español italiano Nederlands český
Base game
Front Tuck BaseGame C1.png
The River
Front Tuck RiverI C1.png
Inns and Cathedrals
Front Tuck InnsCathedrals C1.png
Traders and Builders
Front Tuck TraderBuilder C1.png
Front Tuck King C1.png
The Count of Carcassonne
Front Tuck CountCarcassonne C1.png
Front Tuck Cathars C1.png
The Princess and the Dragon
Front Tuck PrincessDragon C1.png
The River II
Front Tuck RiverII C1.png
The River III
Front Tuck RiverIII C1.png
The Tower
Front Tuck Tower C1.png
Games Quarterly #11
Front Tuck GQ11 C1.png
Abbey and the Mayor
Front Tuck AbbeyMayor C1.png
Count, King and Robber
The Catapult
Front Tuck Catapult C1.png
Cult, Siege and creativity contains
Front Tuck CultSiegeCreativity C1.png
Heretics and Shrines
The Wheel of Fortune
The Tunnel
Front Tuck Tunnel C1.png
Bridges, Castles and Bazaars
Front Tuck BridgesCastlesBazaars C1.png
Crop Circles I
Front Tuck CropCirclesI C1.png
The Plague
Front Tuck Plague C1.png
La Porxada
Front Tuck LaPorxada C1.png
The Festival (10 years)
Front Tuck Festival C1.png
The School
The Flier (Flying Machines)
Front Tuck Flier C1.png
The Messages (Dispatches)
Front Tuck Dispatches C1.png
The Ferries
Front Tuck Ferries C1.png
The Goldmines
Front Tuck Goldmines C1.png
Mage and Witch
Front Tuck MageWitch C1.png
The Robbers
Front Tuck Robbers C1.png
Crop Circles II
Front Tuck CropCirclesII C1.png
Wind Roses
Russian Promos
Hills & Sheep
Front Tuck HillsSheeps C1.png
Monasteries in Germany
Monasteries in the Netherlands and Belgium
Front Tuck DutchMonasteries C1.png
Castles in Germany
Front Tuck GermanCastles C1.png
Halflings I
Front Tuck Halflings1 C1.png
Halflings II
Front Tuck Halflings2 C1.png
Darmstadt Promo
Front Tuck Darmstadt C1.png
The Labyrinths
Cathedrals in Germany
Fortune teller[3]
Front Tuck FortuneTeller C1.png
City gates[3]
Front Tuck CityGates C1.png

Carcassonne (2nd edition)

Expansion Front Deutsch English español italiano Nederlands český
Base game
Spiel Promos
Inns and Cathedrals
Traders and Builders
The Princess and the Dragon
The Tower
Abbey & Mayor
Buildings in Japan
Front Tuck JapaneseBuildings C2.png
The Labyrinth
Front Tuck Labyrinth C2.png
The Watchtowers
The Festival (15 years)
Front Tuck Festival C2.png
Count, King and Robber
Bridges, Castles and Bazaars
Under the Big Top
The Markets of Leipzig
The Flier (Flying Machines)
Front Tuck Flier C2.png
The Messages (Dispatches)
Front Tuck Dispatches C2.png
The Ferries
Front Tuck Ferries C2.png
The Goldmines
Front Tuck Goldmines C2.png
Mage and Witch
Front Tuck MageWitch C2.png
The Robbers
Front Tuck Robbers C2.png
Crop Circles
Front Tuck CropCircles C2.png
Hills & Sheep
The Fruit-Bearing Trees
Monasteries in Germany
Front Tuck GermanMonasteries C2.png
The Barber-Surgeons
Front Tuck Barber C2.png
Fortune teller[3]
Front Tuck FortuneTeller C2.png


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

Hills & Sheep

On your user page: "4x 1 Sheep", not "2x 1 Sheep". --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 11:14, 29 May 2020 (UTC)

In the raw data fixed --> is included in next update --Murphy013 26-July-2020


The Romanian boxes are missing. --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 21:36, 24 June 2020 (UTC)

This edition (File:LE Base Crop RO.PNG) includes Crop Circles. --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 08:53, 21 July 2020 (UTC)

==> All recognized --Murphy013 16-Jul-2020

The messenger

Carcassonne Game Figures- where is the image of the messenger? --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 12:18, 30 July 2020 (UTC)

Carcassonne Game Figures/ro‎

  • Follower / Meeple = Supus / Meeple
  • Big Follower / Big Meeple = Supus mare / Meeple mare
  • Builder = Constructor
  • Pig = Porc
  • Mayor = Primar
  • Wagon = Căruță
  • Barn = Moșie
  • Shepherd = Oier
  • Ringmaster = Director de circ
  • Abbot = Abate
  • Messenger = Meepleșiță
  • Robber = Haiduc
  • Phantom / Teacher = Fantomă / Profesor
  • Travel-Edition = Ediția de călătorie
  • grey figures are only available for 1st edition = pionii gri sunt disponibili numai pentru prima ediție
  • pink figures are only available for 2nd edition = pionii roz sunt disponibili numai pentru a doua ediție
  • Dragon = Dragon
  • Fairy = Zână
  • Tower Piece Floor = Piesă de turn
  • Count = Conte
  • Bridge = Pod
  • Big Top = Cort de circ
  • Big Pig = Porc mare
  • Special Die = Zar special
  • Ferry = Bac
  • Gold Piece Ingot = Lingou de aur
  • Mage = Magician
  • Witch = Vrăjitoare
  • Gingerbread Man* = Om de turtă dulce*
  • * Figure of expansion "Gingerbread Man" of Winter-Edition = * Pion din miniextensia „Omul de turtă dulce” din ediția de iarnă
  • Game figures of tdrilling completed and refurbished by Murphy013 on 09-May-2019 = Piesele jocului complet aranjată și restaurată de Murphy013 în 09 mai 2019. --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 15:10, 7 August 2020 (UTC)
Translation for File:Carcassonne Figures C1 C2 WE English.png. --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 16:10, 7 August 2020 (UTC)
  1. shown images are taken from the rules
  2. colour is randomly in the expansion and belongs to no player
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Fan-Edition