

Main Test

FAQ Test

Dummy link

Consolidated Clarifications

Wagon Rules Comparison Between Editions


Test Big Table

Print-and-Play Demo

Translation Test

Base Game - Test

Base Game - Test Inline

The Abbot - Test

New Messages - Test

Visual Timeline - Test

Clarification Box - La Porxada

Clarification Box - Exp. 6

The Land Surveyors Simulator

Tile Reference

Carcassonne Tile Reference

Carcassonne Tile List

Carcassonne Visual Turn Sequence

Order of Play

Carcassonne Order of Play for Discussion

Other pages:


Carcassonne Game Figures



Caption 1
Caption 2
Caption 3

Info on slideshows


Case Symbol Type #1 Symbol Type #2 Symbol Type #3
no × ×
undefined ? ? ?

Preferred option: Symbol Type #2 - Big green checkmarks; rest of symbols less visual weight.

Pages with parameters

Test page with params

Transcluding the page with parameters


This is a test for Meepledrone

Assembled game reference

Assembled Game Reference

Original Figure Reference

Translation test

Dummy Translation

Tagged Headline

Dummy test for headlines with tags

Other tests

URL test


You can select what expansions you want to include in your game in the Expansion selector below. The Game reference, the Order of Play and the Scoring sections will adapt dynamically to your selection.

Expansion selector


Test with optional list items with conditional footnotes
Play with the Dragon and Fairy in the expansion selector below to see how conditional visibility works...
  • This is a conditional text with a footnote. This line is only shown when the Dragon is selected. [1]
  • This line shows a footnote when the Dragon and the Fairy are selected at the same time. [1] In this case both lines share the same footnote.
  1. 1.0 1.1   This footnote is only visible when the Dragon is selected and it is highlighted in blue when C1 or WE is the preferred edition. It may have one or two back links depending on your Dragon and Fairy selection.

Clarification box test


Paragraph annotations (Raw)

A monastery with multiple monks from various players will be scored taking into account the majority, the same as a road or a city. [1] This will also apply to all monastic features: monasteries, abbeys, shrines, German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries, Japanese buildings and Darmstadt churches.

1. Placing a tile

When dealing with special monasteries (German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries and Japanese buildings), you may place additional meeples as abbots [N1 1] [N1 2] with a flying machine. You won't be allowed to deploy meeples as abbots from the city of Carcassonne.
Notes [N1]:
  1.   This is a clarification. The ZMG rules allowed the active player to score a feature even without having the majority. This may be due to a mistranslation of the German rules.
  2.   Yes. Another clarification. Any other meeples belonging to you or other players remain on the feature, as it is still incomplete.

2. Placing a meeple

When dealing with special monasteries (German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries and Japanese buildings), you may place additional meeples as abbots [N2 1] [N2 2] with a flying machine. You won't be allowed to deploy meeples as abbots from the city of Carcassonne.

Meeples placed as abbots on a special monastery will be ignored if the feature is completed and scored by any meeples placed as monks on the feature. However, those meeples placed as abbots will be scored at the end of the game, taking into account the majority if more than one player has meeples on the feature. [N2 3]

Notes [N2]:
  1.   This is a clarification. The ZMG rules allowed the active player to score a feature even without having the majority. This may be due to a mistranslation of the German rules.
  2.   Yes. Another clarification. Any other meeples belonging to you or other players remain on the feature, as it is still incomplete.
  3.   And another clarification.

Example 1: You (Red player) complete this city. Blue scores 4 points and you score none. You decide to place a meeple in the cathedral in Carcassonne.

Meeples placed as abbots on a special monastery will be ignored if the feature is completed and scored by any meeples placed as monks on the feature. However, those meeples placed as abbots will be scored at the end of the game, taking into account the majority if more than one player has meeples on the feature. [N3 1] [2]

Notes [N3]:
  1.   And another clarification.

Footnotes (Raw)

  1.   Problem with translation.
  2.   Rewording to solve discrepancy.

Paragraph annotations (Templates)

A monastery with multiple monks from various players will be scored taking into account the majority, the same as a road or a city. [1] This will also apply to all monastic features: monasteries, abbeys, shrines, German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries, Japanese buildings and Darmstadt churches.

1. Placing a tile

When dealing with special monasteries (German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries and Japanese buildings), you may place additional meeples as abbots [N1 1] [N1 2] with a flying machine. You won't be allowed to deploy meeples as abbots from the city of Carcassonne.
Notes [N1]:
  1.   This is a clarification. The ZMG rules allowed the active player to score a feature even without having the majority. This may be due to a mistranslation of the German rules.
  2.   Yes. Another clarification. Any other meeples belonging to you or other players remain on the feature, as it is still incomplete.

2. Placing a meeple

When dealing with special monasteries (German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries and Japanese buildings), you may place additional meeples as abbots [N2 1] [N2 2] with a flying machine. You won't be allowed to deploy meeples as abbots from the city of Carcassonne.

Meeples placed as abbots on a special monastery will be ignored if the feature is completed and scored by any meeples placed as monks on the feature. However, those meeples placed as abbots will be scored at the end of the game, taking into account the majority if more than one player has meeples on the feature. [N2 3]

Notes [N2]:
  1.   This is a clarification. The ZMG rules allowed the active player to score a feature even without having the majority. This may be due to a mistranslation of the German rules.
  2.   Yes. Another clarification. Any other meeples belonging to you or other players remain on the feature, as it is still incomplete.
  3.   And another clarification.

Example 1: You (Red player) complete this city. Blue scores 4 points and you score none. You decide to place a meeple in the cathedral in Carcassonne.

Meeples placed as abbots on a special monastery will be ignored if the feature is completed and scored by any meeples placed as monks on the feature. However, those meeples placed as abbots will be scored at the end of the game, taking into account the majority if more than one player has meeples on the feature. [N3 1] [2]

Notes [N3]:

  1.   And another clarification.

Meeples placed as abbots on a special monastery will be ignored if the feature is completed and scored by any meeples placed as monks on the feature. However, those meeples placed as abbots will be scored at the end of the game, taking into account the majority if more than one player has meeples on the feature. [N4 1] [3]

Notes [N4]:

  1.   And another clarification.

Footnotes (Template)

  1.   Problem with translation.
  2.   Rewording to solve discrepancy again.
  3.   Rewording to solve discrepancy again.


In Romanian, there are official translations only for Base game, Big Box 6 and for the all 9 expansions. What can I do with the other miniexpansions? Can I translate them manually? --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 21:14, 24 April 2020 (UTC)

Yes, this is what we do for all other languages without official translations. If released, we can update the translation accordingly. But normally, we use the English version with some updates using the German ones as a reference to validate the meaning. ZMG, the English publisher, don't not provide very good translations (some rules are altered in English due to mistranslations by ZMG). HiG sometimes either (You can check C2 Halflings, for example). --Meepledrone (talk) 21:21, 24 April 2020 (UTC)


See Special:AllComments. --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 13:02, 31 December 2020 (UTC)

Peasant Revolts and City of Carcassonne

"Moving a protected meeple to Carcassonne would remove its protection (if any), since it cannot be applied later?"

How do you could move a protected meeple (so it is placed in the playing area) in Carcassonne? That meeple should come from supply, not from playing area, and there are no protected meeples in supply. Maybe it is about Leipzig? --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 19:29, 30 March 2021 (UTC)

You are right, when splitting the common clarification for Carcassonne and Leipzig, the part about Carcassonne alone was odd. I updated the wording of the clarification accordingly. --Meepledrone (talk) 00:00, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

Translations:Authorised Fan Conversions/6/ro

Can you delete Translations:Authorised Fan Conversions/6/ro? I created it by mistake. --User:Paloi Sciurala (talk) 01:10, 5 November 2021 (CET)

Only block #6? What's the issue? --Meepledrone (talk) 12:41, 5 November 2021 (CET)