Burgfräulein und Drache (Erste Edition)

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Princess And Dragon C1 Front Cover.png

Allgemeine Informationen und Kommentare


The Princess and The Dragon (P&D) was originally released by Hans im Glück in 2005.

This is the third major expansion for Carcassonne and introduces a few new aspects to the game. This expansion introduces you to the world of fantasy, the land of fairy tales and where knights fight big dragons.

New features/things are:

  • The dragon
  • The fairy
  • The princess
  • A magic portal

A Carcassonne expansion is not really a Carcassonne expansion when there are no new tiles, so in the box you also find 30 tiles that represent city segments, road segments and cloisters in new configurations plus the addition of volcanoes, princesses, dragons and magic portals to create a much more beautiful landscape.


  • 30 new and tiles, including 6 volcanos, 12 dragon tiles, 6 magic portals and 6 princess tiles
  • 1 dragon
  • 1 fairy



Die 30 Karten werden unter die anderen Karten gemischt.

The fairy and the dragon should be placed at the side of the table, and will be brought into play once the game is under way.

Legen der Karten

The new land tiles are placed in the usual way. All the new tiles contain a symbol (a volcano, a dragon, a princess or a magic portal) which can have an effect on the next stage, Deploy a Follower. Full details of these tiles are described below.

Other new tiles:[1]

Tile with tunnel
Tunnel: The road is not broken, and neither are the farms on the bottom and the top.
Cloister in the city
Cloister in the city: When a player deploys a follower here, it must be clearly placed either in the city or on the cloister. If the follower is deployed to the cloister, then the cloister is scored when it is surrounded by eight land tiles, even when the city is not completed. The follower can also be deployed as a monk if there is already a knight in the connected city. The reverse is also true.

Setzen eines Gefolgsmanns

Followers can be placed on regular tile features as per the normal rules, with specific rules for the tile features introduced in this expansion detailed below.

Die Fee

Die Fee

The fairy begins the game at the edge of the playing field.

When a player does not deploy [2] [3] a follower, [4] the builder, or the pig on his or her turn, the player may now decide to move the neutral fairy next to [5] [6] one of his or her followers. [7] [8] [9] If the fairy is already on a tile, it may be moved to another.

The fairy has three effects:

  • Protection from the Dragon: The dragon cannot enter a tile with the fairy on it. Thus, any figure on this tile is protected from the dragon.
  • 1 Point at the beginning of a turn: At the start of a player’s turn, if the fairy is next to one of the player’s followers, he or she scores 1 point immediately. [10] If a player uses his builder to generate a double turn, this bonus is still only scored once. [11]
  • 3 Points at scoring: If the fairy is standing next to a follower in a feature (city, road, cloister, or farm) that is being scored, the owner of that follower receives 3 points, independent of how much (if anything) the player otherwise receives from the scoring. [12] [13] [14] The follower is then returned to the player, while the fairy remains where it is. [15]
  • If a player with a builder gets a double turn, he or she gets the fairy point only at the beginning of the first turn.
  • The fairy does not protect against capture by the tower.
  • If a player moves the fairy, he or she may not place any other figure, including builder, pig, mayor, barn, or wagon. [16] [17]

Der Vulkan

A player who draws and places a volcano tile must immediately move the dragon to this tile from its current location - this may be at the side of the table, or on an already placed tile. The player may not deploy a follower (or any other figure, except the dragon) [18] [19] to the tile, but may—according to the usual rules—move the fairy. [20] At no point may followers occupy the same tile as the dragon.

The dragon is placed on the volcano tile
  • A player who places a volcano tile and creates a site for a barn may place the barn. [21]

The dragon

A player who places a dragon tile may deploy a follower or move the fairy as usual. [22] [23] Then (before scoring) the game is interrupted [24] [25] —the dragon is on the move!

Beginning with the player whose turn it is, each player must move the dragon exactly one tile horizontally or vertically. The dragon always moves six tiles, irrespective of the number of players, except in the case of a dead end. It may not move onto a tile twice, [26] and the tile occupied by the fairy is also off limits.

  • The dragon cannot move into the City of Carcassonne. [27]

Whenever the dragon enters a tile occupied by any player’s figure or neutral figure, they are all returned to the relevant player or to the side of the board as described below. [28]

2015 FAQ: Speiseplan des Drachen

The dragon eats followers. So far so good. But with all the special characters from expansions, it is sometimes difficult to understand what else is on the menu of the dragon. The rules were often at odds with common sense. Therefore, we, along with Klaus Jürgen Wrede, have decided to make the diet as intuitive as possible.

The new motto is: The dragon eats everything of flesh and blood. However, the dragon still fears the fairy. Followers in a castle or the City of Carcassonne are also protected.

  • Dragon meal plan (dragon can eat): follower, follower on a tower, big follower, wagon (has a tasty crew), mayor, phantom, abbot, shepherd, sheep token, builder, pig, mage, witch.[29] [30]
  • Dragon diet plan (dragon cannot eat): barn,[31] tower piece, fairy, bridge, castle, ferry, gold, tunnel token, plague token, little building token, catapult token, landscape tile.
  • Protection from dragons (figures in the following locations are safe from the dragon): land tile with fairy, inside the City of Carcassonne, in a castle,[32] [33] inside the Wheel of Fortune, inside the school.

If the last thief, knight, or farmer of a player is removed from a road, city, or farm, then any builder or pig belonging to the player is also removed from the feature in question.[34] When the dragon has finished moving, play continues as usual.[35]

Dead ends: If the dragon moves to a tile from which it cannot continue to move according to the rules above, then its movement phase is ended prematurely.

Note: Until a volcano tile has been placed, the dragon remains on the edge of the playing field, and is not moved. If a dragon tile is drawn, it is placed to one side and the player may draw another tile. As soon as the dragon is in play, any dragon tiles which have been laid to one side are mixed into the supply and the game continues as before.

An example with four players:
* Player A moves the dragon up.
* Player B moves the dragon left.
* Player C moves the dragon down.
* Player D moves the dragon left—it cannot move right.
* Then it is player A’s turn again, and the dragon moves up a tile.
* Then player B moves the dragon up once more, and the movement of the dragon is over.
* The BLUE and RED followers are returned to the supplies of their owners.

The magic portal

A magic portal

If a player places a magic portal tile, on this turn he or she may deploy a follower to that tile or to a tile already in play.[36] [37] [38] [39]

The usual rules must be followed[40] —for example, the follower may not be deployed to an already occupied or completed feature.[41] [42] [43]

RED places the tile with the magic portal on the left and puts his follower on the tile with the previously unoccupied city on the right.

Das Burgfräulein

Das Burgfräulein

If a player draws a tile with a princess, it may be placed according to the usual rules. If the player uses the tile to extend a city which is already occupied by one or more knights, the player may[44] remove one knight[45] [46] [47] (including his own) [48] from the city and return it to its owner.[49] If the player does not remove a follower, he may deploy a follower as normal.[50]

  • If there are knights of several players in the city, the player placing the tile may freely choose which knight is to be removed.
  • If the last knight of a player is removed from a city in which that player also has a builder, then the builder is also immediately removed and returned to the player.[51]
  • If a knight is removed from the city, the player may not deploy or move any other figure (including follower, builder, pig, mayor, barn, wagon, or fairy).[52]
RED places the tile with the princess and removes the BLUE knight. RED now may not place any follower or other figure.


When you complete one or more areas (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) by placing a Princess and Dragon tile, you score them according to the normal rules.


There is no additional scoring at the end of the game with the Princess and Dragon tiles.

House Rules

  • Replace dragon tiles into the bag and redraw right away if there is no dragon in play yet. (Thanks to dwhitworth)
  • Players are allowed to claim a fairy point until the bag is handed to the next player, but then it’s tough if they forget! (Thanks to dwhitworth)
  • Abandon the 1-point bonus for the fairy altogether, instead awarding 5 points for a protected follower completing a feature. (Thanks to viberunner)
  • The fairy does not prevent the dragon from moving to a tile, but it still prevents the dragon from eating any figures on that tile. (Thanks to jrizos)

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 30

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Für Lizenzen und Erklärungen besuche Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher If using the tunnel tokens from The Tunnel, then the road shown on the first tile is indeed broken, and the segments may never actually meet.
  2. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This is a small, but significant change; see the note below on the volcano.
  3. Official clarification from the publisher If The Festival is used to remove a follower, the fairy cannot be moved, as an action was still taken in the Move Wood or Deploy a Figure phase. (5/2014)
  4. Interpretation from the Community The RGG edition of the Big Box states only that “whenever a player places no follower on his turn, he may, instead, place the fairy.” However, it still seems reasonable to conclude that fairy placement is an alternative to placing a pig, builder, tower piece, or other figure, even if they are not explicitly mentioned.
  5. Official clarification from the publisher Only one follower can be “next to” (or connected to) the fairy. Thus, only one follower will receive points from the fairy in the second and third effects (next page). Even if another follower is placed in the same feature on the same tile (as with the Flying Machines), this would not be considered “next to” the fairy.
  6. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The bolded text (“next to”) represents the current HiG rules, and the fairy rules have been reiterated in further clarifications. However, the RGG and ZMG rules instead state that the fairy is simply placed on the tile that has one of the player’s followers. This lack of specificity in the RGG and ZMG rules would be an important consideration in the 2nd and 3rd effects of the fairy discussed below. (updated 5/2013)
  7. Official clarification from the publisher Because builders and pigs are not followers, it is not possible to move the fairy next to either of them, as the fairy can only stand next to a follower.
  8. Interpretation from the Community It seems that a player with no followers on the board cannot move the fairy, even if he or she did not deploy a figure that turn, as there is not a legal tile to which the fairy can be moved.
  9. Official clarification from the publisher The fairy can be moved to a tile where the only follower on the tile is on a tower.
  10. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers In the RGG and ZMG versions of the rules, a follower on the same tile as the fairy will generate the 1-point bonus (again, because in these rules the fairy is not specifically placed beside a single follower). Thus, by these rules, it would be conceivable that multiple players could benefit from fairy placement if there were multiple followers on (different features of) the same tile. (updated 5/2013)
  11. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This sentence stems from an FAQ and is now included in the RGG Big Box 3 rules.
  12. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The RGG version of the rules states that the follower simply must stand on the tile with the fairy to be eligible for the 3 point bonus, again because specificity in fairy placement is not required. Interestingly, the ZMG version emphasizes that the fairy and follower must “stand together” to receive the points, even though placement of the fairy in the ZMG version is only to the tile generally. (updated 5/2013)
  13. Official clarification from the publisher Note that the scoring of the 3 bonus points is independent of the normal points scored for the completed feature. Thus, a follower in that feature and on the fairy tile will score 3 points even if that player does not have the majority for the purposes of scoring the feature.
  14. Official clarification from the publisher Question: If the fairy is on the same tile as the losing heretic or monk in a challenge, does the player still score the bonus 3 points? Answer: When a challenge is resolved (that is, when someone has won), both followers are returned to the player, so no one stands next to the fairy. [At the point that a challenge is resolved and one participant “scores” zero, the building that participant is in will be incomplete. Therefore, strictly speaking, that participant does not actually take part in “scoring”—say, in the way that a player without the majority in a city does—and so does not score the bonus points—ed.]
  15. Official clarification from the publisher If a player completes a city and does not deploy a follower, he or she can move the fairy to a follower in the city and earn the three bonus points. The deployment of a follower—and so the movement of the fairy—occurs before any scoring.
  16. Official clarification from the publisher A phantom may still be placed after movement of the fairy. (12/2014)
  17. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers These 3 bullet point clarifications are additions to newer versions of the rules. (12/2013)
  18. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The clarification regarding all figures is a change in Big Box 2 and Big Box 3. Previously, builders and pigs could also be deployed when a volcano tile was placed.
  19. Official clarification from the publisher When a tile with a volcano is placed, the player may not deploy a follower (including the Phantom), a builder, or a pig to the tile. Thus, the player may place the barn (since that is not fully on the tile), play a tower piece, deploy a follower to the Wheel of Fortune (The Wheel of Fortune), or move the fairy. Little buildings (Little Buildings) are not figures and could be placed. A bridge can also be placed as necessary.
  20. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This is a notable change in the rules, especially in respect of a previously available FAQ which clearly stated that the fairy could only be moved when the player relinquished the deployment of afollower—and since no follower could be deployed when a volcano tile is placed, the fairy could not be moved either. That ruling has obviously been overturned, since the rules now state that the fairy may be moved when a volcano tile is placed. Indeed, the rules now say that a player may move the fairy whenever he or she does not place a follower. Thus, the player no longer has to “choose” not to deploy a follower—in any case when a follower is not or cannot be deployed, the fairy may be moved. This is in fact consistent with another FAQ, which stated that the fairy may still be moved if the player has run out of followers.
  21. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This clarification is an addition to newer versions of the rules. (12/2013)
  22. Official clarification from the publisher This is a clarification, in accordance with the FAQ. The original rules made no mention of the fairy. The dragon tile may be placed, no follower deployed, and the fairy moved to protect a follower, before the dragon actually moves.
  23. Official clarification from the publisher Question: If you place a dragon tile and add a piece to a tower, what happens first: follower capture by the tower, or dragon movement? Answer: Prisoners are taken first; placing a tower piece is an alternative to deploying a follower, so this occurs before dragon movement.
  24. Official clarification from the publisher If a tile with a dragon icon is placed and extends the field with the active player’s shepherd, the player can perform the shepherd action (expand or herd the flock) before the dragon moves. (3/2015)
  25. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The RGG edition contradicts the sequence described in the HiG edition and the FAQ: “If placement of the tile completes a feature, it is scored as normal. Then, the game is briefly interrupted while the Dragon moves.” So, according to the RGG edition of the Big Box, dragon movement occurs after scoring; according to HiG it occurs before scoring. The ZMG edition follows the HiG rule and specifically adds that the interruption is “before scoring.” (5/2013)
  26. Official clarification from the publisher The dragon is not allowed to move back to the tile from which it started.
  27. Official clarification from the publisher Note that the dragon can still move onto tiles that include the City of Carcassonne, treating the landscape areas as normal tiles, but it must stay outside the City itself. Thus only figures outside the City are eaten, and those inside (including the Count) are safe. (12/2013)
  28. Official clarification from the publisher The dragon eats all followers on a tile, even if one is in a tower.
  29. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers In rules prior to March 2015, neutral figures, including the mage and witch, could not be eaten by the dragon. (3/2015)
  30. Official clarification from the publisher The Gingerbread Man (when playing the iOS version) can also be eaten by the dragon. (12/2014)
  31. Official clarification from the publisher The barn cannot be eaten by the dragon, as is clarified in Abbey and the Mayor. Remember, the barn stands at the intersection of 4 tiles, while the dragon only affects figures discretely on a single tile.
  32. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers Followers in castles (Bridges, Castles and Bazaars) are safe from the dragon because they are not on a single tile. This clarification was first added to the Big Box 3 version of the rules. (modified 12/2013)
  33. Official clarification from the publisher German castles (Castles in Germany) do not protect followers within, or on any feature on the tile. (10/2015)
  34. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This is a direct consequence of the rule that builders and pigs are not followers—in the original rules they could remain in play, with the builder still able to generate double turns.
  35. Official clarification from the publisher Question: When a city, cloister, or road is completed by placing a dragon tile, is it scored before the movement of the dragon? Answer: The dragon is moved before scoring and may possibly clear the city, cloister or road in question before any scoring takes place. [As noted in a previous footnote, this is true in HiG and ZMG rules, but scoring occurs first in RGG rules – ed.]
  36. Official clarification from the publisher Builders, pigs, barns, and shepherds cannot use the magic portal, as they are not followers. (updated 3/2015)
  37. Official clarification from the publisher Any follower (including mayor, wagon, and abbot) can use a magic portal, but the feature that the follower is ultimately deployed to must be legal for that follower. (updated 3/2015)
  38. Official clarification from the publisher A Phantom can use a magic portal. However, because the magic portal counts as a feature, a wooden follower and the Phantom cannot BOTH use the magic portal on a turn – the first follower placed on the magic portal claims the magic portal, and no follower (including the Phantom) can be placed on a claimed feature. (1/2013)
  39. Official clarification from the publisher The portal is never really considered completed, as it is simply a doorway. (2/2013)
  40. Official clarification from the publisher A follower cannot be deployed to the City of Carcassonne or to The Wheel of Fortune via a magic portal. The magic portal only allows followers to be deployed to tiles that can be legally occupied according to the usual rules, as if the player had just placed the tile in question. The City of Carcassonne and The Wheel of Fortune are occupied according to different rules. (confirmed 5/2013)
  41. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The original rules stated that a follower could not be deployed to a feature which had not yet been scored—leaving the possibility that a follower could use a magic portal to reach a feature which had been completed, but not scored. This was corrected in an FAQ, and now in these rules. The magic portal may not be used to reach a completed feature, whether it was scored or not.
  42. Official clarification from the publisher Followers can use the magic portal to be deployed on features outside the City of Carcassonne, on features outside of The Wheel of Fortune, and on the features on the school tiles (outside the school itself). (1/2013)
  43. Official clarification from the publisher Note that if placement of the portal tile causes completion of a feature, such as a cloister, you cannot deploy a follower to that feature using the magic portal, as it is considered completed before the move wood phase. (7/2014)
  44. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This is a change to the original rules, which stated that the princess must remove a knight, unless there was no knight in the city at all. The change, first seen in Big Box 2, brings the procedure in line with that of the tower: both may remove a follower if the player wishes. The RGG and ZMG editions of the rules maintain the rule that princesses must remove a follower. (updated 12/2013)
  45. Official clarification from the publisher Any follower in a city is a knight. This includes normal followers, big followers, mayors, and wagons. (01/2015)
  46. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers A clarification indicating that either a big or normal follower could be removed is specifically included in the Big Box 1-3 rules. This constitutes a slight rule change from the original rules – according to an early FAQ, the big follower could only be removed from a city when there were no other knights. A big follower can now be removed from the city just like any other. (updated 01/2015)
  47. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers Specific comments that the mayor and wagon can be removed by the princess are found in Big Box 2 and 3, but not in the rules from the stand-alone expansion. (updated 01/2015)
  48. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This clarification in parentheses was first added to the 2010 version of the rules. (12/2013)
  49. Official clarification from the publisher Question: If the dragon can eat a follower on a tower, can the follower also be seduced by a princess? Answer: No. The tower is not a part of the city: they are two separate areas.
  50. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This sentence was added when the requirement of removing a knight became an option. It replaced the sentence: “If [the player] places the tile so that it adds to an empty city, or only starts a new city, he may place a follower (or other figure) in the normal way.” The RGG and ZMG editions keep various wordings of the old sentence. (12/2013)
  51. Interpretation from the Community Builders cannot be directly removed by a princess, as builders are not followers. This would also conform with the rule that builders and pigs cannot be taken prisoner by towers.
  52. Official clarification from the publisher The placement of a princess tile with removal of a knight from the city cannot be used as a first “follower move” and be followed by placement of the Phantom (e.g. into the now-vacated city). As per the rules for the princess, “if a knight is removed from the city, the player may not deploy or move any other figure.” [This combo would be too powerful in allowing city stealing. –ed.]