Carcassonne: Amazonka
Carcassonne: Amazonka je vzrušujúca hra pre 2 až 5 hráčov vo veku od 7 rokov. Pôvodne ju vydal Hans im Glück in 2016.
"Under the tropical heat of the jungle, you head into the South American rainforest. The river and jungle both abound with colorful wildlife that creates a most beautiful panorama. But you have little time to appreciate the serenity of the moment, as you notice other explorers heading into the jungle to build camps and go down the river. The race to the mouth of the Amazon River is on!"
Amazonas is based on Carcassonne, and part of the "Carcassonne Around The World" series of standalone games, but is not compatible with Carcassonne or any of the other Carcassonne spin-off games.
Hra využíva mnohé zaužívané herné mechanizmy hry Carcassonne a odohráva sa v hustej amazonskej džungli v Brazílii.
WICA Notes
Nakoľko Carcassonne: Amazonka nevyšla v slovenskom ani českom jazyku, pravidlá vychádzajú z anglického vydania doplnené o výklady pravidiel pochádzajúce z diskusných fór venujúcich sa hre Carcassonne.
- Base Game
- Bonus River Tiles - published in 2017 in a mini sheet with The Markets of Leipzig
Fanúšikovské rozšírenia
- Fan Expansions for Amazonas - A number of fan produced "print-and-play" expansions have been created which are available from CarcassonneCentral, CarcassonneForum and CarcassonneCZ. These expansions may either be "completed" (available as a complete pack of tiles and rules (as applicable - some may only be a set of rules)) or "in development" (partially developed, perhaps some tiles and an outline of rules in a forum discussion thread).
If you prefer to draw tiles from a bag, this custom design is available from Artscow:
Artist: Vicki Dalton, Andreas Resch
Poznámky pod čiarou
Vysvetlenie ikoniek nájdete na tejto stránke.