Family Feud (Fan Expansion)

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The different-coloured coat of arms represent the two families. As the families will have nothing to do with each other, city segments containing these two different coats of arms cannot be joined together. If there is a city containing a blue-and-white coat of arms, then a tile containing a red-and-yellow coat of arms is forbidden to be added or joined into that city. The reverse is also true, if there is a city containing a red-and-yellow coat of arms, then a tile containing a blue-and-white coat of arms is forbidden to be added or joined into the city. No tile, with or without coat of arms can be placed that will join an uncompleted city containing one type of coat of arms with another uncompleted city containing the other type of coat of arms.

Other languages:
Unending Family Feud C2 08.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. Unending Family Feud C1 08.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol Family Feud.png

The different-coloured coat of arms represent the two families. As the families will have nothing to do with each other, city segments containing these two different coats of arms cannot be joined together. If there is a city containing a blue-and-white coat of arms, then a tile containing a red-and-yellow coat of arms is forbidden to be added or joined into that city. The reverse is also true, if there is a city containing a red-and-yellow coat of arms, then a tile containing a blue-and-white coat of arms is forbidden to be added or joined into the city. No tile, with or without coat of arms can be placed that will join an uncompleted city containing one type of coat of arms with another uncompleted city containing the other type of coat of arms.

No one knows how the feud started between two of the largest families in Carcassonne. Some say it was a boundary dispute, others say it was due to a cow. No one knows for certain. But the one certain thing is that the two families will have nothing to do with each other and will go out of their way to keep their distance from each other.

General info

Family Feud fan-expansion for Carcassonne Base Game Carcassonne Base Game was released by Carcassonne Central member Frédérick Renaud as a reimplementation of a previous fan-expansion Families by Carcassonne Central member Novelty (CarcC).
Carcassonne Central member Snearone (CarcC, CarcCZ) created redesign of original expansion tiles as Unending Family Feud in both C1 and C2.


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Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.


  • 30 new land tiles most of which have a red-and-yellow coat of arms on a city segment.



Shuffle the Family Feud tiles together with the other tiles. [1]


Feature Coat Of Arms Red Yellow C2.png
1. Placing a tile

The different-coloured coat of arms represent the two families — the quartered blue-and-white coat of arm represents one family and the quartered yellow-and-red coat of arm represents the other. As the families will have nothing to do with each other, city segments containing these two different coats of arms cannot be joined together.

If there is a city containing a blue-and-white coat of arms, then a tile containing a red-and-yellow coat of arms is forbidden to be added or joined into that city. The reverse is also true, if there is a city containing a red-and-yellow coat of arms, then a tile containing a blue-and-white coat of arms is forbidden to be added or joined into the city. No tile, with or without coat of arms can be placed that will join an uncompleted city containing one type of coat of arms with another uncompleted city containing the other type of coat of arms.

Example 1a: A Family Feud tile can be placed this way.
Example 1b: A Family Feud tile cannot be placed this way.
Example 1c: Any tile cannot join cities with different colour of coat of arms.
2. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature

When a city is completed, a red-and-yellow coat of arms scores an additional 2 points for every coat of arms in the completed city, for the player with the most knights. As usual, if there is a draw, all players involved in the draw get an additional 2 points for every coat of arms in the completed city. The red-and-yellow coat of arm functions exactly as the blue-and-white coat of arms during completed city scoring.

Other Expansions

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Fan Expansions

New tiles

Tile Distribution

Unending Family Feud C2

Total tiles: 30
Unending Family Feud C2 01.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 02.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 03.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 04.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 05.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 06.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 07.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 09.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 10.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 11.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 12.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 13.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 14.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 15.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 16.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 18.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 19.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 20.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 21.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 23.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 24.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 25.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C2 26.png ×1
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Farmhouse C2.png
Feature Cows C2.png
Feature WaterTower C2.png
Feature Highwayman C2.png
Feature Pigsty C2.png
P | Pigsty
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

Unending Family Feud C1

Total tiles: 30
Unending Family Feud C1 01.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 02.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 03.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 04.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 05.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 06.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 07.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 09.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 10.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 11.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 12.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 13.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 14.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 15.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 16.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 18.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 19.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 20.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 21.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 23.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 24.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 25.png ×1
Unending Family Feud C1 26.png ×1

Family Feud C1

Total tiles: 30
Family Feud C1 01.png ×1
Family Feud C1 02.png ×1
Family Feud C1 03.png ×1
Family Feud C1 04.png ×1
Family Feud C1 05.png ×1
Family Feud C1 06.png ×1
Family Feud C1 07.png ×1
Family Feud C1 09.png ×1
Family Feud C1 10.png ×1
Family Feud C1 11.png ×1
Family Feud C1 12.png ×1
Family Feud C1 13.png ×1
Family Feud C1 14.png ×1
Family Feud C1 15.png ×1
Family Feud C1 16.png ×1
Family Feud C1 18.png ×1
Family Feud C1 19.png ×1
Family Feud C1 20.png ×1
Family Feud C1 21.png ×1
Family Feud C1 23.png ×1
Family Feud C1 24.png ×1
Family Feud C1 25.png ×1
Family Feud C1 26.png ×1


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. The original Families expansion was designed to work with Inns & Cathedrals Inns & Cathedrals. This expansion has been expanded to include extra tiles for the The Princess & the Dragon The Princess & the Dragon, The Tower The Tower, River II River II and Abbey & Mayor Abbey & Mayor expansions, such that the ratio of red-and-yellow coat of arms is equal to the total number of blue-and-white coat of arms. Players may wish to remove some of the tiles with red-and-yellow coat of arms if they are not playing with all the expansions, such that the number of red-and-yellow coat of arms equals blue-and-white coat of arms.