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This clarification can be generalized to other expansions providing bonus affecting monasteries (monastic buildings) but not gardens:
This clarification can be generalized to other expansions providing bonus affecting monasteries (monastic buildings) but not gardens:
* Hills & Sheep: Vineyards
* '''{{HillsSheepLink|variant=long|logo=noborder}}:''' Vineyards
* The Wheel of Fortune: The Inquisition sector
* '''{{WheelFortuneLink|variant=long|logo=noborder}}:''' The Inquisition sector
* Mini #2 - Messages (Dispatches): Message 3 (Smallest Monastery)
* '''{{MessagesLink|variant=long|logo=noborder}}:''' Message 3 (Smallest Monastery)
* Markets of Leipzig: Bookbinders quarter bonus
* '''{{MarketsLeipzigLink|variant=long|logo=noborder}}:''' Bookbinders quarter bonus
* The Watchtowers: Bonus for monasteries (monastic buildings)
* '''{{WatchtowersLink|variant=long|logo=noborder}}:''' Bonus for monasteries (monastic buildings)

Latest revision as of 20:45, 5 June 2024

Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile E Garden.jpg You are reading the rules for this tile design.
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

General info and comments

The Abbot symbol

The Abbot was originally released by Hans im Glück in 2014.

It introduces the abbot meeple and garden features. [1]

A garden

Along with River River, The Abbot The Abbot is considered part of the basic game that can be used as desired. [2] It implements a mechanic that is unique to the new edition of Carcassonne, diverging in this aspect from the 1st edition.

With its introduction in 2014, tiles featuring gardens became available in the new design Base Game Base Game which included River River. Later, they appeared on tiles in the major expansions as they were re-released in the new artwork, and in Big Box 6 Big Box 6 when it was released in 2017. [3] Bear in mind that The Abbot The Abbot provides a new mechanic involving the abbot meeple, but the tiles it affects are not part of the expansion itself. Garden tiles that have been included in the base game and in expansions are listed for information in the tile distribution below.

Finally, it must be noted that the (new) abbot in this expansion is not the same as the (old) abbot used on German, Dutch and Belgian Monasteries German, Dutch and Belgian Monasteries, and Japanese Buildings Japanese Buildings. The new abbot is a specialized meeple for monasteries and gardens whereas the old abbots were normal meeples placed on specialized monasteries. Just in case things weren’t confusing enough already.

Changes to the 20th Anniversary Edition and Carcassonne C3

The rules for the 20th Anniversary Edition stay the same but the roles of some meeples have been updated:

  • Highwaymen become female travelers
  • Knights do not change
  • Monks are also referred to as nuns
  • Farmers become female farmers
  • Abbots are also referred to as abbesses

Publishers have followed the new roles provided in the rules by HiG, although some of these changes are not noticeable in other languages.

Note: We stick to the classic role convention for the sake of consistency with all the exisiting rules for the time being. HiG may decide to update the rules in the future to follow this new naming convention for new releases and reprints.

20th Anniversary Edition Box.png

Box C3 ZMG.png


  • 5 abbots, one in each player color. [4]
Figure Abbots Base.png



Each player adds the abbot of their color to their supply. With the exception of the new rules used with this mini-expansion, all basic Carcassonne rules remain unchanged.


Figure Abbot red.png
1. Placing a tile

When placing a tile with a garden, you must place it so that its edges match the edges of tiles already in play.

2. Placing a meeple

When placing a tile with a monastery [5] [6] or garden, you may place your abbot onto the monastery or onto the garden. [7] [8] [9] You may, of course, place a regular meeple onto the monastery, or other features, such as roads, etc. You may not place a regular meeple onto the garden.

3. Scoring with the abbot

When the monastery or garden occupied by your abbot is surrounded by eight tiles, you score 9 points (just like a regular monastery scoring).

On your turn, if you do not place a meeple during the 2. Placing a meeple phase, [10] [11] [12] you may instead return your already-placed abbot to your supply. If you do so, you score immediately as many points as the garden or monastery your abbot occupied is worth at that time, [13] [14] [15] exactly like how monasteries are scored during the final scoring. [16]

Example: You place this tile, but choose to not place a meeple. Instead, you return your abbot to your supply, which you placed on a previous turn. You score 6 points (1 for the garden, and 5 for the tiles surrounding it).
Final Scoring

During final scoring, incomplete monasteries or gardens occupied by abbots are scored the same way as those occupied by monks.

Tile distribution

The following tile distribution includes all the tiles featuring a garden that can be found in the Base Game Base Game and the expansions released until now (12/2022) for C2 and C3.

Base GameBase Game

Total tiles: 8
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile E Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile H Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile I Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile M Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile N Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile R Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile U Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Base Game C2 Tile V Garden.jpg ×1

River IRiver I

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-River I C2 Tile J Garden.jpg ×1

20th Anniversary River20th Anniversary River

Total tiles: 2
Abbot-20AE Anniversary River C2 Tile J Garden.png ×1
Abbot-20AE Anniversary River C2 Tile N Garden.png ×1

Exp. 1 - Inns & CathedralsExp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals

Total tiles: 2
Abbot-Inns And Cathedrals C2 Tile B Garden.jpg ×1

Exp. 2 - Traders & BuildersExp. 2 - Traders & Builders

Total tiles: 2
Abbot-Traders And Builders C2 Tile K Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Traders And Builders C2 Tile U Garden.jpg ×1

Exp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonExp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon

Total tiles: 2
Abbot-Princess And Dragon C2 Tile B Garden.jpg ×1
Abbot-Princess And Dragon C2 Tile J Garden.jpg ×1

Exp. 4 - The TowerExp. 4 - The Tower

Total tiles: 2

Exp. 5 - Abbey & MayorExp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile H Garden.jpg ×1

Exp. 6 - Count, King & RobberExp. 6 - Count, King & Robber

Total tiles: 2
Abbot-Count King And Robber C2 Tile B Garden.jpg ×1 (King and Robber King and Robber)
Abbot-River II C2 Tile B Garden.jpg ×1 (River II River II)

Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsExp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Bridges Castles Bazaars C2 Tile I Garden.jpg ×1

Exp. 9 - Hills & SheepExp. 9 - Hills & Sheep

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Hills And Sheep C2 Tile E Garden.jpg ×1

Exp. 10 - Under the Big TopExp. 10 - Under the Big Top

Total tiles: 2

Mini #1 - The Flying MachinesMini #1 - The Flying Machines

Total tiles: 1

Mini #5 - Mage & WitchMini #5 - Mage & Witch

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Mage And Witch C2 Tile E Garden.jpg ×1

Mini #6 - The RobbersMini #6 - The Robbers

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Robbers C2 Tile D Garden.jpg ×1

Spiel Doch! Promo 2/2018Spiel Doch! Promo 2/2018

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Spiel Doch C2 Tile 02 Garden.jpg ×1

The Peasant RevoltsThe Peasant Revolts

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Peasant Revolts C2 Tile 05 Garden.png ×1

20th Anniversary Expansion20th Anniversary Expansion

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Tile D Garden.png ×1

The SignpostsThe Signposts

Total tiles: 1
Abbot-Signposts C2 Tile 07.png ×1

The DrawbridgesThe Drawbridges

Total tiles: 1
Drawbridges C3 Tile 04.png ×1

CutCassonneCutCassonne (Cut & Play)

Total tiles: 1
CutCassonne C2 Tile 07.png ×1

Fortune TellerFortune Teller (Print & Play)

Total tiles: 1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 05.png ×1


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher Gardens do not count as monasteries in relation to their interaction with other expansions, such as Message 3 (Smallest monastery) from The Messengers The Messengers. (10/2018)
    Clarification by Christof Tisch (HiG) on BGG:

    Interpretation from the Community This clarification can be generalized to other expansions providing bonus affecting monasteries (monastic buildings) but not gardens:
  2. Official clarification from the publisher As stated in the rules of Big Box 6 Big Box 6.
  3. Interpretation from the Community The expansions included in Big Box 6 Big Box 6 that contained garden tiles are Inns & Cathedrals Inns & Cathedrals, Traders & Builders Traders & Builders, The Flying Machines The Flying Machines, Mage & Witch Mage & Witch and The Robbers The Robbers.
  4. Interpretation from the Community As far as the Big Box 6 Big Box 6 is concerned, the sixth set of (pink) meeples is a part of the basic game, not Inns & Cathedrals Inns & Cathedrals. The same happens in Big Box 6 Big Box 6 with the sixth abbot meeple. Prior to Big Box 6 Big Box 6, the Base Game included five abbots, with the sixth included with the sixth set of meeples in Inns & Cathedrals Inns & Cathedrals.
  5. Official clarification from the publisher An abbot could be placed onto an abbey or a shrine/cult place, as they are considered monasteries (albeit the latter heretic). The abbot can be involved in a challenge between a monastery/abbey and a shrine/cult place. The abbot's special ability would allow him to quit the challenge, even if his monastery/abbey or shrine/cult place was not complete, and would score the incomplete feature (monastery, abbey or shrine/cult place). See Abbey & Mayor Abbey & Mayor and Count, King & Robber Count, King & Robber for more details.
  6. Interpretation from the Community An abbot could be placed onto other features considered monasteries: German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries, Japanese buildings and Darmstadt churches. The same rules mentioned in the previous note would apply. See Monasteries in Germany Monasteries in Germany / Japanese Buildings Japanese Buildings, Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium, and Darmstadt Promo Darmstadt Promo for more details.
  7. Official clarification from the publisher The abbot is considered a meeple, but he has limitations as described in this sentence. Therefore the abbot can use a magic portal and can be used as a flier. However, the abbot can only end up on an unfinished monastery or garden, and the monastery or garden must be unclaimed if using the magic portal. (3/2015)
  8. Interpretation from the Community In contrast with the previous clarification from 3/2015, the Order of Play included in Big Box 6 Big Box 6 omits the abbot from the list of figures that can be a flier. This omission is due to a mistake by HiG, as confirmed by one of the German proofreaders (Kettlefish) in this post from 5/2018 on Carcassonne Central:

    The same omission is still present in rules translated into other languages. (01/2019)
  9. Official clarification from the publisher The abbot cannot be placed on a tower. See The Tower The Tower for more information.
  10. Interpretation from the Community You do not place a meeple because you have decided not to, or you don't have any left in your supply.
  11. Interpretation from the Community The wording of the ZMG rules speak about "the player deciding to not place a meeple." This can be misleading. It may be interpreted as if the player needs at least one meeple in their supply in order to decide not to place it. This is not the intent in the original rules by HiG.
  12. Interpretation from the Community The actual C II rules refer to not placing a "meeple," but they are also referring to special figures not considered as meeples such as the builder, the pig or the barn, as can be implied according to the figure classification provided in Big Box 6 Big Box 6 and making it extensive to all the expansions. Therefore this stipulation actually refers to not performing any other 2. Placing a meeple action at all but this is not explicitly stated. In other words, the publisher was keeping the rules as simple as possible at the moment when not all the new edition expansions had been released. (12/2014, updated 3/2015, updated 9/2018)
  13. Official clarification from the publisher This scoring occurs immediately during the 2. Placing a meeple phase when the abbot is removed. This effectively protects the abbot from the dragon and produces a scoring round for Messages. Afterwards, the normal scoring phase occurs. (3/2015)
  14. Official clarification from the publisher You can only score the abbot placed on a monastery or a garden before the feature is completely surrounded by tiles. In this case, you always score the abbot (on the feature), never the feature itself. (11/2020)
  15. Question without official clarification Abbots placed as abbots on special monasteries (German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries or Japanese buildings) could be also removed as per the interpretation of the rules. The Abbot rules don't contain any limitation to prevent players from doing so.
    In this case, a player removing the abbot from a special monastery will score it as if placed on a normal monastery at the end of the game, as indicated in the rules (the position of the abbot meeple is irrelevant). Note that you are scoring the meeple, not the feature it is placed on.
    An official clarification would be necessary.
  16. Interpretation from the Community If playing with The Flying Machines The Flying Machines, the 20th Anniversary Expansion 20th Anniversary Expansion or The Gifts The Gifts, several meeples may occupy the same feature. As a consequence, multiple abbots may occupy a monastery or a garden. If so, each abbot could be removed and scored separately (no majority applied) before the feature is completed. This means, the monastery or garden could be partially scored several times before it is completed. When scored during or after the game, a monastery or garden with several meeples will take into account the majority on the feature.