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Více informací o samotném rozšíření naleznete v Carcapedii Carcassonne CZ fóra.

Některé cesty v okolí Carcassonne vedou k malým jezerům.
K propojení cest přes jezera slouží přívozy. U nich ale mohou číhat lupiči…

Herní materiál

  • 8 nových kartiček krajiny s jezery
Kartička s jezerem
  • 8 dřevěných přívozů
Figure Ferry.png

Pravidla hry

Příprava hry  

Kartičky s jezery [1] zamíchejte mezi ostatní kartičky krajiny. Dřevěné přívozy mějte po ruce.

Pravidla hry  

1. Přiložení kartičky

Pokud táhne kartičku s jezerem, přiložte ji podle obvyklých pravidel na herní plán.

2. Umístění figurky a přívozu [2]

Hráč může kartičku s jezerem přiložit běžným způsobem do krajiny a může na ni umístit družiníka. Pokud se rozhodne pro cestu, musí umístit figurku na jednu ze tří nebo čtyř částí cesty. Poté si musí vzít ze zásoby 1 přívoz a umístit ho na jezero tak, že propojí dvě části cesty. [3] [4] Převozník nyní spojí konce silnice přes dvě mola a vytvoří souvislou silnici. Molo bez přívozu ukončuje silnici.

Example 1:You place the tile with a lake and your meeple as a highwayman.
You place the ferry so that your road now connects to the one with the blue highwayman on it.

3. Scoring a feature

When you place a tile with a lake on it, if you complete one or more features, these features are scored normally.

Example 2: ❶ You place the tile with a lake, place a meeple and
❷ then place a ferry, completing both the road to the left and the city.
Blue gains 3 points, you score 8 points, and both players return their meeples to their respective supplies.
Final scoring

At the end of the game, normal scoring for incomplete features applies.

After a ferry is placed, its position on its lake can change during the game:

1. Extending a road with a ferry on it [5]

Extending a road with ferries and repositioning ferries

If you use a tile to extend an open road leading to a ferry, you may now (if necessary after placing a meeple) reposition this ferry on its tile. [6] You must connect two road ends (ending at a jetty) again. You may also move the ferry so that it no longer has a connection to the road you just extended. Starting from the tile you have placed, you may only move the first ferry along the road. [7]

Special case: If the tile just placed extends several roads leading to a ferry, you may reposition the first ferry on each of these roads.

By repositioning ferries, it is possible for a road that was previously completed and scored to now be incomplete. [8]

More rules: You may only reposition a ferry only once per turn. If you place a lake tile on a road with a ferry, you first place your meeple, then you place a new wooden ferry, and finally you can also reposition one or (possibly) several ferries on the roads just extended, if any.

Example 3: You place a tile, extending a road with a ferry on it. You move the ferry from ❶ to ❷. You and the yellow player no longer have meeples on the same road.

Additional clarifications

If roads from the placed landscape tile extend in several directions, the first ferry in each of these directions may be moved. Thus up to 4 ferries could be moved.

The following diagrams explain the movement of multiple ferries after placing a tile. Figures based on the original ones posted on BGG by Christof Tisch.

Example 4: If You place the tile, you can move ferry ❶ and ❷. You cannot move ferry ❸ since it is not the first ferry from the, just-layed, tile. The yellow meeple has no impact on the ferries in this example.
Example 5: If You place the tile, you place a ferry on it. Then you can move ferries ❶ and ❷ and ❸ since all of them are the first ones on the roads that has been made longer. How you place the ferry on the just-placed tile does not influence which ferries can be moved.

Sequence summary

When playing The Ferries, the turn sequence is now as follows:

1. Place a Tile
2. Place Meeple
3. Place a Ferry
4. Move a Ferry
5. Score a Feature

Other expansions

  • Inns and Cathedrals: The lakes in Inns and Cathedrals do not interact with the lakes of The Ferries. Roads that have a ferry but no inn are still only worth 1 point per tile.
  • Traders and Builders: Repositioning a ferry to extend a road that your builder occupies does not grant you a double turn; you must actually place a new tile on that road in order to receive the double turn. [9]

Tile Distribution

Total Tiles: 8

Ferries C2 Tile 01.jpg  x3
Ferries C2 Tile 02.jpg  x4
Ferries C2 Tile 03.jpg  x1

Individual lakes may differ between tiles with the same basic layout.


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími V pravidlech od Mindoku věta začíná „kartičky s přívozy“. Toto je nesprávný výraz, vzhledem k tomu že na kartičkách jsou jezera.
  2. Výklad pravidel komunitou Raději jsme zařadili znění vycházející z německých pravidel, protože jsou přehlednější a úplnější než anglická pravidla od ZMG'. V anglické verzi je z důvodu lepí přehlednosti a úplnosti textu v tomto odstavci zahrnut překlad z německého návodu od HiG místo ZMG'. Současná anglická verze zní (Necháno v původním znění):

    If you place a meeple as a highwayman on a tile with a lake that you just placed, take one ferry from the supply and place it on the lake. You must place this ferry in such a way that it connects two of the road segments on that tile, but you may choose which two are connected. Any remaining road segments on this tile end.

    Pokud umístíte družiníka jako loupežníka na destičku s jezerem, kterou jste právě umístili, vezměte si ze zásoby jeden přívoz a umístěte ho na jezero. Tento převozník musíte umístit tak, aby spojoval dva z úseků silnic na této destičce, ale můžete si vybrat, které dva spojí. Všechny zbývající segmenty silnic na této destičce končí.

  3. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství K tomuto kroku (umístění přívozu) dojde bez ohledu na to, zda byl umístěn družiník. (5/2014)
  4. Výklad pravidel komunitou Toto pořadí hry poskytuje mechanismus pro přidání družiníka na cestu obsazenou jinými družiníky, jak je vidět v příkladu 1.
  5. Výklad pravidel komunitou We preferred to include a wording based on the German rules since they are more clear and complete than the English rules by ZMG. The current English version reads:

    If you extend a road with a ferry already on it by placing a tile, you may reposition that ferry on its tile. The ferry must always connect two road segments. You may choose to reposition the ferry in such a way that it is no longer part of the road that you extended when you placed your tile. If there are multiple ferries on the road you just extended, you may only move the ferry closest to the tile you just placed.

    If you continue the road in more than one direction by placing a tile (such as a tile with a bridge), you may reposition the two closest ferries to the tile you just placed. Both ferries must have initially been part of the road you just extended. [This paragraph is specially misleading]

    By repositioning ferries, it is possible for a road that was previously completed and scored to now be incomplete.

    Each ferry may only be repositioned or placed once per turn. If you continue a road that already had a ferry on it by placing a tile with a lake, you must first place the new ferry before you may reposition the existing one.

  6. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The road must include a wooden ferry to allow movement of that ferry in this situation. Thus, if adding onto a road that ends at a lake without the wooden ferry connection, the ferry cannot be moved. (2/2013)
  7. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství In other words, you may move the first ferry that you get to if following a road from the newly placed tile. You may not move any ferries that are beyond the first ferry as seen from the tile. (1/2013)
  8. Výklad pravidel komunitou Additionally, a road may be closed just by moving a ferry, without extending it, since a road segment without a ferry on a lake is closed at this end.
  9. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství If movement of a ferry causes a builder to be on a separate road from the player’s meeple, the builder is returned to its owner. It is irrelevant if the meeple is still on a road. (5/2013)