COVID-19 (Fanúšikovské rozšírenie)

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COVID-19 Tile.png Čítate pravidlá ku zobrazenému dizajnu kartičiek.
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Hlavná stránka > Fanúšikovské rozšírenia > COVID-19 (Fanúšikovské rozšírenie)


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Vo všeobecnosti platí: Použitie fanúšikovských rozšírení pre komerčné využitie nie je povolené. Fanúšikovské rozšírenia je možné použiť len pre osobné použitie a nie je možné ich predať/predávať za žiadnych okolností. Toto obmedzenie platí aj v prípade poskytnutia za výrobné náklady.


Expansion symbol

COVID-19 fan-expansion was released by Carcassonne CZ Forum members Danka and šmoula.

The tiles and rules files are available here:

  • C3 version on Carcassonne CZ Forum (please register to access):


  • 1 landscape tile (identified with a corona virus symbol)
  • 30 testing cards 20 for negative result COVID-19 Test Negative.png, 9 for positive result COVID-19 Test Positive.png and 1 for death COVID-19 Test Death.png.
  • 20 infection tokens Token COVID-19.png

New landscape tiles

The new landscape tile is played like those in the base game.

COVID-19 Tile.png

COVID-19 Tile: Field and city are infected by COVID-19



Shuffle the new landscape tile in with those from the base game and stack them normally. Also shuffle the testing cards and place them in a pile, face down, next to the infection tokens.

Extended players variant

Place the COVID-19 tile next to the starting tile(s) at the beginning of the game.

Example 1: Placement of COVID-19 tile next to the starting tile; the top field on the starting tile is now infected.


Token COVID-19.png

1. Placing a tile

After placing the tile with the COVID-19 symbol (hereafter Covid), the city and the field are infected with Covid. From this moment on, so-called infected areas are created in the game.

In subsequent turns, when the infected area is enlarged[1], the Covid spreads further. The player who enlarged infected the area takes an infection token from a pile and places it on any uninfected area adjacent to any already infected area (e.g., if there is an infected city that has a road leading from it, he can mark it with the token and thus infection). A city, road, field or monastery can be infected.[2]

Once the infection tokens run out, the infecting player must use one of the token already placed, where the disease has since died down.

As soon as any figure enters an infected area during any phase of the game [3] it is obliged to test immediately.

Example 2a: The city with yellow meeple is enlarged by tile with Covid. Player must test his knight. Knight is tested as positive COVID-19 Test Positive.png and returns to the the yellow supply.
Example 2b: The placed tile enlarges the infected field. The player must take one token and choose any uninfected area in the game to place it. He chooses an uninfected road without any meeples, therefore no meeples or figures are required to be tested.

2. Placing a figure

When playing a figure in an infected area, the player is obliged to test it. The player takes one testing card from the top of the pile. The result of the test can be:

  • COVID-19 Test Negative.png Negative - Figure stays where it is placed,
  • COVID-19 Test Positive.png Positive - Figure is removed from board and is returned to players supply,
  • COVID-19 Test Death.png Death - Figure is removed from the game and cannot be used anymore.

Once the pile of facedown testing cards runs out, the discarded testing cards are shuffled to form a new pile.

Example 3a: Blue can place a meeple to an infected area (green arrow) or to uninfected area (black arrow). If the player chooses to place a meeple to an infected area, the player is obliged to test it.
Example 3b: Blue places a meeple on the infected road. The meeple tests negative COVID-19 Test Negative.png and stays on the road.

3. Scoring a feature

COVID-19 does not affect scoring.

Other expansions

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Nebol zadaný nadpis.

Nie sú zadané pravidlá.

Nebol zadaný nadpis.

Nie sú zadané pravidlá.

Rozš. 3 - Princezná a drakRozš. 3 - Princezná a drak

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Princess - When joining infected city and not infected area with Pricess tile, all untested figures are obliged to test before Pricess remove meeple from city.

Rozš. 4 - VežaRozš. 4 - Veža

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Infection cannot spread tower pieces, because the tower is isolated.

Rozš. 5 - Opátstvo a starostaRozš. 5 - Opátstvo a starosta

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Since wagons cannot be infected by Covid, a wagon moving from a completed feature to an infected but incomplete feature is not tested.

Rozš. 6 - Kráľ, gróf a riekaRozš. 6 - Kráľ, gróf a rieka

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Meeple placed to infected finished feature from City of Carcassonne, it is obliged to test.

Rozš. 7 - KatapultRozš. 7 - Katapult

Výklad pravidiel komunitou When exchanged Meeple is placed into infected feature, it is obliged to test.

Rozš. 8 - Mosty a hradyRozš. 8 - Mosty a hrady

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa As bridges are part of the road, figures on bridges are also subject to testing if the road to which they are connected is required to test.

Rozš. 10 - CirkusRozš. 10 - Cirkus

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Acrobat spaces can be infected.

Koleso osuduKoleso osudu

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Area of Wheel of Fortune can not be infected, because it is isolated.

Rieka IRieka I / Rieka IIRieka II / Rieka Výročného vydania (20 rokov)Rieka Výročného vydania (20 rokov)

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When playing Extended players variant (Covid tile placed on beginning of game), Covid tile is placed immediately out of turn order after placed last tile of River on the unfinished road closest to River Lake. or
Example 1b: Placement of COVID-19 tile next to last river tile, left bottom field on river tile is infected now.

Výklad pravidiel komunitou When River becomes infected then all parts before and after River Junction are also infected.

Mini 3: PrievozyMini 3: Prievozy / TunelTunel

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When roads are connected and one part was infected before join, test all figures on parts which were uninfected before join.


Výklad pravidiel komunitou Barger Surgeons are parts of city or road. Figures are subject to the same conditions as the city or road.

DarmstadtDarmstadt / Nemecké hradyCarcassonne: Nemecké hrady

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Placement of tile surrounding infected Darmstadt Church, German Castle is not enlarging it.

Veľká noc v CarcassonneVeľká noc v Carcassonne

Výklad pravidiel komunitou When Easter bunny is moving and bunny jump from infected area to uninfected area, infection spread. All figures has to be tested immediately.


Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When using a Change Position or Synod card, any meeple placed to an infected area is obliged to test.


Výklad pravidiel komunitou Fortune teller can be infected.


Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When Labyrinth road network becomes infected then all parts are also infected even in advanced variant.

Ruské rozprávkyRuské rozprávky

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Baba Yaga's Hut, Solovei Razboynik tree and also Vodyanoy can be infected. Infection can spread on Bogatyr crossroad.


Výklad pravidiel komunitou Teacher placed to infected area is obliged to test.

La PorxadaLa Porxada

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When player placed La Porxada tile choosed Swap followers and Meeple is placed to infected area, it is obliged to test.

Fan expansions

Hradní pániHradní páni

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa If a Castle Road becomes infected, the Castle Lord is obliged to test.


Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When previously separate roads are connected and at least one road was already infected, any followers on previously uninfected roads are obliged to test.

Lúpežníkov synLúpežníkov syn

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When an infected road is joined with an uninfected road with a Robbers' Son tile, all untested followers are obliged to test before the Robbers' Son Meeple is removed from the road.

Tile distribution

Total Land Tiles: 1 Tile

COVID-19 Tile.png x1

Poznámky pod čiarou

Vysvetlenie ikoniek nájdete na tejto stránke.

  1. Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Placed a tile around an infected Monastery does not enlarge the area of infection.
  2. {{IconBook} Any feature where a player can place a player figure.
  3. Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Figure can enter infected area by direct placement in phase 2. Placing a figure or joining an uninfected area where a figure is placed with one or more features, for example by tile placement, which has at least one infected feature.