The Land Surveyors

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The Land Surveyors is the second official Print & Play mini expansion for the 2nd edition. It was released by Hans im Glück in 2020.

In this mini expansion land surveyors move throughout the Carcassonne area, redetermining its value over and over. Timing is everything as you plan and wait for the right time to score your features.

This expansions does not include new land tiles but a set of scoring tiles that modify the usual rules for scoring roads, cities and monasteries.

Example of scoring tiles included in The Land Surveyors

The scoring tiles are included in the last page of the rulebook available here:

Make sure to print out the scoring tiles onto thick paper (or glue the paper to a piece of cardboard) and cut them out.

This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game. All the basic game rules still apply in addition to the expansion rules below. You can combine it with other expansions - but at your own risk – that is, there will be no official rules for these combinations, since this has not yet been tested.


  • 12 Scoring tiles divided into:
    • 5 city scorings
City scorings
  • 4 road scorings
Road scorings
  • 3 monastery scorings
Monastery scorings



Divide the Scoring tiles into three stacks [1] (cities, roads and monasteries), the top side with the information facing up. Shuffle each of the three stacks and place them next to each other under the scoring board. Next, take the upper tile of each stack and place it next to the stack. Those three tiles are the active scoring tiles.

Example: Setup of city, road and monastery scorings (from left to right). For each scoring type, you arrange the following:
  • 1 A stack of scoring tiles
  • 2 An active scoring tile by the stack

This expansion only affects the scoring. You will conduct the following steps: 1. Placing a tile and 2. Placing a meeple as usual.

3. Scoring a feature

For each of the three features (cities, roads and monasteries) one scoring tile is always activated. During the scoring of a feature, the scoring tiles determine, how many points a player receives. If you score more than one feature during a turn, all of those scorings are being influenced by their respective scoring tile.

After a turn in which you scored at least one feature, take all active scoring tiles and put them underneath the respective stack. After that, take the upper tile of each of the three stacks and put it next to the stack (becoming the active scoring tile). If you complete a feature, but no points are being scored (because it has no meeple on it), the active scoring tiles remain and are not being replaced.

The scoring tiles in detail

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 01.png

Citizens' Jury | If a city is scored, the rule of the meeple majority does not apply. Any player, who has at least 1 meeple in the city, scores the points.

Example 1: You have completed a city. Due to the Citizens’ Jury scoring tile both Red (having the majority of meeples) and Blue (with only 1 meeple) score 14 points.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 02.png

Bad Neighborhood | During the scoring of a city, these completing city segments Land Surveyors C2 Semicircular City Segment.png are not part of the scoring and do not get you any points.

Example 2: Red's city only scores 6 points, because of the Bad Neighborhoods. All city tiles with X do not score.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 03.pngLand Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 04.pngLand Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 05.pngLand Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 06.png
Wealth / Poverty | During the scoring of a city, road or monastery, you either receive +3 or -3 points. Therefore scoring minus-points is also possible and it can happen for your overall score to fall below 0.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 07.png

Siege | During the scoring of a city each coat of arms gives you 1 extra point.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 08.png

Street Fair | During the scoring of a road you receive twice as many points. [2]

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 09.png

Highway | During the scoring of a road you receive 5 points, regardless of the length of the road. [3]

Example 3: You have completed both roads. Because of the Highway scoring tile being active, both Red and Blue receive 5 points each for their roads.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 10.png

Peasant Uprising | During the scoring of a road, each tile with a farmhouse scores you one point less. Sheds [4] do not affect the scoring.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: What are farmhouses and sheds?

Answer: They are small illustration you can find in Carcassonne II fields:

Base Game C2 Feature Farmhouse.jpg
Base Game C2 Feature Cows.jpg
Base Game C2 Feature Pigs.jpg
Base Game C2 Feature Donkeys.jpg
Donkey stable

Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

Example 4: Due to the Peasant Uprising Red only scores 4 points for their road. All road tiles marked with X do not score any points.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 11.png

Hermit Monastery | During the scoring of a monastery, you receive 1 point less for each of the 9 surrounding tiles, depicting a city segment.

Example 5: Due to the Hermit Monastery, Red only scores 5 points (9 - 4 Points) for their monastery. Each tile marked with X does not score any points.

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 12.png

Pilgrimage Route | During the scoring of a monastery, you receive 1 extra point for each of the 9 surrounding tiles, depicting a road.

Example 6: Due to the Pilgrimage Route, Red scores 15 points (9 + 6 points) for their monastery. Each tile marked with scores 1 extra point.

Final scoring

Scoring tiles do not affect the scoring after the game. [5]

Other expansions

The rules of this mini expansion only consider the features in the basic game. Moreover, the original intent is to modify the basic rules applied to majority and to feature scoring in a dynamic way. As a consequence, some individual tiles may score differently, or even the feature total score may be altered.

This said, we include the following considerations when combining this mini expansion with other expansions in the absence of further clarifications by the publisher:

  • The following scoring tiles should be applied first when scoring a feature in order to stick to original intent of modifying the basic feature scoring. This means that the scoring tiles listed next should be applied before any other score modifier (such as inns and cathedrals) or bonus (such as Mage and Witch):
    • Citizens' Jury: modifies the majority on the feature. It will be considered first.
    • Highway / Bad Neighborhood: modify the number of tiles to be considered during scoring. The modified tile count will be considered for any other modifier or bonus applied afterwards involving points per tile.
      • Roads: German cathedrals, inns, Mage and Markets of Leipzig
      • Cities: Cathars / Siege / Besiegers, cathedrals and Mage
    • Siege / Street Fair / Peasant Uprising / Hermit Monastery / Pilgrimage Route: modify the number of points scored per tile or symbol. Any modifier or bonus will be applied afterwards as usual.
  • The following scoring tiles should be applied along with other feature bonus (such as little buildings), since they modify the points a feature is worth once the scoring per tile is done:
    • Wealth / Poverty: provide a bonus or a penalty on top of the usual number of points for the feature.
  • The monastery scoring tiles should apply to all monastic buildings: monasteries, abbeys, shrines, German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries, Japanese buildings, Darmstadt churches. German cathedrals are not considered.

Tile distribution

Total Scoring Tiles: 12

Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 01.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 02.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 03.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 04.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 05.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 06.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 07.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 08.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 09.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 10.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 11.png  x1
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Tile 12.png  x1


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Interpretation from the Community The rules by HiG used the word "pile." Instead, we used "stack" for the sake of consistency with other rules in English.
  2. Interpretation from the Community The Street Fair scoring tile shows a "x2" instead of presenting a generic road tile followed by "+1". The latter format is preferred in those scoring tiles with modifications applied to certain tiles only. However, the "x2" format is more straightforward to indicate the "+1" point affects all the tiles.
  3. Interpretation from the Community The Highway scoring tile affects tile count. No matter the length of the road, it will be scored as a 5-tile road. This scoring tile has a dual behavior as it can increase or decrease the actual scoring for a road.
  4. Interpretation from the Community The rules by HiG used the word "stable." Instead, we used "shed" for the sake of consistency with other rules in English.
  5. Interpretation from the Community The rules do not mention the final scoring explicitly but the rules only mention the scoring of completed features during players' turns.