Pomii fructiferi

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Cartonașele miniextensiei

Miniextensia Pomii fructiferi a fost lansată de HiG prin CundCo în martie Template:Year ro.

With this expansion, Carcassonne will be surrounded by various fruit-bearing trees. The larger the variety of fruits you offer is, the higher your income will be.

Această miniextensie a fost dezvoltată pentru jocul de bază Carcassonne. Toate regulile jocului de bază încă se aplică în adiție cu regulile miniextensiei de mai jos. O poți combina cu alte (mini)extensii - dar pe riscul propriu – asta înseamnă că nu vor exista reguli oficiale pentru aceste combinații.


  • 6 cartonașe de teren noi cu 6 tipuri de pomi fructiferi (gutui, măr, cais, cireș, prun și soc)
Cartonaș cu pom fructifer
  • 24 de jetoane cu fructe (4 pentru fiecare fruct pe spate cu valorile 5, 4, 3 și 2)
File:Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Tokens Back.png
Spatele unor jetoane cu fructe



Shuffle the 6 Land tiles with fruit-bearing trees together with the Land tiles of the basic game. Arrange the 24 fruit tokens according to their colour/type. Then, shuffle each colour/type stack separately (the values face down). Place the 6 stacks next to the scoring track.

1. Placing a tile

When you draw a Land tile with a fruit-bearing tree (Tree tile), you place it according to the normal rules. Then, you place a stack with 4 fruit tokens (of the same fruit type) on top of the Tree tile with the values still face down. You can choose the related type of fruit, however, it does not matter which type of fruit you put there, in terms of the game. Thus, any tree and any type of fruit may be combined!

2. Placing a meeple

You may place one of your meeples on the Tree tile according to the normal rules. Note that you are not allowed to place a meeple on the tree itself.

Carrying out a "fruit action"

If you have deployed a meeple, you may now perform either one of the following two actions. If a player in a later turn places a tile adjacent (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) to a tree tile and places a meeple on the tile, he may likewise perform one of the following two actions. [1] [2] [3] [4]

  • Harvesting
  • Selling

Take the top-most fruit token from the tree tile (if available). Then, immediately score points according to the fruit token's value. The fruit token is then placed in front of you.


Instead of taking a new fruit token, you can choose to sell fruit tokens you have previously harvested. You may sell 1 to 4 tokens, but the more you sell, the more points you score. If you want to sell more than one token, they must (all) be of different types of fruit. You may only sell one set at a time. The value on the back does not matter when selling fruits. Sold fruit tokens are set aside and removed from the game.

Points for fruit selling
  1 token = 3 points
  2 tokens = 6 points
  3 tokens = 10 points
  4 tokens = 15 points

The following examples show harvesting and selling actions:

Example: Harvesting
You place a tile next to the apple tree and you place a meeple. You decide to harvest. Therefore, you take the top-most apple token and look for its value. You get 3 points and place the token in front of you, next to the other tokens.
Example: Selling
Later you place a tile next to the apple tree again and you place a meeple. Now, you want to sell. Up to now, you have harvested 2 apple tokens, 1 apricot and one cherry token. You sell three different tokens for 10 points. As you are only allowed to sell one set at a time you keep one apple token.

3. Scoring a feature

When you complete one or more areas (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) by placing a Tree tile, you score them according to the normal rules.

Final scoring

At the end of the game, each fruit token is worth 1 point.

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 6


Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

F | Farmhouse
H | Highwaymen

Total Tokens: 24

For each fruit type, there are four tokens with different values (2, 3, 4 and 5) on the back.


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1.   A fruit action may happen when:
    • A tree tile is placed with a meeple (in the same turn); or
    • A new tile with a meeple is placed adjacent to a tree tile (in a later turn.) It does not matter who placed the tree tile.
  2.   The interpretation of the original HiG rules suggests that a player may execute one fruit action per tree present on the newly placed tile or any adjacent ones and each meeple placed on this turn part (up to two if placing a any meeple plus a phantom.) An official clarification would be necessary.
    Example 1: Red places a tree tile with a normal meeple and a phantom. Both meeples have access to 3 trees so Red can perform 2 fruit actions per tree, that is, 6 actions in total.
  3.   The rules to trigger a fruit action require the direct placement of a meeple during phase 2. Placing a meeple on the tile just placed. This will rule out other meeple placement mechanics: However, the placement on tower tile (adjacent to a tree tile) with a tower floor and a phantom as second figure on top would comply with the requirements to trigger a fruit action. See Exp. 4 - The Tower and The Phantom.
  4.   Note that fruit actions take place during phase 2. Placing a meeple. Therefore, these actions will happen as usual even if later actions in the turn sequence may remove the meeple from the tile, for example, being eaten by the dragon (Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon) .