Drzewa Owocowe

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This page is a translated version of the page The Fruit-Bearing Trees and the translation is 9% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

With this expansion, Carcassonne will be surrounded by various fruit-bearing trees. The larger the variety of fruits you offer is, the higher your income will be.

FruitTrees05.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 03.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Dzięki temu dodatku Carcassonne będzie wypełnione różnymi drzewami owocowymi. Im bardziej różnorodna jest Twoja oferta owoców tym wyższy będzie Twój przychód.

General info and comments

Ogólne informacje i komentarze

Znak wodny dodatku

Wydane w marcu 2018 przez CundCo.

C3 envelope
Punchout in C3
Punchout in C2


  • 6 nowych kafelków z 6 typami drzew owocowych (pigwa, jabłko, morela, wiśnia, śliwka i bez)
  • 24 żetony owoców (4 dla każdego owocu z wartościami 5, 4, 3 i 2 na awersie)
  • 24 fruit tokens (4 per fruit with the values 5, 4, 3, and 2 on the back)
Fruit tokens fronts
Fruit tokens backs



Wtasuj 6 kafelków z drzewami owocowymi wraz z pozostałymi kafelkami z podstawowej gry. Posortuj 24 żetony owoców według koloru/typu. Następnie potasuje każdy kolor/typ osobno (liczbami do dołu). Umieść 6 stosów obok toru punktów.


Scoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees.png
Ułożenie płytki
Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Example 01.png
Po dobraniu płytki z drzewem owocowym, umieszczasz ją zgodnie z normalnymi zasadami. Następnie umieszczasz 4 żetony (tego samego typu) na drzewie owocowym, wartościami wciąż ukrytymi. Możesz wybrać rodzaj owocu, jednak nie ma to znaczenia z punktu widzenia gry. Tak więc, każde drzewo może być połączone z dowolnym typem owoców.
2. Placing a meeple

You may place one of your meeples on the Tree tile according to the normal rules. Note that you are not allowed to place a meeple on the tree itself.

Performing a "fruit action"

If you have deployed a meeple, you may now perform either one of the following two fruit actions explained below: Harvesting or Selling.

If you place a land tile next to the tree tile in another turn (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) and place a meeple on this land tile, you may carry out one of the fruit actions as well. [1] [2] [3]

  • Harvesting
  • Selling

Special case: If there are several fruit trees next to the meeple you have just placed, you can still only perform one action. However, you are free to choose which tree you want to harvest from. [4]


Take the top-most fruit token from the tree tile (if available). Then, immediately score points according to the fruit token's value. The fruit token is then placed in front of you.


Instead of taking a new fruit token, you can choose to sell fruit tokens you have previously harvested. You may sell 1 to 4 tokens, but the more you sell, the more points you score. If you want to sell more than one token, they must (all) be of different types of fruit. You may only sell one set at a time. The value on the back does not matter when selling fruits. Sold fruit tokens are set aside and removed from the game.

Points for fruit selling
Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 01.png 1 token = 3 points
Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 02.png 2 tokens = 6 points
Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 03.png 3 tokens = 10 points
Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 04.png 4 tokens = 15 points

The following examples show harvesting and selling actions:

Example: Harvesting
You place a tile next to the apple tree and you place a meeple. You decide to harvest. Therefore, you take the top-most apple token and look at its value. You get 3 points and place the token in front of you, next to the other tokens.
Example: Selling
Later you place a tile next to the apple tree again and you place a meeple. Now, you want to sell. Up to now, you have harvested 2 apple tokens, 1 apricot and 1 cherry token. You sell three different tokens for 10 points. As you are only allowed to sell one set at a time you keep one apple token.
3. Scoring a feature

When you complete one or more areas (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) by placing a Tree tile, you score them according to the normal rules.

Punktacja końcowa

At the end of the game, each fruit token is worth 1 point.

Tile distribution

C3 edition

Całkowita liczba płytek: 6
Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 02.png ×1
Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 01.png ×1
Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 06.png ×1
Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 04.png ×1
Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 03.png ×1
Fruit-Bearing Trees C3 Tile 05.png ×1
Wiele płytek ma małe ilustracje. Litery w nawiasach informują, które ilustracje znajdują się na płytce:
Feature Highwaymen C3.png
W | Rabuś

This edition altered the position of the highwaymen in the tile marked with *. The highwaymen expected behind the little tree and the bushes (bottom left) walked away to the fruit-bearing tree.

Całkowita liczba żetonów: 24
Token FruitBearingTree C3 plum.png ×4

For each fruit type, there are four tokens with different values (2, 3, 4 and 5) on the back.

C2 edition

Całkowita liczba płytek: 6
FruitTrees01.png ×1
FruitTrees02.png ×1
FruitTrees03.png ×1
FruitTrees04.png ×1
FruitTrees05.png ×1
FruitTrees06.png ×1
Wiele płytek ma małe ilustracje. Litery w nawiasach informują, które ilustracje znajdują się na płytce:
Feature Highwayman C2.png
W | Rabuś
Całkowita liczba żetonów: 24
Token FruitBearingTree plum.png ×4

For each fruit type, there are four tokens with different values (2, 3, 4 and 5) on the back.


W celu zapoznania się z objeśnieniami ikon oraz licencjami odwiedź: Ikony.

  1. Interpretacja społeczności A fruit action may happen when:
    • A tree tile is placed with a meeple (in the same turn); or
    • A new tile with a meeple is placed adjacent to a tree tile (in a later turn). It does not matter who placed the tree tile.
    Note that:
    • The rules require the placement of a meeple: The meeple placement can happen as first or second figure (the phantom). The placement of a special figure or a neutral figure or a token does not count.
    • The fruit action is optional: A player may comply with the given requirements but decides not to perform a fruit action.
  2. Interpretacja społeczności The rules to trigger a fruit action require the direct placement of a meeple during phase 2. Placing a meeple on the tile just placed. This will rule out other meeple placement mechanics: However, the placement on tower tile (adjacent to a tree tile) with a tower floor and a phantom as second figure on top would comply with the requirements to trigger a fruit action. See Rozszerzenie 4. - Wieża Rozszerzenie 4. - Wieża and Świta Świta.
  3. Interpretacja społeczności Note that fruit actions take place during phase 2. Placing a meeple. Therefore, these actions will happen as usual even if later actions in the turn sequence may remove the meeple from the tile, for example, being eaten by the dragon (Rozszerzenie 3. - Księżniczka i Smok Rozszerzenie 3. - Księżniczka i Smok).
  4. Notoryczne różnice w zasadach między wydaniami lub wydawcami This paragraph was added in C3. This special case wasn't included in the original C2 rules by HiG.
    Without this limitation, the interpretation of the original C2 rules suggested that a player could execute one fruit action per tree present on the newly placed tile or any adjacent ones and each meeple placed on this turn part (up to two if placing a any meeple plus a phantom).
    Example 1: Red places a tree tile with a normal meeple and a phantom. Both meeples have access to 3 trees so Red can perform 2 fruit actions per tree, that is, 6 actions in total.