Věž (původní edice)

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Carcassonne Věž (původní edice) - Wiki stránka s komentovanými pravidly v češtině

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Tower C1-15.png Na této stránce najdete pravidla pro takto ilustrované kartičky.
Tower C2 Tile K.jpgPokud se vaše kartičky podobají těmto, přejděte na tato pravidla:
Věž Věž
Pokud grafika na vašich kartičkách vypadá úplně jinak, bude mít jinou spin-off hru Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Box Tower C1 Albi CZ.png

Box Tower1 C1 CZ.png



Symbol rozšíření

Tato stránka má zatím
nedokončený překlad!

Následující česká pravidla pro rozšíření  Věž byly vydány v edici C1. Nejnovější pravidla publikovalo roku 2007 jako součást samostatného rozšíření. Na této stránce je uveden jejich přepis s korekčními úpravami popsanými na souhrnné stránce: Poznámky k českému překladu Poznámky k českému překladu.

Více informací o samotném rozšíření naleznete v Carcapedii Carcassonne CZ fóra (pro zobrazení obsahu se prosím zaregistrujte).

V krajině kolem Carcassonne se staví věže a strážní na nich dohlížejí na dění v okolí.

Rozšíření je hratelné pouze se základní sadou CARCASSONNE nebo kterýmkoli jiným rozšířením. Všechna pravidla hry zůstávají stejná. Zde jsou popsána pouze dodatečná pravidla k tomuto rozšíření.

Herní materiál

  • 18 kartiček krajiny se základy věží
  • 30 dřevěných dílků věže
Figure Tower.png
  • 1 věž jako zásobník kartiček krajiny [1]
Tower C2 Feature Tile Tower.png


Příprava hry  

Zamíchejte 18 nových karet krajiny s ostatními. Všechny karty pak můžete umístit lícem dolů do zásobníku. Všichni hráči dostanou stejný počet dílků věží.

Přesný počet závisí na počtu hráčů:

HráčůDílků věže
2 hráči10 dílků Figure Tower.png
3 hráči9 dílků Figure Tower.png
4 hráči7 dílků Figure Tower.png
5 hráčů6 dílků Figure Tower.png
6 hráčů5 dílků Figure Tower.png

Přiložení kartičky  

Nové kartičky se přikládají obvyklým způsobem. Kromě základů věže nejsou na kartičkách žádné nové prvky.

Kartička se základy věží
V pravém středu kartičky vidíte novou funkci - základy věže.
Kartička se základy věže a mostem
Cesta není přerušená, pokračuje přes město dále. Na kartičce jsou 4 samostatné louky.

Umístění družiníka  

Instead of moving the fairy or deploying a follower, builder, or pig, a player may now decide to place one of his or her tower pieces on any tile with a tower foundation which is already in play, or on a tower which is already under construction; [2] or to finish the construction of a tower by deploying a follower to the top of it. [3]

Place a tower piece and take a prisoner

Whenever a player places a tower piece, he or she may take one follower prisoner. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Builders and pigs cannot be taken prisoner. [9] Which followers can be captured depends on the height of the tower on which the tower piece was just placed. If the tower has one storey, the player has a choice of five tiles from which a follower can be taken prisoner: the tower tile itself, as well as the tiles which connect to it horizontally and vertically.

If the tower is built to the second storey, then the player has nine opportunities for taking a prisoner.

With every piece placed on the tower, its range increases by four tiles. [10] It is possible to take prisoners over ‘holes’ in the tile placement, as well as over other towers of any height. [11] There is no limit to how high a tower may be built.

The RED player places the tower piece and takes the BLUE follower on tile 4 prisoner
The RED player places the second tower piece and now has the possibility to capture the GREEN follower on tile 1, the BLUE follower on tile 6, or the YELLOW follower on tile 9.

When the player takes a follower of another player prisoner, then the capturing player should place the prisoner clearly in front of themselves. If the player takes one of his or her own followers prisoner, it should be returned to the supply. Should the last thief, knight, or farmer of a player be removed from a road, city, or farm which includes the player's builder or pig, then the builder or pig is also removed and returned to the player. [12]

Deploy a follower to a tower

Follower deployed on top of a tower

If a follower is deployed to the top of a tower, [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] the construction of the tower is finished and it may not be built any further. [18] The follower remains on top of the tower until the end of the game and is not removed or returned to the player unless eaten by the dragon [19] [20] [21] or captured by another tower. [22] [23] [24] [25] This action may be useful when a player wishes to protect a more valuable follower from capture.


Followers are traded

Whenever two players have captured one of each other's followers, they are immediately exchanged and are so returned to their owners. No negotiation is necessary or allowed. The exchange is automatic! [26] If one of the players has several prisoners belonging to the other player, the owner may decide which prisoner should be returned. [27]

Furthermore, during their turn a player may decide to pay the ransom [28] and buy back one prisoner from one opponent. [29] In this case, the player should move their scoring marker on the scoreboard back three spaces, and the marker of the opponent forward three spaces. If the player does not have 3 points, the player may not pay the ransom to reclaim their follower. [30] Once returned, a follower may be used immediately.

Domácí pravidla  

Věže nedosáhnou dál než k mezerám v krajině. (Děkujeme viberunner)

Zajatého družiníka nelze vrátit ani po zaplacení výkupného (pravidlo „oko za oko“). (Děkujeme keyofnight)

Jednopatrová věž může zajmout družiníka pouze na své vlastní kartičce. Každé další patro přidává další kartičky dosahu v každém směru - rychlost zvyšování dosahu je stejná jako v běžných pravidlech, výchozí bod je ale méně silný (pravidlo „Žádné překvapení“). (Děkujeme keyofnight)

  • Věž může zajmout také figurky na kartičkách umístěných diagonálně od kartičky se základy věže. Za vzdálenost ke kartičce pro zachycení se považuje nejmenší počet horizontálních a vertikálních tahů potřebných k dosažení této vzdálenosti, takže diagonála sousedící s kartičkou věže se považuje za vzdálenost 2 kartičky. (Děkujeme Yi Niu)

Seznam kartiček

Celkem kartiček: 18
Tower C1-01.png 1×
Tower C1-02.png 1×
Tower C1-03.png 1×
Tower C1-04.png 1×
Tower C1-06.png 1×
Tower C1-08.png 1×
Tower C1-09.png 1×
Tower C1-10.png 1×
Tower C1-11.png 1×
Tower C1-12.png 1×
Tower C1-13.png 1×
Tower C1-15.png 2×
Tower C1-16.png 1×
Tower C1-17.png 1×
Tower C1-14.png 1×

Poznámky pod čarou

Vysvětlení ikonek najdete na této stránce.

  1. Výklad pravidel komunitou Doporučujeme vám, abyste věž po sestavení už znovu nerozebírali. Kartičky lze z věže brát shora i zespodu, ale doporučujeme je brát raději shora. Čím méně kartiček ve věži zbývá, tím více při braní zespodu hrozí, že vypadne více kartiček najednou.
  2. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství A bridge that would potentially span a tower foundation does not prevent the growth of that tower, and that a tower that was already present does not prevent bridge placement. If the two structures would interfere with each other, the tower pieces can be moved so that they are no longer on the tower foundation symbol. Both structures can then be placed without conflict. (11/2013)
  3. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství A follower cannot be placed on a tower foundation to prevent a tower being built. Only tower blocks can be placed on tower foundations. The tower can only be blocked when it already exists.
  4. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The original rules did not mention big followers, but several FAQs stated that they are treated in exactly the same way as normal followers, as the new rules now describe.
  5. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími There is a slight change in the rules here. The original rules stated that it was possible to take “one follower of an opponent prisoner,” while the new rules only say that it is possible to take “one follower prisoner.” It is now quite possible for a player to choose to “capture” his or her own followers, contradicting an earlier FAQ. The RGG edition of the Big Box also changes this rule.
  6. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: If you place a dragon tile and add a piece to a tower, what happens first: follower capture by the tower, or dragon movement? Answer: Prisoners are taken first; placing a tower piece is an alternative to deploying a follower, so occurs before dragon movement.
  7. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Followers in castles are safe from towers, the dragon, and the plague.
  8. Výklad pravidel komunitou If a tower captures a follower with ghosts, these ghosts will return to the general supply.
  9. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími A previous FAQ stated that builders and pigs could indeed be taken prisoner, since they were followers at that time; however, under the current rules they are no longer considered to be followers, and thus they cannot be taken prisoner.
  10. Výklad pravidel komunitou In other words, the range of tiles in each direction away from the tower (not counting the tower tile itself) is equal to the number of tower pieces in the tower.
  11. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: Can a shorter tower capture the follower from a taller tower, or does the tower need to be equal or greater in height? Answer: The height of the tower only determines the range of the ‘attack’ and has no other function.
  12. Výklad pravidel komunitou This is because builders and pigs are no longer considered to be followers, and they cannot remain in play independently.
  13. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími Strangely enough, this constitutes a marginal rule change, since under the old rules, builders and pigs were considered followers, and could as such be deployed to the top of towers—and this was confirmed in an FAQ!
  14. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: Can the mayor, the wagon, or the barn be placed on top of a tower? Answer: No, the deployment of these figures is limited to the features described in the rules.
  15. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The Abbot cannot be placed on a tower either, as clarified in the rules for the New Edition from 2016. On the other hand, the Ringmaster can be placed on a tower.
  16. Výklad pravidel komunitou Guard followers can be placed on top of a tower, since they represent a normal follower with a torch that does not hinder its placement.
  17. Výklad pravidel komunitou Tower foundations and towers built on top are separate features from roads, cities and farms. Towers are not part of any of the features they stand on or "touch" (they are not part of a city or farm touching them), so there is no interaction between them:
    • A follower placed on a tower does not affect majority of the features touching the tower (roads, cities or farms), and therefore the follower does not participate in their scoring.
    • A follower placed on a tower is not affected by actions involving the features touching the tower, such as, a princess symbol.
    However, a follower placed on a tower may be affected by some interactions: the fairy, the dragon, the plague or the festival.
  18. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství This is only true as long as the follower remains on the tower – it is the follower’s presence on the tower that halts tower growth, not the act of placement. If the follower is removed by the dragon or another tower, tower pieces can once again be added to the now-vacated tower. (11/2013)
  19. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The fairy can be moved to a tile when the only follower on the tile is on a tower.
    Výklad pravidel komunitou This means the fairy can be assigned to a follower on top of a tower. The fairy would stand by the tower.
  20. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The dragon eats all followers on a tile, even if one is in a tower.
  21. Výklad pravidel komunitou A ghost can be added to a follower placed on a tower, provided it is not a guard follower. The ghost would stand by the tower.
  22. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími As far as the German rules are concerned, this is merely a clarification previously stated in the FAQ. However, with respect to the original English rules by Rio Grande Games, this is a significant rule change. The original German rules made no mention of whether a follower on a tower could be captured or not—and an FAQ confirmed that they could. However, the initial RGG translation explicitly stated that they could not. With the release of the Big Box, however, RGG themselves corrected that, bringing the two sets of rules in line once more. To add additional confusion, though, the newest ZMG rules now state that followers on towers cannot be captured. Sheesh! (updated 3/2014)
  23. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství A follower on a tower cannot be seduced by a princess, as the tower is not a part of the city; they are two separate areas.
  24. Výklad pravidel komunitou Removal of the follower on the tower by other mechanics, such as the use of a Festival tile, is also possible. (12/2014)
  25. Výklad pravidel komunitou By adding a third ghost to a follower on top of a tower, the follower will return to its owner and the ghosts to the general supply as usual. The tower will become open at this point.
  26. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The two sentences regarding negotiation and the automatic nature of the trade represent a clarification found in the RGG edition of the Big Box.
  27. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími This is also a new clarification not contained in the original rules.
  28. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství The ransom for the big follower is not doubled. He may be big, but he's still only one person.
  29. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Question: How often does prisoner buy-back occur in a “double turn” (e.g. just once, like fairy scoring, or twice, as part of a repeated step)? Answer: It happens once per turn. The double-turn is [truly] only a single turn.
  30. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími This limitation is not present in the initial German rules of the expansion or in the German Big Box, but it is available in the rules by RGG and other publishers later in 2006. Other publishers such as ZMG also included this sentence in later years.