Roční období (fanouškovské rozšíření)

This page is a translated version of the page Seasons (Fan Expansion) and the translation is 23% complete.

The Seasons expansion introduces changes to the scoring rules for basic features during the game, as well as for final scoring. These changes make it more challenging to complete features during the season for extra points, and players will incur penalties throughout the season.

Other languages:
Seasons C1 01.png Na této stránce najdete pravidla pro takto ilustrované kartičky. Seasons C1 07.png
Pokud grafika na vašich kartičkách vypadá úplně jinak, bude mít jinou spin-off hru Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Feature Seasons C1.png

The Seasons expansion introduces changes to the scoring rules for basic features during the game, as well as for final scoring. These changes make it more challenging to complete features during the season for extra points, and players will incur penalties throughout the season.

As time passes, the focus of those living in the region of Carcassonne must shift. This shift is required as inhabitants must learn to adapt to the ever-changing seasons... proving that time really is of the essence.


symbol rozšíření

Seasons fan-expansion for   Carcassonne Základní hra was released by Carcassonne Central member Jputt927 (CarcC, CarcF).

Obsah ke stažení

Upozorňujeme, že WikiCarpedia nenese odpovědnost za obsah uvedených odkazů. Uveřejněné rozšíření se řídí pravidly příslušných webových stránek.
Komerční použití fanouškovských rozšíření je zakázáno. Tato rozšíření jsou určena výhradně pro osobní použití a nesmějí být za žádných okolností prodávána a to ani za pořizovací cenu.

Soubor(y) ke stažení jsou k dispozici na následujících stránkách (může být vyžadována registrace):

Herní materiál

  • 1 tabulka pro sledování ročních období
Seasons Tracker Board
  • 12 nových kartiček krajiny s   ikonkou ročního období
kartička s ikonkou ročního období
  • 1 žeton hodin pro aktuální sezónu
  • 32 sezónních podmínek pro základní hru
  • 17 dodatečných sezónních podmínek pro další rozšíření


Příprava hry

Příprava kartiček krajiny

Všech 12 kartiček ročních období se zamíchá mezi ostatní kartičky hry a utvoří se z nich několik dobíracích hromádek.

Počet kartičekKartičky Ročního obdobíKomentáře
724Základní hra
± 73 - 1508Včetně až 3 velkých rozšíření nebo 6 mini rozšíření [1]
± 151+12Včetně více než 3 velkých rozšíření [1]

Now, shuffle the appropriate number of seasons tiles with the rest of the land tiles. Put the unneeded seasons tiles back into the box.

Příprava podmínek pro roční období

Before beginning the game, shuffle the season condition tokens and randomly draw 4 of them, one at a time. The first token drawn will be placed on the season tracker board next to the flower (Spring) icon. The second token is placed next to the sun (Summer) icon, and so on until all 4 season conditions are determined. These conditions will remain in place for the entire game.

Now, place   the clock token next to the current real-time season.

Throughout the game, the current season will be marked by   the clock token.

Example 1: The clock token is placed next to autumn season conditions. Conditions are valid until the season changes.

Pravidla hry

1. Přiložení kartičky

When a tile with a season icon is drawn, place the tile as usual.

2. Umístění družiníka

Družiníka můžete umístit podle běžných pravidel.

3. Započítání bodů

Determining the Seasons

The current season marked by   the clock token applies for scoring completed features. Conditions exist for cities, roads, cloisters, shrines, and farms. New conditions with other features can be added by other expansions.

If a condition token contains some features being played and some features not being played (such as shrines), ignore the conditions for those features not being used.

Scoring features

As stated above, the conditions of each season are randomly determined at the start of the game.

When determining the score of a completed feature throughout the game, a season’s condition is the very last thing added or subtracted from that score. Each specific condition will only be in effect when the clock token is placed on the respective season.

Example 2a - Seasons conditions (1b): The current season is Autumn and current conditions are: roads are worth an additional 2 points and cities are worth 2 points less.
Example 2b: Red scores 5 points (3 points for road + 2 additional points from the current season condition). Blue scores 4 points (6 points for city less 2 points from the current season condition).
Example 3a - Seasons conditions (2b): The current season is Winter and current conditions are: roads are worth 2 points less.
Example 3b: Blue scores 0 points (2 points for road less 2 points from the current season condition).
Seasons conditions types
+ / - point(s)
Applies for whole road.
+ / - point(s) (per tile)
Applies to each tile of a scored road.
+ / - point(s)
Applies for whole city.
+ / - point(s) (per tile)
Applies to each tile of a scored city.
+ / - point(s)
Applies for whole scored farm.
+ / - point(s) (per city)
Applies to each finished city of a scored farm.
+ / - point(s)
Applies for whole scored monastery and shrine.
Standard rules
No additions or subtractions to any feature.
Seasons conditions with multiple rules
Two rules
apply, all of which are in effect this season.
Three rules
apply, all of which are in effect this season.
Závěrečné vyhodnocení

The scoring of incomplete features is impacted by the additions/subtractions of the respective season’s conditions.

Example 4a: The season during final scoring is Spring and current conditions are: monasteries are worth an additional 2 points and fields are worth 6 points less.
Example 4b: Red scores 6 points (4 points for monastery + 2 additional points from the current season condition). Blue scores -3 points (3 points for finished city less 6 points from the current season condition).

4. Changing the Season

When a tile with a season icon is played this turn, the clock token is moved to the next season in succession on the season tracker board.

Popis nových kartiček krajiny

Rozšíření obsahuje některé kartičky se speciálními vlastnostmi. Celý přehled kartiček z tohoto rozšíření nalezete v části: Seznam kartiček.

The new Land tiles are played like those in the base game.

Průchozí cesta: The road is not finished and continues from the left edge to the right edge of the tile.
Průchozí cesta: The road is touching a city with a gate but does not finish there.

Kombinace s dalšími rozšířeními

Tento obsah je dynamický, zobrazuje pouze informace o rozšířeních které máte zaškrtnuté v úvodním výběru (ostatní informace zůstanou skryté).

Výběr rozšíření vyžaduje mít zapnutý JavaScript.

 General rules

  Current season conditions always affect scoring a feature and/or a special figure even when using final scoring during the game.

  Players may score negative points for the feature due to current season conditions, and their scoring will go below 0 points.

Fanouškovská rozšíření

Seznam kartiček

Seasons (C1)

Celkem kartiček: 12
Celkem Season clock token: 1
Celkem Season conditions: 32
Celkem Season conditions including Kultovní místo: 3
Celkem Season conditions including Forest fan-expansion: 9
Celkem Season conditions including Mountains fan-expansion: 3

Poznámky pod čarou

Vysvětlení ikonek najdete na této stránce.

  1. 1.0 1.1 2 minirozšíření se počítají jako 1 velké rozšíření.