
Revision as of 07:56, 2 May 2024 by Ishi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''得点について:''' * '''1種類'''の道標のみ: 正しい道標'''ごと'''に'1点'''。 * '''異なる2種類'''の道標: '''それぞれの'''正しい道標には'''2点'''。 * すべての'''異なる3種類'''の道標: '''それぞれの'''正しい道標には'''3ポイント'''。 道路の正しいコースを示していない道標については、得点は獲得できません。")
Signposts C2 Tile 11.png このデザインのタイルに関するルールを表示しています。
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png




道標は、2021年にHans im Glückからリリースされました。


この拡張は、カルカソンヌの基本セット用に作成されています。以下の拡張ルールに加えて、すべての基本的なゲームルールが引き続き適用されます。 他の拡張セットと組み合わせることはできますが、自己責任でお願いします。つまり、これらの組み合わせには公式なルールはありません。


  • 3種類のうち異なる2種類の道標が描かれている、12枚の新しい地形タイル。





1. 地形タイルの配置


2. ミープルの配置


3. 得点計算


例1: 直進と右の2種類の道標が入ったタイル


  • 次のタイルの道路のコースは、道標が示す方向(左折、右折、または直進)に従わなければなりません。
  • 道路は道標の後の最初のタイルで終わってはいけません。


  • 得点計算したい道路上で、道路の正しいコースを示す道標を数えます。
  • これらから、異なる種類の道標の数を数えます。


  • 1種類の道標のみ: 正しい道標ごとに'1点
  • 異なる2種類の道標: それぞれの正しい道標には2点
  • すべての異なる3種類の道標: それぞれの正しい道標には3ポイント


Example 2: In this example, 5 signposts point in the right direction  . The rules for the roundabout are as follows: If a signpost points in one of the two directions of the roundabout, it is showing the correct course of the road (here: the blue 1 and the red 2 arrow).
Three arrows are not correct  . Three are pointing in the wrong direction 3, 4 and/or the road already ends on the next tile 4, 5.
You complete your road by placing the tile and score 9 points.
For the 5 correct signposts  , which include all 3 different types, you score (5×3) 15 additional points.

At the end of the game you receive 1 point for each signpost on your roads, pointing in the right direction. The different types of signposts do not matter at this point.




  The rules assume the signpost condition is met if a road segment connects the edge of the signpost to the required edge on the adjacent tile. If the road segment ends on the tile before touching the required edge or does not touch it at all, the signpost condition is not met.

Example 3: This image shows examples meeting the signpost condition (case A) and not meeting it (case B). Case B shows a straight road (dotted in white) that ends at a feature on the tile (yellow circle) so it does not continue to the opposite edge (section dotted in black), and a curved road (dotted in white) that doesn't meet the signpost requirement (dotted in black).

In general terms, the road segment must connect the required edges to meet the conditions, but this connection may happen to include other features that provide this connection on the tile beyond a simple printed road on the tile.

Example 4: Roads may include a number of features affecting them and even modify their layout at times. The rules cover roundabouts (case A). For other features, the same logic should apply also covered in the image:
  • Tunnels without tunnel tokens (case B) and with them (case C)
  • Ferries (case D)
  • Bridges (case E)

Case C-right may present many variations when not meeting the signpost condition:
  • The signpost road enters a tunnel and exits on the same tile but not reaching the required edge (the case presented in the example)
  • The signpost road enters a tunnel and exits on another tile (the second tunnel token is placed on another tile) including those where the tunnel entrance connected to the signpost has no tunnel token or the exit tunnel token may be placed on another tile, if any
  • The signpost road enters the tunnel but it may not exit (no tunnel token on the entrance or no second tunnel token to match it)

The labyrinth (case F-left) would always meet the signpost condition, the same as the 4-legged roundabouts featured on the Spiel '18 tile (シュピール プロモ 2018) or in 拡張セット7 - カタパルト. The abbey tile (拡張セット5 - 修道院と市長) would never meet the condition (case F-right), the same as any edge with a city gate.

The signpost requirements will apply to roads on Halfling tiles (  Halflings), double-sized tiles (the river source in the   川 (20周年記念), the German castles in   ドイツの城 or the tiles in   ライプツィヒの市場) and tiles in other shapes (the 2x2 starting tile in   拡張セット11 - 亡霊・城・墓地 and the wonder tiles in   驚異的建造物).

  The signposts requirements applied to a road segment on square tiles should also apply to a road on Halflings, following a few considerations:

  • A road connecting two edges on one Hafling tile should meet the same conditions as if it was a square tile.
  • A road spanning across two triangular tiles should be considered as a road segment on a square tile to meet the signpost condition.
  • A road ending at a feature or at a triangular gap will not meet the conditions for any signpost.
Example 5: Roads spanning across two Halfling tiles should be considered as one square tile to decide if they meet the signpost requirement. Case A-left, case A-right and case B-left show examples where the road spans across two Halfling tiles.

Case B-right shows a road on a triangular tile that will not meet the signpost requirement.

Case C-left shows a road on just one triangular tile that meets the condition of the signpost. However, case C-right shows a road not meeting the signpost condition, since it is interrupted at the long edge of the tile, that is, it meets a triangular gap.

  The signposts requirements applied to a road segment on a square tile should also apply to a road on a double-sized tile, with the following considerations:

  • A road ending on one half of a double-sized tile will not meet the conditions for any signpost.
  • A long road on a Leipzig tile ends on the tile, but each half of the double-sized tile is considered as a separate square tile when evaluating signposts. The road segment will then meet the condition for a straight signpost.
Example 6: Roads on double-sized tiles should be considered by treating each half of the tile as a separate square tile in order to decide if they meet the signpost requirement. A shows a correct signpost for a Leipzig tile. Case B shows an incorrect signpost involving a double-sized tile.

  The signposts requirements applied to a road segment on a square tile should also apply to a road on a wonder tile or on a 2x2 tile, with the following considerations:

  • A long road on a wonder tile may end or not on the tile. It may even fork on the tile. Each square space in a wonder tile should be considered as a separate tile when evaluating signposts involving them.
  • A road segment ending at a dirt patch before reaching the edge of its square space will not meet the requirement for any signpost type.
  • A road segment reaching the opposite or adjacent edge of its square space will meet the requirement for the corresponding signpost type.
  • A road segment on a 2x2 tile ends at a feature on the tile, so it will not meet the condition for any signpost.
Example 7: Roads on wonder tiles are evaluated by considering each square space as a separate tile. Case A shows a correct signpost for a forking road segment. Case B shows an incorrect signpost for a forking road segment ending at a dirt patch before reaching the edge of the square space.
Example 8: Roads on wonder tiles are evaluated by considering each square space as a separate tile. Case A shows a correct signpost for a straight road segment reaching the opposite edge of the square space. Case B shows an incorrect signpost for a straight road segment ending at a dirt patch before reaching the opposite edge of the square space.

  The extra points scored for the correct signposts is a feature-level scoring modifier the same as the points scored for:

These points will be added to the feature after applying other scoring modifiers such as:

  The points for the correct signposts are part of the total scoring for the feature, the same as the other feature-level scoring modifiers. These points are not a separate scoring event when considering the following cases:

 拡張セット5 - 修道院と市長

  Any signpost on an road edge connected to an abbey tile will be considered in an incorrect position.

 拡張セット8 - 橋・城・バザール

  Signposts consider a bridge as a straight road segment.

 Mini #2 - The Messengers

  Messages #1 and #8 will take the signposts into consideration when scoring a road (1 point per correct signpost, as if scoring after the game).


  The Wainwrights quarter bonus is not affected by signposts.
  The long road on a Leipzig tile ends on the tile, but each half of the double-sized tile is considered as a separate square tile when evaluating signposts. The road segment will then meet the condition for a straight signpost.


  The road segments on the German castle tiles end on the double-sized tile, so they will not meet the requirements for any signpost.


  Roads ending at a German cathedral will receive extra points for the correct signpost on the road.
  An archbishop will not score extra points for the correct signpost on the road ending at the German cathedral.


  Two triangular tiles sharing the same square space will be considered as one regular tile regarding signposts, so those roads running across both tiles will be considered as a road on a square tile.
  A road interrupted at a triangular gap or ending at a triangular tile will not meet the requirements for a correct signpost.

 川 (20周年記念)

  The road segment on the double-sized river source tile ends on tile, so it will not meet the requirements for any signpost.


  The Road Sweeper gift card will take the signposts into consideration when scoring a road (1 point per correct signpost, as if scoring after the game).


タイル総数: 12
いくつかのタイルには小さなイラストが描かれています。 括弧内の文字は、各タイルにどのイラストが含まれているかを示します。
G | 庭園
F | 農家
注記: 牛舎豚小屋ロバ小屋の小さなイラストは、総称として小屋厩舎と呼ばれます。


アイコンの説明とライセンスについては、Icons pageをご覧ください。

  1.   矢印の上にはミープルを配置できません。矢印シンボルは、タイル上の道路と分れて主張したり、得点されることはありません。
  2.   正しい道標に対する追加得点は、地物の得点計算の一部であり、多数派のプレイヤーのみが獲得します。